Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
My bro
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
My older brother is alive right now because yesterday morning he decided to stop and have a breakfast before going to work (His work was in the fromer World Trade Center Buildings)...My heart goes out to all of you that lost a friend or family member and y prayers are with you..
In a crisis the best thing you can do is stop and think , no
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
From Spain , a lil country in which terrorism is also a part of our lives I DO RECOMEND YOU to STOP and THINK about what happened yesterday , im expressing MY OWN opinnion ... do it the same yourselves and dont let mass media tell you what to do :

- A group of people ( few of them indeed ) , with no gubernamental support crashed 2 planes and used explosives in order to damage some Icons fully recognizable as the USA power : Economic, military and political faces of it .

- That was a crime , yes . Does it deserve some kind of punishment ? Yes , of course : where a crime is a hand that triggered the gun is to be expected . International laws do exist to engage terorist around the world , those countries you blame and want to attack are even offering their help to make justice to those ones ( few people i repeat ) who are guilty.

- Was it a war declaration ? No . No country claimed it as an attack . Just few people were fully responsible of it . Punishing a whole country would be even worse than what those terrorist did . Devastating a country whole population would include many innocents ( the most of them indeed ) , not even those who in maddness thought they were happy when they saw your suffering deserve such threatement . Sending your armies to murder that people is not something to be proud of . If you want to be such an assasin as those who pilot the planes , go ahead but knowing you killing childs , women and men like you : innocent ones.

- Think also about what you know of those countries you targeting your anger to : afghanistan and palestina . Think about why you know what you know : you see horror in NY streets and afterwards you see a man dancing in happyness ... does it mean ALL the people there celebrate the tragedy ? NO , of course not . You not even sure who to kill , it´s so sad to read you all talking about slaying people without real knowledge of what it would mean ... USA has a full of blood history in the very few centuries you came into a country , dont cover it with more shame.. dont make your grandchilds look behind your shoulders and sight thinking about what you did .

- Now let me talk about what has been happening here during decades : In Spain we got several terrorist armies who claim non sense things and kill people ... but we spanish do know those who weild weapons are very few indeed , the people that live in the very same street a terrorist do have nothing to do with them . We fight against it with the law , police and moral rules god gave us : we combat it like humans , with conscience and humanity ... not killing innocent ones just to make sure no guilty escapes .

I do hope you commit no mistake ... thinking a whole country , a whole race is guilty of what a few of them did is not very different to what happened here in Europe 40 years ago . And remember if you trust in god , let him enter your hearts : first thing you have to do is to pardon.
RE: In a crisis the best thing you can do is stop and think
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
You are correct. It is a few who make the rest look bad. However, if a country harbors, supports, and protects these individuals then they are just as guilty as those who did it. If we have to go through them to get to him, then we will.
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
The world has not seen an angered and undivided United States in 61 years - may those that committed these acts and those that sheltered them pray to their god for forgiveness for we will not. They have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind.
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
Allakhazam, your words sent a chill down my spine. Very powerful and moving dialogue. I thank you for taking a strong stand.
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:51 PM Rating: Default
Tho i'm not an american, in fact i live in a country that has been subject to terroist attacks since before i was born (and i'm 23atm). These attacks unfortuantly have been part funded at least from sources within the USA and they were commited by the IRA. I live in england.

Therefore somewhat i have become desenseitised by acts of terroisum but what happened on tuesday shocked and repusled me. Terriorisum can not be allowed to win, terroirists are the lowest form of life and even the IRA (who i wish would all curl up and die) never did anything on this terrible scale.

I can only hope that they rescue many people from the ruins of the building and that they find out who is resonsiable and revenge is taken. I also hope that anyone found supporting terrorisum in any country shall be delt with in a similer mannor and that the support for the IRA cesses to exist.

In this 1 day thousands of peoples lives have been decimated but even if there was only 1 casualty it would have been too much...

Terrorists must not succeed
/em thanks Allakhazam heartily.
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
I have been reading the posts on here off and on since about 11am yesterday, and have spent quite a bit of time crying over the words expressed here. I want to say thank you to Allakhazam for allowing us this outlet of our grief and rage.
I am born and bred American and am proud of my country and how it is handling such a devistating event. Luckily I have not been directly affected in that I did not lose a loved one. But, I have been directly affected none the less. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of families are now missing a piece of them. No matter what country this may have happened to, it is devistating news. I knew there would be posts saying America deserved what has happened, and many more posts defending Americans. What has surprised me the most is the amount of support shown by other countries. Thank you for speaking up.
I am well aware that people who have lost someone to the tradegy will most likely be in mourning instead of visitng an EQ site, but I can tell you that those of you from other countries offering your sympathy and support to America has helped me. Knowing we are not alone in our grief is a great reassuance to me. Knowing we have support from people who may have never walked on our land shows how horrendous this event was, and still is.
There will be bickering on here as to wether we were deserving of this or not. What I would like explained to me is how, as I am American, did I deserve to spend the past 28 hours or so feeling so helpless, so grief stricken, so ashamed of human beings who could do something so cowardly? What did the families of those who died do to deserve the grief and rage they must be feeling at this point? What did all the people hurt by this do to deserve that pain? I can't speak for others, but I know I have done nothing. Actually, I will take the liberty to speak for the others who are too grief stricken to do anything more than cry. They did NOTHING except wake up and go to work. No one deserves to lose someone they love. No one deserves to know that kind of pain.
If you have ever lost a loved one, you know the amount of pain and suffering involved. If you haven't, there is no way you could imagine that kind of pain. The only thing I can think of is those who say we deserved this have never lost someone close to thier heart and have no idea what kind of pain that is, so they do not know what they speak of.
We, as a world, need to stand up and say this kind of horrendous terrorism will not be tolerated. We, as a nation, need to stand together and not allow this to break us. We, as human beings, need to think before we speak, think before we seek vengence, and think before we point our fingers and say "You got what was coming to you".
Until the last one can be accomplished, I will be happy to stand and defend those who are too grief stricken to defend themselves and those that were lost. Take your time to get over your grief. Cry. Rage. Scream. Do what you need to do until you can stand again. Until then, I, along with countless others, will be standing in front of you, doing our best to protect you from those who only wish to bring more pain to you.

a cleric formerly focused on healing, who is now focused on protecting
United Stance
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
As an Australian our government has already pledged its support to the states in the horrific hour. Our Prime minister who was visiting the States on trade talks was very close to the pentagon when it was hit and of course saw the devestation first hand.
Please be mindful when writing or commenting on this attack that it IS NOT JUST AMERICANS that are effected.
There are 61 Australians unaccounted for, be it in the towers as tourists, in the offices as international workers and on the planes which Australia thinks could have been used to be a link to LAX flights to Australia. The Trade towers would undoubtly have had tourists from all nations as well.
Now of course it would not have needed Australian casulties to have our support (which has been given) but it means that our nation is deeply affected as well and we send our condolonces to our American allies and to assure them that this is a GLOBAL problem effecting all free nations.
RE: United Stance
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
Thank you for your support...we will mourn your country's loss along with our own...Be safe

America is my home and I will protect it!
RE: United Stance
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
australians will make a powerful ally...
thank u for ur post and support brother..
a word
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
ok first of all..to all u people who bring god into this..stop...god gave us free choice, to do in our world as we wanted..tho ultimate judgement would come, we have the choice...god, in my honest opinion does not take part in our petty little wars...have any of u who spout bible verses and say god will make us win the war, thought that the same god u and i pray to for victory and justice, is the same god that these idiots and cowards prayed to before they plumetted a plane into our beloved NYC? when people start putting god and beliefs that god is sanctioning their war into the fighting...its BULL...becuz god leaves his children to make their own choices..the ones in the end who were wrong pay the price, but he does not stop us from making our choices and fighting our wars...and stop taking the bible so literally! its not meant to be taken literally down to every letter...its for each of ur own personal experiences, to learn morals from and the value of life, and to think that these morals that come from the same god these people worship were thrown out the window when they killed thousands of our people , makes me absolutely sick.

and to the rest of u who say turn ur cheek, and find another option other than retribution...get real! maybe in a perfect world (that i wish i lived in too, trust me) that would be in an option..but in a barbaric world w/ barbaric actions such as this...no other response will be taken seriously....when in rome do as the romans do...where these people come from its an eye for an eye, a life for a life..when u steal they used to cut ur hand off, etc...no other action other than retribution of a warlike manner will daunt these people...i have greaved and greaved all day, and looked at it from all angles...and this course were following (the one of strong talk and the drive to follow thru on it) is the only way that those who have died can rest, those who have been made to feel violated can be comforted...and those who demand justice will be satiated...
if we allow this to pass w/ no physical action or all we do is try to talk it out...other countries will believe they can do the same thing to us, and get no more than a slap on the wrist...

- my heart, my tears, my sorrow, and my pain goes out to all those in nyc, and to the country who is greaving w/ them...i gave blood today..so should all of u...every little bit helps...call the red cross and get info on a location to donate ur blood...ur brothers and sisters need u
thank u

and to the lady who posted the poem...that wuz a truly beautiful poem that brings tears to my eyes...god bless u
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
Yesterdays events were a shameful act by a group of people who dont even have the guts to admit to it.I lost 2 friends yesterday morning(and i cant begin to imagine how many others havent been found yet)in that cowardly attack on the pentagon,for these worthless piece's of "trash"(everyone knows what im really calling them)how can you stand there and say this is justified?What would you say if your family of friends were burried in the rubble,i hope they are or i hope they will be by the next time something like this happens.Its people like you who are destroying this country.I was sitting at the TV last night while Bush was talking praying that we go to war becouse unlike veitnam we have a reason to be there,and for the panty wastes defending this cowardice i will be on the front lines killing their innocent civilians women and children like they did ours i beleive we need justice i beleive we need revenge,i beleive we need to send a message out to anyone who would ever try this again that America will not be ****** with,and before anyone post "but we dont know who did it" we have a long list of terriorist organizations that we know where they are and what countries are harboring them,all we have to do is start at the top and work our way down
Horrible Atrocities
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
I am an american more than i am anything else...but i also am a syrian by my parents. Know this, all those terrorists that say they are martyring themselves are heathens and will burn in hell for what they have done (So it says in the Qu'ran) For this bin laden demon to justify attacking the united states, because the US established bases in saudi arabia is the most depicable evil in the world. Being a devout muslim, i am ecstatic that the United States feels the charity to maintain bases in saudi arabia and kuwait. I feel secure that their presence protects the most holy sites of my religion from other evil men like Saddam Hussein. I want to kill every terrorist ******* that was ever born, and as a US citizen it is not only my right but my duty to protect freedom at all costs. sign me up for war!
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
I just read some people asking to remove this thread cause there might be children reading! LOL you're kidding right! Your prolly the type that tells your 10 year old the babies come from storks! You mean to tell me children of any age shouldn't know what is going on here?! People like you make me laugh my *** off!

How about .. I know this is a CRAZY concept, thier uhhhm, PARENTS should be watching what websites (tv shows, books, miovies, ect.) they go to and monitor the content thier children are viewing. In addition - NO EQ website in my opinion is really appropriate for younger kids! Get real! LOL, pull this thread - how funny. The best part is in all ure resist the urge to post here BS - you did too. Whatever. Go sit under your little rock where everything is nice and clean and the easterbunny & perter pan can find you :)
America's Heart
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
Last night I wanted as did most of the world to find out more on what happened. I cried twice. Once for the loss of life, and the families of those that are lost or unaccounted for. Then for a local story of people (police, nurses, doctors, construction workers, electricians, etc) that have volenteered to go to NYC to help with the recovery effort, and the many trucks of supplies sent by local people to support the effort, also the people that are giving blood. The Red cross had to put a statement out that they can only take people by appointment to give blood because they can't handle all the people that have over run the local blood donation centers.

I am retired military and a disabled Vet. I gave most my life and most of my health to the U.S. I firmly believe in the oath I took so many times that says "I promise to defend United States against all enemies foriegn and domestic". I'm frustrated that since I'm diabled I couldn't go help and since I'm a diabetic they won't take my blood. I've sent a check to the local relief fund for the victims families. I wish I could do more but am proud to be an American more today than any time in my 45 years of life. I am so sorry it took such a great tragedy to bring out these feeling out.

On Dec 7 1941 after the attack on pearl harbor the Japanese Admiral in charge of the attack said " I'm afraid that we have awakened a sleeping giant" I feel yesterday that giant was awakened again. I feel that the american people are like my blood family. They will fight amongst themselves until they are attacked by someone from outside our family then they bond and will protect each other with passion rarely seen. Today there is no budget debate, no republicians, democrats, or other parties, just lots of angry americans, looking to protect their own.
RE: America's Heart
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
Thank you DesertFox for the correction. I haven't had the time to look it up and though I am fond of history I often misquote, but I do believe and this time I'm not quoting because I don't remember who said it but those that don't study history are doomed to repeat it.

The people Responsible for this are not a government. Because a government would know that to do what happened yesterday was to repeat the mistake Japen made.

I say this because many of those that are headed from my local area are of Muslim faith and or decent. They to are americans and I love them for it. Most arab countries support us. I don't blame them. I do think that the ones that do harbor terrists need to think long and hard. There is a price to be paid.
RE: America's Heart
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
The exact quote, translated is: "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled it with a terrible resolve" ADM. Yamamoto DEC 9, 1941. Now nearly 60 years later that phrase will once again be prophetic.
RE: America's Heart
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
I totally agree with those statements. Nothing else is in the headlines or the news...no petty bickering about anything. Many people say just kill all of a certain race or place just because they are that race. I do not believe this...i believe anyone that is connected...either in planning, carrying out, or protecting and hiding these evil people should be killed...a message must be sent now that we will not tolerate terrorists running amok.

I am in the U.S. Navy, stationed overseas, When I first saw the news i honestly thought it was a movie. Until I saw the video of the second plane hitting the second tower. I sat glued to the set all day and night praying for the victims of this trajedy. I am outraged and am ready to defend my country in any way that i can.

The Flag
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I've just heard on the raido that they are asking all americans with flags to fly at full mast today to show that we well *not* cower from this act of terror.

98% of Americans believe in striking back. 94% believe that even a long war would be justifyed. I whole heartedly agree.
Some ideas
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
To the person who claims there are no innocent people in afghanistan,

I would argue that the pictures that are seen are and would be a bit biased towards presenting the more horrific and shocking, and might not be representative of the attitude of the majority of people ( the majority who infact suffer under the Taliban regime currently in control). Even if it is true to some extent, do realize that the reality of human life to them is far different from ours. Loss of life is always a shock in this country. Over there, life being uncertain and often fleeting is taken for granted, and therefore they would not react with horror over the idea of thousands dying the way we would expect.

Now back to why i'm posting. I think that security of airports in the future is obviously going to change. Now a few things I thought might help was forcing all passengers to check ALL baggage (ie allow no carryons), and then subject them to a thorough search; while appearing as a large annoyance, and obviously allowing exceptions for certain reasons, I think this would have definitely averted the mode of hijacking seen yesterday (knives hidden in fake shaving cans was it?) And, perhaps even institute armed security on passenger flights. Although both these suggestions, particularly the latter, would call for a vast overhaul in infrastructure and feel like a violation of our "freedom", I think that freedom vs security is an important balance, and sometimes difficult comprimises need to be made for everyone's safety. What does everyone else think,

Beguiler Solusek Ro
I am not a religious man, but i prayed yesterday for the first time in years for the families going through this and for the attacks to be over. Please, even those atheists among you, i urge you to do the same, it could not hurt.
RE: Some ideas
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:15 PM Rating: Default
Well when thought hard enough about and not thinking about the pictures of the pally's dancing in the streets at their "Great and Noble Victory over America" i do understand that their are innocents over there,but i also think there were thousands of innocents over here that got the blunt of their people,im not saying nuke,no this has to be harsher,we need to send over our people to do the job,wipe the world clean of the filth,yes many of their "innocents"will fall to us but hey you tell that to the parents of my friends at the pentagon who never wanted more from the military than to just lead a life for them and their family.Ill be one of the first to go and i can say that american life is what ill be fighting for or should i say avenging.I can say that i would kill everyone of thoes celebrating fools and anyone else who gets in the way just for 5 min's to say goodbye to my friends they were better people that what could have come out of afganistan

this is for all the familys of the fallen brothers at the pentagon and The world trade center
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Us, members of humanity, have witnessed an incredible crime against life committed. People are very upset right now and message boards such as these are a way of dealing with the frustrations we are all feeling. This is NOT a useless thread. It is much better to vent here, than to take those frustrations out elsewhere. Sure, some of the posts might be extreme, and a bit obnoxious, but these are words of anger and saddness. If saying those things make those individuals feel better, then this thread has accomplished something. If you feel it is a useless thread, don't post or read it. It doesn't concern you then.

While this is an EQ page, what happened yesterday is much greater than EQ. Don't forget that these are real people behind the characters you see with real feelings. Let us begin to heal so we can prepare for wherever the future leads us.
An English Patient
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm from England and I'm definitely the person who advocates talk and peaceful solutions rather than violence, but there comes a point where you have to say no more. That point was reached yesterday.

Well it is time to take them up on the offer of them all being martyrs. These people have no interest in peace, they dance for joy when they hear of thousands of innocents dying, many of them probably from the same religion. As Bush said there will be no distinction between the terrorists themselves and the states that harbor them.

I hope for once the whole of Europe and that includes Russia gets behind the US and sends out a clear message that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated anymore and that the repercussions will be extreme.
Short and Sweet
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
There are NO innocent people in Afghanistan. If any American, young or old, ciuvilian or military, were to walk down the street there - anyone of them with enough dexterity to hold and plunge a knife into American flesh, whether they be 8 yrs old or 100, would do so with glee then spit on our corpses! The pictures we see everyday prove this as children, adults, and the elderly poeples of this pathetic, sick, twisten, misguided nation cheered that tens of thousands of TRULY innocent civilians died yesterday. Bleeding hearts reading this might feel differently if it was you mother, your son, your love that was terrorized on one of those flights yesterday watching helplessly as pilots of your flight were killed, flight attendants stabbed, and the sight of the WTC grew larger and larger in your window!

There are no innocent civilians there... I say, make it a damn parking lot!
RE: Short and Sweet
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
This is both childish and stupid.

Saying there are no innocents in Afghanistan is like saying there are no innocents in the US. Most members of a civilian populace are not involved with setting governmnet policy or approving of attacks.

Just as the average american is unaware of most forigen activities of the whole of the american government, the average Afghanastan citizen was not aware of a plot to attack the US on tuesday.

Please, try and show a little maturity. Yes, we are all upset and hurting but proclaiming that there are no innocents and that we should turn their country into a parking lot is EXACTLY the type absolutist belief that is behind terrorists attacks to begin with.
RE: Short and Sweet
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Most members of a civilian populace are not involved with setting governmnet policy or approving of attacks.

That's their choice. Indifference is just as powerful as direct action.
RE: Short and Sweet
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
It's very convienent to use cliches like that when you want to blame someone isn't it?

How would you like to have your family killed by someone upset over actions you never knew about that your government took (justified or not) in a place you have never been and by people you never met for reasons you were never told about?

Yeah, you'd just stand there and say "my family pays the price of my governmnet and that's ok".

Sure you would.

# Sep 12 2001 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm, I live in a little town in BC, Canada. Watched what happened on TV , most of yesterday.
People are still alive under the Rubble.
Last night I prayed to my God, to keep the search & rescue people safe! And to give them success!
I cannot imagine being alive under that rubble, waiting to be rescued!
So many firemen, police, people wanting to help, have died.
The magnitude of this devestation, is beyond anything I could have imagined.
My heart & prayer also go out the victims & their Family & freinds.
I am almost as old as Methusa, I have not cried for 30+ years ( Real men do not cry, period).

Yesterday I cried!

Today I pray!

Torsk Hoynite, Ad Gloriam
Dwarven Paladin of the 49th season
Lanys T'Vyl
What makes this hard...
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
The closest thing you can compare to this is the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan. However, there is one major difference: that was a military attack on a military target authorized by the government of Japan.

These demented individuals used civilian aircraft to kill thousands of civilians that had nothing to do with any military organization. Even the Pentagon, though it was a military target, was attacked using innocent civilians.

I would love for the US to launch a major military attack against those responsible, but who is responsible? The people that hijacked the planes are most likely dead, and we haven't been able to link them with any organization (yet...).

Do we attack those that support terrorist activity against the United States? What about those that just encourage it? As much as I was disgusted by the Palestinians celebrating the huge loss of innocent American lives, killing the celebrating Palestinians would require the same twisted logic that justified the attacks on New York by saying that every American is responsible when the US military does something that someone doesn't like.
Added info from Canada about the attack
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing.
America: The Good Neighbor

Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to A
remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a
Canadian television commentator. What follows is the full text of his
trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:

"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the
most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the

Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted
out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of
dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries
is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the
United States.

When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans
who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled
on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that
hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were
flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars
into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are
writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the
erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane. Does any
other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo
Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10? If so, why don't they fly
them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American

Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman
on the moon?

You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios.
You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles.
You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon -
not once, but several times - and safely home again.

You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the
store window for everybody to look at.

Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here
on our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian
laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking Down
through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the
Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody
loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of
other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone
else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was
outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned
tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this
thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to
thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present
troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those."

Stand proud, America!

RE: Added info from Canada about the attack
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
Pull your head out of it, buddy!

I hesitate to say anything critical about anyone after such a tragic event, and I really am shocked and totally sympathetic to those affected by the tragedy, but that arrogant rant is a (small) chunk of why the USA is so unpopular in so many parts of the world. It says nothing about the causes of this tragedy, all it does is bring tears to the eyes of good ole US homeboys and gals, and tears to the eyes of the rest of the world, that you can be so infatuated with yourselves.

There are so many errors of fact in your posting that it's a joke.

People, please don't flame me by thinking I'm somehow pro what happened, I assure you I think it's horrific. However, a response along the lines of "goddamn we're the best, we're the greatest, nobody loves us but we're still the best anyway" just aint constructive. It's the sort of attitude that reinforces the martyrs and continues the cycle of hatred.
RE: Added info from Canada about the attack
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
Canada along with Britain are the only ones on our side here. Thank you all who support our country and god bless all who are assisting in this terrible tragedy.
RE: Added info from Canada about the attack
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
Thank you you brought a ray of sunshine to an otherwise dark day.

America is my home and I will protect it!
RE: Added info from Canada about the attack
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent

RE: Added info from Canada about the attack
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you.
Fed up with you bastards
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
If one more idiot opens their mouth and spews forth anymore of this america is evil garbage... EVERY SINGLE GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD TODAY IS GUILTY OF SOMETHING. Most MiddleEast countries populations live below the poverty line yet some of the richest men in the world are their leaders. You do the math. Some anon idoit was spouting crap about why do we let Israel do anything. Do you honestly believe that we would interfere when the palastiniens are the ones with snipers on rooftops. suicide bombers, etc etc doing everything they can to kill more jews? Hell no, we're going to continue to support them with guns, money and whatever else it takes for them to be able to defend themselves. I have a better question. Where is YOUR GOVERNMENT? Why aren't you there or your countrymen there to help the palastinians if you believe in their cause so much? what? sorry? Can't hear you? Someone else mentioned the IRA. How about you also mention India. The black hole of Calcutta? or mention the fact that Britian occupies Ireland? Also mention the fact that the US govt doesn't support th IRA in any way. It's private citizens who raise money for them. Anyone else wanna spout more **** about how Americans are evil and forget to mention that thier leaders are full of the same **** ours are? You name the county I can name the attrocites.

Everyone else saying this type of discussion isn't why this thread is here? Can you read my mind next? I don't remember anyone posting why this thread was put up. As far as I'm concerned this thread to for anything we wish to say until the moderator of the thread says otherwise. You don't like this thread don't READ it. Heh people ******** this thread isn't appropriate for a game site... how DARE you? Get your own servers setup your own site THEN you get to decided whats appropriate.
RE: Fed up with you bastards
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
I totally agree with you. Every country has their attocites. If you want to hate Americans then hate Americans but don't expect us to sit and twiddle our thumbs while you annialate over 26,000 of our fellow Americans. Yes we to discriminate against our own sometimes. We never said we were flawless. Who is? Yet in this time of need be band together and aid in anyway we can. In fact, when other contries are in need we band together and aid in anyway we can. This is the heart of America. The helping heart.

For those who belive this is not the proper place for this forum. It's just a game! Well, it may just be a game for you but over the past 5 months since I started playing I have met some careing, loving people. We have had our laughs online and we do discuss RL topics online. They are my friends although I have never met some face to face. Two of my friends are in Germany right now on vacation. They are Americans and may not be able to come home tommorrow. This is not only a game to me. It is a way to keep in touch with the wonderfull people I have met. I have guild members who will be activated if we go to war. Because I can't be with them in person we will wish them a safe journey in game if this happens. It is not a game for me.

If you are playing this game you are probably 13 years old or older. Do you really belive any 13 year old in this country has not already seen the collapse of the towers at least 10 times. We are not exposing them to anything new. You should give our teenagers some credit. They too have feelings and thoughts and this is a way for them to express that. Would you prefer they continue talking about their phat lewt or learn of current events. This is happening in their country and they too have a voice and must be heard.

America is my home and I will protect it!
Thought and Empathy
# Sep 12 2001 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
I've read through a page of posts. I can't read any further. Though some of the posts bother me, it is not content that keeps me from reading further. It is the fact that there are 12 pages. I just can't read all of them.

I can't begin to describe how I felt watching the television yesterday. Because of the idustry I work in, I felt the events strongly, but not nearly so as those who had friends and loved ones killed yesterday. I can offer no real words of sympathy, for to me, sympathy means that I have some frame of reference for what you must be going through. And while I have felt the pain of losing one close to me, I have not personally suffered as a result of any event like this. I feel that what sympathy I have is simply not enough. But with empathy, my heart goes out to you, and so do my prayers, that whatever you are feeling, whatever you are going through, that you will find some peace and some comfort, be it in God/Diety, in simply coming to terms with the events and loss, or be it in seeing justice done.

I have read some of the posts and I can say only one thing: I love this country. I do not always love what we do. I do not always love our leaders. But there is an ideal that is America. And I love that ideal. I love that I live in a country where I can beleive one thing, and my neighbor can beleive another. And though we might fight bitterly, I can sleep at night knowing that we both have the freedom to hold those beleifs, even if those beleifs divide us. And it is because of the freedoms of this country that forums like this exist, where anyone can express thier views, weither they offer us sympathy, open thier hearts in empathy, or blame us for tragedy. You see, in many countries, a forum like this, it's creator would be hunted, imprisoned, and this forum would be taken down. In many countries we might have to find and refind this forum as it moved from server to server, possibly on new domains, as authorities came close or even found its authors. It is called freedom of speech, and it is by such avenues as the Internet that we are able to open freespeech to even places where it might not be free.
Ofcourse, I know little of how the 'net works internationally. I don't know if people in these countries could even access this site. What I do know is that people from other countries do, and our freedom is being used by them. And this is okay to me. Freedom held captive is not freedom at all. And I am not saying you can't bash america or blame us on this forum. This country is founded on many ideals. Free speech is one of them. So, if you are going to bash us and blame us, please remember the site that you are using, and from where it is founded, and whose freedom is giving you this forum to bash and blame us.

I can understand where animosity for America comes from. Some of it comes from our perceived interference in foreign affairs. Have we created some of our enemies? Not with the intention of doing so, no. We attempted to help someone who needed help, only to find that they had turned on us later. In our situations, we either supported our allies, or did what we beleived to be right. Would anything different be expected of us? Did we mettle? Did we get involved where we shouldn't? I can't say. I can only say that our actions of the last century are, atleast to my eyes, our attempt to learn from history.

Someone mentioned various involvements. They stopped at Pearl Harbor, but I will begin there. Up until that point we had, with the exception of some minor aid, remained out of the war. When Japan attacked us, that changed, and we entered the war, and won. Would we have entered otherwise? I can not say. I can say that WWII opened really our eyes to the fact that we are part of a world, and we can not forever remain apart from events. I beleive that our involvement since then has been a result of that lesson.

I wanted to thank Alla for putting this forum up. I know there are some who don't think it belongs here. I think that it is a fine thing to put up. I for one am happy to have the place to voice my feelings on what happened. It certainly beats reading these posts on the race/class forums, which might well have happened otherwise.

I truly beleive that our decisions as a country on this event will decide, atleast in some small part, our fate as a nation. I think that this act of terrorism is really on that scale. And, I think it will decide in some part, the future of this world. That is not ego on my part, nor is it pride. Were this any country that acts on a global scale besides america that was affected, I would feel the same way. We live in a global world. What affects one country does have a bearing on others.

This is, besides a chance for us to express our empathy and sympathy, a place for us to share information. I have some questions about the events of yesterday. If anyone has answers, please post newslinks in reply.

Yesterday, the report about a car bomb at the State Department. I saw that report on TV at work. I went home midday, and when I got home could find nothing else about that. Was this report substantiated?
Also, just before the report about the pentagon being attacked there was a report about a fire on the Washington Mall (we had a few people in the office who didn't know what that was, so just to make sure everyone knows, that is the street(s?) of monuments and memorials in Washington DC). Again, I saw no further reports about it. Was this substantiated and/or related?
If anyone has any info on those or knows newslinks for it, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for listening and in advance for your answers.

Peace and good journey to you.

Nucler Fallout is BAD
# Sep 12 2001 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default
Nuklear fallout, or the fear therof is what has kept the world in check for so long. Nukler weapons should never been created or perfected. Even if you launch one nuke to the exact opposite of the worls you pump enough radiation into the air to sevierly dammage EVERY living thing on the palnet, there are still traces of the Abomp from hershima in the air, and a nuke is 5 times as bad. Not to mention the death of MILLIONS of innocents, and if not millions tens of thousands. To unleash that hell on anyone would be to compair us to the terrorists. A Nuke doesnt destroy a military target, it ERADICATES evereything in a 50 mile radius, and sends up a cloud of radiation killing or maiming everything for another 100 to 400 mile radious. then the cloud spreds out infecting EVERY creature on the planet with radiation. It is not the anwser.

On a second note, i agree 100% with the president, everyone responsable and anyone who would protect them knowing what they have done should be a target. However i dont want more innicents hurt, this is why war is a bad thing, even if it is for a rightous cause, it puts many innocents in the crosshairs. Some of them die, and the cycle continues. I dont know when it all ends, but i know that at the end of my life i will join the lord in heaven for eternity. I wish that every life extinguished yesterday could say the same. If you believe in the christian faith then you know what death without faith in the lord meens. Its not just the end to a meger life, its eternal damnation, VERY sad but VERY true. Its hard for me to even think of the eternity that some of thee pore people face, and can only hope the number of them that faces it is small.

But back to the point of my post, Nucler war is not the answer. Most the people that post so are kids who dont know the implications they sugest, but it isnt the right thing to do.
We feel your pain as had we been hit ourselves....
# Sep 12 2001 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
What has happened to the American Nation today is an absolute horrible tragedy. I know its impossible to know how you must feel, but still my soul weeps at the insanity of it all. Such actions can never be right and I hope whoever was behind this will learn to realize that their horrible actions will haunt them forever in their pityful false and hollow souls. I hope the Americans unite to bring an end to terrorism like this.

From Denmark my heart goes out to all those who have been hit by this tragedy. In fact my heart goes out to the entire mankind...that we should ever see such a tragedy happen is beyond me...
# Sep 12 2001 at 10:07 AM Rating: Default
/em claps the sensible American, maybe there is hope yet!
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