Allakhazam Warps Into Crusades

Have you ever looked up into the sky and wondered what it would be like to explore the heavens? The team working on Crusades at Vizual F/X Studios have and they would like to give you the opportunity to do just that. We had the opportunity to talk with Daniel 'FatalFX' McMillan about the game; check it out!

Allakhazam : Can you tell us a little bit about your game?

FatalFX : It has been said that is seems 'no game being created is done so out of purity or love for adventure anymore.' However, we disagree. 'Crusades' was created out of the love for adventure. It is an effort to restore the sense of exploration that was prevalent in the early days of science fiction culture.

In the first release, Chapter One - A New Beginning , players will set out on a single planet. It is important that players build up an economic infrastructure, learn essential skills, and gather resources needed to defend what they create before venturing out into the vast expanse of the Universe. The addition of spacecraft in Chapter Two - Explore & Colonize , will present an opportunity for players to explore a virtually limitless expanse and truly 'build their own place in the universe.' The planets allow for massive amounts of player created settlements that may eventually evolve into player owned empires. In time, you might one day log on to discover that your city is under attack or that your guild is launching a full-scale raid against a distant empire.