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Harry Potter book 6 ending(contains spoilers)Follow

#1 Jul 17 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
I just finished the 6th book last night(only took me 13 hours, hurray!) but I was a little shocked by the ending. The fact that Dumbledore was murdered was suprising, but evenmore so that snape wentback/never left the dark side.So, what do you think the 7th book will be like? I have thought about this but canot fathem anything except that harry kills the remaining 5 parts (mabye 4, the locket is still unknown to be destroyedor not by...whats his name? r.o.t.?)of voldemort's soul, as the last sentance of the 7th book was suposed tobe something like "Ron looked at Harry's forehead then said'Harry, where's your scar'?"
#2 Jul 17 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
4,194 posts
What confuses me;

If Voldemort split his soul into 7 Horcruxes then it breaks down as:

1 inside Voldemort
1 nside Nagini the snake
1 inside the Hufflepuff cup
1 inside the Slytherin necklace
1 inside the locket that was taken before Harry and Dumbeldore got there

Those are the ones that we can be certain about and it was assumed that there was another in a Ravenclaw trinket. Does this mean that the last one is in Harry?
#3 Jul 17 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
You forgot about the diary. That was a piece as well
#4 Jul 17 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
It's not totally certain that Snape fully returned to the Dark Side. Granted, it doesn't look too good but it's quite possible that Snape will be the best aid Harry is going to get in the fight with Voldemort.

Much better book than part five btw, at least imo. Can't wait for part 7.
#5 Jul 17 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
454 posts
The book didn't deserve an ending. I've been reading her series from the start and this is the first book I can say I honestly hated it.

A few short reasons:

Completely OOC. Harry during the first match? Since when has he resorted to Malfoy tactics to catch the snitch? Since when has Hermione went out with someone to get Ron's attention? Since when has Ron be normal around girls (Lavender...)?

Who the hell is this random Minister of Magic? Some random guy we never heard about, right J.K.

The wizarding war wasn't "at war" as J.K. said it would be. When I think of war, I think of mass chaos and panic. There wasn't that, everyone just seemed to have lost their emotions (and minds) and a few giants ripped apart a town.

Where did Lupin go? So much for he being Harry's friend, they talked..once? Maybe twice?

When has the ending of her stories been that quick? Was I the only one who felt like the story was entirely rushed and out of nowhere we were in the climax of the story, which was rushed.

So, big man Voldemort is "terrorizing" the world yet do we see him at all? Nah, of course not.

Random DADA teacher out of nowhere and half of the story seemed to revolve around him. Yes yes, I know that he once taught Tom but did we really need to read about him every 5 paragraphs?

Rowling needs to make one hell of a comeback with book 7 or she has lost my respect.

Edited, Sun Jul 17 16:04:14 2005 by Tatrun
#6 Jul 17 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
517 posts
I have a theory that most people will probably say "Grasping at straws" but I believe there is ample evidence for it.

Dumbledore is not dead he and Snape faked the death scene. Before I give evidence I will give why I believe Dumbledore would do this. He needed to get away from the world. Having to hop back and forth between the hunt and Hogwarts was interfering (and he had all info he needed from Hogwarts after Harry got the memory) and his students were getting injuries that were meant for him. If everyone thinks Dumbledore is dead though he can freely grab and destroy the other Horcruxes (Voldemort wont add protection to them since he thinks his only threat is gone.) Also it gives DD time to heal from the potion and hand injury.

{Either DD will tell Harry all this to convince him to finish his last year of school (because lets face it Harry really needs to finish school since he isnt that great at anything but hexes and honestly couldnt even best Snape in that area).}

Evidence: Dumbledore begging??? There is no way DD would beg for his life, he was buying time to talk to Snape to give him the plan. When Snape used the killing curse Dumbledore flew backwards off the tower???? Avada Kadavera makes people drop dead, It doesnt make them fly backwards and die. There has always been a reason DD trusted Snape (and it was hinted at in 6) but weve never known what that reason was. After making such a huge thing of DD trusting Snape it doesnt make sense for him to betray him then. Also the look on Snape's face UTTER hatred? DD told Snape he would have to go back to Voldemort fultime and Snape didnt like that (Snape hates Vold because he killed Lilly but thats a different theory all together.)

Rapup: DD staged his death with Snape to protect Harry and Draco. Snape was pissed because hed have to go live with Voldemort without having any away time. Harry will finish his final year in school while DD is free to hunt the Horcruxes without any disturbances.

There were other things I caught in the book that made me believe this but I cant think of them off my head. Book 6 lost a lot of the magic of the other books (Harry missing 2 Qgames for instance). If Harry isnt in school in 7 I doubt Ill bother to pick it up (When I had finished 6 I had no desire to read 7 until I started this theory). Even if Im wrong so long as Harry remains at school Im ok and will look forward to reading 7.
#7 Jul 18 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
the slitherin necklace and the locket are the same thing.
#8 Jul 19 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
17 posts
#9 Jul 19 2005 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
I seriousely doubt Snape killed dumbledor in his own will.

A few reasons....

Dumbledore isnt someone who would beg for his life when he said "severus, please" i think he told him to kill him. The question is "Why?"

When Harry fought Snape he didnt fight back just deflected all of his shots.

Although Snape said "dont touch potter he's for voldemort." Why would Voldemort want himself to kill the only person who shows him a threat.


The one thing im wondering right now though is who is R.A.B.


An obvious event that will happen in the seventh book

Lupin vs. Greyback
#10 Jul 20 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts
"Ron looked at Harry's forehead then said'Harry, where's your scar'?"

I feel as though i missed something, as i dont recall reading this line. The last paragraph was where Ron insisted Harry come back to "Mum and Dad's" to see the wedding. And then something about them not loosing contact that made Harry feel better.

I was extremly dissapointed at this book. I too feel it was rushed, and did not receive her full attention when she was writing it.

There are possibly 4 horcruxes left.

#1 The locket (of which they found the fake), this may or may not have been destroyed by R.A.B.

#2 The Snake (nagini), also speculation as to wheather or not it is a horcruxe.

#3 The tea cup

#4 Something valueable from gryfendor of the other group (mind went blank all of a sudden).

A few things i dont get:

#1 Why no interaction with Voldemort?

#2 The Death of Dumbledore makes no sense. If he knew Malfoy was after him all year, allowing things to go down the way they did was pathetic. Dumbledore whos supposed to be one of the most powerful wizards looses his wand and cant recall it without speaking (since he paralyzed Harry without speaking just seconds before, this makes no sense). Even in a weakened state, he could have at least gotten his wand back.

#3 I hate snape, and hope hes in with Voldemort, and that Harry gets to kill him. But it just doesnt make sense. Defending himself against Harry, and useing the lame excuse that he has orders, is also pathetic. Snape's character isnt like that, and i could easily see him killing Harry and just saying "Oops sorry had to " to Voldemort. This makes me think it was planned out also.

#4 Lupin and Tonks? What the heck is up with that?

#5 Typos. OMG this book had a lot of typos. Iam no english expert, but i spotted at least 20 typos, that just irked me. It adds to the rushed feeling the book had.

#6 The whole memory lessons Dumbledore had with Harry makes sense. I mean we learned a lot about Voldemort, yet this did absolutly nothing for the book. What i mean is, they only went after the one piece of Horcruxe, and it was a fake. Seems like it was a lot of filler, and maybe setting things up for the next book. But nothing really concluded itself in this book.

#7 As someone else said what up with the new minister of magic? Harry obviously doesnt like him, but i would think the minister of magic would really want to know what Dumbledore was doing, and would arest Harry, and find out (mind reading charms truth serums ect). Would be like me telling the president of the US, i dont feel like telling you where i was last night, when the secretary of state died in front of me ><

I am a huge fan of Harry Potter books, but this one left me so wondering where shes gonna go with book 7. If Harry doesnt return to school (or the school closes), there will be a ton of half wizards/witches floating around, and no one who is educated enough in magic to continue on fighting the evils. Malfoy also mentioned not returning for his 7th year, which i found interesting since Harry said the same thing.

I would love to find out Dumbledore set it all up, and is still alive. I would love to find out Snape is really helping Dumbledore (though ive grown to hate him so). And i always wondered if J.K. would end the series at book7, or tell more tales of Harry Potter after he graduates and is able to actually use his magic (which i agree is rather weak at the momemnt). But if he doesnt go back to school, then i dont know what to think.

Dumbledore and Snape also had an argument that Hagrid overheard, where Snape really didnt want to do what Dumbledore wanted him too. This plays in wiht the theory that he planned it that way.

I also had an interesting theory. What if Snape and Dumbledore used poly juice, and had switched places? Dumbledore would be the one actually killing Snape, and then running off to see where Voldemort is hiding. But i doubt that, it was just a fun thought. Snape dead, Dumbledore knowing where Voldemort is.

Anyways, i hope book 7 redeems the series, as i found this book lacked a little compared to the rest of them.


Something else just hit me. Dumbledore just before Snape **killed** him, mentioned to Malfoy, that the ministry of magic could fake his and his mothers death, and protect them. Interesting timeing, since i am now begining to beleive thats what dumbledore did.


Edited, Wed Jul 20 13:33:52 2005 by acepod
#11 Jul 22 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
I was in shock and felt numb after reading Book 6. I did feel it was very good. But- Dumbledore murdered?!?! Makes ZERO sense. I have to agree with the many people suggesting it's just a set-up. But, if so, then he needs to get in touch with a few key people, namely Harry, to let them know he's ok.
Also, if it WAS a set-up, then who was buried in the White Tomb? Just a thought...
I can't think of why Harry wouldn't finish his education at Hogwarts. If he wants a future in the wizarding world, he'll have to!
I just hope J.K. puts a bit more thought into Book 7, because we have been anticipating its arrival since Book 1's. :)
#12 Jul 23 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
Tatrun wrote:
Completely OOC. Harry during the first match? Since when has he resorted to Malfoy tactics to catch the snitch? Since when has Hermione went out with someone to get Ron's attention? Since when has Ron be normal around girls (Lavender...)?

It's called being a teenager.

Who the hell is this random Minister of Magic? Some random guy we never heard about, right J.K.

Why wouldn't it be? Do you honestly think that we'd know all the characters in the wizarding world by book 5? She ALWAYS introduces new characters.

The wizarding war wasn't "at war" as J.K. said it would be. When I think of war, I think of mass chaos and panic. There wasn't that, everyone just seemed to have lost their emotions (and minds) and a few giants ripped apart a town.

We're having a "war on terror" right now. Yet I look out my window and I don't see tanks, or grenades going off. Muggles and wizards have been killed, the dementors are breeding, giants are attacking, Voldemort is reassembling his Death Eaters, Aurors are everywhere, people are being hauled to jail... War is disorganised. This sounds like war to me.

Where did Lupin go? So much for he being Harry's friend, they talked..once? Maybe twice?

He's in the underground, trying to infiltrate and spy on the true werewolves for Dumbledore. That's why he couldn't get in contact with Harry, he's doing Order of the Phoenix business, and contacting Harry would be an ideal way to get killed.

When has the ending of her stories been that quick? Was I the only one who felt like the story was entirely rushed and out of nowhere we were in the climax of the story, which was rushed.

I guess it's a matter of opinion. I didn't feel it was rushed at all myself.

So, big man Voldemort is "terrorizing" the world yet do we see him at all? Nah, of course not.

Do we HAVE to see him? The things you can see are less scary than the things you can't. I thought she used that to great effect.

Random DADA teacher out of nowhere and half of the story seemed to revolve around him. Yes yes, I know that he once taught Tom but did we really need to read about him every 5 paragraphs?

No offense, but did you pay much attention to the book? The "random Defence Against the Dark Arts" teacher was Snape, who's been with us since book one. If you're talking about Professor Slughorn, he was the new Potions teacher. You seem very determined to dislike this book, but it really seems to me like you just skimmed through it. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I doubt very much if Jo Rowling will be too upset if you lose respect for her, considering that many people think this is the best book so far (me included). ^_^
#13 Jul 24 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,157 posts
Somewhere Dumbledore said he doubted the snake was one...

Other than that, quite a shocking book, my prediction for the last book goes like this:

Harry gets pissed off...

Harry captures Snape and gets him locked up, and/or eaten by something nasty...

Harry kills Voldamort..

Harry gets the girl.

The end. Its quite simple really XD
#14 Jul 24 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
Personally, I think that Dumbledore did die, but that Snape is not evil. Whether or not Dumbledore expected this, I'm not sure of but consider this.

1) Snape made the unbreakable vow to kill dumbledore. If he had not killed dumbledore at that point, he would have died.

2) The way Snape reacted to "Coward", made it seem like he was very shaken or felt he had done something that was very brave. Now the obvious way to look at this is that he was all jumpy from killing dumbledore but the way he was talking to Potter didnt make him look so much evil as scared and defensive.

Given these two, is it not possible that Snape killed dumbledore so that he would be able to continue to live and even get closer to Voldemort to carry out the mission he was given? I'm not entirely sure that Dumbledore didnt see this as all he says is "Severus" and "Severus, please," which on the surface seems like beggin for his life, but can quite easily have other meanings, perhaps even asking Snape not to give up his guise.

Rowling hasn't failed me so far. I'm quite happy she killed off dumbledore. It was something I knew she would have to do. It was the difference between keeping the book as a children's book and making it much darker. Can you just imagine harry defeating voldemort and coming back to Hogwarts and Dumbledore saying, "Well done, Harry!"? I don't think Snape is as obvious as he seems. I make no predictions for book 7 past Snape, but I can't wait to see how it ends.

PS Yeah I noticed all the typos too. It was kind of shoddy when the book is going to sell like hundreds of millions of copies.

Edited, Sun Jul 24 11:16:07 2005 by merpes
#15 Jul 24 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Yeah I noticed all the typos too. It was kind of shoddy when the book is going to sell like hundreds of millions of copies.

The thing that kept stumbling me up was "horcruxes." Wouldn't the plural of "horcrux" be "horcruces"? Every time I saw that, my mind kinda stuttered, I found it very distracting.

But yes, whoever edited the book needs to be fired. And I agree with the idea that Dumbledore isn't really dead. Something about the way he as a character is set up just makes me believe he COULDN'T be that wrong about Snape.

#16 Jul 25 2005 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Given these two, is it not possible that Snape killed dumbledore so that he would be able to continue to live and even get closer to Voldemort to carry out the mission he was given?

Exactly, that's my view on it too basically. Dumbledore or Snape were going to die, no other way around it with Snape taking the Unbreakable Vow. The argument between Snape and Dumbledore most likely was about the fact that Snape wanted to give his life so that Dumbledore lives but Dumbledore realising that Snape can get extremely close to Voldemort after he dies (and also realising that Draco would never be able to do it himself) and help out Harry better than he would.

#17 Jul 26 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Default
Didn't Snape and Dumbledore make an unbreakable vow or whatever they called it? I don't think it would be possible to get around that.
#18 Jul 27 2005 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
Nooo...not that anyone knows of. Snape made an Unbreakable Vow to Malfoy's mother, but as far as we know, there is no such thing between him and Dumbledore.

#19 Jul 27 2005 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
yea Dumbledore cant have died, and if he did how the heck is harry going to find the last 4 horcruxes? Since no one knows about them cept maybe slughorn, but he is a fat @$$ who sits on his but all day. {hmmmm} and yes i do think the next book is going to be her best one yet!

Edited, Wed Jul 27 23:14:18 2005 by Jimthedrg
#20 Jul 28 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
it would b cool if he didnt die :P but what about when harry was doing the half-blood princes spells against snape... how would he (if they did use poly juice) know about them?

also, when dumbledore did paralyze harry, and then dumbledore died, it said that the spellw as lifted because of his death, so he must of died... and if he did a non-verbal spell to release harry b4 he died, how could he, he had no wand, and surly the spell would have some visual appearence :P

i enjoy'd the book though :P
#21 Jul 28 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Well i gess, but what about dumbledore's painting in the head office? Cant harry talk to him about stuff there, about the horcruxe being fake, about snape,and malfoy(sp)? {Hmmm} o well cant wate for the next book.
#22 Jul 29 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Notice Snape never actually promised to kill or help kill Dumbledore. He only promised to help malfoy. Dumbledore is still, most likely, dead, but I wouldn't be surprised either way.

As for the R.A.B.? Not sure, but I did find it interesting that Sirius's brother Regulus Black got special mentions in this book.

Last book would have been much better if Umbridge was left completely out of if.
#23 Jul 29 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts
But he did promise to finish Draco's task, and since his task was killing Dumbledore, it pretty much amounts to the same thing.
#24 Aug 03 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Sorry for old thread revival (some people on other forums get mad at this >.>) didnt relize I did it until after I hit post and saw the date of the last post, whoops <.<
Bromen wrote:
Dumbledore is not dead he and Snape faked the death scene.

Jimthedrg wrote:
but what about dumbledore's painting in the head office? Cant harry talk to him about stuff there

First off I believe that this is her best work to date. I think that it is a work of art...and I hate it ; ;. Of course I'll always read Mrs. Rowling's great books, killing Dumbledore was just like killing Ron, Hermione, Ginny, or, hell killing Harry! I get it, believe me, but I can still not like it >u<

Dumbledore's portriat is exactly what I was going to point out to confirm his death - Now I would LOVE for him to not be dead just because he is a beloved character though I can also see how it improves the book. None the less as it happened I could picture Dumbledore falling in slow motion through the air with his beard trailing in front of him and as each inch passed, getting nearer and nearer to the ground that breathless tight empty feeling in the back of my throat began to form ; ; .

As for the portrait on the wall, Ill contridict myself here because as we know in the very first Harry Potter Dumbledore is in the Magic Trading Cards from those chocolate frogs so appearing in the portrait could have been just another extremely well planned charm to release the spell on the painting ~_^.

Also IF he really is dead there is the chance that ... well Dumbledore wouldn't ever do that ... ok, you really want to know? Fine, truthfully I can see Dumbledore doing this. I mean he's not all sugar and butterflies but its definitly a darker side of him if he did. Dumbledore made a Horcrux to put his soul into which means he can be resurrected.

But alas these are all fan dreams. My sensible side tells me that he is dead for good and its for the best. The next book where Harry doesnt have Dumbledore to run too, Dumbledore tell him his next move, Dumbledore protecting him, where Harry is on his own with possibly the help of a few close friends, It will be the best book of all.

As for Hogwarts, if it is open Harry probably wont return for long if he returns at all. If he does it most certainly won't be for schooling and probably won't be at the opening of the book like the last 6. No, this time he'll go back to get the information he needs to defeat Voldemort; from teachers? from books (the restricted section?) from Dumbledore's painting and the previous Headmasters? and maybe even from another secret place inside of Hogwarts? Where is the Hufflepuff cup now? Tom Riddle did return to Hogwarts once in search of employment (or so he said). Maybe somewhere within the many winding and hidden corridors of the great school that Horcrux lies surrounded by more dangerous and horrible spells? And what if Hogwarts is closed? Will we still see Harry return there, flying right up to the school or...apprating(sp) since all the spells would be gone and the school would be unprotected. Would we read about him wandering empty hallways where lonely portraits suddenly wake-up from long slumbers as he walks through the halls using lumos? Possibly a conversation to the effect of "huh...hmm" the dumbledore in the protrait groggily awoke "ah, harry it's you. I've been expecting you for quite sometime. Come, come take a seat." and with Hogwarts closed what of Hogsmeade? Would even more stores close up like the joke shop did until the whole town was empty? With no Hogwarts there would obviously be no need for The Hogwarts Express.

But those also are all just theories spawning as each finger hits the keys. We have little idea what is instore for Harry in book 7 but its something to look forward to!

>i'm sure many of you know all about this but they have several rumors and a few FACTS about book 7 at including a few things straight from Mrs. Rowling's mouth ^_~ remember to always have fun all hehe!

Edited, Thu Aug 4 20:47:37 2005 by Pandorra
#25 Aug 04 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts

and since his task was killing Dumbledore

Haven't reread it for awhile, but how do we know that WAS his task?


"Ron looked at Harry's forehead then said'Harry, where's your scar'?"

Here a theory: what if Harry's scar is the last horcrux?

Edited, Thu Aug 4 13:15:03 2005 by Stormcrown

Edited, Thu Aug 4 13:22:06 2005 by Stormcrown
#26 Aug 05 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
I was actually thinking the same thing. What if Voldemort's intention was not to kill Harry, but to use his body as a vessel in the future. If you remember, it took Harry's blood to finally bring Voldemort back. Also, Harry does possess some traits that only an heir to Slytherin could have, such as parseltongue. The Sorting Hat gave us this first clue. It's entirely possible that Harry might have to resort to killing himself to rid the world of Voldemort forever.

As for the Hermione/Ron/and the other lovers, this is completely on par with what a teenager in love would do. It's obvious that they are in love with each other, but are too afraid to admit it. I always knew that they would eventually get together. The dating others to have the other become jealous was, in my opinion, true. What got me was Harry's thing with Ginny. I really didn't expect that. I thought he had a thing for Lavender or (wow, I can't remember her name now ><)

What I'm doing now is rereading the books and I have been picking up on some nice little hints that I didn't pick up on before.
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