Big Changes

Well, they bit the bullet. A number of changes are coming to the high end game of everquest in the near future. Notably, these include:
  • Complete heal cap reduced from 10,000 HP to 7,500 HP
  • Mana Burn is being removed and replaced, players with the Ability will have their AA points refunded.
  • Monk defense is being lowered.
  • The rod of mystical transvergance (aka, the GodRod) is being removed and replaced with a single target charge with limited usefulness. Additionally, it's noted that a number of encounters will be shortened.
Read the complete article here. Personally, I see the need for these changes as Planes of Power comes on, and the game expands in levels and player power yet again. In the case of the ModRod change, I only hope that certain encounters are adjusted massively to account for the lack of infinite mana. Of course, feel free to discuss the changes here. See what 2 and 1/2 years of "This is a Monk Item" posts gets them?


Post Comment
Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
You would think we were all twinks. Being a monk I have never been able to hord enough loot to buy really uber items so I think my AC is 940 is I'm below weight cap of 18 at lvl 52. I really have to watch my weight if I plan on keeping it there. Coins hurt the most.

OHH! but most importantly an offensive class that can't CRITICAL HIT. I think a monk is defensive. Shoot FD is defisive, mend is defensive, ID is defensive, AC bonus for low weight is defensive. How to fix for logic, you get hit it hurts and hurts bad, but getting hit that is the trick. I would like to see more effective avoidance for a monk, the skills like dodge, parry, and ripost should occure more offten. The low weight bonus should apply more to avoidance and run speed.
Mana Burn
# Oct 10 2002 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
Even though the nerf pains me as a wizard I am forced to agree with it. I've heard too many complaints of people on my server about mana burning wizard groups ganking their mobs. The only problem I have with the nerf though is that I think 1 minute is a bit long. It seems to me that if a raid with multiple MB wizards gets into some serious trouble they will need damage to be done or else. And in the case of a MB group of wizards even if the latency is 15 seconds between mana burns that would be plenty of time for a raid class mob to eat the wizard party in my opinion. Wizards don't take hits very well :P

Bisbus the gnome
Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
The only objection to nerfing monks, (btw 56 master here)is that when pulling high end raid mobs sometimes that ability to get hit one less time saves your ***.
# Oct 10 2002 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
I love everyone of these nerfs, they will bring more balance to the game. I just hope that they finally wake up and nerf druids. I mean ok, I am a druid, I can port, heal, buff, sow, snare, damage shield, nuke, dot, track, I get a pet, and to top it all off I can solo 4 experience giving mobs at once. Anyone stop to think why there are SO many druids running around? I seriously doubt it is for the roleplaying reason of being a protector of nature after grouping with many a druid.
RE: Nurfs
# Oct 11 2002 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
I have a friend who is a lvl 52 druid, and he complains that at that level he has a tough time getting a group because he is considered a solo class. He's mostly wanted only for ports.

Of course, I have a lvl 52 Shaman, which you would think would make it easy for me to find a group, but it's still a LONG wait in KC before someone responds to my /ooc Lvl 52 Shammy LFG

RE: Nurfs
# Oct 11 2002 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
I wonder if anyone has noticed that just about every class (with the exception of Clerics and Enchanters) generally has a difficult time getting groups in the higher end game. I think that much can be attributed to the fact that by that point in a character's career, they've amassed a good group of friends, are quite possibly in a guild, and are a bit jaded about pickup groups. The higher end MoBs generally require tight teamwork and group cooperation to bring down, and as such pickup groups are often less desirable. These reasons alone may account for why pickup groups are tough to come by.

Just a thought on my part. Not sure if I'm correct or not. I really think though that it's not that any one class is being singled out as "not group friendly" as much as it is that in the high end game most groups are made up of people who have faught together for a long time and are reluctant to bring an unknown quantity into their group.
High End Groups
# Oct 14 2002 at 5:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Yes you are 100% correct. It's a rough world it the high levels, and if you don't belong to a good street gang you are either not fighting or fighting and dying.

I love my guild, but they don't have a lot of 50 people who play regularly. However, in my experience, druids and necromancers are less likely to find a group than a cleric or an enchanter.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 10 2002 at 1:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Man, Verant is really turnin into a buncha jerkoffs.
On the fence
# Oct 10 2002 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
YAY! About time they nerfed Manaburn. I can't tell you how many times we started to set up for someone (Severilious, VS and others), only to have the Manaburn gimps come in and ruin our day. I have never seen ManaBurn team respect the fact that we had gotten there first and started to set up. They did this to themselves. Having said that, it is generally a sad day when any class gets nerfed.

Edited, Thu Oct 10 12:43:48 2002
to mr anon
# Oct 10 2002 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
let me guess you are a druid and to all the others that say its abouttime and this is fair i am guessing you are not getting nerfed and so hey lets get on the nerf bandwagon well when it comes time for them to nerf you remember its a great idea
mages on raids
# Oct 10 2002 at 11:19 AM Rating: Default
hmm lets see i do half as much damage as a wizzy debuff singular is at best iffy healing whats that oh yeah i cant do it at all except for my pet and oh yeah no pets on this raid due to gaters and need for room on the mob for tanks everyone got kei oh yeah thats a chanter coth please maybe use 1-3 times in a raid and only if there is a wipeout or someone shows late thats really neeeded hmm lets see mod rods oh yeah we are going after and boss mob and need the mana sure lets get a mage after nerf no thanks we dont need any mages we got an enchanter and a few necros for feed thanks alot VI we sure appreciate the great things you have done for mages hey can anyone say VI has a hard on for druids quad kiting no nerfs now with exceptional heal porting group and self sowing buffing i thought i would try to play something every other person wasnt playing now i know why i should have played a druid VI next time why dont you just make a druid only game it would b alot more fair to everyone
Pet classes on raids
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
It's a good point, pets are unpopular on raids because many people have experienced having the pet get lost, aggro a bunch of MoBs, die, then it's train time. Hopefully VI is working on some way to balance THIS out too.

One notable exception is Lord Rak Ashiir, the last MoB in the Shaman Epic. Instead of having a dragon-raid sized party to kill him, a group with a few Magicains with Fire Pets can do it, because he has a 2000hp Fire-based AoE spell that the pets find rather enjoyable. Perhaps VI needs to consider this and make MORE MoBs with element-specific attacks that are vulnerable to Mage Pets.
RE: Pet classes on raids
# Oct 10 2002 at 7:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Well since all of the new patches, pets NO LONGER agro anything UNLESS the owner of the pet tells the pet to attack. I have had my pet get lost, run somewhere else due to pathing problems or just waiting for him to show up to my side when I'm sowed and he's not, and guess what? No agro, none, nada... Sure my pet will agro if he's fighting a mob and another comes by, heck that happens to anyone fighting.

51st Necromancer
RE: Pet classes on raids
# Oct 11 2002 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Good point, that makes a HUGE difference in dungeon settings. The pet classes have already been denerfed, and no one noticed! Now we just need some raids where the pets really help kick butt and hopefully the word will spread.

Oh, the other thing I notice, my pet does not seem to GET attacked by anything unless it attacks first. Is this a new thing, or has it always been like that?
# Oct 10 2002 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
About the monk tanking issue, yes I have seen a monk tank above level 50. In fact Im the top sk in our guild and the top monk has more ac, more hps, and way more attack than me. Its not a small difference either. That monk can out tank me and take less dammage. Um, I just want to know what crack you are smoking if you think that monks are balanced. ALL the monks I know and have talked to accept the nurf and understand it and arent complaining. In fact they are more concerned about the mage nurfage than anything else.
on all the changes
# Oct 10 2002 at 9:58 AM Rating: Excellent
What these changes are doing is exactly what Verant has said for the last little while that they wanted to do. EQ was not designed to be a solo game, it was designed to be for groups/raids, depending on the situation. There has always been some overlap between the classes for abilities, so that no one class should be "necessary". But there is always one class that is better at it than another. The changes aren't really nerfs but bringing things in line with what they were supposed to be by design. A group of 6 wizzies should not be able to take out a MoB designed to be taken out by 3 or 4 or more groups, Monks should not be able to MT, A classes signature ability should not come at 39 and people should not have unlimited mana.
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
Yes, the point I seem keep trying to get across to the upset Monks is that Monks were not intended to be a solo class. Actually, after lvl 50, I don't think VI intended ANY class to be a solo class!

Edited, Thu Oct 10 14:37:00 2002
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 10 2002 at 11:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you say monks were not intended to be a solo class. i have been soloing for 4 years as a monk (the easiest of experience mobs, sure, but still soloing). seems to me that makes monks a soloable class.
Actual Problem?
# Oct 14 2002 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
And what is the "Actual Problem" according to you?
good changes in most part
# Oct 10 2002 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
Well the lesser of mana burn is good as was over powered, this may have to make them group with other classes now then just a group of them selves.
Cleric's have CH and other healing spells, with shm and druid 2700hp heals, they will fill in a bit while the cleric can med a bit.
I do not have a monk, but they should not be touched. The reason behind this is spliting uber mobs . I have been to ToV kael etc and they seem to die to much while setting up the pull for the group. They may be able to tank in low 50's and lower, but when it gets to higher end, they can not, and this is where they need to shine.
It's about time!
# Oct 10 2002 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
WooHoo! Yay Verant! I don't often get to say that, but in this case I can! My main is a 58 bard and I can honestly say that I'm sick and tired of Wizards, Enchies, and Clerics getting AOE groups going, stealing every mob in the zone and leveling like a madman! True, this won't effect AOE groups much, but it is a start! It will, however, effect wizard heavy groups on raids from ks'ing every other group on experience! Even though sometimes I do reap the rewards since wizards love a bard in their group for a manabattery, I think it's much more fair to take some wind from their sails.

As far as monks? Well, I also can see Verant's reasoning on this. Everytime I hunt in Velks, I find that there's no need to get a warrior / sk / pally to tank. Hell, a 60 lvl monk with decent gear can tank just as well! But like Verant said, monks are dmg dealers and only the rogues are arguably better. So I have to give a thumbs up on this as well.

Now clerics. This also seems very reasonable, though I still think that should have cut the lvl 39 heal spell down to only 6k hp's and renamed it (as now it's not a complete heal). Why you ask? Simple, being able to heal 6k hp's will heal almost any tank even buffed to full hp's. Secondly, when a guild can simple just have one tank stand there, get ruined, and start a healing rotation, it takes all the fun out of sharing the aggro the way it was meant to be (the good 'ol days of raiding Vox and Naggi). Sure, there are times that you will need a heal spell greater than 6k hp's, but that's what PoP spells are for anyway =p .

Now modrods. This one I kinda have mix'd feelings on because it's no fun when your healers run outta mana and can not heal anyone. I do, however, like the fact that you can target and summon the item directly to the person's inventory. I still think, however, you should be able to drop them on the ground. From playing a friends cleric a bit, I found it kinda fun running around like a chicken with his head cut off yelling, "Where's my modrod! Where's my modrod!" Rofl

Just my two c's .

Monk nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
First, let me say that I play a 54 untwinked iksar monk as my main. I have an unbuffed ac of 1022, and I've worked hard to get there.

I know many shadowknights my level with lower ac . . much more than I know with higher ac. In xp groups, the healer (especially if it's a shaman) usually *prefers* that I tank over the shadowknight because I take less damage and cause us less downtime.

As a matter of fact, the ONLY reason that I (and many other monks) don't MA on raids right now is that we don't have enough hit points, so complete healing is much more effective on warrior and knight types.

So do I think lowering monk defense is fair? Yes, completely. But not by very much. Backstabbing rogues (with equivalently good gear) do more damage than monks. That's a fact, and that's the way it was intended. The tradeoff is that when they have to, monks take the hits much better than rogues. VI needs to be very with this nerf to make sure that monks tank worse than knights, but still better than rogues and rangers.

Which, speaking of rangers . . I think they need their defense nerfed as well. There has been a long standing balancing effect among melees and hybrids that classes that do more damage don't take the hits as well. Right now, rangers do far and away the most damage of any melee/hybrid with their bow. There are many rangers that get upwards of 120dps without the trueshot discipline. They hit for over 1000 damage, without using any mana, several times per fight, and have a sustained damage output time and a half that of most rogues, and as much as twice or more that of most other melees. In order to balance this out this much damage, rangers should pop like a water balloon when the mob so much as looks at them. I think it would be justified to put their tanking ability somewhere below priest casters, but above intelligence casters.

Either that, or there need to be no new bows or arrows at all in PoP so that the other melees can catch up to ranger damage.
RE: Monk nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
In truth, Rangers don't see the kind of bow damage you're describing until level 59 or 60. At level 55 with a Bow of the Huntsman the best shot I've had was a 315 point crit *with* Trueshot. Usually I hit for between 20 and 50 self buffed, or maybe 40 to 80 with occasional hits over 100 with Shaman DEX buffs on. Trueshot will make most shots in the 100 to 200 range (the ones that hit, that is). Keep in mind too that the delay on a bow is generally much higher than the melee weapons used, so the actual DPS over the length of a fight isn't what you might think it is.

Bottom line is, we still use melee. Due to the speed of most Ranger weapons (and the haste on our epic) we still draw agro. When Jolt and Cinder Jolt don't fizzle or get resisted (I would estimate that the Jolt resist rate on most MoBs is between 40 and 60 percent), it helps with agro management, but we still take hits.

Back when Kunark came out and the level limit was raised to 60, Rangers kept their old, lower defense level. The game for Rangers from 50 to 60 turned into a non-game. Clerics ran in terror at the sight of a Ranger approaching their group. "Mana sink" was a common term used in conjunction with a Ranger.

VI finally corrected this by raising the Ranger defense cap slightly. They also began making archery a viable combat solution (although they kept saying that archery was never intended to be used as a primary form of damage dealing). Now, Rangers can be a valuable member of a raiding party, although no more valuable than any other member (and in many cases less valuable in many eyes). Having lowered defense almost killed the class once. Lowering it again would certainly finish it off for those not already to 60.
RE: Monk nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
On the issue of monks and ac we pretty much agree on. But when it comes to rangers, I have to disagree. Rangers are supposed to be tankish types. In fact, I feel that it should be something like this for tanking: Warrior then Pally then Shadowknight then Ranger then Monk then Rogue, etc.. As far as their bow skill, for the most part, I have not really witnessed their dmg output with a bow (but again, I don't use ShowEQ so I can't get the raw statistics to make a true judgement). If this is the case that they do that much dmg at higher lvls (i.e. my ranger is only lvl 47), then their bow dmg might need some tweaking. In any event, Rangers should be able to tank better than a monk imho .
RE: Monk nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
Ranger != Tank

Rangers are a chain class. Their damage mitigation should be rogue like.
RE: Monk nerf
# Oct 11 2002 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
Correct, rangers are chain classes, but rogues are leather class. Rangers should have a higher armor class than rogues do.
RE: Monk nerf
# Oct 11 2002 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Rogues are chain class ;)
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 10 2002 at 8:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ill give you one reason why wizards dont like the nerf... it is retarded
RE: why wizas dont like the nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
The MB nerf (very nearly) makes plenty of roleplaying sense to me.

Mana is energy drawn from the surroundings. When that huge a blast of mana is set off all at once, its going to affect the mana in the surrounding area somewhat. "There's a disturbance in the Force." Or something.

Of course, to really do that, they'd need to make manaburn unusable in the surrounding area for a short time, rather than against the same target, which might be less effective - just need to figure out how much to spread the wizards apart to be unaffected by the other manaburn. Hmm, maybe that would be considered tactics. What a concept!

As for CH, will the lowerered cap apply to mobs who CH also?

RE: why wizas dont like the nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
interesting concept but,

1 mana may be drawn form surroundings but that is more likely to happen during medidtaion , or harverst type spells. once a caster has regained mana should it be theirs? or do they only channel outside forces?

2 to have mb useable in a certain area, very interesting concept but, this would require spells interacting with one another. something like this would be lots of fun and could add a whole new depth to the caster game besides just point and click. combos of dark an cold, disease an poison , aoe's feeding off or cancelling one another mb working differently when many cast or if they are too close together, or if they do not cast in the right pattern. the more complex the better, that would create lore of spellcasting an require casters to better understand their profession. it would really set apart the good players from the bad. unfortunately such fancies are the talk of the future. dont expect to see it working until eq 3 or 4.

all in all one of the most intelligent defenses of the mb nerf i have seen

RE: why wizas dont like the nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
"you will agree they really got burned this time"

That's a pretty good pun. =)
RE: why wizas dont like the nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
I cannot tell how much here is sarcasm, and how much you truely believe. Case in point:

"for example with manaburn becasue they would have to wait 6 mins to do it. who has 6 mins? wizards are busy ppl gettin phat lewts an don wanna waste 6 mins on some pos 32k mob."

Anyway, i am assuming this is just a sarcastic comment. at anyrate, I will try to elaborate.

I agree in the philosphy of the idea that more wizards should = more fire power. This is still true. More wizards will still be able to provide sustainable firepower over a given timeframe. Manaburn will still be able to come into affect in these cases. Realistically, the ONLY case where you might use all the wizards to manaburn at one time was if you wanted to one shot something, or if you wanted to try to save the raid force(and this only if the mob was in a position where a full manaburn by wizards would finish it off anyway). Lets look at this from both perspectives.

First point - What if a group of 6 paladins got together and was able to take out gore, trak, serv, etc in less than 30 seconds. What if a group of 6 rangers could, what if a grop of 6 necros could, what if a group of.... you get my point. Where does it become unbalancing that a single group can take out targets that were not meant to be able to be taken by less than a "raid" force? At what point do you say "ya know, that is not the way we wanted it to happen" Of course, going beyond the planned "scope" of what was intended, you will have the people that will take advantage of this type of ability, and abuse the power. You have heard the stories, clerics camping ragefire - only to be KS by a manaburn team, who then opts to "sell" the quest piece to the cleric for plat, or the manaburn team which one shots targets, and turns around to sell the loot in the bazaar or wherever. When does this type of ability, and more to the point of the abuse of this ability, require some re-balancing?

To the second point - if you are relying on a manaburn team to make a raid do-able or not, meaning a manaburn team that has the ability to burn a target all at the same time to ensure victory, then I contest that you need to revisit your strategy - and/or - re-gear, reequip and try again when this type of ability is not "required" to be able to make the encounter do-able. Classes are supposed to be inter-related, meaning that the sum of the whole is stronger than any individual part. Reliance on one single ability from one single class is broken - no two ways about it. it would be like relying on a group of paladins Lay Hands ability to make an encounter doable, or the Shadow Knights Harm Touch ability for that matter.

The only true nerfage are to the manaburn teams, that went around ganking targets, and burning dragons, and the like in less time than it takes a raid group to shout "ENGAGE!" or whatever. This is considerably NOT what Verant wanted with this ability, and as such they are tyring to work around it.

Edited, Thu Oct 10 09:13:22 2002
monk tanking
# Oct 10 2002 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
ever see a 50+ monk tank an even mob? for more than 15 seconds i mean. i haven't.

but it seems to me there is a simple solution to the perceived problem with monk tanking ability. with luclin, verant gave monks a bunch of AA abilities that improve their defensive skills. since the problem (if there is a problem) seems to only arise at the highest levels, why doesnt verant simple exchange these defensive AA abilities for offensive ones?

quivering palm, 55 masteer, the rathe.
RE: monk tanking
# Oct 10 2002 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
Ever seen any class in the 50+ category tank an even mob and live? If you have, they either have been twinked, buffed heavily, or cheating. True, I think Verant should have made mobs of the same level the same strength as players, but unfortunately Verant goofed up on this and now it's way too difficult for them to really fix this issue. Regardless, in the 50+ game, I have yet to see any class tank anything of the same level solo and live without some type of help (ie. twinked, buffed, etc..) . If you do, let me know because I would love to get some of that exp!
RE: monk tanking
# Oct 10 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
i can't speak for level 60 monks. but my level 55 monk lasts roughly 15 seconds when tanking even mobs (say at umbral zone, or inside kael). a level 55 warrior will last up to a minute (i have a 52 cleric, and have seen the tanking issue from that side).

why dont verant just take out the AA changes that make level 60 monks preferred tanks?
Can someone explain?
# Oct 10 2002 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
What the wizards are up in arms about and What the clerics are upset about?

First, I have seen alot of wizards saying stuff like "You have ruined my class" or "You have just killed ANY reason to play my wizard anymore!" I even saw one wizard say something to the effect of "I will make sure I stop by Cazic Thule with my dubious faction to lizards, with any passengers..."

Now, tell me exactly HOW Wizard effectiveness was messed up with the Manaburn change? First, it was always on a refresh timer, so there was absolutely no way any single wizard could manaburn more than one time per minute anyway. Second, there is absolutely no change in the way manaburn works for one single wizard. You are still going to be doing the same damage in the same amount of time - how does this reduce your effectivness? The ONLY change to manaburn is that you now cannot have multiple manaburns on the same target at the same time - or more to the point, you have to wait 1 minute between manaburns - where you will have more than one MB wizard there. This is ONLY a SLIGHT - VERY SLIGHT - change in the way Wizards are used in raid situations - manaburn is not the end all - be all - saving grace of wizards, and raids, and experience groups.

Clerics - How many tanks do you know at this time that have more than 7500 hitpoints? You are all whining that now druids and shaman are able to heal as effectively as you, which is not true. The reality here is that clerics have and will contiue to be the best healer in the game. One quick point I wanted to make is that I do not think you will be getting a bigger heal than this - some have mentioned they believe that there will be a CH type spell added at the higher levels, I do not think this is true - VI has saind all along they do not like how encounters are run now - CH rotations, main tanking - a method of endurance, setting up timed healing rotations, etc. Adding another CH type spell will only do the same thing they are trying to reverse with this change to the CH spell now.

Secondly, CH is a spell gotten at level 39 - only clerics (as of right now) in top tier guilds will even come remotely close to hitting this 7500 point cap on the CH spell. Clerics at all points in the game are still, and will continue to be the best healers, and best hit point buffers and AC buffers in the game. Another point is that we have not seen what spells POP will be bringing to ground for clerics - sure we have seen what people have pulled out of the files, but there is no guarantee this is all, or these are what they will be. For all we know clerics will be getting smaller heals, that land faster, and with higher mana to hp ratios. CH is STILL the best mana to hp heal, AND best Hit Points Healed per second ratio when taking into consideration the 10 second cast time, and 400 mana cost. Better than any of the 50+ spells, and STILL better than any of the proposed 60+ spells - by a factor of 2 or more. In the POP spells, clerics are going to be giving up mana/HP ratios for faster casting spells - what does this indicate? You will be healing more in a predefined period of time - which indicates to me you wont even be using CH that much anymore on raids - why? look at supernal light - level 65 spell - heals for 2200 pts, for 690 mana in 5.2 seconds - this is 3.19 hp per mana, and 423 hp per second. (excluding focus effects of course) Heals like this far outstrip anything for hp per second than you have gotten before WITH exception to complete heal (CH STILL beats this, even AFTER the nerf). CH will STILL be highly viable in situations where you can set up a rotation, or have the tank stay alive for at least 10 seconds.

CH is still the best heal spell you will get, and still has the best mana/hp ratio, and best hp healed per second ratio. - this a spell that went live from the get go of EQ, has been in the game for now 4 expansions (including POP) and is attained at the MIDDLE of your career - how many other classes receive their class defining spell/skill so early in their career? Think about it - the level of power for clerics has not altered at all. rest easy!

Edited, Thu Oct 10 07:41:46 2002
It's called "whining"
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
The reason people are flaming over these changes, which I peronsally find resonable:

1) Any subtraction from their power is seen as bad, no matter the specifics.

2) The ones who post are often the ones who are the most upset. I am sure many wizards who think "oh well, no more Manaburn stacking, I guess that's ok" don't bother to post.

3) When people have gotten used to using a skill in a certain way, they don't like having it chanced, because they don't want to have to develop new play habits.
Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
What crosses my mind is that this nerf penalizes people who shouldnt be penalized. I am a casual player. I have a 55 druid and a 34 monk. Im not in a guild because I only play a few hours on saturday and sunday. And most guilds wont accept that. But my point being is Ill probably never have my monk with all this uber all/all gear. The equipment I plan on using into my 50's is pantherskin which is specifically for monks. So why penalize the casual players. Everquest has turned into such a power players game that their starting to make it no fun for the casual players. My monk twinked out with pantherskin has a hard time soloing a blue at 34. And I have never seen a Monk being MA on any raid. Most raids wont attempt anything without a good warrior for a tank. In short I think verant is hurting alot of players just to nerf a few elite/uber monks. Maybe I just haven't paid enough attention to high end monks and its all of them. But I dont think so.
RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
I really think you should join a guild regardless if you only play a few hours a week. There are many guild out there, like mine on E Marr, that has casual players. When someone needs something and I'm available, I just answer their guild call and go help and vice versa.

As far as monks, I do not think that they should be cut back on AC prior to 50's+ . I have to agree at lower lvls they are just about right for the game, but at higher lvls, a group has no need of a tank when they have a monk (and I'm talking about exp grouping and not raids). A fair solution for monks pulling on raids, I think, would be to have maybe a 30+ minute timed effect like clerics get with Divine Aura. This would allow monks to use it only in those pinch times when pulling mobs (i.e. invulnerability for 10 or 15 secs, but can not attack during that time).
RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
One other thought while Im rambling. Ive been playing for quite some time which allows me to give my monk better items than others would have if they didnt have a higher lvl character. Monk equipment isnt easily aquired at lower lvls if you dont have a higher lvl character this will hurt those monks even worse. Depending of course on how verant implements the nerf.
Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
Here is a thought...

how come a monk who wears "leather" armour runs the same speed as a warrior wearing plate?

If you are gonna nerf our defense, at least give us the ability to get away.

Monks should get a built-in speed enhancing effect that increases gradually from level to level.

RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
That is a thought.. Why do monks with a very LOW weight run the same speed as a plate wearing class.. And the same applies to casters who wear cloth.. They should be able to run even faster.. But I do see your point.. Monks who only carry 15 lbs/stones of equipment should be able to run faster.. If you want to look at realism.. But that is a post for another channel IMHO.
Change is okay...
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:54 AM Rating: Default
First off, I like the change to Manaburn--it was long overdue. I did not like when a certain mob spawned and everyone took the time to gather a force to just see it blow away because a group of wizards MB'ed it. Of course wizards will be unhappy. If I was a wizard I probably would be also. But thinking outside that box it was too powerful. High level encounters can still benefit from Manaburn, just can't use it for zero risk anymore.

Monk changes: I don't play one, never liked their restrictive weight thing. However, I can see how it might create some type of problem. Monks damage a lot. Mob aggro on what is causing it a lot of damage. Reduce the defense capabilities of monks might equal to the cleric having to rez monks more often. Now, if mobs do get re-tuned then perhaps monks will be able to survive while dishing out a lot of damage.

Complete Heal: Someone said it in another post; this will effect probably .01 percent of the clerics.
Why, god? Why?
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:41 AM Rating: Default
Only thing that I would like to mention about monk thing(I'm a monk, shocking, no?) It's that all you people saying that monks are an offensive class that shouldn't ever take aggro need to just look at our disciplines and our Arch and Class AA's. Take a tally of how many are offensive and how many are defensive. Vast majority of them are defensive, and not only that, feigning to reduce agro at high levels doesn't work in normal raid situations. Mobs that are raid level after 50 will remember that you once you stand up a good 9/10ths of the time, and on top of that, since most of them have AoE's it isn't possible to stay down long enough to get low enough on the agro list to not have the mob that sees you basically as a sitting target, and by the time FD refreshes, yer dead from the damage.
Because Monk's ARE NOT a defensive class
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
The reason Monks have mostly Defensive AA skills is because they are supposed to be weak defensively and the AA skills are supposed to help fix that. It would not make sense for them to offer defensive AA skills to an already defensive class.
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
56 posts
ROFLMAO love the fine print Illia!

Edited, Thu Oct 10 00:58:43 2002
It's called complete healling for a reason
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:04 AM Rating: Default
I'm not say that the change to complete healing is going to change anyting about healing. It just seems that if you call a spell COMPLETE Healing. It should have no mumerical value and just completely heal that target. I know there are programming issues with that but just make is heal something like 100,000 hitpoints and leave it at that.
RE: It's called complete healling for a reason
# Oct 10 2002 at 2:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Um, well, there always WAS a 10k cap before, and now it's a 7500 cap, so what you are suggesting is totally in the opposite direction of what VI has done. So it never has been a truly complete heal, and most likely never will be.
lol wizards sayin manaburn was needed?
# Oct 09 2002 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
are u high?

try typing /join serverwide.graffe an see wut the wizards have to say about it. lol any wizard who posts ehre or anywhere about mb nerf being good or needed probably works for verant.
you can say that manaburn can trash high lvl mobs quickly, but you have to look at it another way, a wizard at taht level takes 10-15 min to hit full mana and 1.5 or 2 hours fer mb to refresh, so its not like these mobs were getting trashed all the time--just when tey spawned :)

verant saying they didnt know this wud happen is a lie. think about it, a class that can port almost anywhere, ie one of the fastest travelling classes in the game, esp w horse. now u give them the most powerful one shot nuke in the game. of course its no trouble to have 6 of them meet anywhere to mulch a mob that just spawned.

no verant wanted to sell luclin to wizards, but what realy caused the nerf was the endless ******** an whining by all of the weak, useless classes in the game, played by weak useless people. well they got what they wanted, out of jealousy one of the best classes in eq got nerfed so the lamers wouldnt feel bad.

bottom line is if u think another clas is more powerfull stfu an play that class for the power, or if not at least stop ******** an moaning about it an trying to get that class spoiled for others. this same thing happend when lamers complained about uber loot guilds were getting, and soon loot was nerfed. next nerf needs to be a lamer nerf, mebee they will stfu then
RE: lol wizards sayin manaburn was needed?
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:03 AM Rating: Default yet another meaningless post by someone who can do no more that contribute senseless jibberish and inflate his meager social life by bashing on the good people that play and enjoy this game for the challenge and friendships that they make. I mean..."not like these mobs were getting trashed all the time--just when tey (?) spawned". What other time is their for them to get trashed you idiot? Not to mention the ridiculous crap about "lamers". Next time a) act like something a bit more mature than a over-medicated 2-year old and b) support your claim with real facts. Anyway, I know this post probably doesn't matter but it is irksome when people behave this way. I play some of the aformentioned classes and I think the nerfs are well in order for the sake of game-balance. Draw your own conclusions about my thoughts. Thanks
RE: lol wizards sayin manaburn was needed?
# Oct 10 2002 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
we will never know as my post was deleted... so ill quote the only shreds of intellingence in your post--

1 "not like these mobs were getting trashed all the time--just when tey (?) spawned".

that was a joke, but wit or humor (no matter how small) is obviously lost on one of your caliber

2 "lamers"
those ppl can be defined as useless, whining, impotent. these are the ppl that will complain when somebody else gets something nice, instead on focusing on what they have. this is called envy, and its a sin; these ppl are a disease that effects everyone esle. an exapmple was offered about lamerz whining bout uber raid loot, then it had to be nerfed. this happend many times an is beyond the scope of this reply to present them

now what i originally had to say. anyone wizard saying yes nerf us we need it.. well something is not right there.
the point was vi knew exactly what it was giving wizards here, and they did it to sell more copies of sol, knowing they could just nerf it anything they wanted. this is called bad faith, an bait and swap advertizing, which is not really legal...
we pay these bozos for good game design as well, so i dont want to hear any of this we human crap. a corporation is not a person, it has a lifespan far longer, much more resources, more brainpower, and a lvl of greed few ppl can come close to.

now as to making friends, whats wrong with 6 wizards who are friends trashing a mob? why should they make friends with lamers? play your aforementioned lamer classes all you want just dont whine about what others are getting. you have nothing to say until you play a wizard anyway

the only thing burned by manaburn are wizards. many hours down the toilet, and a very crummy refund of aa points. 1 only mp points refunded. 2 with pop looming, and the 30 point cap this will cause problems for many.

sorry to have irked you, but i just cant stand to hear that nerfs are good crap. thats idiocy, and an excuse for poor game design--we are not beta testers.

p.s. it looks like you irk off too much, be careful it can make you go blind...
RE: lol wizards sayin manaburn was needed?
# Oct 10 2002 at 5:38 PM Rating: Excellent
(first portion of originating post omitted)

anonymous wizard posted:
2 "lamers"
those ppl can be defined as useless, whining, impotent. these are the ppl that will complain when somebody else gets something nice, instead on focusing on what they have. this is called envy, and its a sin; these ppl are a disease that effects everyone esle. an exapmple was offered about lamerz whining bout uber raid loot, then it had to be nerfed. this happend many times an is beyond the scope of this reply to present them

Well, actually, many of the posts I've seen in this thread in support of the Manaburn nerf have been thought out, respectful, and backed with reason. I haven't seen much whining. Rather, I've seen presentation of facts, such as the abuse of Manaburn by many wizards. I haven't seen anything about Manaburn being too powerful with respect to other class' abilities, only that Manaburn has been used by some (and I emphasize SOME) wizards to profit unfairly with respect to other players, causing other players inordinate grief. Perhaps we define "whining" differently.

anonymous wizard posted:
now what i originally had to say. anyone wizard saying yes nerf us we need it.. well something is not right there.

I would turn that around and say that a wizard complaining about a nerf when they truly feel that the nerf was justified is, as you say, not right.

anonymous wizard posted:
the point was vi knew exactly what it was giving wizards here, and they did it to sell more copies of sol, knowing they could just nerf it anything they wanted. this is called bad faith, an bait and swap advertizing, which is not really legal... must work for VI, else you wouldn't be privy to this information. Oh, and strictly it's not bait and switch, since they originally delivered on the promise you percieved, and VI is clearly within their rights as stated in the EULA that you agree to every time you play to change the game any way they please. Please stick to subjects you understand.

anonymous wizard posted:
we pay these bozos for good game design as well, so i dont want to hear any of this we human crap. a corporation is not a person, it has a lifespan far longer, much more resources, more brainpower, and a lvl of greed few ppl can come close to.

A corporation is made up of humans, with human frailties and tendancies to err. As to a corporation having a higher level of greed than most people, again I'll point out that a corporation is made up of and directed by people, and I've met many people (and promptly removed them from my presence) who rival any corporation for greed.

anonymous wizard posted:
now as to making friends, whats wrong with 6 wizards who are friends trashing a mob? why should they make friends with lamers? play your aforementioned lamer classes all you want just dont whine about what others are getting. you have nothing to say until you play a wizard anyway

Nothing wrong with making friends, whoever they may be. It's when such friends begin taking unfair advantage of a situation that folks get a bit bent out of shape, that's all. Don't be surprised that many of these same people rejoice when the situation these friends are exploiting is removed from the environment.

Lamer classes? Hmmm...I guess I'll leave that one alone beyond saying that a class that someone enjoys playing is the class they should play. Defining it as a lamer class (which of course begs you to define "lamer" in this context in the first place) from another person's viewpoint isn't really something anyone, including you, are qualified to do.

Having played for 3 years with many wizards, in groups, in guilds, and as friends both in-game and IRL, I think I'm nicely qualified to comment on the class, including commenting that I don't consider it a "lamer" class at all ;)

anonymous wizard posted:
the only thing burned by manaburn are wizards. many hours down the toilet, and a very crummy refund of aa points. 1 only mp points refunded. 2 with pop looming, and the 30 point cap this will cause problems for many.

Actually, Manaburn still exists, and at the same power level from what I understand (I may be proved wrong when the patch goes live). It just can't be used as an exploit tool any longer.

(remainder of original post omitted)

Edited, Thu Oct 10 18:38:27 2002
RE: lol wizards sayin manaburn was needed?
# Oct 10 2002 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
The post wasn't deleted, it was just rated so low by other that it dropped off your "quality filter". Change your options to "Never Filter" and you'll be able to see it.
RE: lol wizards sayin manaburn was needed?
# Oct 10 2002 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
And there went the other post too /chuckle
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 09 2002 at 10:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 09 2002 at 10:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ha! All this nerfing done by Verant only reminds me of one thing..I'll never buy another game from Verant again!
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