Trion Supports Defiance Players at Launch

With some of the tech issues surrounding the launch of Defiance, Trion Worlds is rewarding players by giving away a few gifts as an appreciation of their support. The following items will be sent straight to players' Defiance accounts:

  • An Exclusive Launch-Only In-Game Title
  • 1-Week Weapons Skill Boost
  • 1-Week Scrip Boost
  • 1-Week Loot Boost
  • 1-Week XP Boost

Trion isn't just trying to sooth player woes with free loot. The team is "working around the clock to deliver a gaming experience that exceeds fan expectations." To meet these expectations, they will be having a massive client patch next week and then another two weeks after that. Among the planned fixes are:

  • Improved Server and Client Stability
  • Main missions will be replayable after completion of the last mission
  • Extraction timer upped from 30 to 90 seconds to allow more time for other players to revive you
  • Optimized objects to minimize pop-up and improve overall performance
  • Area voice chat will be improved and will be off by default
  • Voice and text chat channels will be able to be muted independently
  • Text chat will display for longer and won't hide when sprinting or boosting
  • General polish and bug fixes for all missions and side missions
  • Bug fixes on player characters
  • Gerneral polish and bug fixes for all co-op and solo maps

Defiance: Launch Day

Today is the day for fans of Defiance.

Ark Hunters across the world will be able to search for precious alien technology, while fighting off hordes of vicious creatures and ruthless competitors. From today, players can join in the story that will cross over from Defiance the game to the eponymous television series, debuting on SyFy on April 15.

To celebrate the launch, a snazzy new trailer has been produced to give a feel for just what to expect.

Defiance: The Pre-Launch Preview

This moment has been a long time coming. After clocking into the beta weekends and playing alongside thousands of other Ark Hunters, I’m finally able to share my opinion of Defiance with you. With Trion’s shooter MMO due to launch on April 2, it’s certainly been an interesting journey to get to this point. Bear in mind though, this is a preview based on the final beta - the actual launch version may be different.

Become the Ark Hunter

Ark Hunter, it’s time to enlist! With the Defiance launch rapidly approaching, this weekend is your last opportunity to try out Trion’s MMO third-person shooter before release. Thanks to those great people at Trion, we have a limited number of beta access codes to get you into the action. You’ll need to act fast though, as Advance Mission Beta 3 opens at 07:00 Pacific on Friday, March 22.

The Making of Defiance: Chapter 6

With the Defiance premiere only a mere month away, there is another 'Making Of' video on the Defiance YouTube Channel. Chapter 6 explores the father daughter relationship between Nolan and Irisa, sure to be at the forefront of the shows plot line. To experience this unique tie in between TV series and MMO for yourself, tune into SyFy on April 15 (9/8c). We've included the "Making of Defiance Chapter 6: Nolan and Irisa" video after the jump.

A Pass for All Seasons

Launch day is almost here. Trion’s multi-platform MMO Defiance opens on April 2nd, inviting gamers to explore a post-apocalyptic world torn asunder by alien terraforming technology and decades of war. In addition to pre-order, players can now pre-purchase a Season Pass, bundling the first five DLC packs with bonus in-game items.

New Defiance Trailer: Shadow War

Trion Worlds released a new trailer for Defiance today covering their open world PvP dubbed the Shadow Wars. While open world PvP is nothing new to PC gamers, Trion claims this to be something that console players have never experienced.

Defiance Sponsoring SCI-FI LONDON Film Festival

Defiance, the upcoming MMO by Trion Worlds, was announced in a press release earlier today as being the lead sponsor for the SCI-FI LONDON Film Festival. Defiance is set for an April 2nd release, but the film festival is being held almost a month later from April 30th through May 6th.

Louis Savy, Director of SCI-FI LONDON, expressed the festival's excitement to be working with Defiance. “Defiance is a completely unique multimedia experience and we are thrilled to be bringing it to Science Fiction fans from all over the UK. At SCI-FI-LONDON we take pride in introducing new and exciting projects to our community, it is the foundation of the whole festival experience.”

While the festival looks to be a good place for Defiance to be shown off, it is interesting that the film festival is being sponsored by the game and not the TV series set for a mid-April premiere.

Matt "Mattsta" Adams

Defiance: Ark Hunter Chronicles Coming Soon

Well now, what's this here? Some kind of web series based on Defiance?

Maybe a prequel to the SyFy channel series? Maybe a show about learning the game itself?

Who knows! There's an entire canvas of potential here. Let's see where it goes.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Defiance: Beta 2 Giveaway


Defiance is an MMO that is eagerly anticipated for a number of reasons, including its close ties to the SyFy television program that takes place in the same world.

As the game ramps up towards its April launch, this weekend, February 8 (8am PST) to February 10 (9pm PST), will be the first opportunity for many players to jump into the closed beta and test the action packed shooter. If you played in the first Advanced Mission Beta, you'd better go tell your friends as it's their chance to join you for AMB 2.

To help get as many Ark Hunters in-game as possible, Trion Worlds has teamed up with ZAM for our second Defiance beta key giveaway.