Global Agenda Dropping Subscription-Based Model

According to a Twitter post from Hi-Rez Studios CEO Erez Goren earlier this evening, the indie developer will no longer charge a monthly subscription fee to play Global Agenda [via Massively]. "Global Agenda going Subscriptions Free," Goren wrote in the Twitter post. Previously, Hi-Rez Studios charged players a monthly subscription fee to access the MMOFPS's full, unrestricted gameplay (in addition to the initial game purchase). Despite several promotions to entice new players throughout the last couple months (free trials, half-price sales), we can only speculate that these and other efforts weren't enough to sustain Global Agenda's subscription-based revenue model.

In a new FAQ about the subscription drop on the official website, Hi-Rez Studios explains: "After receiving feedback from many existing and potential players, we believe that we will have the most thriving community by offering a non-subscription purchase model." The FAQ also states that all gameplay modes of Global Agenda will now be completely free-to-play after customers purchase the game. Players will not be charged for core gameplay updates and patches; expansion packs will pave the way for Global Agenda's new revenue model, in addition to the initial "box" price.  The company also posted a press release about the change in the official forums, apparently slated for distribution tomorrow (the release is dated June 25). Global Agenda is on sale for 33 percent off until July 4 on Steam, according to post. Check out the full details in the official press release after the jump.