Everquest Blamed for Suicide

In a lawsuit apparantly about to be filed against SOE, Everquest is being blamed for the suicide of a 21 year old Hudson, Wisconsin man. The article on this is poorly researched, completely stereotyped, and written almost entirely from the perspective of the plaintiff. However, it is relevant and may be of interest to some people, so I figured I would provide the link here. You can read the Milwaukee Journal article at this link.


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Get a load of this BS...
# May 13 2002 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
76 posts
::: Gets on his soap box and clears his voice. :::

Funny you should mention this because in another forum, there was a thread that basically talked about how a the old paper and pencil RGP games are going under fire once again by the right wing conservative F$&#$.

Now I've came from the old pen and pencil realm where we were often judged and accused as devil worshipers by the right wing, conservative Christain society. Our RGP games were also accused for helping kids plan bank robbies and murders. And most the most recent attacks were directed at the leaded figureines in which how they led to lead poisoning because some kids were putting it in their mouths.

Well, I got some simple answers for the old pen and pencil realm.
1.) Those folks were screwed up before they started playing RPGs. Their defination of a fun time is playing an AC / DC record backwards to see if they can pick up any hidden satanic messages.
2.) The murders and robbers would of been planned regardless if the perps played RPGs or not.
3.) Want to avoid lead poison, simple, DON'T PUT LEAD FIGUREINES IN YOUR MOUTH.

Now as for EQs? Well, I've been hearing the same old stories as well. Stores like: My husband/wife lefted me for EQ. My husband/wife had an affair with another man/wife while playing EQ. Boy commits sucide after having his character scamed by another player. And my favorite, parent neglects child while addicted to EQ.

Well, again, I have some simple answers for all those sad, sob stories.
1.) Your husband/wife was planning to leave you and would of left you regardless if it was EQ or TV or whatever.
2.) Again, your husband/wife planned to have an affair regardless if they met that person on EQ or in a bar.
3.) The boy had problems long before he played EQ and shouldn't of been playing in the first place. And finally,
4.) That parent was a bad parent anyways and would of neglected the child regardless if he/she was on EQ or not.

The fact of the matter is that everyone wants to put the blame of their misfortunes on someone or something else. They never stop to think to accept responsibility for themselves. It's like dropping a hammer on your toes and then blaming the hammer for breaking your toes. Well, who's the goober that dropped the hammer in the first place? So in my MOST humble opinion, I think that some people should just shut the hell up and accept the responsiblity of their actions instead of trying to pass the blame on something or someone else. By the way, have anyone took a close look at the picture of the mom? Doesn't she look like a dead beat mom; you know, the ones that has 50 pet cats in her trailer home and lives off of cake frosting and canned tunia?

::: Gets off the soap box and dusts it off for the next occupant. :::
warning labels heres yer sign
# May 11 2002 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
Playing games may be addicting but so is watching TV or anything else... if they end a soap opera or series someone could kill themeselves too... better stick warning labels on tv sets...

I think I'm addicted to driving my car too... I do that at least once a day... How far will this warning label thing go give it a rest sheesh
# May 09 2002 at 4:53 AM Rating: Default
That's flippin pathetic.... momma's just lookin for a scapegoat so she doesnt hafta look at what SHE may have done wrong. Leave the game industry alone... if yer stupid enough to be that affected by a game, u deserve to die
# Apr 30 2002 at 6:22 AM Rating: Default
I think i have played this game before......oh what was the name .......ah yes real life......see you in there.

one of those 55 enchanters on tribunal

U buy, It work, U responsible
# Apr 25 2002 at 11:48 PM Rating: Excellent
When you buy a product, and it functions as it should, anything that you do as a result of the product you have brought into your home, car, etc.. is your responisbility. Like the McDonald's case. Should the cup have had a defective bottom, and the coffee fall out as a result, then the case would have been different. But the functioning cup was meant to hold a hot liquid, which it did, and would continue to do as long as the cup was upright, and the liquid was not disturbed too greatly. Everquest is meant to make Verant a profit, which it does. In return, we get a good time, and some socializing done. Should Everquest stop being fun, this not being a defect of the product but an attitude of the consumer, the consumer has the option to stop playing. The sucide which occoured was brought on by Shawn Woolley's own choice. Anything could have influenced his choice. Everquest, his social life, the state of the world. But how anything influences a person is different for every person. Maybe someone who plays Everquest is influenced to help create a positive influence. Maybe someone who plays the Iksar, sees how they are hated everywhere, and how well PCs of other races and classes work with the Iksar, and decides to campaign for X cause or tolerance of Y. But will EQ ever see any recognition of this? If you have ever seen the movie 'Philadelphia' with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington, you may remember when Washington's character, a lawyer said, (Pardon me if it is not exact) - "Explain this to me like I am a 2 year old. You were walking across the street and you fell into this ditch. The ditch that was only at THIS location. And you chose to walk across this CLEARLY marked area, when you could have walked anywere else and avoided falling into the ditch?
Client: "Yes, do I have a case."
Washington: "You bet"

Crusader of the Greenmist, 30th Circle
Arctan Talematros
The real victim
# Apr 25 2002 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
As the daughter of a man who killed himself ten years ago, I understand the confusion and anguish that has immediately become a part of this woman's life. Please remember that the true victim of a suicide is the survivor. She is reacting in anger, loss and heartwrenching grief. Is she making a wise decision? No. I have had days where I have to shut down EQ because I can't stand to die one more time. I have put off going to bed until the wee hours of the morning because I found a great group. My poor husband has actually heard - "I can't because I have to find my body"! Does this mean I am addicted? Who knows. Does it mean I am destined to kill myself? No. A game doesn't cause a suicide. A bad day doesn't cause a suicide. And, unfortunately, intervention doesn't always stop a suicide. I hope this mother seeks counseling and support from those who understand the complex problem that is surviving a suicide. I also hope that society can learn the important lesson of accepting personal responsibility. I doubt it...after all, it is always easier to blame everything else.
# Apr 25 2002 at 4:20 AM Rating: Default
This kid was a pizzia delivery guy that quit his job for months prior to him kicking the can. Lived by himself in an apartment. Must have had a car to be a delivery guy. So how did he pay for all of this? Did mom pay for all of it...including the monthly EQ bill? The way she is blaming SOE maybe she should be arrested for aiding in the suicide.
this is just nonsense
# Apr 24 2002 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
Come on people this is a tragedy that someoen lost his life but to take it to this extreme is ridiculous. Addictions on not based on the subject but on the person that is addicted. If someone is emotionally unbalanced then they are prone to addictions. If a has a starbucks latte before he slices his wrist what happens then? Starbucks close down? No more Latte's? Caffiene becomes a murderer? Life takes many turns and we all choose what path we take. If somone takes the wrong path the whole world should not be held accountable. On-line gaming is an escape for many people that just want to get away and yes they are addictive but to try and moderate on-line games because some guy locked himself in his room and decided he does not want to be in this world anymore is not the games fault...its his.

PS I can just imagine the next headline in the papers. " High schooler loses his Babe Ruth rookie card in a game of "face-up", gets his shotgun and puts it in his mouth " Upper Deck baseball card distibuters now have to put warning labels on packs of cards stating the violent behavior displayed when you lose one of our cards in a game....."
About the previous post
# Apr 23 2002 at 3:09 AM Rating: Default
Heh, sorry for all the typos and such, forgot to spell check and proof read.
Thats people for you
# Apr 23 2002 at 3:05 AM Rating: Default
It's very clear that anymore no one is able to accept responsibility for their own actions. Like the people who wanted to sue McDonalds for being burned with the hot coffee... only reason you can get burned with hot coffee is because YOU are an IDIOT. IT'S HOT! YOU KNOW THAT! But you still allowed yourself to get burned by it by your own stupid actions. Just like witn Burger King got sued over the Pokemon toys when an infant died due to having one half of the Poke Ball over its face... and didn't anyone every stop and think... WHERE WERE THE PARENTS??! The parents were IDIOTS. You don't give babys things like that! And if you were paying any attention, THAT WASN'T THE TOY! It was the case it came in! Did they ever think they obviously you leave an infant alone too long if it has a chance to sufficate on a "toy"?

Simply put, is that people don't know how to accept responsibility any more. And I hate to say it MORON Lady, but there probably isn't any information on his account anyways that can give a clue as to why he killed himself... maybe you should look at his history of mental health first, FOOL. All these people who sue like this anyways are after is money... plain and simple... Sueing Sony in no way is going to bring her son back... all it does it put her name in the news, and in her hopes cash in her pocket. If you want to go something worthwhile to honor or such your sons death, try to boost awarness on mental health, and seeking help, rather then just pointing the finger at someone or something. Like when those two crazies who went on that rampage in their school... the kids were screwed up in every way shape and form... but... GASP!! THEY LISTENED TO *Fill in the spot* MUSIC!! THAT MUST BE THE REASON!... GASP!! THEY PLAYED DOOM!!! THAT MUST HAVE BEEN WHAT DROVE THEM TO DO IT!! When it comes down to it.... the poor sap was just a time bomb that happend to play Everquest. Not much different then poeple protesting against smoking in movies and such... because they feel it leads to people wanting to be cool like them and smoking... uh... helloooo... smoking is usually started because of friends and or peer pressure and such... not because they saw Brad Pitt sucking on a cancer stick. People are in control of their own bodies... people know smoking is bad for them.. there are warning labels right on the package... but it doesn't matter, people are going to do it anyways.. and when someone dies because of it.. its time to point a finger.
RE: Thats people for you
# Apr 23 2002 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
A few links worth looking at:


and most especially


Photo Sensitive Seizure Warning
# Apr 22 2002 at 4:33 PM Rating: Default
So sorry to hear of your loss Elizabeth Wolley. You should be happy to see that they now have a warning on games like EQ. I hope people who are epileptic, depressed and have a schizoid personality take the time to read this and stop playing this type game.
I, as a mother, understand the pain one feels when you have tried to tell a goverment or state agency that your child needs help. My own child was under 18 when she ran away but they did nothing about it. So who is to blame? Us as parents?, or the goverment who tells us the what is best for or our child?
Is EQ or any other roleplaying game addictive? Well heck yea it its!! Life itself is addictive. That is why whe have the Weather channel, the cooking channel, the gardening channel, the home shopping channel, the list goes on and on.
When someone would rather take an F in a class so that could help there quild, this a sign of addiction. Should SOE take the blame? I don't think so. It is a matter of choice. It is much easier to turn down a person online then face to face.
New Wanted Add:
Wanted: Computer Smart Person blah blah blah.
No Person should apply if there are epileptic, have an addictive personality or are depressed.

Wow!!!!! So EQ has become something everyone will now have to see what is so bad about it, and sales will go up!!! Does that mean we will have to pay less??
I still want to know why my husband and I work so hard at good paying jobs and a pizza boy has a computer that plays EQ.

Aug. 17, 1999

# Apr 22 2002 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
Another incident of a frivolous lawsuit. Reminds me of the people that sued McDonalds because they were burned by hot coffee. Uh, isn't coffee supposed to be hot? Now for the individual that said he has gotten F's because he had to go on a raid, you need to prioritize your real life over your game life. It is a game life, one that shouldn't control your real life. The F's are your fault, not that of EQ. I got F's when I went to college, why? I chose to go out and drink and party with chicks. Whose choice was that, mine. It is a pity that this woman lost her son, but maybe she should have been more involved in his life. After all, she knew the problems he suffered from and knew his state of mind. Her motives are greed, based on her her son's death. She is redirecting the attention that is cast upon her poor parenting skills to that of SOE. Hope her case is shut down before it evens get anywhere.
# Apr 21 2002 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Wow that is amazing that someone would blame a game for another person's choice. So if I choose to ram my truck into the side of the mountain should my husband sue Chrysler because they should have forseen that driving all the time would make me batty? Sorry for the loss, but you know what? He decided to take his own life. SOE did not kill him, EQ did not kill him. It was all about him. Stop the frekin' madness with blaming the rest of the world for things that were out of control.

Malenya Thorondir
27 ranger
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

he had problems
# Apr 21 2002 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
eq is just a game, its addictive but its still like any other game, and things like this have happend before, like for D&D people killed themselves, did D&D get sued, yes, did the person who sued D&D win, no, because its not there fault if the person took there own life. now in this case you said he alreeady had problems ... mabey thats why he killed himslef, if he had problems he shouldn't be living by himself, smart move with parenting right there, now your trying to go sue SOE, sounds like someones trying to blame someone else so they dont get blamed. dont mean to sound like a ****** but hes dead, he killed himself, there was something seriously wrong with him, people kill themselves everyday cause they have problems, not an addiction to a game
# Apr 21 2002 at 1:54 AM Rating: Default
The mother did try to get him help and the boy just wouldn't aggree becuase the addiction was to strong.

Eq is the cause of many problems trust me. I have Fs in a couple of subjects just becuase I had to be there for a raid.

I think its good to blame games that way all the moms and other parental units wont let their kids get the game so less newbies to deal with.
RE: .......
# Apr 25 2002 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
1. Newbies is not a synonym for child. You can have a 50 year old newbie.

2. EQ is not the cause for your F's. It is your inability to keep control of yourself. You didn't have to be there for a raid. A "guys i would like to but i gotta study" is accepted as a reason not to participate.

3. When my son refused to go to sleep, it was 3 in the morning, I told him I was going to throw his PC out the window. Good addiction stopper, trust me.
RE: .......
# May 08 2002 at 5:51 AM Rating: Default
Anyone that blames something else for his/her poor judgment or weak will was probably failing before the item/action of blame ever came to be.
Self responsibility/blame isn't very popular anymore, but it sure is the leading cause of distress.
Addictive personalities
# Apr 20 2002 at 12:00 AM Rating: Default
I sympathize with this woman for her loss, but dont agree with sueing every potentially addicting thing as a cureall for a addictive personality problem.
Everything is addictive ..soap operas, music, food, drugs, alcohol, relationships...am I supposed to sue my boyfriend for breaking up with me because I am addicted to his company and have become emotionally dependent on him?
You can take any one of these things too far.
Has everquest played in to the addictions of people with addictive personalities? I'd have to say yes, the same as everything I listed before plays in to addictive personalities and plenty of other things have in the past. Do we sue the grocery store for selling the excess food that makes a person fat? No. Has the game contributed to the ruin of marriages and other human social relationships? Yep i'd have to say yes, especially in cases where there were problems in these areas to begin with. If my marriage is healthy I'm not gonna jeopardize it playing a game to the point it harms the marriage. If my husband hangs out in a bar too much and gets a drinking problem and divorces me for some other woman he found in the bar I can't sue the bar for ruining my marriage, there are some things it is up to you to handle in real life or find help for if it is needed.
Everquest is an entirely too real a virtual world where several real life needs can be pseudo met in the virtual world if you choose to meet them there instead of the real world where real life is happening. It is entirely possible to be a loser in the real world and be very successful and have an **uber** charecter in EQ. But it still is a Virtual world..a game world...not a real world folks.
Teens have plenty of problems finding their identity and forming the real life relationships and habits of dealing with others that they carry through life. Should a teen be allowed to spend 30 hours a week on everquest instead of dealing with creating and maintaining real life relationships? NO...but that is a parenting problem, not a game problem.
If there is any fault whatsoever on the part of the game I would have to say it is the fact that at high level you need several hours of playtime to accomplish anything worthwhile. I have often played low level alts for the simple reason I had 2 hours to devote to the game that day and not the 4 or 5 it takes at high level to accomplish a worthwhile in game goal.That is, and always has been a problem with this game. It can't be minimized, paused or even camped out of without prior planning in most cases. Corpse retrievals can be hairy and take hours of unplanned game time.How many times have you been ready to log and died in a bad place? Being able to join the game and leave it more so at will and being able to acheive worthwhile goals without camping an item for 36 plus hours would be an improvement. Those of us that are adults with jobs and families and responsibilities will likely never be able to take advantage of the things in the game that take those kind of hours to acquire, we just don't have that kind of free time to devote to it.
Spending ever increasing amounts of time on the computer and in virtual worlds whether it is everquest or in some other forum is going to be a fact of life in society from now on due to many social factors that didn't exist 20 years ago.
20 years ago I could afford to do lots of things to entertain myself in my spare time I can no longer afford to do. People with higher intelligence can read a healthy size book in a day for example but a good newly released book on average costs 20 bucks...I can play the game all month long for closer to 12 bucks. Disneyland costs 45 bucks just to get in the door..I could go on and on about what costs what to do down to a nice dinner out with the family...but the point is that people are gonna entertain themselves on the computer because its easier and more affordable in society as it stands today than most other stuff thats fun to do.
The whole idea is that at some point you have to take personal responsibility for your actions and suing for every bad thing that happens to you isn't the thing to do but it is what happens more often than not these days. If my little dog will bite you if you pick him up and squeeze him too hard and i tell you he will and you do it anyway and get bitten would you sue me? most likely because that is the society we have become.There is no such thing as personal responsibility anymore and everything is someone elses fault down to children suing their parents for improper toilet training. Its gotta stop somewhere.
My 2 cp worth
Kirah Brightblade
# Apr 19 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
this is just the mother trying to blame someone else so she doesn't feel guilty about not helping her son enough.
Bad Apples
# Apr 18 2002 at 7:38 PM Rating: Default
No matter what situation you're in there are always the few people who are just not "right." Addictions are addictions and we all have at least one. But giving, a game, a sport, or a television program a black image because of someone's more than plenty problems is I guess societies or maybe just the parents way of dealing with the case. EQer's probably spend less money a year on EQ than smokers do on cigarettes. Also while on EQ you are being kept away from drugs and other things that can kill you a lot faster than "a mindless game." In short how can you judge thousands of individuals on one persons actions, it's sterotyping and almost prejudice. One consequence that will amount from this is a surgeon general's warning on EQ products, to try to stave off the depressed, lonely, and psychotic.
# Apr 18 2002 at 3:44 AM Rating: Default
hehe blame somthing else on the problembs of society. got to be something other than my fault way of thinking. it is just a game. hehe mind u a very fun game but just a game>
# Apr 17 2002 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
ok the article said plain as day, this man was mentally unstable, in laymens terms it said he was a timb bomb waiting to go off.He went postal people, plain and simple, cant blame EQ, SOE or anyone except him. If his mother had any sense she would realise this, Why was he alone? Why did he have a gun? Thats real intelligent, lets give a looney a gun, next she will be sueing the gun manufacturer.Now dont mean to sound insensitive, but oh well, hes dead, get over it, she needs to sue herself for bad parenting. At least she taught her son how to get his whole face in front of the shotgun, GOOD JOB MOM
# Apr 17 2002 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
Chaulk up another story for a society that is increasingly losing all common sense and personall accountability.
Without a doubt some lawyer will find precidence and Sue.
It will be thrown out of court for the same reasons that the Ozzy and Judas priest trials were: ultimately we are responcible for our own actions.
This was a 21 year old man, not a child. All the so called classic signs were there. Depression, drug dependance, isolation, addictive compuslive behavior. He asked for help (went to counciling) he tried to help himself (quit chemical dependance) but only when he pulled the trigger did anyone realize he was serious.
Suicide is a selfish last ditch effort for attention. And in classic form the family takes selfish actions to remove the sense of loss and guilt that they feel. even from the article, EQ was the only social interaction this guy had. Eq probably extended this guy's life as stated in another post. EQ probably gave him a sense of purpose and feeling wanted.
Mom is desperately trying to transfer her feelings of guilt and the "woulda couldas and IFS" she must be asking herself. Sorry mom, all the money that Sony makes cannot replace your son. But dont worry, its not your fault either. Your son was being selfish, and unfotunely found that there is not a "loading please wait" in the real game of life.
If you want to do something to relieve those feelings or warn others mom, Ask sony to honor your sons name. Goto Church, speak to other children, goto his highschool and try to set up a memorial I bet that you could get Sony to assist you a lot more with your efforts if you were promoting awareness and honoring your sons life. Be active Post on internet boards the warning signs that you learned and witnessed. You will feel a whole better by Honoring your sons life instead of trying to buy it back with your lawyers.

If anyone finds that EQ or any game provides the only sense of worth in your life. PLEASE QUIT turn off the monitor walk outside and feel the sunshine on your skin.

I know this game makes me Furious, it makes me happy, it makes me feel wanted and also isolated
but in the end it is a game.
3 Strikes Against Him
# Apr 17 2002 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
I don't mean to sound insensitive, but let me list my points:

1. The man already had a couple of strikes against him. He had the mental illnesses of depression, and schizo-affective behavior which for the layman means that he was a borderline schizophrenic. He lacked alot of social skills and was at high risk for eventual homelessness, drug and/or alcohol dependence, and yes suicide.

2. Although tragic, he killed himself due to numerous factors including his depression, and mental illnesses. I believe his mother is just plain greedy. She basically wants money that she is not entitled to. Even if her son had lived for 50 depressed long years, he would have barely been able to support himself working at a pizza parlor, and would have contributed very little to her financially. She needs to find another way to make money. In fact her greed will strain SoE financially as they have to hire attorneys to protect themselves and that cost will eventually be passed down to the players as we have seen recently with the price hike.

3. His mother should have intervened as soon as she found out that he had a gun. How long did he have it before he turned it on himself? It was her lack of supervision of her son that eventually did him in. Now she is turning her guilt and negative energy into something that will affect us all in this gaming community, it is a shame.

In my experience, Everquest can bring such joy and happiness into my my life when I finally get a nice item after a long quest, or when I loot a very rare item that improves my virtual character. And it can bring me down like when I lose sleep due to a very long raid that I just can't seem to get away from, and I feel very tired the next day at work.. or when I accidently lose something due to a bad multi-quest that is frustrating as hell. However, I wouldn't even think about hurting myself physically in any way because IT IS JUST A GAME.

For this man, if it wasn't Everquest, it would have been something else that would have caused him to pull the trigger. He had 3 strikes against him.
Another story
# Apr 16 2002 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
I was reading an article I think at c-net that was talking about other instinces and they actually listed Diablo 2 with EQ and DAOC I thought this a insult to both EQ and DAOC.
# Apr 16 2002 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
The kid was fat and lonely and sad... What I want to know.. is why are there some truly beautiful people(inside and out, happy ppl..) wasting thier time here.. it's not for losers.. certain ppl like it.. I wanna know why
# Apr 14 2002 at 11:57 PM Rating: Default
There is no getting around it, suicide is death. If you blame someone for the suicide of a loved one, your charging them with murder, all there is to it. How can you charge someone with murder when they didnt do it? I feel sorry for the mother for the loss of her child, everyone should. But blaming a ONLINE GAME for the "murder" of your child is stupid. Like someone said before me, if someone kills themselves you dont blame the gun company. YOU PULL THE TRIGGER, BY YOUR CHOICE AND YOUR CHOICE ALONE. Everquest(EverCrack) is addictive i know that.... But if a crackhead goes around killing everyone you dont blame the crack dealer, you blame the person hittin the crack pipe, no way to get around it. All she is doing is charging SOE with the murder of her son. The case should not be even presented in a courtroom, you cant blame someone else for a suicide. Word of wisdom, if you kill yourself, NO ONE BUT YOU IS RESPONSIBLE, as it says in the statement "KILLED YOURSELF(HIMSELF)" Etc., IM sorry for the death of your child, but get a clue, dont be sue happy hoping for some extra cash to pay for his funeral, he was sick in the mind before EQ, and was sick in the mind while playing EQ. Your stupid for charging someone with murder in a suicide case!

Gafgarion Galthana 53 monk Bristlebane
Lencho Everpimp 44 warrior Bristlbane
Hizo 22 Shadowknight Bristlebane

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