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Is this game for people who don't want to work hard?Follow

#27 Aug 30 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Bottom line, WoW is just fun. Plays like a game, not a job.

True that but I hope it gets alittle harder :)

Lynndo - Druzzil Ro
Lenari - Betw wow
#28 Sep 01 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
I still dont understand some of the posters. You dont want to spend all your time gil farming, you dont want to wait for invites, you dont want it to be really tough sometimes. Wtf kind of game is going to be able to give you all of these things and still be a challenge? Its suppose to be insanely difficult to get some items, its suppose to be really really hard to max out a craft, capping the level of your character is suppose to be an incredible challenge and an accomplishment. The ways you guys make WoW sound, I think I am really going to dislike it. Its suppose to take a year of hardcore gaming to hit 75 from scratch. Cap your level in 3 months, gimme a break! I hope to god Blizzard doesnt listen to all this whining because it could make a promising game really crappy, if you actually think for a second about how a game is made, balanced, and is played, all of these qualities cannot exist. Blizzard is trying to make money on this game, they dont want people blasting through levels, only to start complaining about how easy it is. So inbelievably shortsighted is pathetic.
#29 Sep 01 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
151 posts
If you were to actually read through Bliz Q&A about the game, WoW is not designed to suck up the next year of your life leveling one toon. Bliz reps have said they expect people to play more than one character. Their game objective was always to take out as much of the "grinding" as they could.

Going by your "logic," the game will be horrible if it isn't EQ2 or FFXII. I'm still trying to figure out where these invisible "rules for an MMO" come from. If you want to spend a year getting to the level cap, good for you, keep playing FFXI. MMO's will evolve and change just like every other genre of game.
#30 Sep 01 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
I have played EQOA for one year now and the max lvl is 60 and only have a lvl 45 character, I have a family and don't get on very often but it would be wonderful if I could help my guild out on high end raids by being lvl 60 like the rest of them. If this game is easy to lvl I do not see this as a problem but more as a benefit in a way and there are several reasons why.
#1 I have several low lvl characters on the game I play and play them because it is fun to try new character class combos no matter what lvl I reach.
#2 The higher end people can still enjoy the game as long as there is other thing to occupy thier time. Plus having several high lvl charactes would be cool for them too.
#3 As long as this game stays fun, and with the pvp that could be endless I dont see a problem,.

My father n law plays shadowbane and his guild has been on that game for a long time. THe only thing that holds them there is the fact that they are all there and that it is a pvp game. So I do not think that the speed of leveling makes or breaks a game. It is if the game is fun for the player is the point.
#31 Sep 01 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
6,678 posts
I still dont understand some of the posters. You dont want to spend all your time gil farming, you dont want to wait for invites, you dont want it to be really tough sometimes. Wtf kind of game is going to be able to give you all of these things and still be a challenge?

A game where I don't have to SPEND ALL MY TIME gil farming, don't have to WAIT for invites, and don't expect it to be really tough (or placidly boring) ALL THE TIME. I want to play a game that is interesting, and is interesting 55 minutes out of the hour. Not 2.

Its suppose to be insanely difficult to get some items, its suppose to be really really hard to max out a craft, capping the level of your character is suppose to be an incredible challenge and an accomplishment.

And it is insanely difficult to get *some* items, but you are forgetting that the most upper-end content is not in. To say that the game is too easy because you can get a Black Iron Medallion easily (a commonly used old-school Everquest item, I don't have an FFXI analog) is not the same as saying it's easy to get drops from Vulak, AHR, Quarm, or any other "completion" boss. The tail ends of some crafts are difficult, but really all that is missing is the tedium. You seem to have this misunderstanding that tedium is a good thing.
Capping your character is still an accomplishment, but the emphasis on this game is not that it takes so long and wears you out after so long that you would never consider doing it a second time.

The ways you guys make WoW sound, I think I am really going to dislike it. Its suppose to take a year of hardcore gaming to hit 75 from scratch. Cap your level in 3 months, gimme a break! I hope to god Blizzard doesnt listen to all this whining because it could make a promising game really crappy, if you actually think for a second about how a game is made, balanced, and is played, all of these qualities cannot exist.

Then don't play, and stop imposing rulesets on this game that Blizzard SPECIFICALLY made the game to break. They have said from the onset this is to be the MMO that takes the boring and annoying aspects out of these sorts of games. And they are slowly creeping in. So YOU and YOUR ilk are the ones that Blizzard needs to stop listening to.

Blizzard is trying to make money on this game, they dont want people blasting through levels, only to start complaining about how easy it is. So inbelievably shortsighted is pathetic.

Actually, it's pretty far-sighted considering that the casual players will actually continue to play rather than discontinue their account after the first year when they fall so hopelessly behind and don't care to try to catch up to powergamers, when it is by definition impossible to catch up to a powergamer unless you are one.
Casual gamers make up a majority of the player base, just not a majority of the bandwidth.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#32 Sep 01 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
hey tidious i think i know you have you made an account on eqoa realms. I remember a guy with your name. Well anyways if you are then i know you i posted there as well my name was Slayer.
#33 Sep 01 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
/bow Azuarc, nicely put

#34 Sep 01 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
If someone wants to solo the entire game, it's their choice.

If someone wants to party the entire game, it's their choice.

If someone wants to cap out their level in 3 months, it's their choice.

Blizzard seems to be making a game to cater to as many people as possible.
#35 Sep 01 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Well put, Azuarc, I do believe that is "pwnage" as people love to put it in Halo.
#36 Sep 01 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Redmoonxl wrote:
Well put, Azuarc, I do believe that is "pwnage" as people love to put it in Halo.

Bad Red. You used that evil word. Smiley: bah

Ugh. I hate that word.
#37 Sep 01 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Hehehe sorry, I hardly use such words but I wanted to use a word that Viniferis might understand.
#38 Sep 02 2004 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
hey tidious i think i know you have you made an account on eqoa realms. I remember a guy with your name. Well anyways if you are then i know you i posted there as well my name was Slayer.

I am from the Eqoarealms forums. I am a mod there.

I don't think that this game is going to have a problem with any player base but with any game you will have people that do not like it for one reason or another and others that just adore the game. I say politics are for politicians and games are for gamers, SO PLAY ON. I think that play on is a slogan for someone but I need something corny so there it its. I will shut up now.

Edited, Thu Sep 2 08:49:12 2004 by Tidious
#39 Sep 02 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Cool i knew i seen that name Tidious from that site. Tidious did you quit Eqoa or are you going to play WoW and EQOA. Anyways glad to have you here Tidious. What faction do you plan on playing in the PvP server.

Edited, Thu Sep 2 13:16:01 2004 by Gihja
#40 Sep 02 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts

you speak as ffxi is the only mmo you ever played. Guess what ZI played ffxi to and i left it for the very reason you like it.

I hated feeling im playing with a underpowered character who cannot solo a enemy his lv and has to BULLY the mob with 5 other players.
I hated how bad it is to craft and i had lvled cooking to 62 and leathercraft to 54. this bored me out big time.
I hated having to go to the same areas to lv for every job.
I hated waiting for a party to form only to see it break 10 mins after.

try out daoc the 7 day trail version, get into a party there and face MULTIPLE mobs at the same time. You wont look back at ffxi again. Any class can solo enemies their lv and even stronger enemies giving you a sense of a strong character.

There are many other MMOs like daoc that make em interesting.

Oh let me mention this Daoc been out for a long time and you can get a lv 50 char in less time than hitting lv 50 in ffxi. but guess what the games still being played. Even Diablo 2 is still being played. Mystic is still making money which proves your post really wrong.

Making a game fun makes money.
making a game like work (ffxi and L2) doesnt. The only reason FFXI is making money is because everyone Knows the franchise. If it be the same characters and elements as FFXI but a different name and from a different company the game would have died long ago.
#41 Sep 02 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
LordZanon wrote:

The only reason FFXI is making money is because everyone Knows the franchise. If it be the same characters and elements as FFXI but a different name and from a different company the game would have died long ago.

And because it's a "known" name from all the console gamers, it's alot of people's first MMORPG, so they don't know that there is better out there.
#42 Sep 02 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
That, imo, is the only reason FFXI has persisted -- the closest and other game has come to a console-based MMO that I've ever heard of is Phantasy Star Online, and that is marginal at best, considering that uses a lobby system with a max of 4 people in a "game". (Yes, there are others under development that ought to be here soon.)
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#43 Sep 02 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
Everquest Online Adventures for the PS2. Look it up.
#44 Sep 02 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
eh, true. I forgot about that. Or maybe I just wrote it off because I play normal Everquest. (It IS only listed as a header here though.)
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#45 Sep 02 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Does EQOA actually count as a MMORPG?

Or is it more like the other games can play online from PS2 and Xbox?
#46 Sep 03 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Blizzard just picked a bunch of different people with different backgrounds. That's all there is to it.

You said it man. What company wants to make products for the same small audience forever? Their customers will die off and the company will go under.

Seriously though, One of the things blizzard is trying to do imo is give their game wider appeal. Not Wider appeal as in both jpn and NA can play but at different times and in different communities like some games try, but as in a wide span of age groups and backgrounds.

I don't think anyone will cry if the truly "HC" gamers find something else to play as long as the people left behind are having fun with a blizzard game. I know I got sick of FFxi, because it was based on accomplishment and not fun in the upper mid levels. Well, I don't accomplish anything playing a game, If I wanted to accomplish something I'd. . . time to go do the dishes.
#47 Sep 03 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
You can do multiple races in the game and you can be a "Hero Class" once you maxed your normal job. There are tons of quest to do and it's really fun compared to FFXI where when the WHM leaves there is no PT (for level 55+). My server had a hardtime with WHM so I didn't get to level much. But when I was a WHM I got PT invites left and right :P

I've owned all the Blizzard games from Warcraft series, Diablo series and Starcraft series. All big sellers and from a company who knows how to make a fun game. So I have high hopes for this game. I'm in the stress test and I can tell you it is much better graphically and inteface compared to FFXI (Granted it's designed for PS 2 so I can't bash it to much being a PC port.).

So if you haven't played it don't start stereotyping it.
#48 Sep 03 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
I must agree. I am just having fun again. I cant remember the last time i had fun on FFXI. The biggest factor is you dont have to worry about trying a monster who is too high level for you since the pentaly for dying is just walking a small distance compard to 3000 experience points in FFXI. And even if you dont want to walk you have the choice to be ressurected instantly for a mere 45 experience points in WOW. I feel refreshed heheh if that makes sense.

#49 Sep 03 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Does EQOA actually count as a MMORPG?

Or is it more like the other games can play online from PS2 and Xbox? 

It's just like other MMOs just with a Ps2 controller.
#50 Sep 05 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
Just because WoW won't make people farm gil for 3 weeks straight just to afford 1 piece of equipment *cough* kote *cough*, or even making it take several hours to even wipe your own ***; doesnt make
Wow a bad game.
#51 Sep 06 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
I had my first experience with FFXI this past weekend while I was visiting home. My console-only friend has apparently started to play, and I watched him for about two-three hours before starting my own character very briefly. I haven't even gotten to all the stuff people complain about with item farming and class-balance strife etc, and I'm already the hell do you people stand playing that game? It's awful. It looks nice and has a couple decent features, but overall it's a steaming pile of doodoo.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
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