Darkfall Online Dealing with DoS Attacks

Those of you lucky enough to participate in the Darkfall Online Beta reportedly had some problems. This is to be expected in beta testing, and likely the reason why the game has been delayed.  After sorting out the Denial of Service (DoS) Attack against their servers, they posted explanations and detailed plans as to what they are going to do next.

Testers experienced periodic low download speeds and various minor errors and hiccups which were soon dealt with. We increased our patching capacity and corrected small errors, until everything was running smoothly. For launch we will have in place a peer to peer system which should greatly improve download speeds and make the downloading and patching run smoothly.

Nevertheless, as most of these problems could not have been foreseen, Adventurine still manages to make everything turn up rosy. They are handling the issues in stride, and we shall be waiting for the news from the publisher on a release date and any further issues or developments.