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Hardcore New with Intense Questions....Follow

#1 Feb 12 2015 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
Quick once over, My wife and I used to play FF11 and haven't played anything for several months and looking at 14 and the new expansion ( soon to be announced a release date ). We are hoping to try FF14 but would really really appreciate your insight any and all information/details/suggestions are welcome. I'm sure answers posted will be a great resource to any new comers. Thanks in Advance!

1) We are both going to be playing on PC, do I need to purchase 1 Game from like amazon or 2? ( example FF11~ had 1 CD_key per account )

2) Billing is this a monthly Fee or what is the best way to pay for our account/s (discount options available)? ( keep in mind we will have 2 accounts so we can both play same time )

3) Is it worth it coming to 14, also server suggestions we are going to be like noobs 1.0

4) Controller adapter setups you use? I've never played with just a keyboard so please let us know what like to you use!

5) As a "just in case" I do have a Ps3, Is the game slow and or difficult to play on this system? ( or any restrictions you can think of )

6) A run-in question from #1, would it be more efficient to purchase this game from a retail store like Gamestop ect?

7) I heard over and over again this game is "stupid easy" and you can get to end game within a few days...? ( true/false...details plz! )

8) Character types In my head I would like to start as a healer and team up with my wife who will be melee, is this possible? ( your suggestions our focus is Fun, without being c*ck blocked by our job selection )

9) Suggestive starting "City"? In FF11 we stuck with Windurst, Sandy and Bastok were kind of lame. ( just our opinion )

10) Your insight good/bad on experiences you've gone thru A) tech problems B) game play issues C) In game Aholes or problem quests

if you reply to any of the questions please put the corresponding question number.
Example: #5: Ps3 overheats way to fast when playing this game so your limited to a few hours of game time

Thank you very much! I can't wait to read your thoughts!
#2 Feb 12 2015 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
Browsing around like many suggest I found an overall answer to a question.

#5 The Limitations on Ps3 are pretty high, its fine if you just want to craft, gather, or goof but anything pushing like a "hunt" you will have issues.
reading that you have slow loading times, laggy moments, and disconnection/freeze errors in extreme conditions
for me..Sounding like a bigot I admit but, this is not acceptable. Suggestions would be ps4 upgrade or pc with some ooomph.

To sum up this answer: I wish to experience everything without being held back.
#3 Feb 12 2015 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Killshot7 wrote:
Quick once over, My wife and I used to play FF11 and haven't played anything for several months and looking at 14 and the new expansion ( soon to be announced a release date ). We are hoping to try FF14 but would really really appreciate your insight any and all information/details/suggestions are welcome. I'm sure answers posted will be a great resource to any new comers. Thanks in Advance!

1) We are both going to be playing on PC, do I need to purchase 1 Game from like amazon or 2? ( example FF11~ had 1 CD_key per account )

You need two.

2) Billing is this a monthly Fee or what is the best way to pay for our account/s (discount options available)? ( keep in mind we will have 2 accounts so we can both play same time )

No discounts, you pretty much pay the same way you did in FFXI

3) Is it worth it coming to 14, also server suggestions we are going to be like noobs 1.0

That is up to you and what you want. This game has little to do with FFXI. It is closer to WOW than it is FFXI. I know allot of people from FFXI and some love it, some hate it. If you like crafting this game is far better than FFXI. Probably could tell you more if we knew what you are looking for in the game.

4) Controller adapter setups you use? I've never played with just a keyboard so please let us know what like to you use!

On my PC I use a wireless xbox controller and the game is actually set up for the xbox controller , work flawlessly.. You just buy the Microsoft wireless dongle for the xbox controller.

5) As a "just in case" I do have a Ps3, Is the game slow and or difficult to play on this system? ( or any restrictions you can think of )

Yes I recommend a PS4 or PC. I have played on all 3. It can be played on a ps3 but its a little struggle, but is playable.

6) A run-in question from #1, would it be more efficient to purchase this game from a retail store like Gamestop ect?

It could be, depends on the deals.. Amazon lots of times has the game dirt cheap.

7) I heard over and over again this game is "stupid easy" and you can get to end game within a few days...? ( true/false...details plz! )

Getting to 50 takes more than a few days.. But 0-50 is pretty easy.. From zero to end game was the most fun I had in the game. they make the game easy for someone to catch up.

8) Character types In my head I would like to start as a healer and team up with my wife who will be melee, is this possible? ( your suggestions our focus is Fun, without being c*ck blocked by our job selection )

Yes, I play with my girlfriend all the time..i am healer and she is melee.

9) Suggestive starting "City"? In FF11 we stuck with Windurst, Sandy and Bastok were kind of lame. ( just our opinion )

That's up to you.. Do a little research they are all fine and its is pretty easy to get where you need to go anyway.

10) Your insight good/bad on experiences you've gone thru A) tech problems B) game play issues C) In game Aholes or problem quests

This game has allot of instances and since you play with people from other servers there is a greater chance of running into those kind of people especially when its content where people are bored. There are good and bad.

if you reply to any of the questions please put the corresponding question number.
Example: #5: Ps3 overheats way to fast when playing this game so your limited to a few hours of game time

Thank you very much! I can't wait to read your thoughts!

Edited, Feb 12th 2015 10:48am by Nashred

Edited, Feb 12th 2015 10:52am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#4 Feb 12 2015 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
#8 and #9 -- I'd suggest starting in Gridania, with the healer as Conjurer and the melee as Archer. (Could also do Lancer, but I personally prefer Archer.)

This will allow you to play together for the first 15 levels easily, and then to roll into dungeons together once you unlock them without too much of a wait.

You're welcome to join us on Lamia server in the Swarm. We're a FC full of FFXI veterans, mostly in our 20s and 30s, with quite a few couples playing together. (We had a "we're pregnant!" announcement from one of the couples a few days ago and spent ten minutes brainstorming nerdy baby names.)
#5 Feb 12 2015 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts

Killshot7 wrote:

1) Is it worth it coming to 14, also server suggestions we are going to be like noobs 1.0

As Kat would say, come to Lamia, there is room for you in our FC. We have everyone from super experienced to brand new, but most of us are just getting into endgame, but on a whole the group is casual and very helpful.

Killshot7 wrote:

5) As a "just in case" I do have a Ps3, Is the game slow and or difficult to play on this system? ( or any restrictions you can think of )

With a PS3 the load times are rough, you will find that PC and PS4 players rush ahead and you sometimes get locked out of some of the fights in the last two story dungeons. You also lag on some of the hard mode dungeons (titan especially). And you probably won't even be able to see the enemies in the Hunt, since so many people mob those, but now that they have their ilvl 130 gear filled with carbontwine, the mobs are slowing down as expected.

Other than that, crafting, gathering, and 99.9% of the ilvl 0-50 progress work just fine on PS3. For endgame stuff I recommend a good connection, access to a voice chat program, and either a good PC or a PS4.

Killshot7 wrote:

6) A run-in question from #1, would it be more efficient to purchase this game from a retail store like Gamestop ect?

Either is fine, I prefer the digital download on PS4 because I like to think it loads better than when it has to read a disc.

Killshot7 wrote:

7) I heard over and over again this game is "stupid easy" and you can get to end game within a few days...? ( true/false...details plz! )

0-50 is tutorial. You can get to endgame within a few days if you push, but that is just the beginning. 75% of endgame you need to at least pay attention. 15% of endgame you need to be aware of the fight (World of Darkness, Extreme Primals, bahamut's coil 5-8). But your group also needs to be good. You are only as good as the folks around you when it comes to endgame. Oh and that last 10%, that is turns 9-13 of the bahamut's coil. Ask around, if you get there and say the game is easy, then join the 1%.

Killshot7 wrote:

8) Character types In my head I would like to start as a healer and team up with my wife who will be melee, is this possible? ( your suggestions our focus is Fun, without being c*ck blocked by our job selection )

You have two avenues, scholar and white mage. Leveling arcanist gets you access to scholar and summoner simultaneously, which may come in handy if you learn pet management and want to dps. White mage is more straightforward healing. Your wife has the choice of ninja, monk, and dragoon for meele. Dragoon is fairly easy, less positional now. Monk is very positional and can outpace dragoon if done properly. Ninja is complex, and very situational, but its maximum capacity is dependant on whether or not your connection is good enough to resist the server lag that sometimes affects mudras. But I'm talking about 1% endgame stuff. Every class is perfectly capable all the way up to that level.

Killshot7 wrote:

9) Suggestive starting "City"? In FF11 we stuck with Windurst, Sandy and Bastok were kind of lame. ( just our opinion )

Limsa Lominsa reminds me a lot of windhurst with more water. Gridania reminds me of San'd'oria/Windhurst, Uldah reminds me of Bastok. But, dependant on your class, you will start in different cities. Go here for more info: In order for you and your wife to both start out in the same city, you be a healer, and she be a meele, you have to both go Gridania, you go conjurer and she go lancer.

Killshot7 wrote:

10) Your insight good/bad on experiences you've gone thru A) tech problems B) game play issues C) In game Aholes or problem quests[/#03c]?

Community is good, mostly old enough to own a credit card. Biggest problem children are the ones that do the Hunts for a living, where big monsters spawn at intervals and under certain conditions and everyone mobs it for credit. Think notorious monsters from ffxi but everyone gets credit, and instead of drops you get currency to buy stuff. But everyone pulls them so fast you need to be in a hunt linkshell to hear about it late, or in an active hunting party to barely make it on time as it is pulled. This game is less like ffxi in that everyone can teleport and get anywhere fast.

Tech issues, only were serious in the beginning, during release. They didn't expect such a positive response to the beta, and they had to buy more servers to keep up with the demand. Game play issues are dependant on your connection speed. The better your internet connection, the less gameplay problems you will have. I run a PS4 on wireless, standard cable modem, and it is all good.

#6 Feb 12 2015 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
Killshot7 wrote:
1) We are both going to be playing on PC, do I need to purchase 1 Game from like amazon or 2? ( example FF11~ had 1 CD_key per account )

I believe you will need two copies, but I could be wrong.

2) Billing is this a monthly Fee or what is the best way to pay for our account/s (discount options available)? ( keep in mind we will have 2 accounts so we can both play same time )

It's just like FFXI in this regard. You even can use the same security token.

3) Is it worth it coming to 14, also server suggestions we are going to be like noobs 1.0

Yes, yes, and HECK YES it is worth coming. I played FFXI for about a decade before coming to FFXIV, and I haven't touched XI since.

For server, it depends. If you want a heavy RP server (like there weren't in XI) then you'll want Balmung or Gilgamesh -- but they're almost always locked out for new character creation so you'd have to start on another one and do the $18 server transfer. It's well worth it if you want to do heavy RP. Several people here can point you to RP Free Companies (like an XI Linkshell but with more community spirit).

Otherwise come over to Lamia and join the FFXI refugees in The Swarm; or there's several other servers with concentrations of XI/ZAM people you could join too.

4) Controller adapter setups you use? I've never played with just a keyboard so please let us know what like to you use!

I use keyboard and mouse, like I did with XI but with a very different layout and interface. Can't help you on controllers.

5) As a "just in case" I do have a Ps3, Is the game slow and or difficult to play on this system? ( or any restrictions you can think of )

Stick with one platform. The PC will do it nicely. I believe there are complications to playing on PS3/4 vs PC with the same account...?

6) A run-in question from #1, would it be more efficient to purchase this game from a retail store like Gamestop ect?

How's your bandwidth? Just like XI, you'll spend a day updating anyway. I got the download Collector's Edition from Amazon.

7) I heard over and over again this game is "stupid easy" and you can get to end game within a few days...? ( true/false...details plz! )

Levelling is easier and much more solo friendly. The built-in Duty Finder for dungeons, trials, and so on mean no waiting for 6 hours in Jeuno on DRG trying to get that one fight you need. Quests are flagged with directions and markers, essentially replacing that FFXI wiki you needed to do anything at all there. Travel is easier.
Basically all the annoying things from XI are easier in XIV. You still need to apply skill to get through a lot of the fights; some of the quest/mission fights you have to solo and some of those are quite hard.

8) Character types In my head I would like to start as a healer and team up with my wife who will be melee, is this possible? ( your suggestions our focus is Fun, without being c*ck blocked by our job selection )

That's more than possible, that's just fine, because:

9) Suggestive starting "City"? In FF11 we stuck with Windurst, Sandy and Bastok were kind of lame. ( just our opinion )

The dedicated healer class (Conjurer, which you convert to WHM at level 30) starts in Gridania, and if you liked Windurst you'll adore Gridania. That means the other of you would need to start as either Lancer (becomes Dragoon) or Archer (becomes Bard, a ranged DD not pure support) which also start there.

10) Your insight good/bad on experiences you've gone thru A) tech problems B) game play issues C) In game Aholes or problem quests?

I've had no tech problems as such, just a (very) occasional server error just like XI. Game play issues, not really. Not many Aholes I've seen so far.
The hardest quests I've found are generally the solo job quests the first time you hit them: Conjurer wind quest, Arcanist bridge fight. The key is to LISTEN TO THE NPC who will give you tips that you really do have to follow to win. Some dungeons are hard and unpopular (looking at you, Aurum Vale!) but having a healer or a tank will speed up the wait, so you should be fine.
#7 Feb 12 2015 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
9. Starting city really only affects the classes you start out as and the story line missions early on. You can't change classes until you hit level 10 on your first class. After that, you'll get airship access at around level 15 (it's gated by progress with main story line, but you'll naturally wind up at about that level just from missions and quests). Those first 15 levels are fairly fast, so you won't be stuck in your starting city for too long. So if you really want to do dungeons together as Gladiator (which becomes Paladin and starts in Ul'dah) and Conjurer (which becomes White Mage and starts in Gridania), it wouldn't be a big deal for you both to start in the same city and get to lvl 15 and then have one (or both) of you pick up a new class from a new city. You won't have the exp from the main story line when you switch classes. But each city has its own set of quests that work well for when leveling a class, and each class has it's own hunt log which contributes exp. You may also need to do some levequests (which unlock at around level 10 and you build up allowances at a rate of 6 per day) or FATEs (events that just randomly pop up around the zone) as well, but that's probably going to be the case whether you stick with your original class or not.

The main story line for all 3 cities merge once you get airship access. So really it's only the early story line that will be different based on your starting city. You can't go back and do the early story missions for the other starting cities (i.e. it's not like XI, where you could switch allegiance and do all of the missions for another city starting from the beginning). And nothing past this point will force you to be tied to your starting city. For example, you will reach a point where you are asked to join the Grand Company for one of the 3 nations, and you will be free to choose any of them, not just the city you started in.
#8 Feb 12 2015 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
Just wanted to add, I'm at work reading all of your input and experiences. Thank you all very much and please add any info, the more the better. I'm very excited that I wasn't trolled hardcore like I expect in ff11!

#9 Feb 12 2015 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Well, I was going to answer some questions, then I saw that awful eye piercing formatting and decided it wasn't worth trying to read them.
#10 Feb 12 2015 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
Don't really understand the post above but... perhaps it's trolling I'm not aware of.

Anyway Thanks for the posts~! and the messages! Hope to join you soon!
#11 Feb 13 2015 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Yes, it's trolling to point out that your choice of colors is painful to look at...
#12 Feb 13 2015 at 4:53 AM Rating: Excellent
1,429 posts
There is one important thing you should know about and that's classes.
You start off with a class like Gladiator, Archer, or Conjurer, but can turn them into jobs at level 30.
Conjurer 30 and Arcanist 15 will let you do the quests to unlock White Mage soul stone. Your classes can use most cross class abilities, but jobs are restricted to around 5, and from a couple of select classes.
This is good reason to level more than 1 class, so you may want to think about that ahead of time. You may want to start in Ul' Dah and get Gladiator to 15, then move to Limsa Lominsa and do Marauder to 30 to unlock Warrior.

Edited, Feb 13th 2015 5:54am by Teneleven
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#13 Feb 13 2015 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Killshot7 wrote:
I'm very excited that I wasn't trolled hardcore like I expect in ff11!

The Rating system keeps us in check. Smiley: tongue Nah, this is a good group of folks, grown up and friendly conversation, even if we disagree.

But seriously, some of the users have their backgrounds set to dark and text doesn't get reset to compensate, so the dark blue text can show up near invisible on backgrounds like mine, which is set to blue with standard white text. But you couldn't have possibly known that so its all good. I just highlight the text to read it and I'm on my way Smiley: grin
#14 Feb 13 2015 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Yeah, sorry, I haven't responded because the text is very difficult to read and I haven't had the time to copy/paste it and break down the questions. Maybe in a bit.
#15 Feb 13 2015 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Killshot7 wrote:
I'm very excited that I wasn't trolled hardcore like I expect in ff11!

But seriously, some of the users have their backgrounds set to dark and text doesn't get reset to compensate, so the dark blue text can show up near invisible on backgrounds like mine, which is set to blue with standard white text. But you couldn't have possibly known that so its all good. I just highlight the text to read it and I'm on my way Smiley: grin

I didn't even know that.
Mine is white so I had no issue with his text.

Edited, Feb 13th 2015 2:45pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#16 Feb 13 2015 at 8:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok that makes sense, I was tripping out like... man I just tinkered with the colours like so many do, not out of spite or anything... truly didn't cross my mind.

This being said back to the topic:

I jumped onto the 14 day trial that is offered and it's really fun but I will point out dramatic restrictions and positive aspects!

you can't send tells ( player to player private conversation )
you can't shout ( you to anyone within a large range )
Can't join linkshells ( sorry if that's not the correct term )
The download took around 45min~1hour

Positive aspects:
Game Play!
Character selection screen/layout
Do quests
Go outside and endure the battlefield fighting Evil Squirrels and Horrible Ladybugs!
No CC info or payment of any kind is required just a SE account ( create with a new Email )

I did have to tinker with my settings to play smoother, I am using a PS3 with USB hook up very very bad@$$ and works perfect ( turn OFF your motion sensors ).
Graphics are indeed a huge step up from FFXI, game play is very much like WoW with a touch of FFXI, Quest are easier to learn and accomplish with the awesome
mini-map directions.

Again I Can't thank everyone enough for their insight, I've been sharing this with friends as well to get a better glimpse of the game and others perspectives!
#17 Feb 14 2015 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
If you joined on Lamia server, we can send you an invite to our linkshell Grammarian Tea House. You can join that on the free trial if we know your character name. Linkshells in XIV are just chat channels. There are larger organizations, Free Companies, which is what you're unable to join on the free trial. You can be in up to eight linkshells, but only one free company, so linkshells tend to be more special purpose, whereas free companies are used as the primary communication method between a larger, more casual group.
#18 Feb 20 2015 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
Killshot7 wrote:

1) We are both going to be playing on PC, do I need to purchase 1 Game from like amazon or 2? ( example FF11~ had 1 CD_key per account )
2) Billing is this a monthly Fee or what is the best way to pay for our account/s (discount options available)? ( keep in mind we will have 2 accounts so we can both play same time )
3) Is it worth it coming to 14, also server suggestions we are going to be like noobs 1.0
4) Controller adapter setups you use? I've never played with just a keyboard so please let us know what like to you use!
5) As a "just in case" I do have a Ps3, Is the game slow and or difficult to play on this system? ( or any restrictions you can think of )
6) A run-in question from #1, would it be more efficient to purchase this game from a retail store like Gamestop ect?
7) I heard over and over again this game is "stupid easy" and you can get to end game within a few days...?
8) Character types In my head I would like to start as a healer and team up with my wife who will be melee, is this possible?
9) Suggestive starting "City"?
10) Your insight good/bad on experiences you've gone thru A) tech problems B) game play issues C) In game Aholes or problem quests

1+2 - Let others answer this
4. As for a new PC, I upgraded mine with an intel setup (i7) and a decent graphics card and SSD Hard Drive. Didn't cost me a fortune only a few hundred.
I use a keyboard and mouse - my preference.
7. The game is easy to get in to but only when compared to XI, then again most games are easy to understand due to the way XI was from the get go. If you was alone like I was when I started XI (on UK release) it took forever to understand and a year to get close to my first max level job.....
Difficulty - there is Coil and Extreme fights for those who claim this game is easy. They are very challenging and punish one person making a mistake. You can essentially wipe if one person makes a mistake or two. I enjoy these challenging fights and they require a lot of practise and everyone to be on it.

8. You two can pair up and join a lot of stuff together.

9. Doesn't matter you may switch to gain achievements and other Grand Company Stuff, I rarely go back to my home city other then city quests on updates.

10. No issues, occasionally a bad/annoying/dumb/childish/ahole of players but rarely have to put up with them.

The game is worth it, I would wait till the expansion but there will be so much for you two to do - if you can only spare a few hours you will never get most things done so its okay :)
#19 Feb 23 2015 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Killshot7 wrote:

you can't send tells ( player to player private conversation )
you can't shout ( you to anyone within a large range )

This is to prevent RMT from using 14 day free trials to sell gil (since they will probably be banned before it expires), and SE would rather for them to have to waste another credit card number.

Edited, Feb 23rd 2015 3:29pm by Valkayree
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