Champions Online's Art Corner: Cyberlord

Champions Online has a new art corner post from Lead Artist Brad Stokan, with this week's topic being: Cyberlord! Cyberlord is the newest villain to arrive in CO's ongoing Comic Series adventure, and he's arrived to get at all that alien technology the Roi'Nesh left behind when they crashed into Canada. So it's robot art! Everybody loves robot art!

For more art pieces on Cyberlord, go to the Champions Online art corner page.

Electric Teleporting comes to Champions Online

Do the electric slide teleport! Cryptic has a new travel power out for all your teleporting and... electric needs? I'm running out of witty things to say here. Long story short, Champions Online players can now purchase the new Electric Teleport travel power from the Cryptic store for a measly 420 Cryptic Points.

But wait... there's more! On further examination, purchasing this travel power doesn't unlock just one travel power, it unlocks two travel powers: Electric Arc and Lightning Flash! From what I can decipher of those horrendous tooltip descriptions (both just say you "transform into pure energy, causing you to move at shocking speeds"), the Electric Arc travel power is essentially super speed, but it transforms you into an electric spark, while Lightning Flash is the teleport skill that makes you invisible when you use it. Maybe you should purchase the Electric Teleport pack, then come back to let me know.

Champions Online Art Corner: Whiteout Edition

Have any of you ever watched Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland? The Roi'Nesh from Champions Online's latest update, Whiteout, remind me of the Nightmare King and his freaky tendrils. Don't ask me why. Also, don't ask me why I'm thinking of an animated movie from 1989, because I honestly have no answer for you.

Anyway, Champions Online is highlighting the art of their new update, Whiteout, in their latest art corner dev post. If you're kind of curious about the cool villains and visuals of Whiteout, it would be wise to check out the art corner. CO's Lead Artist, Brad Stokan, also notes that Issue 1 of Whiteout is "just the tip of the iceberg," as the team has "cool genre moments, chilling twists, and mood oozing from every corner" in Whiteout's following updates.

Champions Online debuts new "Pulp" Costume Set

Someone's going to need to explain to me what Pulp means in the context of this costume purchase. My best guess is that they're using it to mean the "sensationalist writing of poor quality" (thank you Google), but I'm still not entirely sure how that relates to costumes. Perhaps it's a film genre. Or maybe these are the costumes normally associated with bad writing. Could it be that bad writers have costumes? Does Stephanie Meyer have one?

Stream of consciousness writing aside, Champions Online is rolling out their new "Pulp" Costume Set, and it features two "Pulp" guns and a bevy of old-school outfits that remind me of War of the Worlds. They're worth taking a peek for, especially that in-store description. That's pretty good pulp writing.

Champions Online unveils Comic Series dev diary

Semi-awkward presenting aside, Champions Online's new Comic Series Dev Diary is looking pretty cool with what the team has in store for their second Comic Series: Whiteout. Fans really appreciated Champions Online's first Comic Series, Aftershock, so Cryptic has responded by trying to get another one out there, but with a few story-telling improvements here and there. I just like listening to the devs talk, because they sound so very prepared.

Champions Online Reveals Bird Hero Costumes

The latest concept art release from Champions Online is showing off their Bird Hero Costumes! Also known as the "Steel Hawk" Costume set, Lead Artist Brad Stokan notes that he really wants to focus on the "sleek and sexy," with razor-wings, under-arm wings, and, of course, tights. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to craft these outfits, considering you need to make sure it looks good as a whole set, but can also be mixed and matched into other sets. But then again, everyone loves birds, so this should be no problem. Right? RIGHT!? 

Blazing Speed Travel Power now available in CO

My guess is that Champions Online's latest travel power is simply the super speed power, but with little flames appearing behind you, but that's OK. Who doesn't like leaving behind a trail of flames? Granted, this also means that you'll have to take the super speed travel power (which is sort of the lamest of them all), but it's certainly tempting.

Champions Online's State of the Game: Novenmber

A new month means a new Champions Online State of the Game summary! This month, Cryptic is changing up their State of the Game angle, with high-level development concepts going into the SotG address, and more specific game changes going into the UNTIL Field Report forums. Moving right along, this month's State of the Game address talks about a new Comic Series (the second of its kind), called Whiteout, where players will get to run around Canada finding aliens and snow. Lots of snow.

CO also has a lot of Winter Events planned up for Christmas, although what kind of events they are remains to be seen. We've also got a review coming for the Infernal Framework, as well as two new frameworks, Earth and Wind, with the Wind framework just beginning to enter preliminary testing.

Check out Rob Overmeyer's full State of the Game address over at the Champions Online website.

Champions Launches Free Archetype Rotation Program

Cryptic has kicked off a new Free Archetype Rotation Program that will give free Champions Online players the opportunity to try out premium Archetypes at no cost. The following Archetypes will be available during the six-week rotation cycle:

To celebrate with the rotation program, Cryptic is offering all players one free Character Slot through Nov. 3.

Exec Producer Releases UNTIL Report, Ask Cryptic

Champions Online Executive Producer Rob Overmeyer is a busy guy. Not only has he answered almost 100 questions in this month's Ask Cryptic segment, but he has also kicked off a new series of UNTIL Field Reports that will give you an idea of what's coming in future updates. Players can expect to see a new field report every other month to coincide with the release of the State of the Game letters.

If that's not enough Champions Online news for you, then you'll be happy to hear that Cryptic is hosting a 20% off sale in the C-Store all week! The sale ends on Friday, September 30 at 10 a.m. PDT.