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#577 Jun 13 2010 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
     .'|            .'| 
   .'_____________.' .| 
   |              |   | 
   |  Scooby _.-. | . | 
   |  *     (_.-' |   | 
   |    Snacks    |  .| 
   | *          * |  .' 

Nomnomnom... Someone ate all of it, I blame fatty!

Edited, Jun 13th 2010 6:54pm by Szabo
#578 Jun 13 2010 at 4:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Just started Ep. 15 of FMA, that's definitely a big storyline shift lol.
#579 Jun 13 2010 at 5:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,755 posts
61 is up early this week \o\, there are a lot of big story shifts in fma ;p
#580 Jun 13 2010 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
                    (   )  ) 
                   .~       "-._   _.-'-*'-*'-*'-*'-'-.--._ 
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 ~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Another request..
#581 Jun 13 2010 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
791 posts
Who the hell keeps requesting these stupid animals?

Also, requesting an emu, pl0x.

#582 Jun 13 2010 at 11:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Anyone know a site that has Eps 20 and up Dubbed? =3
#583 Jun 14 2010 at 2:51 AM Rating: Excellent
937 posts
I have to admit that Dynas buying TF2 has rekindled my love for the game.
#584 Jun 14 2010 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
937 posts
Just got home.

I went and had my eyes examined so I could get some new glasses. Ended up costing $160 when it was all said and done... which made me quite happy. I was expecting to be at least $200. I also picked up a wireless sensor bar for my Wii because my sister's spawn broke my wired one.

And FMA: Brotherhood 61 was pretty awesome. Three more episodes left! I can't wait!
#585 Jun 14 2010 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
BottlecapBandit wrote:
Who the hell keeps requesting these stupid animals?

Also, requesting an emu, pl0x.


      : '.---.__ 
      |  --_-_)__) 
         \  \ 
       ___\  \ 
      (       \ 

#586 Jun 14 2010 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
              ,''                   ,'    `.`.    `. 
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Another request lol zoo animals..
#587 Jun 14 2010 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
Ralrra wrote:
kappachan, Eater of Souls wrote:
New blood for each side, and cookies for all!! :D
     Free cookies! Free cookies!  


Oh, and for E3 to come around. Need more info on Wii stuff & FFXIV.

E3 is going to be awesome, especially with Call of Duty: Black Ops. It's going to be on the Wii as well, so Ralrra won't be feeling left out when this awesome games comes out. :)

More cookies for everyone!! Smiley: cookie

I'm not sure if I like Kojima's game, because of how you can just cut up people. It's a tad too disturbing for me. Although, I do like the scene where he was cutting up the watermelon. That was funny.

Also, Kojima's Raiden squished the backbone of Dead Space 2's main character. LOLOLOL.
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#588 Jun 14 2010 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
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Moar zoo animals!! request..
#589 Jun 14 2010 at 7:30 PM Rating: Excellent
10,811 posts
OMG that is liek teh most awesomest tiger I have ever seen. Anyone who does not rate that post up is crazier than me!


(happy? XP)
#590 Jun 14 2010 at 7:56 PM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
I'm outta drinks. Need more. Smiley: chug
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#591 Jun 14 2010 at 10:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,362 posts
I have decided that for every time Arrapago Remnants doesn't drop I'm killing a kitten.
#592 Jun 14 2010 at 10:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
Kaup wrote:
I have decided that for every time Arrapago Remnants doesn't drop I'm killing a kitten.
Don't tell shiala the cat lady then.. Drop what?
#593 Jun 14 2010 at 10:24 PM Rating: Excellent
937 posts
Microsoft totally dropped the ball today.
#594 Jun 15 2010 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
Tyjet wrote:
Microsoft totally dropped the ball today.

How so?

I think Kinect is still on some levels of creepy and a touch like Hal 9000. The dance stuff was pretty cool, but aside from that, I probably wouldn't get it unless some really awesome game comes out for it, and at this moment, I see nothing that I'd want. Not even the dance game. :P
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#595 Jun 15 2010 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Dropping in to +1... I mean... Say Hi... Yeah... Hi.
#596 Jun 15 2010 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
1,362 posts
kappachan, Eater of Souls wrote:
Tyjet wrote:
Microsoft totally dropped the ball today.

How so?

I think Kinect is still on some levels of creepy and a touch like Hal 9000. The dance stuff was pretty cool, but aside from that, I probably wouldn't get it unless some really awesome game comes out for it, and at this moment, I see nothing that I'd want. Not even the dance game. :P

Ugh I can't wait for this motion control fade to die....

How come when developing this they never really stopped and counted how many good motion control games are on the Wii?
#597 Jun 15 2010 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Darqflame's Peon
ZAM Administrator
6,096 posts
The One and Only toohotforu wrote:
Dropping in to +1... I mean... Say Hi... Yeah... Hi.
Tofu, Bun said to come back!
#598 Jun 15 2010 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
personally I'd try and take the opposite stance if I were you :P

Motion controls and casual games go hand in hand, so the existence of motion controls is fairly inevitable;
however instead of moaning that they're useless I just pray some smarty-types in computer land can create new awesome games from this tech instead of it being a stigma eating away at your soul :O
#599 Jun 15 2010 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
1,362 posts
ZiGG wrote:
I just pray some smarty-types in computer land can create new awesome games from this tech

The Wii has been out for almost 4 years. Keep praying I guess!
#600 Jun 15 2010 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
1,755 posts
Kaup wrote:
ZiGG wrote:
I just pray some smarty-types in computer land can create new awesome games from this tech

The Wii has been out for almost 4 years. Keep praying I guess!

better than beating my fists against a wall, questioning the blatant motives of a business, whilst i try to deify the crap console games I consider to be the epitome of greatness in some trite introspective nostalgia; like games designed for the entertainment of the masses are supposed to hold any higher purpose.

Edited, Jun 15th 2010 12:20pm by ZiGG
#601 Jun 15 2010 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Szabo wrote:
The One and Only toohotforu wrote:
Dropping in to +1... I mean... Say Hi... Yeah... Hi.
Tofu, Bun said to come back!

I want too but I have alot of things going on in real life and ffxi had to be put aside until I get back on my feet. Just moved into my own apartment and money is tight. Also not home alot on the weekends anymore since I'm seeing a guy in Ohio. We will see what happens.

I will totally be there for ff14.
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