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Sepukku Post #....?Follow

#1 Oct 01 2004 at 6:25 AM Rating: Excellent
864 posts
The following confirms the character known as sepukku as being a complete *** and/or a 13 year special ed kid who thinks he is high and mighty and has no friends at school. This is what happened.

So me and taruk (a nice whm taru ^^) decide to make a party and go to quicksand caves to level off beetles and the spiders there. Well it takes about 40 minutes to get the party together and we only have 5 people and we need one more. So we are searching and taruk sees that there is a lvl 46 rdm in windurst. His name is "Sepukku" i said oh great the guy from the posts i will give him a shot though because i am that kind of guy. Well the first thing he does is ask who is in the party. Taruk tells him and he must have done a /sea all of each member because he didn't like our samurai's sub and said he wouldn't join because of it. WELL i said **** sepukku then he can go do his thing and i will find someone else cause i don't feel like being a jerk to this samurai who traveled all the way from san'doria to the crawler's nest just to find out we are going to quicksand caves. Well i start looking for another person and find another samurai in bastok. I start talking to him and ask him to join when sepukku sends taruk a tell and says that he will come and party (-_-;) Well i think about how much the samuraui could help us and i think about how much refresh can help us and so i politely say sorry to the samurai and give sepukku a chance. So we all finally decide to go to quicksand caves and it turns out the samurai and the thief don't have tele altep. So we say its ok and they make their way to bastok and taruk tele's me and the paladin because sepukku is still taking the airship to jeuno. Well it takes another 20 minutes to get everyone to altepa because the thief and the samurai had to go through korroloka tunnel and make their way to the caves. So we fight about 2 things and the fights were taking way too long compared to the EXP we were getting. Finally on the 3rd fight taruk happened to be afk or something on accident and he didn't cure for the last leg of the fight. The paladin proceeds to die because there were no cures and a sickle slash kills pretty fast. Then it proceeds to kill the samurai because the thief had been switching SATA"s back and fourth. The spider has a slither of health left and the rest of us zone. So we are standing out there (MIND YOU THIS PARTY TOOK ABOUT A LITTLE OVER AN HOUR TO PUT TOGETHER AND TRAVEL TO OUR HUNTING GROUNDS) and sepukku says "Taruk you are a moron why didn't you cure?" I say it was a complete accident and that it won't happen again and taruk says it was too and apologizes. Sepukku then proceeds to call us noobs and that he could get way better XP somewhere else. He then disbands says a few choice words to taruk our whm and warps back to his Home point. This is all while we are stuck here and our paladin and samurai are dead inside. If this does not classify sepukku as a complete ******* i don't know what does. We decided to get everyone raised and tele dem and went to the crawler's nest. We got a bard to replace sepukku (Chaithai ^^) and got way better exp.

Thats what i have to say and let this be a warning
Lurking since '04


#2 Oct 01 2004 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
324 posts
Poor Taruk...I know the little guy
But you have been Sepukku'D!
Sorry for the lame joke...
Edit: Oh and about his post #, I do not know the exact value, but I believe it is quite a bit, and his karma rating is pretty low.

Edited, Fri Oct 1 08:32:30 2004 by Killikun
#3REDACTED, Posted: Oct 01 2004 at 2:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dude. The PLD was pissed at you, not just me. The THF sympathized with me and the PLD as well. You stood there. Me and the SMN and PLD (all 3 out of MP except for SMN) were standing there, my convert wasnt ready (because I was using 400-450 MP a battle cause you refused to bring a Damage Dealer), and me and the PLD are yelling "CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE" like a bazillion times
#4 Oct 01 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
864 posts
NOTE: THIS IS SANO WHO POSTED THIS NOT TARUK ----> And yes i don't have to jump on the bandwagon because i personally know what you are like now. And NO the pld did not say that because i had a conversation with him and he said he didn't mind dieing at all cause it happens to paladins all the time not that he likes it or anything. It was a simple mistake that you turned into a BIG DEAL. Leaving a party after the 3rd kill is not cool. Not to mention it took a little over an hour to get everyone together and out to quicksand caves. I think you need to re-think how you play sepukku. IT IS NOT JUST ME THAT THINKS THIS WAY! You either need to grow up or please do us all a favor and change servers because no one likes an ******* and that is what you were not just to me but the 4 others in the party!
Lurking since '04


#5 Oct 01 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
Dude Sano ur an ***. All cause sepukku warped after 2 people died, u flip on him. Damn dude i would quit a pt if the whm was just stopped curing, and u cant blame the messager, since half the pt was also mad. I think i remember when sepukku was there, i watched the whole thing. The pt structure was bad, why was there a reason to stay, if u dont like a pt quit. You dont just stay in a pt just cause its only the 3rd fight, by then u know if its bad or not.
#6 Oct 01 2004 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
864 posts
Ok how could this party be bad (-_-;)

paladin, white mage, summoner, samurai, thief, red mage

Second its not like the whm didn't cure on purpose he happened to be afk or something. It was a complete accident. It also makes me mad when someone just disbands after 3 fights when you spend the little time you have playing getting a party together just to find out it doesn't work because someone is a moron. We could have just raised them and all gone back to the Crawler's Nest and got uber exp together (Which we did with chaithai the bard). So no it is not me being the *** here. And NO the party was not mad because they obvisously wanted to go back with TARUK and I to the CN to level. And yes our new party worked out not because taruk was a bad whm it was a complete accident during that fight. We also got another red mage later when the bard had to go and the exp flowed just fine. If you want to rant on me go ahead but i don't think i am the bad guy here. Maybe you play this game every minute of your day and so an hour or more that is worth nothing is no big deal to you but I like to get something out of the time I play not just to give a party one chance because I think i can get better exp somewhere else. If i DID think that i could get exp better somewhere else i would tell the party leader when they asked me to join in the first place. Not leed the party leader on for an hour thinking that you can be there for awhile just to see you leave cause things didn't go the way you planned. I hope you will think about what i just said kuzy because i don't remember you being in the party at the time or haveing the conversation we had together. If the other members DID have hard feelings then i apoligize for makeing the party in the first place and take full blame for what happened in quicksand caves. But from what they said to me and what Sepukku was saying to taruk and I, i think don't think the party had any problems with the rest of the party members just Sepukku. Just go ask travisimo, bolo, taruk, or willi in the game and they will tell you what i have just posted above.

Good luck to you
Lurking since '04


#7 Oct 01 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
864 posts
Also it was the 3rd fight in a place where none of us had fought before EXCEPT SEPUKKU HIMSELF we were all in the correct level range and fighting what SEPUKKU told us to fight. So if the exp did turn out to be bad we could have just gone back to the normal leveling spot where we knew it was good but we felt like trying something new.
Lurking since '04


#8 Oct 01 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
Id like to point out I only warped after you kicked me from the PT for not saving the PLD (even though I had ~5MP and the WHM had 250)
#9 Oct 01 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
864 posts
i would like to point out that we did not kick you from the party. You left and sayed we sucked and you could get better EXP elsewhere. I stood there and watched you say all that **** about evil kineval to taruk. I just replied with {take care} {good bye} (^_^) after YOU disbanded from the party. I REPEAT YOU DISBANDED FROM THE PARTY!
Lurking since '04


#10 Oct 01 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
864 posts
Oh yeah HOW could i have possibly kicked you from the party?

1. I was the leader and stood there and watched you disband and give the speech about how you could get better XP elsewhere.
2. Why the **** would i have posted that freaking huge message and creat the party for 1 hour just to kick the red mage of all people.

Sepukku you mast either have a really bad memory or alzimer's disease(SP?) I just hope you did find that XP elsewhere because our party sure did too ^^
Lurking since '04


#11 Oct 01 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
"I did this, he did that" Blah blah blah. Do you realize theres no difference in the amount of proof between what you say and me saying "a whale ate my sister"? Anyone can say anything. I believe my side of the story. My LS believes me, my RL friends on Shiva believe me, and Im sure some others do too. With no proof youll never convince everyone.
#12 Oct 01 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Default
If youre so "ANGRY" over this, sitting in front of your PC to reply to my posts so quickly, then I doubt youd be non-angry enough to not boot me from party and actually give me polite corteous comments when/if i disbanded (which i didnt), eh?
#13 Oct 01 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
451 posts
*walks into the room and sees seppuku and Sano wrestling on the ground*
sano yells "it was him!"
seppuku yells "No it was him!"

Kloe says "i believe sano" then walks out the room.
#14 Oct 01 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
567 posts
Aww, don't be too hard on Sepukku. A whale ate his sister, so it's a tough time for him.
#15 Oct 01 2004 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
864 posts
Why would I just boot you from the party sepukku. None of us were very happy with the WHM at the moment and i didn't take your comments very seriously because i was frustrated too. It wasn't until YOU disbanded that i became angry. I can't believe you don't even remember what you do in the game.
Lurking since '04


#16 Oct 02 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
i dont care what you have to say on Sepukku.

HE SUCKS ***!!!!
#17 Oct 03 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
142 posts
sepukku, you are right that there is very little factual evidence but there is evidence.

1. Sano writes this post
2. you post trying to shift the blame and focus on Sano.
3. Sano posts refutting your claims
4. you post saying that you were kicked from the pt
5. sano refuts your claim and reiterates his earlier comment saying you disbanded
6. you make a comment on how no one can really believe anything from anybody.
7. Sano repeats his earlier points about you disbanding and comments about your lack of memory.

Of those seven events, I myself find Sano to be more believable. Afterall the most damning evidence is: why write a whole big *** post over something you don't really believe? furthermore Sano has responded with clear passion and unwavering conviction. You on the other hand have used vague reasoning and have shifted your rebuttle's focus three times. So IMHO you are hiding something Sepukku for whatever reason; ultimately doesn't matter to me. I just think its silly when people use this game as an extension of their paranoia (i.e. can't trust no one).

Edited, Sun Oct 3 01:59:20 2004 by Ceraphine
#18 Oct 03 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Default
All I see here is, Sano just saying blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah sepukku blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah warp blah blah blah blah pld and whm blah blah blah blah. You are making no point to this what so ever, so just shut up.
#19 Oct 03 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
142 posts
[snip=blah] just shut up.

It is unclear who you were referring to. Yet if it was me, I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Here is a better idea, if you don't like a thread; don't read it. If you don't like my post, rate it down.
#20REDACTED, Posted: Oct 03 2004 at 2:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) to get attention
#21 Oct 03 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
227 posts
I know one thing about Taruk, he will always help. Calling him an *** when almost an entire server hate you...?!? This topic remind me times i was 13yo and i thought i knew everything, how i was sure my opinion was the only worthwhile and how i didnt hesitate to call asses ppl who actually were right..Im happy to be older now.
#22 Oct 03 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
864 posts
attention my *****
Lurking since '04


#23 Oct 03 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
132 posts
"Can't We all just get along??" (J/K)

I find myself believing Sano, mainly because he presents a convincing account, and people only get defensive when they're trying to make themselves look innocent.

I've left a pty after a 3rd fight... hell, i've left DURING the first fight one time, since the WHM wasn't healing, she was standing near the mob hitting it with her hammer. >_< The War wasn't Voking, and the Thief was ******** about getting all the drops... >_< that pty was horrid!!

of course, we shouldn't compare to the worst. There are numerous accounts and stories of Seppuku being a jerk/***/*censored* and so forth... I've yet to hear anything bad about Sano.

but honestly... there's no point in fighting about it eh?? i mena come on, past is past, already done, can't change it... move on. it was a bad PT experience... we've all had them... just treat it liek the rest and move on. people on the game can be jerks. liek the ones that stand there and watch you take on a gob that's aggrod you and after the gob slags you, they kill it in 2 hits, and move on without even shouting for a raise for you.

It's a game, people. while you can take it seriously, just remember that there are other things that are worth getting worked up over, aside from who stole what, and why the PT sucked a Dahlmel's left nut. ^_^
#24 Oct 03 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
227 posts
Here a lil story just to show what kind of player is Taruk: I was walking in Lathaine and i saw a dead body where nobody had the chance to see him. He was in a far corner, i dont know what he was doing there and what i was doing there either. So i sat beside the deadbody and began looking for a raiser. Taruk (i knew him already) was in the dunes, i /tell him the situation and he said he will come.

5 minutes later a guy passed and said he'll go to Sandy, switch job and return back to raise the deadbody. Good!! I /tell Taruk (who was already ohw) that he didnt have to come anymore. He said its o.k. 10 minutes after the guy called from Sandy and said he have to log and sorry and blahblahblah.

The dead body was now almost running out of time, so i /tell Taruk again about the unknown deadbody, he said he'll help again.
So Taruk came to the plateau and when he finally arrive near us, it was to see that the deadbody isnt dead anymore, he was just raised by a passing by WHM.

Taruk as gentleman as he is wasnt pissed or anything. He talked a bit with us and then get back to what he was doing. We were 3 saying thx to him but loosing half an hour to raise somebody who isnt dead worth more than 3 thx and /bow.

Sepukku did you ever loose time for others? If so are you happy to do it?
#25 Oct 03 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Wow, Ceriphine is the court marshall AND Judge.

Case: Who has the worst rep as a player, who is quilty of their actions?

Case- A faulty accusation? Or a disbelieved member of society?

Sano: Plantiff
Sepukku: Denfendant

Trial by Jeuno Law.

Jury: Us

Trial & Virdict:

As from the rep. iv'e seen from some people.

Sano is Not-Guilty.

Sepukku is guilty, Court adjourned.

#26 Oct 04 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Sepukku wrote:
my convert wasnt ready (because I was using 400-450 MP a battle cause you refused to bring a Damage Dealer)
Just had to point this out; Sano brought a Sam and a Thf. Both those are DD's, are they not...?

But yeah... I'm leaning toward Sano's account this time round.
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