Mythos's Marsh Lefler Talks to Mythos Guru

Mythos Guru has an awesome interview up with Mythos programmer Marsh Lefler.
MyG: How did you first get into the gaming industry?

Marsh: I’m one of those people who grew up playing video games. I was a total nerd – I still have level designs/sketches of entire games I created in elementary school. By high school I was creating/programming my own games. I bring this up because that’s how I got into the industry - creating my own games; having something to show.

I did go to college and afterwards resumes were sent. Of course I got no replies, so I finally marched myself down to the only gaming company I knew anybody in, and showed them the games I had been working on since I was a kid. Got hired that day.
Read more about his personal take on his game, and gaming in general.  If you're looking for more information about Mythos, check out our games list entry!

Ping0 and Flagship Studios unveil Mythos

Flagship Studios Seattle reveals details on highly anticipated free MMORPG on eve of public alpha test

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., (March 22, 2007) Ping0, LLC, a joint-venture between Flagship Studios and HanbitSoft, Inc., today revealed details on Mythos the highly anticipated massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Flagship Studios Seattle. The announcement coincides with the expansion of the Mythos alpha test.

"For Mythos, we started with the revolutionary style of gameplay we pioneered in the Diablo franchise. Then, by offering it free to download and play, we make it even more accessible to players. By designing the Mythos world from the ground-up to be an ever-changing place, we can quickly and seamlessly implement new ideas from a variety of inspirations," said Phil Shenk, Creative Director of Mythos and founding member of Flagship Studios, "Through the continued support of the Flagship community, we are striving to create what will be one of the most innovative role-playing games of recent years."

Mythos is an online, action role-playing game that is free to download and free to play. Set in the land of Uld – a fantasy world arising from the ashes of an epoch-long war of darkness – players assume the roles of fantasy heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest through entirely randomized dungeons and environments. With an elegant point-and-click interface and an accessible "isometric" perspective, Mythos is poised to have near-universal appeal. The game allows thousands of players to interact within the same world while using mostly "Instanced" dungeons to create unique gaming experiences suited for both solo and group-minded players.