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Weekend SummaryFollow

#1 Feb 18 2013 at 2:38 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Monday evening here, so let's hear it! Smiley: sly You slackers that didn't post goals can still chime in and tell tales.

WOW: Predictably, all the pendants are coming up wrong. The Alliance side hunter got his the first run, and the others have had horrible luck. The good part is that Pandakration made it to 89 in time to at least get a couple of shots at it, and I still have a few days left.

RL: Got the script edited and have started putting the last touches on material for next semester. It's a short piece that should get wrapped up by the end of the week.

Weekday musings: The start of the semester is going to be like slamming head first into a brick wall. I need to get my sleep cycle slightly more under control and get ready for way too many class hours. Still, the kids are a good group and I'm looking forward to it.

Right, so how did your weekend go?
#2 Feb 18 2013 at 5:55 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Didn't post any goals (again) but was a pretty successful weekend WoW-wise.
Yesterday evening my guild finally tackled some heroic raidbosses. We took rather long before we had cleared normal mode and we had to replace some people in the last few weeks which further slowed us down. Althought we are rather casual the lack of effort they put in was too huge a burden for everyone else. Now, with two new friendly and capable people on board everything goes so much smoother.
Since we already outgear Mogu'shan Vaults HC the first three bosses went down rather easily. Sure, Gara'jal was extremely close with only 2 seconds left before his Enrage but dead is dead. :) And it took us only one evening for all three of them.
Also I managed to finish this one up. RNG pitted me against the wrong boss most of the time so it's nice to have wrapped this up.

In RL not much happened. Saturday evening went out with some friends and had dinner plus some drinks afterwards. But not too many drinks. Since I spent pretty much every of the last 6 or 7 weekends highly intoxicated and with a very unpleasant hangover afterwards I want to take it slow for a few weeks.
#3 Feb 18 2013 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
I am one of the slackers who didn't post in the other thread Smiley: tongue

I had a really good weekend overall! Friday I went over to my friends' for dinner and movies. Well, TV shows; we ended up watching Battlestar Galactica and I tried (and failed) to get them to watch American Horror Story. Saturday was an uber-lazy day; ended up playing Mass Effect 1 for most of the day. I've restarted my Insanity run with a Renegade Fem-Shep; last one was as an adept that got stuck early on, this time it's as a soldier. While my damage still seems to suck, a fully upgraded Immunity means I'm dying a LOT less often. I mostly just did hours of side quests and space exploration so far; haven't even touched Noveria/Feros/Liara's Dig (where I got stuck before). I figure that I want the best skills upgraded as much as possible before I get into a potentially impossible situation.

Sunday, I finally managed to try out the UU church in Tampa... and I really enjoyed it! I was invited to join the Young Adult (ages 18-35) group on Friday for a movie and appetizer group at one of the girls' houses. Social interaction +1! I also checked out some bikes, trying to get a price check on a new set of wheels. The bike I enjoyed the most was just shy of $600... so I think I'll be holding off on a purchase for a while Smiley: lol I also need to figure out where to store my bike... my neighborhood isn't "bad," per se, but I could see a several hundred dollar bike easily getting stolen from my porch.

On somewhat of a depressing note, my paternal grandmother had a stroke on Saturday and is now in rehab. She's 89 and thanks to the stroke she can't even stand up right now, so we're trying to figure out what the best situation will be for her - assisted living, staying with my aunt and uncle, or if she can ever go back to her apartment (where she lives alone). We actually think she might have had the stroke on Friday; my uncle didn't find her until Saturday around noon, on the floor next to her bed. We definitely don't want that kind of situation to happen again Smiley: frown

WoW: Managed to play a bit on my mage, getting him to just shy of 83 (from 81). Getting Cataclysmic upgrades for my 1-80 BoA gear makes a HUGE difference; just upgrading my staff alone gave me like 650 more spell power. Had some bad luck with groups... some tanks I ran with must have been either retarded or drunk. Potentially both. We're talking about running through two groups of enemies and directly into a boss, or pulling a new group when half the group is dead and the healer is back ressing them. Eeesh. I did also do a run with a level 80 sporting a bunch of Pandaria blue gear (ilevel 409 or so?). The guy was a MONSTER. Some enemies just disintegrated within seconds of engaging in combat. He was pulling 100k DPS on some fights. Seems like the level 80 ilvl 409s are a bug that Blizzard needs to fix at some point, but that was an awesome run all the same. Did manage to snag a few blue upgrades from the instances at least.

Edited, Feb 18th 2013 8:34am by LockeColeMA
#4 Feb 18 2013 at 9:04 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
RL - literally almost died friday after flying down a 20 foot ditch into some trees (kids were being horrible in the back seat and took my eyes off the road for a few seconds), the paramedic's first words were "at least you hit dead trees, or we wouldnt be having this conversation". So i spent the rest of the weekend recuperating and car shopping, 99% chance mine is totaled.

WoW - due to said accident I had little ambition and plenty of time to play, so went from 76 to almost 81 on my paladin, hit exalted with shadowpan and am now about 12k from exalted with August Celestials. Started the rep for cloud serpeants, bought my valor pants (thank you Klaxxi!), did all of my daily and dungeon kills for love is in the air. Gained about 60 points in fishing (though still far behind), cleared a few old instances for loots and honor.

Besides friday, was a quiet and relaxing weekend.
#5 Feb 18 2013 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Kronig wrote:
RL - literally almost died friday after flying down a 20 foot ditch into some trees (kids were being horrible in the back seat and took my eyes off the road for a few seconds), the paramedic's first words were "at least you hit dead trees, or we wouldnt be having this conversation". So i spent the rest of the weekend recuperating and car shopping, 99% chance mine is totaled.

Yikes, glad you're ok!
#6 Feb 18 2013 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
WoW - Pets. Shoot for adding another 10-15 rares to my collection. Get the last of the raid pets I need.
DK - I'm at 69, so level to 72 or 73. If I'm really ambitious, try to hit 75ish.

RL - not much going on. We have an offer on a house. Hopefully, we'll hear soon.

WoW - Pets. Added 31 rares, so I far outpaced my goal. I just with the damn tamers would drop more stones. Did all of them every day and only ended up with 2-3 stones. RNG is random and all. Still haven't gotten any more of the Pandaren spirit pets, either. I bought two of the three raid pets I need, so one more to go on that. Also broke down and bought the Black Tabby. Couldn't help myself, it's been on my want-list for a long time and I was in a splurge mood.

DK - Got to 71.5. Spent more time looking for pets across all my toons than really making any effort to level. Also, leveling without heirlooms is a lot slower. I haven't leveled a toon without heirlooms or a really, really makes a difference. Of course, if I'd stop messing around with fishing, cooking, and the like, I'd probably be leveling faster, too, lol. I did manage one major eff-up. Somehow, I managed to sell my head piece. I had the tamer hat on and must have accidentally sold it when I was dumping trash. Great, now the only helm I have is a safari hat. I need to track down a replacement ASAP...I don't really want to LFD with the safari hat. That might not go over so well.

RL - Lost out on the house. We were in the final two, but the other bidder made a counter offer 5k more than we offered. It was more than we wanted to spend and more than the house was worth. But, dammit. Other than that, pretty chill weekend. Anniversary dinner on Friday. Nice restaurant, but nothing to write home about. Dog time aplenty over the weekend. He was one tired pooch last night.

Kronig - Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad you are okay.

Locke - My recommendation is store a bike inside (or in a garage), if you have the room. Leaving a bike outside will just trash it. Humidity, dirt, etc. just destroy components.
#7 Feb 18 2013 at 2:52 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Didn't get a chance to post in the Goals thread (again... meh) but...

My fresh 90 monk is LFR-ready; tried an LFR and only got the first half of MSV done, because on the 2nd half, I got into a ridiculously bad group that couldn't clear Will due to people doing <20k dps, tanks that couldn't tank the boss whatsoever, etc. Gave up on that, I'll try this week when I can try it earlier in the week (LFR Saturday blows because all the good players already did theirs for the week back on Tues-Thurs). She's got 463 now, so she's well on her way to LFR HoF; she's got most slots filled with 463+ (I think Helm/Shoulders/Bracers are most of what she needs), and anything that's not 463, is at least 450, with a 458 trinket that I threw on because mine was 414 or something like that. Had the JP so I was like "heh, why not, easy upgrade".

She's also got Revered with Shieldwall (bought her the 496 belt already), over halfway towards Exalted with the Golden Lotus. Those commendations _really_ shoot your reps up fast, lol. I did all of this in ~12 days or so, not even two weeks.

Been working on my Horde main, she bought the 496 belt today now that she's finally revered with D. Offensive, did a couple Heroics with her as tank, she seems to easily hold her own with 450 tanking gear so that's good.

Other than that, and helping mom with her rep (we finally started on her August Celestials on her Alliance main, only because my Alliance Priest is trying to get Exalted for the Satchel recipe), I also did some other stuff...

Bought YsI/YsII Chronicles+ on Steam for that ole blast of nostalgia (well, actually, I never played said games myself, watched cousin do it a couple times). Fun games, way ahead of their time way back when. That and I always wanted to see the story that I heard about but never got to see.

Pondering on buying Dark Souls because I know of like 2-3 people who play it... wish they'd stick it on sale in Steam...wondering if a PS2 controller will work with it rather than an xbox 360 controller. Same number of buttons, 'cept the 360 controller has the Guide button (which shouldn't be used in the actual game anyways), so I don't see why I couldn't find a workable setup for that. I've never tried using the Dualshock Analog sticks with my particular ps2->usb adapter; not all of them are perfect from what I've read. I suppose if it doesn't work I can look into buying a wireless dongle so that my 360 controller will work on the PC, or, just buying a wired one that was made for windows.

So yeah, longish post... for once. lol.
#8 Feb 19 2013 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
RL: Moved the youngest out of our bedroom into her sister's room. First night involved a 30min session of tears as the youngest wasn't happy about being moved and the oldest wasn't happy her sister was crying. Last 2 nights have gone much better though. This morning my alarm went off at 6:15 and I was the first one awake. When I left the house the Mrs was getting up and the 2 kids were still sound asleep.

First time that's happened in like 2 years.

WoW: Bought panda land expansion. Knocked out all the pet trainers through catacylsm. Things went largely well except that Major Payne guy, who made me raise a mechanical since I had no counter for his bear. Also managed to get my shaman to 86-ish. It's been a while since I've had to run around at ground level, and the Jade Forest has so many barriers... Smiley: lol

Kronig wrote:
RL - literally almost died friday after flying down a 20 foot ditch into some trees (kids were being horrible in the back seat and took my eyes off the road for a few seconds), the paramedic's first words were "at least you hit dead trees, or we wouldnt be having this conversation". So i spent the rest of the weekend recuperating and car shopping, 99% chance mine is totaled.

Smiley: eek

So glad you're ok. Hope all are well.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#9 Feb 19 2013 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
1,700 posts
Thanks for all of the well wishes!

Walked away with a few blemishes and stiff neck/back, no one else had any injuries; besides the car, it is totaled and so I begin the hunt for a new car.
#10 Feb 19 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Walked away with a few blemishes and stiff neck/back

Catching up with things... glad to hear you made it out OK!
#11 Feb 19 2013 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
I am one of the slackers who didn't post in the other thread Smiley: tongue

Well, I did post some goals, but I'm slacking in actually doing anything in game. Did find a few more rares, and my s/priest is herbing in Outland now, so I'll be able to level up Inscrip a bit more.
Worked on my 89 mage, she finally moved into KunLai Summit to quest, where my main goal seems to be getting that 24-slot Grummlepack. I refuse to pay 3-4kG for bags that'll only give me an extra 2 or 4 slots over what I presently have. (And yes I have a tailor, and I'm barely into lvl 90 with him so no bigger bag skills yet)

Glad your grandmom is recovering Locke, and glad nobody was injured in the accident Kronig. We were in a similar accident with my mom when I was about 9 and my sister 6. My sister had nightmares for a long time, so you may want to keep an eye on the kids.
RL for me and my snowed more. I get to clean it this coming weekend instead! Smiley: rolleyes

#12 Feb 19 2013 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
1,150 posts
Just kept plugging away at Shieldwall dailies on my main. Doing the holiday quests/encounter until I can get the mount. That kinda stuff.
#13 Feb 24 2013 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
I was feeling kind of "meh" this weekend, was not into doing much for dailies/rep/valor, even though I should. So for a change of pace I ran The Eye to see if the mount would drop, but no luck.
While I was in that mode, I thought I'd give olde Kil'jaeden a try, and not to brag or anything, being this being only the second time I ever ran that raid, but let's just say my hunter is VERY HAPPY.
#14REDACTED, Posted: Mar 07 2013 at 4:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ...
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