Dragon Nest Seeking Closed Beta Testers!

Nexon is now accepting applications for a closed beta test of Dragon Nest which is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 17. Players interested in participating in the CBT should visit the official Dragon Nest site and log in with their Nexon passport, or create a new one, and submit an application.

In the beta, players will get to play as any of the game’s four starting character classes (Archer, Cleric, Sorceress and Warrior), and will get to experience a portion of the game’s content up to level 16. For more informations and to submit your application head on over to the Dragon Nest official site!

Dragon Nest Update: Tons of New Info & Videos

Nexon has just released a huge amount of new information regarding their upcoming action-MMO, Dragon Nest. The site has been updated with full pages for each of the four classes including videos of the heroes in action. Get a closer look at the Archer, Sorceress, Cleric and Warrior in the videos after the jump.

Also check out the new video highlighting the game's combo system. Interested in the back story? Learn all about how a simple girl named Rose becomes the key to unsealing the dragon lustres in The Death of The Dragons: The World Begins With a Crime.

The update also brings a dev blog by Desmodeus as well as tons of new artwork and screen shots. Check out all the videos after the jump and head on over to the Dragon Nest official site for more details.

PAX: Our Hands-On Look at Dragon Nest

Nexon unveiled the new hands-on demo for its upcoming free-to-play action MMO Dragon Nest at PAX East. The game is developed by Eyedentity Games and is scheduled to launch this summer in North America. It combines fast-paced action with a distinct art style to create a fun to play fantasy game. Global Marketing Assistant Moon Kim was excited to walk me through the new demo and showcase the game's real-time instant gameplay.

"The strength of Dragon Nest is that everything happens in fast action. All the actions you take are real-time actions. So you dodge in real time and you attack in real time. Even if you have only one hit point left, you can dodge and attack to stay alive and still have a chance to defeat your enemies," said Kim.

The ZAM.com PAX Awards

This year we decided to cover PAX more aggressively than we have in the past and one of the by-products of that choice is our first annual PAX Awards. Even though the convention focuses on tabletop, PC and console games, MMOs were featured extensively, demonstrating they continue to become more and more popular in the gaming world. As such, due to our MMO focus we had to be extremely selective about what kind of awards we gave out and who we gave them to; however, we’re happy with the end result and we hope that you, our readers and the recipients of these awards will be as well. So without further ado, the Nominees!

Dragon Nest PAX Preview

One of the prevailing themes at PAX this year was free-to-play, persistent-world games that are not only highly innovative but also easily accessible to casual gamers. Among the stand-outs is Dragon Nest, being developed by Eyedentity and published by Nexon.  We had the chance to play-test a localized demo of the game and chat with assistant producer Matthew McCullough from Nexon.
Dragon Nest is an action-combat MMORPG with gameplay reminiscent of Devil May Cry, although charmingly colorful and less macabre.  Players can group to form four-person parties and battle their way through fast-paced dungeons complete with challenging boss fights.  Items and gold are dropped throughout the dungeon, but the real loot is awarded based on each player's combat acumen at the end of a boss encounter.  The game scores players with a familiar letter-grade system that takes into account style and combo points.