Dev Chat on Nov 24th, Preview of Potential Melee Changes

From the EQLive Site:
EverQuest Chat on November 24th at 6:00pm - 7:00pm pacific time. Melee System Enhancements! You've been asking for them and now we're ready to discuss them. We're taking a big departure from what many of you are used to when it comes to combat. With that in mind, here is a brief summary of these exciting enhancements to better help you target your questions to us during the live chat. Don't worry if you miss the chat, we'll post the logs on
  • Increase the contributions melee classes provide in a group setting
  • Address the current deficit between the pure melee classes and other classes
  • Add more depth and potential for skilled play to melee combat
  • Provide a system that encourages attentiveness and decision-making skills, without focusing heavily on twitch gameplay Take advantage of an opponent's weakness. See an opening, strike home for the kill! Monks, Rogues and Warriors will gain the ability to recognize certain weaknesses in an opponent's defense. These "Openings" will be a variety of types and can occur based on several different situations during combat. Be quick though, an opening will not present itself for long. Strike quick with a new combat skill once your character recognizes an opening. These new combat skills are being designed just for this combat system revision. Using and maintaining these skills expends the character's Endurance (a new statistic, calculated from the character's basic stats). Here's a combat example: A warrior is serving as the tank for his group, standing in front of a goblin. While battling the goblin, the warrior makes an exceptional parry and is presented with an opening. An indicator appears with the "opening icon" and the word "Parry" next to it (this information also appears in the chat window). Now is his opportunity to strike back after the exceptional parry! Only certain combat skills can be used to react to a parry opening. Other types of openings will allow the use of other skills. Some skills may be usable in response to more than one type of opening. Also, your position in relation to the target can change the effectiveness of certain skills. In this case, our warrior knows that he can use one of three combat skills, each having some merit. One might stun the target, one might increase the hate generated by the warrior for a few rounds, and one might make it easier for everyone to hit the NPC. In this case, our warrior elects to try to stun the goblin. He presses the appropriate button and luck smiles upon him as he successfully executes the strike, leaving the goblin standing dumbly for a combat round. Increasing Your Endurance and Learning New Skills
  • Increase Endurance by increasing attributes or by acquiring special items that directly increase your Endurance pool
  • Find tomes or instructions manuals and take them to specific trainers to learn new skills
  • Choose your skills from skill categories (such as Tactical) containing skills focused to a purpose
  • Most openings are available only to a single character, but some are available to all nearby characters
  • Disciplines will be transferred to this new system
  • Existing Discipline timers will be reviewed, and several will probably be set to their own timer
  • Disciplines will require an Endurance cost
  • Hybrids will receive a limited Endurance pool for their disciplines There will be other changes as well. Keep your eyes on the Test server and our update messages for more details as we move forward. This new system is much more flexible than the existing disciplines. It will be relatively easy to add new combat skills, as well as new skills that are not limited to openings. This system creates the possibility for tremendous enhancement in the future, allowing groups a large number of options when it comes to melee combat. Talk to you in the Live Chat! Alan
  • Discuss, share your thoughts!


    Post Comment
    # Nov 20 2003 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
    rock on!!!!

    to all you complainers... i just play for the fun... i just got done playin AC2 before reading this and I have a feeling it will be just like the bloodlust enhancement on ac2 where you can hit for 3x to 4x normal damage... if that's the case, you ubah warriors will love it... (i really won't until i get my windblade -- 23k to go... .. wait.. make that 24k to go...)

    Sslitherr Kintoru
    Eeek --LAG..
    # Nov 20 2003 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
    Just want to point out that when you get a laggy connection (yes it does happen 8), ) by the time you can respond to these nice new 'Openings' they will almost certainly have gone.
    The thing about the EQ system for fighters is that it is 'Automatic' combat (in the main) and as such only a small percentage of your DPS is affected by lag issues.....please keep it that way ..
    Sounds dissapointing
    # Nov 20 2003 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
    *sigh* Sounds pretty dissapointing doesn't it? Some of it may be due to the fact that it is a radical departure from what we're used to. If this were another game and these were other developers, I would give them the benifit of the doubt thinking that they were doing their best to make the game as good as possible. However, this is not another game, this is EQ. To anyone still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, I've got some swamp land in Florida I'd like to sell you. :)
    I don't think anything so elaborate is needed to "fix" melees. Just give warriors a taunt that locks in aggro as well as stun/snare for when they are tanking (the only thing they were ever designed to do, an unbalanced proposition from the start). Give them an increase in dps for times when they are not needed to be MT, it would make them attractive, contributing group memebers whatever you want them to do for you. Increasing dps can be as simple as allowing for more hits/less misses. Nothing more frustrating than having 2 fast weapons, fully hasted, strength maxed, attack buffs up and seeing long strings of misses go by.
    I've never played a rogue so I don't want to set myself up as an expert, but it would seem that giving them an increase in dps and maybe the ability to throw aggro more readily would make them more attractive to groups/raids. The whole lockpicking thing is done, we don't need to force people into situations where you have to have one otherwise useless class along just to open a door now and then.
    For monks it would seem as simple as "unnerfing" them.
    RE: Sounds dissapointing
    # Nov 20 2003 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
    This is much more complicated than it needs to be. Gives warriors two abilities. Instant agro, refresh time of 15 seconds or so. And just put disciplines all on seperate timers, with a way to check. Or atleast put them on a defensive timer and an offensive timer.

    Monks, give them their damn ac back, and then change FD so it loses all agro and it is not regained after getting up. Done

    Rogues are still pimp, but have lost some strength over the past patches. I don't know what they want. But I doubt it is a whole new combat system
    RE: Sounds dissapointing
    # Nov 20 2003 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
    not patches I meant expansions
    RE: Sounds dissapointing
    # Nov 20 2003 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
    Nice Post. I agree that this may not be the correct way to fix melees, but Warriors need something. As a shaman who is consistently the puller in his groups, I HATE having a warrior as MT. I have to Torpor myself after ever mob and stand in the middle of combat for an extra 10-15 seconds while I wait for the warrior to out agro slow. If I group with an SK or Pally, I bring the mob to camp and then go get the next. They simply use stuns, snares, LTs and other skills (plus taunt just like the warrior) and IMMEDIATELY have out agroed my slow. To put it simply, it takes effort for me (as a Shaman) to outagro a Pally or SK, but it takes effort for me to NOT outagro a warrior.

    Quiinn, 60 Barbarian Shaman
    # Nov 20 2003 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
    Just wondering what exactly is the problem with some of you people ?
    Sony appears to be aiming to give melee players a way to hold the aggro without making the warriors into gods.
    Assuming they can pull off this change with styles and all this it seems to me to make alot of sense.
    If you want to play to your full potential after the changes as a warrior that means you you will actually have to think and pay attention during combat.
    No more hitting Q and then sitting back while your character attacks the monster.
    If your still unhappy after the changes then send feedback on what you feel is the matter.
    Correction from my previouse post
    # Nov 20 2003 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
    My applogies I had the key stuff wrong, been long time since I set it up so here is how you do it the right way...:p

    BTW: make a key like this you Wars!~

    (you must reference the corrisponding number in your hot key bank for these named skills)


    Hot key Name: Mash

    /doability taunt
    /doability kick
    /doability disarm
    /doability beg

    so my hot key looks like this....Notice below I typed in the hot key number rather than the name..

    Name: Mash

    /doability 1
    /doability 2
    /doability 3
    /doability 4

    You can get all this on one key, greatly reducing your massive click fest)

    I hope this helps those that didnt know about this.
    RE: Correction from my previouse post
    # Nov 21 2003 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
    75 posts
    Actually your macro would have to read something like this....

    /attack off
    /attack on
    /kick or /slam or /bash

    Beg will not work if you are attacking. This is the correct beg taunt for during a fight. A few of these and you should be able to gain that aggro right back or pretty quick. I use this on a normal basis and I have several Warrior friends who use this along with Medium damage low delay weapons and don't really have too many problems. Now, I DO agree that Warriors need to be fixed. They are behind the curve and nerfed to death. A year or so ago when SOE nerfed the Monk Class, instead the WAR should have been improved as well as other PURE melee. Sorry but I play Hybrids too and hybrids just can't get rid of aggro. Hybrids have the "enhancement" of spells. Whether it's a Pally that can self heal with a HoT or LoH , chain stun, lull pull etc.. or it's an SK who has a pet (not that it is extremely useful except for escape and a few DPS) can Lifetap, has a Hate increasing/reducing line of spells, and the only drawback to either is that neither can dual wield. Big drawback there... Hmmmmpffff There are 2HS with lower delay than damage and ungodly stats. Most War won't use 2HS because they loose aggro that way, but put it in a knights hands with their spells, POOF you have aggro city. I don't think much needs to be do Knights class (Pally/SK) Please fix the warriors give them something useful. Give them a hate increasing stat or bonus by certain stat or combination of stats. Kinda like a self proc I guess where at a certain STR STA and DEX it will proc more often or for more hate. Or bring on a new line of weapon with hate increasers for WAR only. Really I guess anything will help but I don't see this as any thing that I would write home to mother about.. It just doesn't strike me as something that is extremely great and innovative. More buggy and just something else to do that will less likely make many happy.

    That's just my take and opinion. Not really flaming anyone just adding my 10cp
    RE: Correction from my previouse post
    # Nov 20 2003 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
    137 posts
    Personally I have separated my kick/slam hot keys from my beg.

    The game wont let you beg during combat and if I'm taunting a mezd mob (this is when I use beg) I dont want to land a kick or slam.

    Just another way of doing business I supose:)
    # Nov 20 2003 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
    i saw a post on here about pallys and SK getting agro very quickly from spells. well, if you want warriors to get agro that quickly, give them a "charge" ability, usable say... every 5-15 minutes. a large crit/crippling blow that cannot miss and gives them a huge hate increase. i know wizards who nuke too early in a fight we have agro for several minutes (if they live that long) so this should have a similar effect. heck you could even balance it out with the warrior taking dmg more heavily for 20second after it was used, since he/she would be off their guard a little after such a concentrated attack.

    Dagornirnaeth Aglardring
    54 Cleric of the Hammer of Brell
    Rallos Zek>Kerafyrm (grats AD Wudan MIM!)
    My take 65 War #2 MT for guild
    # Nov 20 2003 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
    Oh Joy,

    I'm a 65 War on Sol Ro 100 AA's semi high end gear. I am # 2 MT for my guild ATM. Been playing EQ for over 4 years. Started as A chanter and we went through some of these same issues in different context of course.

    All these stories from War’s about agro issues or true. It’s getting harder and harder to get groups, unless I organize it. Its getting harder and harder to hold agro on Big Mobs

    Why play a class that has 10% more AC/damage mitigation/ (I still don’t believe we have 10% more DPS than a hybrid) DPS than a class that CAN cast spells, and are considered 50 % melee 50% casting? Solo HAHAHAH Wars cant unless they have mega plats for potions, even then it’s extremely slow. Even if we do have more DPS by wielding two one hander’s, then we sacrifice by having to be on the receiving end of 2x to 3x more riposte from mobs??

    Why on Earth would a group want a war over a Paly or SK (provided the SK or Paly spent a few points in Deff AA’s)? I also have a 65 Cleric, I HATE to say this but give me a Paly/Sk over a War for LDoN group ANY day, sure we take Wars occasionally, but mostly out of pitty(!

    When your flying through mobs you DON’T have the time to let the War establish agro, a Paly or SK is a much better fit. It’s getting very hard to log on as my War and want to try to find a group let alone fight to get agro on Raids. There just too many awsem DPS/procing weapons on other classes, Wars need a taunt mechanism that is competitive with the new skills, weapons of other classes. We have fallen to the way side on this issue.

    You all do realize for a War to even have a chance at holding agro they MUST have an EB weapon (I’m saying your guild had better be able to take out AoW and race to the spawn competitively, at the minimum). 2 EB weapons are really needed but tell my why the War class HAS to have a (one particular) piece of gear at the middle to upper end encounter, to accomplish their role as a Tank.

    It’s crap IMHO, I saw so many wars lower in rank in my guild go through hell without EB weapons, they simply can’t get groups. How are they supposed to get those AA’s/levels to be an affective tank if they can’t get groups? Most of them have at least one EB weapon now, but again I ask why should 65 levels come down to having an EB weapon to have a flying monkey butt hole chance of getting agro?

    The War class is struggling to find an Identity in EQ, so VI comes up with yet another Time sync for the wars to be on par with other classes that have their skills innately or through the EXACT same AA’s we get?

    Can’t taunt, can’t tank what do you do? Play War craft 3 on second system, while LFG for hours on end :p

    See a trend here? Your class has issues so VI creates time syncs to create an illusion they are doing us a favor. WHY IN HELL cant you just Fix taunt??? Why on earth cant you give us what we deserve, More HPs and AC than hybrid classes?? IF I cant cast spells what is my advantage? IF I am pure melee what is my nitch? DON’T come back and say we have a bunch of nifty Disc’s that’s a load of crap. AS MT #2 I HAVE to save Deff disc incase its needed. It last 3 mins, an affective CH chain can work around a tank that doesn’t have Deff disc. So I ask what is so special about the Wars disc they are all crap with the exception of Deff(

    I hear paly’s say but they can’t stun high end mobs, well duh of course not, but those resisted stuns are HUGE agro. Gimmie a stun spell you can have Deff disc :p

    Ok so to close, VI is telling me as a War they are addressing the issue, BUT I will have to spend even more time into a new time sync to be as affective as other classes that can provide the tank role with their normal abilities?

    Fix taunt
    Make my HPs significantly higher than any non pure melee class; after all I sacrificed not being able to cast spells for what again?
    DPS improvements would be nice, but lets fix what is important now not later!

    Believe me, the last thing I want is a nerf to ANY class. All I want is for the Wars to be on par with other tanking classes and today well we arnt!

    Ok /rant off, now for my proactive portion of this post.

    BTW: make a key like this you Wars!~

    Name: Mash

    /useability taunt
    /useability kick
    /useability disarm
    /useability beg

    You can get all this on one key, greatly reducing your massive click fest)

    wrong turn
    # Nov 20 2003 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
    I personally think sony is takeing a wrong turn with changing the combat system.
    From where I stand I think that the major problem with the warrior class as well as "most" strict melee classes is that while post 55 and post 60 other classes have simply evolved more. This does indeed leave warriors at a great disadvantage.
    Here are some of my suggestions for all melee classes:

    (be mindful I am not familiar with many of the higher lvl ablities of some classes so some of these may be redundent to things they already have)

    Rogue: the ability to BS with any wep type they can use/ a post 60 abilty to have BS become a passive abilty (i.e. no longer have to push a button for it it would just check at the same refreash rate as the button)/ be able to BS with the offhand (yes post 60 be able to double BS)/ gain an ablity with a significant refreash to cause a *special* BS that acts as a disease based DoT(after all pucturing the kidneys is not imediately fatal but will kill you in time)

    Monk: In the post 60's monks should gain some abilties simialar to bards songs (mechanicly maybe even make them songs with monks only being able to become profecient with singing? chanting a mantra?) that allow them to levitate,enduring breath,lull,reduse aggro,grp invis,and an alliance spell type affect though perhaps their ability should be wisdom based as apposed to charisma or int/ they should have an activated ability to self only bind their soul with the same restrictions on where they can do this they currently have, maybe with a 20 min reset on the ability/ they should be able to once every 5 hrs or so be able to activate and ability to gate; however this should come with a special res type effect that leaves them at 1percent health and rooted for 20 mins/ and they should have an activated ability to have a divine aura effect that roots them in place for up to 15 secs that has a significant refreash timer.......these abilities reflect the high lvl monks diversion from the path of purely physical training to the metaphysical disciplin that fanatsy monks stive for in the various lore

    Shadow Knights: they should gain a very limited BS ability (maybe a dmg cap on it that limits the dmg to thier max crit with a given wep, tho this would give them a hieghtend ablity to ensure that dmg)/ the ablity to have a special Harm touch BS combo that automaticly causes critical blast type dmg on the harm touch which causes a res effect with root on the SK when used.

    Rangers: at the higher lvls rangers should be able to preform a special defence manuever that negates Duel weild and gives them minus 50 percent to atk and plus 50percent to AC and triple the normal chance to parry, this should be an activated ability with a low reset timer.

    Paladins: should gain the sheilding ability with a 2 min reset timer and a grp sheilding ability with a 12 min reset timer. This reflects the paladins role of protector in a grp.

    And finally....

    Warriors: Should have the dmg multiplier used for the class increased to somewhere between 12-15x instead of the one currently used at higher lvls that seems to be a bit lower, this would increase their dmg output without infringeing on the ranger or monk class as the highest ATK classes ( i.e. warriors wouldnt hit anymore often then they do now but when they hit...WHACK!!)/ they should post 60 gain an innate permanent haste of no more then 15 percent that stacks with all other haste types, this reflects the great expertise of warriors with any given weapon as well as the increased dmg with a weapon above any other class/ it may not be possible due to codeing issues but if it is then sheilds should alse be considered weapons for warriors and as such could be used as a duel weilded wep for a warrior, this would give them the benifits of a shield w/o haveing to sacrifice their kick or slam atk as well as give them an improved atk with shields above other classes(they should be the masters of hurting things with whatever is at hand after all) and the chance to stun with the sheild and the kick would improve the classes taunting ability/ they sould also have the above listed ability for rangers/ warriors should have the passive ability to cause all crits and crippling blows to do max dmg/ and finally the berserker frenzy at the highest lvls should be one of the most awesome class abilities in the game......... when all the abilities are bought in a new line of AA's it should ultimately cause the warrior to +150 to str/agi/and dex; +150 to all saves; +300 AC; +300 atk; all hits made should be crits w/ normal chance to be a crip; they should be hitting all mobs within an AE range; when the ability is activated it should have a very short duration and the after effect would leave the warrior at 1pct health and rooted and upon the warriors next death after the use of this ability they should have the inablity to gain an XP res ( similiar to the sacrifice spell) it should only be able to be activated while the warrior is below 20 percent health.

    For balance issues the abilities above should be spread over specific lvls and have high AApt costs.
    However it would not impare any class compared to another when all the currant ablities are considerd and I for one dont think adding 50 percent improvement to a warriors taunt is a good idea because in order to out taunt a paladins chain stun means that a warrior could also out taunt a wizards chain nukes which is not a balanced solution and probably why sony hasnt simply done that already. However with the massive adjustments in dmg i propose here to the warrior class as long as you arent dealing with a greifer paladin you sould be able to get and maintain taunt with no problems.
    This doesnt really add to the warriors tanking ability in terms of dmg they can take but then again it is about evolution into something more then what you were in this system warriors would finally become a DPS class with significant dmg takeing ability.
    # Nov 20 2003 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
    All you war's ******** saying that you have too much to do as is. BS. I can box with a melee and a caster. I can box even easier with 2 melee. But when I try to box with 2 casters, it is nearly impossible. Melee have VERY little to do during a fight. It is very boring, and this combat system will make it more interesting and fun. You will actually have to pay attention to the fight for a change. You will not have to do the ripostes and blocks and dodges yourself, but on top of those skills you already have, you will have a chance to do something extra. Be it a hate taunt, or more damage, or more defense. I think it will help the warrior and other pure melee out considerably, and I can't wait to see the finished product.
    twitch play
    # Nov 20 2003 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
    ok i am only a 39 warrior, but i say we have enough to do already to worry about a twitch reaction button, this game is cool because you dont have to twitch to play well, Sony missed the ball.
    Hello SONY?? you awake up thier??
    # Nov 20 2003 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
    my thoughs on disc have always been wiat? i am a warrior, 65 levels, with x aa's, i am suposed to be a bad mother, but i can only fight defensively for 3 minutes the have to rest for 12?? what the hell was i doing learning all this time?? not learning to defend my self? or o wait, I am a warrior, master of combat, and i cannot choose to fight agressively for longer than 3 mintues, then have to rest for 23? what the hell was I learning all those 65 levels.

    Warrior discs should be removed and replaced with 'Modes' like you can set a pet to taunt or not taunt, warriors should be able to choose if they are fighting agressively, defensively, or some where in the middle. Also i think class of the mob should have some effect on wiether a mob can realy damage you in melie.. i am sick of 65th level wizzard goblins dropping 500pt hits on me.. they are wizzards, when in all thier finger twidling, and meditations did they learn to hit 5 times harder then I did?

    Slaton Dragoonbane
    65 Pally of Mith Marr
    65 Warrior, bows to no god.
    # Nov 20 2003 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
    68 posts
    Things keep getting more and more complex in this game to the point where it is no longer fun.
    # Nov 20 2003 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
    68 posts
    Things keep getting more and more complex in this game to the point where it is no longer fun.
    Sounds Familiar....
    # Nov 20 2003 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
    Anyone hear of a Game called DAoC? ... Sure sounds like a similar skill line to me. There are lot's of places that reform would be better suited. for example : Why not revise or create Higher zones instead of impeding, Nerfing, or changing classes. Why not Adapt the game to the ever expanding abilities of the players and their individual and/or guild progression by going Higher with zones, mobs, quests, grouping, and adventures. I mean in regard to the sleeper going down, shouldn't that be the focus.. But no, I think instead the focus is NOT to grow EQ, but rather Tweek and fiddle with it. And now it seems this has turned into a Rant so I'll Stop. And Don't ya just want to say yes to the pop-up style invitations and incentives to go to the new SOE game? Not. I think the saying goes like this, Hit me once, shame on you, Hit me twice, shame on me(/badwordfilter off). Moe
    agree with the warriors
    # Nov 20 2003 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
    I have to agree with the comment above.. those ppl that have been following the discussion will know that ele plain guilds no longer use warriors to MT the raid encounters due to the lack of taunt ability...

    If Quarm can be tanked by a Paladin/Shadow Knight the point of being a warrior is immediately negated..

    Warriors NEED...

    Better damage mitigation (i like a kind of innate defensive)

    Better taunting ability (A Sk can instantly get aggro using festering dark)

    More high end hp/ac items to be made war only to try and maintain the HP bonus that warriors alledgedly have..

    What warriors DONT need is a combat system change that requires them to notice an opening to get taunt..

    My main WAS a warrior is now a necromancer.. hell jabobn gets better taunt sometimes..

    Mallakith Darkstalker <Infectus>
    Soddof Baldric (Retired)

    Vallon Zek
    # Nov 20 2003 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
    Ok, this DOES help a warrior for all u ******** that cant read, it also helps other Hybrids and melee's BUT that is because everyone pays to play eq and they dont want to jip anywone. For warriors as an example, After a Parry u will get an "opening" were u get the chance to Stun , get more agro , OR make your group do more damge to him. These ones are warrior only, at least the 2 are, i beleive other class's can stun it too. So THIS DOES help the warriors out. stop complaining, They will never make warriors do 100000dmg or Get taunt in 1 hit on a high end raid mob. I Play a iksar warrior..... It is fun, im increadably good tank and everyone always seem to need me. this will make them need me more.
    # Nov 20 2003 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
    My main is a paly but i play all the other classes as alts(yea I know). I usualy am puller in LDoN because of lull spell but I like a tank there to take hits as he usualy has more ac and hit points. Saying that I agree with the jist of most post here. I usualy can keep agro on me as well as the warrior and thats just wrong. Also he usualy takes damage as fast as I do. In my humble opinion the warrior needs a damage mitigation ability that lessens damage he takes in melee, after all he's trained more for how to take a blow. Also his taunt ability should have a much higher cap level than anyone else and work better, there nothing more anoying for a warrior than chasing a target down he's been hitting on because a simple heal from a cleric pulled agro from him. Also make criticals critical, i've seen some crit hits for less than a normal hit does. A critical should do at least max normal damage plus bonus and never lower. I also like the idea of hitting ajacent targets so he can handle trains better. Make taunt affect all mobs in melee around him also so he can hold full agro. With these ideas i think my warrior will become more usefull and my paly will be able to convince groups to get a warrior for meat shield easier.

    53rd paly
    Tunare server
    Army of the Dragon
    Give it a chance
    # Nov 20 2003 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
    I see a lot of people shooting this down before they even have revealed what it is they are going to do with it. I fight in a full group of 65's constantly doing LDoN adv's and we use a war as main tank. Granted when we get a sk or a pali he can take the taunt if he starts life tapping or stunning, but the war keeps it off me as cleric and gets it off the slower fast enough. As the post indicates they are looking at having a taunt increase ability as one of the follow ups. Maybe the war taunt is a problem with high end raids as I have no desire to do massive raids I cant speak from experience, but the few boss type mobs we do, our war in defensive makes all the difference. I wouldnt do a group without Killakat if he is on. The more the add is icing in my opinion, but "dont knock it till ya try it" as my friend always tells me, and we will get our chance to try it.
    Warrior Skills
    # Nov 20 2003 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
    What a bunch of crap. They still arent doin anything to help the warrior to be come what he should be: the MT of any group or raid. Just more of the same thing. Refusing to set the warrior apart in what he should be to begin with. The warrior should be the first char a group looks for instead of being the last and just to fill out a group when nothing else is available. Instead of the simple solution of more hps and better agro, they give us what we dont need or want: another combat system. how stupid. Think i go play halo.
    # Nov 19 2003 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
    I was excited at first but now thinking over the changes, I wonder how the hell is this suppose to help a warrior at all.

    First off the change is going to any class that can melee appearantly so it won't be unique to the warrior, which is what they need.

    Second, the warrior will just get screwed with these new skills like with the disciplines. Mostly getting basic skills while other classes get much more flashy skills. Either way whichever new skills the warrior will get won't increase their damage that much b/c the chances of these "openings" coming up in a fight will probably happen once or twice a fight.

    Third, it has been awhile since I have gotten to play (life ripped me away so I passed on my account) but since the birth of my Warrior Mugaluk(of Drinal, few probably still remember me, oh well) I always had to fight for the agro. I got damn good at my job and could usually tank better than warriors that had better gear/level than me. Either way though SKs/Pallys always put up a even harder fight. I could win sometimes but its stupid. I shouldnt be fighting them for agro, I should be fighting the mob. To do this either way I was always button mashing quite a bit, not too much during those normal fights but durign ones of any importance I had to be on top of things. With all these other "skills" where the hell am I going to put all these buttons? 3 choices for parry alone?? That's 3 more buttons and a whole other desicion to make while I am fighting a train? Um hell no, that's sh*t. I have to worry about saving someones *** and not racking up a mere extra 60 somethign damage or whatever.

    Fourth, these new skills don't address the warriors need of better agro and meat shield abilities. An extra attack wont let me take less damage. Wars dont get jack for healing b/c they aren't suppose to get hurt that badly. Hybrids have heals cause they are suppose to get their asses beat up a lot worse than a warrior, why? Because a warrior spent his whole life fighting while a hybrid spent half his life chanting spells.

    You want to give warriors a new skill how about this? Leather Skin: The more damage they take the harder their skin becomes, thus the better they can handle damage and get hurt less. But add in a catch though to make it like an actual adaptation of the skin, the skill will only update at the change of the day or the next log in if that day was missed.

    Other things, make stamina work better, but only for warriors. Make AC work better for warriors. And give them a skill that lets them attack adjacent enemies that is permanent. I warrior could do it in real life so he could be able to in EQ.

    *hits SOE in haed with large stick* get some sense
    Scrap the new combat system
    # Nov 19 2003 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
    531 posts
    I think this melee combat idea SUCKS. I agree Warriors need help being of more use in a group though. I play and Enchanter and a Ranger, and in LDoN, I don't want a Warrior in the group until I have a Pally or SK to MT, and that's just WRONG!! Warriors should be AS wanted if not more.

    I think something should be done withing the CURRENT melee combat system, rather that re-invent it. EQ is looking more and more like a guinea pig to see what they can do with EQ 2. If you're going to keep re-vamping EQ, why even bother with EQ2?? (Yes I want to see EQ doing better and keeping up with the times, but I'm starting to feel used as if EQ is just a test server for another game...)
    special combat skills?
    # Nov 19 2003 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
    26 posts
    Oh please!!! The changes listed in this article will not even come close to the lack of tanking ability warriors face in high-end game play. Most high end groups would much rather have a SK or a Paladin because of their damage mitigation abilities. Many "uber" warriors have fought mobs with gear on and gear off with little or not benefit from their AC gear.

    Give the warriors an extra chance to strike with an exceptional parry. Better be a death blow! And then, monks and rogues will have the same chance. So much for helping warriors.

    To rub salt in the wound... will you just be awarded the skill??? NO!! You will have to find special scrolls, special trainers, more time, more hard earned money spent to get what amounts to little more than a poorly disguised bone.

    Sony.. Get real. Actually help the tanks tank!
    # Nov 19 2003 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
    Back to what everyone was saying...yes, true melees need the most revampin, but hybrids do as well. I'm a 50 ranger right now, and there is nothing more dejectin than sittin in pot, poj, or poi, lookin for a group (no ldon, I'm a po college student), just to see everyone else....including warriors taken before me. Let rangers excel at ranged combat, that really is nothing more than a happy way to pull at this point, and I rarely do that when I can get a group. And someone said that hybrids can melee...maybe if they are a tank, I can rarely take down dblue, and sometimes not even lblues. I have finally reached that lvl where I can cash farm rm giants and geos and those fights w/ giants are often much scarier than I wish them to be. Give rangers some more bow abilities at earlier lvls. Rangers should be sittin back outta melee range part of the time. Maybe as they are shooting them w/ arrows, they riposte, but follow through too far, something could pop up in ranger window, you get an accuracy check vs lvl in archery for a crit hit to puncture a lung or something and do a percentage of dam instead of point wise. This is just one idea, but the entire melee system needs to be overworked...maybe make warriors more eye-catching or an inherent hate bonus, but they are finally addressing some of the issues this game has had for oh so long.
    # Nov 19 2003 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
    674 posts
    I aggree, use the stamina they already have. Its weird to create a whole new stat. A while back I had the idea monks could use 'mana' to perform certain manuvers (yes, like street fighter) pulling from an internal source to make additional and special attacks. But I aggree for all melee to have that ability just use stamina. A warrior might have a killing blow or a monk with a chi blast. Just combat, melee range only. If they were not so busy cranking out INSANE gear tanks would not lose there place. I can outfit a shaman to tank and i see more and more battle clerics now then ever... you cant even tell them fromt he Pallys. That just about every class having a pet... what do you expect?

    I say use the stamina bar we have, give them some flashy fun stuff. PVP and blueserver, most will aggree, pure melee DO get the shaft. Because lets face it the life bar and xp bar is what its all about. If I am a druid that never gets touched ... and can run at will. I think that certainly leaves a melee out classed....

    Especially with monks having the same defense as rangers and no self buffs... maybe a 'chi' or stamina thing could be a self buff? like 'body conditioning'.

    I wish they would make a new stat allright... I wisht hey would make a perception skill. so that hide is different then invis. And so that pvp rogues can get a damn chance (hide vs perception... could even be wisdom based?) is there a forum for new ideas to be submitted?

    Edited, Wed Nov 19 16:35:35 2003
    · 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
    · 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
    · 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
    · 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
    # Nov 20 2003 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
    Here is the Answer... Endurance = Melee mana .. Wth? plz .. Let's Keep melee as melee. I play melee, and we are fine the way we are. Give us a bigger field and more options as to where and what we kill. Let the casters have their mana, Give us more HP and AC. We dont need no stinking new abilities or Mana(endurance). 2cp
    # Nov 19 2003 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
    3,128 posts
    I think the reason for the new statistic Endurance is that stamina could be egual for all classes so pure meleers would not have an advantage over hybrids in stamina, but they would in endurance according to what I read above. I do think it would be interesting, but why not only give endurance to pure meleers and let that fill the mana slot on pure meleers. Maybe the name endurance is also misleading it is a synonym of stamina and perhaps some more unigue term would be better suited.
    # Nov 19 2003 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
    710 posts
    Perhaps the plan is to base Endurance off of stamina, much like how Mana is based off of INT or WIS - thats my hope anyways, it will just be another bar in the corner of my window (on my UI anyways) so casters will have an empty one (or it will just be missing all together - much like the mana bar for melee classes).
    # Nov 19 2003 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
    Yes most hybrids can solo well but I was saying that hybrids should get more ability for the group. The warrior may not think he does but look at all yours dis's! They are very good for when your tanking and stuff... Hybrids maybe get 2 good dis's that last 12 seconds >>TOPS<< They should improve warriors no doubt but hybrids should get more into.. not just spells like you think.
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