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#152 Jan 29 2015 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Didn't Abyssea cause a population bump at first.. I know tons of people came back for it, in the end it pushed out allot of the long time players.. Personally there was allot I liked about Abyssea and allot I hated. Overall it gave players a lot to learn and do. I might be one of the few but I liked Abyssea.

Really though how much has changed in FFXI?
Yea you can level fast with GOV and Abyssea.. Really fast.
Yea they nerfed COP many years latter but in FFXIV it only takes months till they nerf content which is way to fast in my opinion.. I just finished my lights last week and now they made them easier already.. In FFXI it takes years till they make content easier. Personally I like they took a little of the ruff edges off FFXI, I had less time anyway.

There has always been teleporting in FFXI, you could teleport to outpost etc. Opening up those teleport points was sometime rather hard and a quest in itself.

Aht urhgan area I still can get lost in.. Zones in FFXIV you might get turned around in but never lost.

I dont have a problem with FFXIV being more casual, that's why I play it. I just want more variety of end game content. Just bored of the pattern type bosses and cookie cutter dungeons. I want a dungeon where I have to use my brain to beat, or strategies, or terrain or something not my memory only.

Edited, Jan 29th 2015 3:19pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#153 Jan 29 2015 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
I didn't feel the pinch so much in Adoulin despite being in the Ghorn - Harp situation you described (yeah, I had to break down and get Dharp....) because I was with a very strong static of veterans that knew their stuff, and we were able to participate in Adoulin on our own terms. No BS, no elitism. Just fun. I didn't officially quit XI until last December, when several members of the static said they were {Taking a Break.} Without them, there was no reason for me to play at all.

Much to my great joy, a handful of them joined our FC on Lamia a few weeks later.

Nashred wrote:
I want a dungeon where I have to use my brain to beat, or strategies, or terrain or something not my memory only.
The new AK hard mode has that for ya with the headless horseman fight. Gotta duck behind the statues when you're targeted, or die. That's a bit of randomness (who gets attacked), and use of terrain (since the statues get destroyed in the process.)

Edited, Jan 29th 2015 4:35pm by Catwho
#154 Jan 29 2015 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
The first big nail in the FFXI coffin for me was the destruction of the old Dynamis. I loved 75-cap Dynamis, it was my favorite thing to do in the game. A massive group, carefully organized and directed, working together to achieve difficult goals. And they made it a joke. Kicked me right in the teeth with that one.

And then lights were the next one. No longer was it a matter of the difficulty being in the killing or the fight, but tickling the mob under the chin until it burped the right color. That was a little compensated for because Voidwatch had a few good elements of old Dynamis, the careful organization and strategy, but the lights really stopped it being a good substitute for me. Abyssea was a curiosity, but having that awful light system was a real pain.

Then they did the iLevel thing, which annoyed me by itself (for many reasons), and by chance coincided with the dramatic explosive self-destruction of the leadership of the endgame LS I was in, and I just kind of stopped playing. For a while, I went around doing all those quests and missions that got skipped over in progression, but then I tried FFXIV and those quests and missions and the scenery and fishing and crafting was so much more fun than FFXI that I just quietly dropped the latter. I still haven't cancelled my FFXI sub, but I guess I will soon; I haven't even fired it up in over a year now.

I didn't mind the iLevels in FFXIV because at least they were there from the start, upfront and honest, instead of blindsiding the established tradition. But the big thing is that while pretty much every update to FFXI from ToAU onwards had me reacting, "Oh no, they just broke THIS now!", every FFXIV update has me excited about the changes and new content. That's a pretty good indication that I'm in the right game now.
#155 Jan 29 2015 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Laverda wrote:
I didn't mind the iLevels in FFXIV because at least they were there from the start, upfront and honest, instead of blindsiding the established tradition. But the big thing is that while pretty much every update to FFXI from ToAU onwards had me reacting, "Oh no, they just broke THIS now!", every FFXIV update has me excited about the changes and new content. That's a pretty good indication that I'm in the right game now.

Those things were actually what made me quit FFXIV 1.0 since i loved it at first. I loved how it played, how it looked, everything about it. But then the "updates" happened. And we werent talking about optional things either.

* First we had additional icons next to monsters to show aggressiveness, ok. That wasnt too bad. But then massive things like a huge HP bar being visible above all monsters you couldnt turn off.

* Following that they suddenly nerfed every cure spell, making no one want to play healer for months. MP costs went up from 7 MP to something like 1/3rd of your MP bar per cast (and i wish i was joking about this one). No one could solo anymore, no one wanted to be a healer, the entire game fell apart.

* Then crafting was the next to die with changes to all recipes and items, removing most of the things that were required to be synthed.
"Oh, did you craft an inventory full of expensive ingredient items for armor and weapons in preparation for the update? Well, you can no longer use them in recipes, go and sell them to a npc for 1 gil. Sucks to be you" - SE

* That wasnt the worst thing, all stats for all items were adjusted at one point too. Weapons went from doing amazing damage to hitting targets for next to nothing because of a HUGE DMG nerf.

* Armor went from offering amazing protection to next to nothing. The armor i spend 1 mil on i could basicly toss since it became rubbish, i could just as well have been naked.

* They didnt reduce monster HP till later, so that still meant that 20 second battles went to 5+ minute solo battles against some things, and you were still liable to die since you could only cure yourself three times before you ran out of MP.

* They also adressed that you could no longer equip gear regardless of level. The level of the gear now directly meant your character had to be that level too, which made a lot of people naked or holding items for months they could no longer use till they (if ever) got back to that level. The synched down stats worked perfectly before all that.

* Oh, and at the same time they removed Physical Levels (1.19) which made everyone a whole lot weaker without any compensation as well.

* We used to be able to sub 90% of the abilities of any class as well, they removed that and only let us use a couple of crap abilities no one wanted to use. Right when i got Archer's AoE attack on my Gladiator and i loved it.

* minor, but all monsters used to drop crystal shards but we lost that somewhere along the way.

* Oh, and i nearly forgot Auto-Attack. The worst curse of it all. Removing an AMAZING (yes i dare to go there) system such as the stamina system where you could pace out your attacks and not run out, or blow it all in seconds for a good chunk of hate/damage but not be able to attack as much afterwards till it recovers. We also lost our Light and Heavy attacks. Which turned the whole system into waiting 10 seconds for a Marauder to swing once for a TERRIBLY weak attack and people to just stand there so they could eventually use a 1500-2000 TP attack out of a maximum of 3000 TP you could build up. Worst decision they could ever have made. Went from flashy action based to just standing in the same spot boring yourself to death waiting for your one ability to build up, only to hit it in a slightly diffirent way for 20% more damage.

And they probably ruined a whole lot more later after i quit since aparantly the game went belly up from all of it.

But man, the MP nerf and the weapon damage thing really pissed me off. As well as the physical level removal thing :/ I grinded my buff off for that, and i was doing so well. And ugh the ability restrictions.

I loved 1.0, i really really did. But by the time it was 1.23, there was nothing left of the game...
It was like giving a kid a bunch of toys he was really happy with, and then breaking them or taking them away every couple of weeks.

We're really lucky 2.0 turned out as well as it did. (Though it could still use more subbable abilities from other classes)

Edited, Jan 30th 2015 12:41am by KojiroSoma

Edited, Jan 30th 2015 12:54am by KojiroSoma
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#156 Jan 29 2015 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Laverda wrote:
I'm in the right game now.

I just wanted to chime in and say I'm absolutely in love with the phrasing.

"I'm in the right game."

This absolves blame or responsibility so much on the director that they absolutely must appeal to one group's sensibilities or another. They're free to be creative or derivative if they wish, and it is the player that chose to find a place that suits them best.

Of course feedback is always necessary to keep things comfortable or to make them better. That's part of the whole experience. But I feel a lot of the arguing seems to be a matter of justifying preferences by belittling other's. If we simply discussed whether or not this was a matter of comforts I think the tone of conversations would go a lot better.

FFXIV for me is comfortable. I don't push myself too hard and when I do... well, I have weird pursuits like having a character dedicated to PvP (And cooking!) that keeps gameplay fresh for me. I'm weird like that. I like splicing up my gameplay with character personalities. Lin's focus is story and PvE. Hyrist's is PvP and Cooking, Eric's is trivial pursuits (Tetra Master!) and Alchamey, and Scrappy Cat (Tashil) is for crafting/gathering focus.

FFXI diddn't lend itself to this kind of division. And while FFXIV isn't as Alt friendly as I'd like it to be (Mailing x.x) It's quite possible to make each of these pursuits feel like its own game, and I love that about FFXIV.

I feel like I'm in the right game too. Goodness, I never thought I'd get this excited about PvP again. Haven't felt this way since I planned out elaborate Stronghold assaults in Aion.
#157 Jan 30 2015 at 4:29 AM Rating: Good
Nashred wrote:
Didn't Abyssea cause a population bump at first.. I know tons of people came back for it, in the end it pushed out allot of the long time players.. Personally there was allot I liked about Abyssea and allot I hated. Overall it gave players a lot to learn and do. I might be one of the few but I liked Abyssea.

Really though how much has changed in FFXI?
Yea you can level fast with GOV and Abyssea.. Really fast.
Yea they nerfed COP many years latter but in FFXIV it only takes months till they nerf content which is way to fast in my opinion.. I just finished my lights last week and now they made them easier already.. In FFXI it takes years till they make content easier. Personally I like they took a little of the ruff edges off FFXI, I had less time anyway.

There has always been teleporting in FFXI, you could teleport to outpost etc. Opening up those teleport points was sometime rather hard and a quest in itself.

Aht urhgan area I still can get lost in.. Zones in FFXIV you might get turned around in but never lost.

I dont have a problem with FFXIV being more casual, that's why I play it. I just want more variety of end game content. Just bored of the pattern type bosses and cookie cutter dungeons. I want a dungeon where I have to use my brain to beat, or strategies, or terrain or something not my memory only.
Edited, Jan 29th 2015 3:19pm by Nashred

I loved it, after taking forever to level a lot of my jobs I almost gave up levelling the ones that needed 5 hours seek time. XI before level sync was just a nightmare, when you hit after the sub job 37 it became very hard to form a party. I don't class seeking for hours and hours a "Journey", that's the same as loading the game and going AFK.

As for the nerfs to COP, GOV, FOV and everything else - they all got added at the later stages of XI. You still had years and years before all that, when everything took a mission. Even the OP warps still required you to run from A to B, like Sky. Running from the OP through eseentially two full zones just to gather for Sky. Wait another 30-45 minutes while everyone turned up. I just wasted 1 hour before I can even remotely enjoy the game.

Don't get me wrong though when I was playing XI I loved it but I had my choice to quit the game (almost did a few times) and I even had my long breaks away from it.

To be honest if XI had not gone down the route of making levelling, travelling and even end game easier/simpler/less of a grind - it probably would have been shutdown by now. After WOTG people started to get very angry with the salvaged/copy paste zones instead of Fresh Brand new content. We went through a lot of server merges and numbers were dropping. XI was no longer a game that could be sustained so they had no choice but to make things less of a grind.

People can talk about the Journey all they want but at the end of the day numbers in MMOs is more important than creating a game with little content and the content that does exist takes an age to accomplish. Not forgetting the whole "Don't forget your families, friends and your social life" message that appears because the game required your life to get anything done.

Edited, Jan 30th 2015 5:34am by Lonix
#158 Jan 30 2015 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
I think XI was on a massive decline prior to Abyssea, probably half way through the WotG story line. Myself and several other friends had quit with 0 intentions of coming back. Got wind from a few active friends that Abyssea was actually really fun and made a come back. I think many people got convinced to join up again and it had a slight resurgence. It almost felt like a final hurrah before XIV 1.0. Get Atmas and bonuses for huge damage, huge stats! Was the most fun I had in a long time.

Then of course, XIV 1.0 is a miserable pile of fail, everyone's becoming god mode in Abyssea and SE needs to back pedal. So then they release things like Voidwatch with awful drop rates and the game seems to plummet again and leads to where we are now. Now obviously this is just my take on it and Abyssea was probably never meant to be a last hurrah, it was simply a well executed expansion. I never experienced much after Voidwatch so I can't really comment how things unfolded beyond that.

I came back to XI back in November with their free welcome back campaign, along with SoA for 5$. Sadly, only one friend remained active, the world felt incredibly empty, so I didn't have much motivation to stick around. I advanced part of ToAU and WotG, got some basic RoE gear and that was that. I imagine the game still has much to offer to tightly nit groups, but it was sad seeing such an active world in 2003 come to this. It was nice seeing Vana'diel again though and I will probably check it out again on the next free campaign.

#159 Jan 31 2015 at 3:15 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
I think XI was on a massive decline prior to Abyssea, probably half way through the WotG story line. Myself and several other friends had quit with 0 intentions of coming back. Got wind from a few active friends that Abyssea was actually really fun and made a come back. I think many people got convinced to join up again and it had a slight resurgence. It almost felt like a final hurrah before XIV 1.0. Get Atmas and bonuses for huge damage, huge stats! Was the most fun I had in a long time.

Then of course, XIV 1.0 is a miserable pile of fail, everyone's becoming god mode in Abyssea and SE needs to back pedal. So then they release things like Voidwatch with awful drop rates and the game seems to plummet again and leads to where we are now. Now obviously this is just my take on it and Abyssea was probably never meant to be a last hurrah, it was simply a well executed expansion. I never experienced much after Voidwatch so I can't really comment how things unfolded beyond that.

This would basically sum up my own experience and the observation of others over time. I know it's pretty easy for some to say Abyssea killed the game, but I'd say what really did it was SE rocketing out with it and then hopping back onto the progression snail with Voidwatch and Legion as the sole content focus until Adoulin. By then, however, the damage had been done. Returnees were reminded why they quit. Those who were burnt out on large-scale content also didn't want to go back to it due to the mix of politics and time demands. And, of course, other MMO options. Adoulin also started out alliance-focused with Delve, and while they later added some scaling mechanics to it, I still can't say they're anywhere near Abyssea's level of accessibility and PUG friendliness.

But I guess getting any more specific is kind of a waste of time. Otherwise waiting to see what more info creeps out for XIV as 3.0 nears. I'd say we know a fair chunk, but I have no doubt there are some surprises.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#160 Jan 31 2015 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Seriha wrote:
This would basically sum up my own experience and the observation of others over time. I know it's pretty easy for some to say Abyssea killed the game, but I'd say what really did it was SE rocketing out with it and then hopping back onto the progression snail with Voidwatch and Legion

Incorrect - declines on servers happened during Abyssea. Even Square themselves admitted that the push to 99 was "too fast", which is largely what upset players, not the fact it was Abyssea, but what CAME with Abyssea. If the increase to 99 was over the course of years, it would have hit the playerbase and content a lot easier, but it was literally thrown in your face in terms of design, which further made it harder to catch up. And while this fact pisses players off (because they hate to admit it) Abyssea was done as hold over content while they focused on XIV 1.0, which is why not only did WotG take years to finish it (look at start and completion time of XIV 1.0 and WotG), but both were the focus of the Fan Fest that December. Was it really a coincidence that was the case? So while it went past the 'final cap' of 75, it was much too quick and obsoleted content far too quickly in a non vertical progression based game. Legion and such were fine, don't even deny it, people did the content just fine and continued to do it because it was the next step in progression and it used the same setup as Abyssea/Dynamis/Einherjar - Tiered progression.

What didn't fully take off was Walk of Echoes because it was at a pretty high standard of gameplay in comparison (much more tougher than it needed to be) and pugging it usually ended up ruining the runs because you had that one newbie SMN aggro everything and basically **** off the whole zone for the rest of the 30 or so minutes and unable to recover.

And let's be real, if you truly played XI, you would have realized that once Abyssea came out, most players hit 30 "normally" then went to get XP burned in Abyssea, sometimes paying 7m/hrs for the easy exp. This is what people means it started to kill XI, and in the usual "twist everything around", the usual people will say: "Just because it took out the grind blah blah blah", when the rest of the game's content is suddenly obsoleted and there's no reason to do x/go to x, isn't know..dead? When you're killed, isn't per definition death is the final act of being killed? You also seem to have forgotten that the way XI was built was there were content to do inbetween your push to cap and content that was done at 75 cap because SE extended things to do rather than obsoleting them out right - This created having actual contet to do that you can rotate around then content to do on those off times. When Abyssea hit, you no longer needed to do -any- of that content. If that's not killing off XI, then I guess when it comes to XIV us needing ilvl 45-60 drops in 2.5 for progresion is a must have and i120 gear is optional.

Adoulin also started out alliance-focused with Delve, and while they later added some scaling mechanics to it, I still can't say they're anywhere near Abyssea's level of accessibility and PUG friendliness.

Yeah, since Delve was designed for people who actually were up to speed in comparison to being in god mode due to the buffs Abyssea gave you (key difference: you weren't playing with raw skill power in Abyssea compared to other content that forgoes insanely buffing you) - Do you realize how burning your class from 30-99 made you unable to do actual content due to the skill system in XI? Once Delve came out and people that weren't up to speed started trying to do it, it was extremely hard to get into PUG wise because of people rocking gear and skills not suited for it.

The gap between Abyssea - Delve included things like Legion/Voidwatch and such, then came augmented AF/Relic, however "friendliness" is subjective in any MMO because some content simply isn't made to be 100% accessible to everyone and anyone who's played more than 2 MMOs ever and actually did high end raid content cannot deny the reason it's usually tied to Guilds/Clans/Etc more than anything because, as said, some content simply isn't meant to be done by "just anyone and any setup" and MMOs have been running perfectly fine with that being a thing. Especially not ARR when it comes to pugging. Try pugging certain ex primals, Final Coil or even T9 when you're not up to speed and tell me the results of how often you not only get the people, but how fast and many times you actually clear it with people who most likely aren't end-game raiders (which is why pugging usually exists, because most of the time people don't want to dedicate themselves to a guild let alone a static.) Heck, see how fast people rage quit when you pug compared to going in with your FC or group of trusted friends.

I'd say we know a fair chunk, but I have no doubt there are some surprises.

We don't know much to be honest unless I've missed a lot of interviews and the Japanese fan fest (I didn't.) Just knowing x exists doesn't really mean much beyond knowing they have ideas, for example we knew Shiva existed and we knew what she was going to look like, but did we know about her story? Mechanics? Drops? Purpose? When we seen Ramuh did we know that Ramuh was going to be more neutral based compared to other primals? drops? Mechanics? That's why we don't really know much yet, because for all we know, much like Crystal Tower:

Yoshida: "It was too hard, so this content will be delayed a quarter of a year in order to rebalance it and it will actually be in a different format than what we last stated, so instead of the Alexander raid being here at launch and coming with 2 separate modes, we're swapping it with x raid and redoing Alexander raid to be episodic content that ends up being the go to raid for progression."

So until they actually start populating the damn expansion website with info and such, everything is technically a surprise, since even recent interviews Yoshi didn't seem exactly confident about the spring release date nor willing to truly give out more info even though we're supposedly close to expansion release. (even Adoulin and basically all of XI's expansion websites had at least basic info up by now..long before nearing 3-5 months within release.)

#161 Jan 31 2015 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
GiftedChild wrote:
strategies players came up with to try to work around murderous boss power levels. (Sac pulls, zombie cannonballs, out-of-alliance healers, K-Club/Blood Weapon dark knight zerg, Alexander zerg, glitching terrain, DoT Kiting, Chainspell-Stun, etc.)

oh common. no one can deny that the first time they heard about, and saw the video where an entire alliance with kraken club dark knights annihilated absolute virtue, it left a joyful fealing inside. A group of complete strangers from different linkshells got together to collectively take AV out with their DRK's. That's the beauty of an MMO which FFXIV just doesn't have. I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel here instead of having an adventure. All those darknights had an adventure. They killed a beast that was unkillable for years. A beast so ridiculously tough that even the best players couldn't down it, unless they banded together to out muscle a god. As soon as that lucky person put that mars ring on his finger, he knew he accomplished greatness that day.

The same can be said for most other events as well. Nyzul isle was one of my all time favorite events. Climbing 100 floors didn't feel like I was simply running a dungeon. Limbus was full of emotion, that made you feel like you were actually lost inside the abyss of nothingness. Dynamis I was never a fan of, because of the time commitment and that it was just boring. Only dynamis xarcabard was interesting really. As much as I loved ffxi, there were aspects I really hated, dynamis being one of them. Running dynamis felt like running a dungeon in xiv. except much longer. I also hated HNM king's because they were always botted, with an almost 0% chance of claim. But I did like NM's and most HNM's. Competing for claim was a thrill. I have so many stories I could share about about some of the awesomeness that came 4 LS's were ripping hate off each other to try and claim KV, and then me finally getting hate and claim while on my BRD and kited it around until our kill squad finished getting there. I don't have any stories to tell of xiv that could compare to my memory of that KV, and how I managed to save the day for our samurai in line for his ace's helm. Telling someone you got a high allagan blade will never compare to telling someone you got a kirins osode. Or finally crafting that Haubergeon +1. Or even a divine might earring.

I can't argue that the market right now is all about the WoW style of doing things and making things accessable. It's proven to work and make money. FFXIV is flourishing in it's department and I get that. People enjoy it and that's fine too. I'm just extremely disappointed that my style of MMO doesn't really exist anymore. FFXI isn't what it was now. It doesn't feel the same. So theres no going back now. It is what it is. It is for this reason that I'm just going to walk away from this game. It isn't for me, and hasn't been since I last said farewell to my character in front of dalamud , holding my thyrus I found under my bed in the inn room. My highlight of final fantasy 14 will always be receiving a pair of white ravens. That moment was such an awesome feeling. Good luck to all of you in your endeavors in Eorzea.
#162 Jan 31 2015 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
Or finally crafting that Haubergeon +1.

I still have my record for how long it took me to craft myself a signed HQ Weskit down in my signature. But talking about it doesn't recall memories of joy over a great achievement. It just reminds me how sadistic and cruel SE's random number generator is. It's XI in a nutshell though. As one friend who quit XI back in the CoP era put it, "Too much grind, not enough gain."
#163 Feb 02 2015 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
Keysofgaruda wrote:
I can't argue that the market right now is all about the WoW style of doing things and making things accessable. It's proven to work and make money. FFXIV is flourishing in it's department and I get that. People enjoy it and that's fine too. I'm just extremely disappointed that my style of MMO doesn't really exist anymore. FFXI isn't what it was now. It doesn't feel the same. So theres no going back now. It is what it is. It is for this reason that I'm just going to walk away from this game. It isn't for me.

Probably the smartest thing you said.

This isn't XI, XI is also not the same (as you said) also your entire post is comparing XI with Expansion packs to a 1 Year old Rebuilt XIV which doesn't even have it's first Expansion pack.

The list of things you enjoyed minus the Competing for Mobs (which I absolutely hated) was all added at a later date. Perhaps the best thing to do is come back when XIV is on it's second expansion pack and by then big challenges would have been added. You are already getting a hint of them with Titan Ex and Coil - Something I DO have stories about.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2015 9:50am by Lonix
#164 Feb 02 2015 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Seriha wrote:
This would basically sum up my own experience and the observation of others over time. I know it's pretty easy for some to say Abyssea killed the game, but I'd say what really did it was SE rocketing out with it and then hopping back onto the progression snail with Voidwatch and Legion

Incorrect - declines on servers happened during Abyssea. Even Square themselves admitted that the push to 99 was "too fast", which is largely what upset players, not the fact it was Abyssea, but what CAME with Abyssea. If the increase to 99 was over the course of years, it would have hit the playerbase and content a lot easier, but it was literally thrown in your face in terms of design, which further made it harder to catch up.

That is right.. initially there was a bump.
I remember allot of the people who were playing forever were angry because it too them so long to get all their jobs to level cap and geared and with Abyssea everyone could easily level all their jobs to 50 and gear them in no time.. That was a big accomplishment to get all jobs up, geared and be able to play them and SE took that away from them..
Then there all these people who leveled all these jobs to cap but could not play them and did not understand them. This also led the the big seal greed ***** fest to gear the jobs.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2015 10:00am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#165 Feb 02 2015 at 1:10 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Nashred wrote:
I remember allot of the people who were playing forever were angry because it too them so long to get all their jobs to level cap and geared and with Abyssea everyone could easily level all their jobs to 50 and gear them in no time.. That was a big accomplishment to get all jobs up, geared and be able to play them and SE took that away from them..

I believe Summoner-burn leveling existed prior to Abyssea, so there were already issues with people having highly leveled characters without going through the traditional leveling experience. If nothing else, I remember people shouting and offering gil to Corsairs for resetting SMNs 2-hour.
#166 Feb 02 2015 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
Summoner burning was great! You needed someone to be the "sync" - ideally a very low level, as the Gustav tunnel mobs stopped giving exp around level 30, if I remember right - but it was absolutely the fastest way to level pre-Abyssea.

Four summoners, a sync, and a throwaway slot for someone (usually someone paying for it), plus an outside person to link all the mobs and gather them up (usually a 75 RDM, NIN, or THF) and just stand there and hold them while the summoner targeted the lone red mob and Astral Flowed them all to oblivion. It was beautiful.

It's also how I got my SMN to 75, which is why my summoning skill was so out of whack that I proceeded to spend the next month with a Windower script running to try to catch it up.... summoning elementals over and over and over and over again....
#167 Feb 02 2015 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Ya, most people did Maze of Shakrami or Yuhtunga Jungle (that's where we mostly did it). I can't even remember how many jobs we took to 75 that way, but it was quite a few. Made decent gil too, charging people along the way.

That being said, the exp earned from those didn't even come close to what an FC party did in terms of exp/hr. Astral burns often went wonky if the puller messed anything, if the smns didn't AF properly, etc.

#168 Feb 02 2015 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Nashred wrote:
Then there all these people who leveled all these jobs to cap but could not play them and did not understand them.
Yeah, let's not pretend that it was some kind of utopian age of enlightenment when the exp pace was 4k/hr. Power leveling doesn't make bad players. Bad players make bad players.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2015 3:18pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#169 Feb 02 2015 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:

Nashred wrote:
I want a dungeon where I have to use my brain to beat, or strategies, or terrain or something not my memory only.
The new AK hard mode has that for ya with the headless horseman fight. Gotta duck behind the statues when you're targeted, or die. That's a bit of randomness (who gets attacked), and use of terrain (since the statues get destroyed in the process.)

If you haven't already.... coil. Run that mess. All the challenge you will ever need.

T5 was the first big dungeon that required you to use your brain and figure out what to do when you have a certain mark placed over your head.

T9 required you to learn to place meteors in a strategic manner so you don't die, was split up into 4 distinct major phases, and forced you to aware of the placement of adds as a group, debuffs on party members, placement of yourself, buffs, and dps all at the same time. T9 pre-nerf was a really considerable challenge. I've played and beat it many times and it never turns out the same way.

But the new coil fights are right up your alley...

T10 requires you to be aware what icon you have and what debuff you possess as to whether or not you stack in a certain place to mitigate an attack. It requires on the spot team coordination to deal with random mechanics towards the end, where you have to pre-choose players to stack under certain conditions. You can't memorize the fight and get by, it is quite situational. Plus the floor closes in on you and gets smaller as you go, enraging if you don't beat it in time.

T11 requires you to read some random patterns to determine whether to spread out or stack up, and the add phase is particularly challenging has add management (move in a big circle or they merge and merge = death) + ground aoe giving you heavy + T9 thunder (move out of group or kill the group) + T1 "adds die at the same time" + need people close to add or it deals aoe. Aoe patterns and thunder are randomized. Then the next phase requires prepositioning for tethers that bind random members of the group. They need to be close to each other but far from the other tethered group. Then there is 120 degree conal aoe that forces you to move, and mechanics that make you stack and split up as a team. Requires a ton of coordination.

T12 mechanics require adds to die in a strategic pattern (a la the bone dragon, first boss of CT), require stacking to spawn an add, then require you to place aoes to weaken those adds, (all while killing the first adds at specific positions at 1 minute intervals). Then a T2 like hot potato mechanic occurs simultaneous to a new mechanic that requires someone to place an aoe, then a person picks up that aoe and intercepts a player targeted line in order to cancel it. Then all the adds come back and you kill them 1 by 1, away from each other, and then they return and get bigger and you have to kill them again. Then ifrit style charge aoe happens randomly all the while a fountain aoe appears that different people have to stand in to take damage and give it stacks. After a certain number of stacks it disappears, but no one player can stand in it more more than half of the time and not die.

T13... I hear it deals with megaflare. That is all, I haven't ran this one.

These fights are challenging. Ultra challenging.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2015 2:54pm by Valkayree
#170 Feb 03 2015 at 3:25 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Then there all these people who leveled all these jobs to cap but could not play them and did not understand them.
Yeah, let's not pretend that it was some kind of utopian age of enlightenment when the exp pace was 4k/hr. Power leveling doesn't make bad players. Bad players make bad players.

This, which could also segue into how why some "good" players thought they were "good" compared to others. Early XI was far more about time and luck than execution. Would people have been bitter about their Adaman Hauberk being replaced if they didn't have to go through a year+ of LS politics, HNM camping, or eventually Odin spam despite how long the item was so good? Probably not. To which, well, I generally assert that people are more generous with sharing things when rarity is not sky high. The bitterness and resentment some chose to express is a direct result of realizing that maybe the game did ask too much of them even if they may persistently deny it. This backlash was further revisited when RMEs were not initially upgradable with Adoulin. "It took me a lot of time to get XYZ! How dare you obsolete it!" Yes, some people quit because of Abyssea. I never said they didn't. But I'd be comfortable in the guess that for every person who did, at least one returned or even picked up the game to take their place. Which is exactly why XI falling back into the old habits was so detrimental. Not having Adoulin out within 6-9 months of Heroes did the rest.

And since I seem to be going all broken record with things I've said in the XIV section over time, every single piece of content released in an MMO ever will have a peak lifespan for an individual. For some it's tied to how fun the specific content is. Others care more about what they get from it. The rest may only put up with it because they want to curry favor with their peers. They're not mutually exclusive conditions, but when they dry up for the individual, that's it. It's beaten, it's useless, it's a waste of time, whatever you wanna call it. And that's not a bad thing since it inherently puts pressure on a dev to create more. I'm not a fan of "after the fact" hard mode dungeons or adding new things to old content with minimal tweaks. It tries to cheat that development principle and reeks of cost-cutting. Do it all at once or pick one, make it as awesome as possible, then move on barring bugs and QoL tweaks. Whatever comes of tackling the harder difficulties should ultimately boil down to progressing a bit more quickly and some greater vanity options, not outright exclusivity. All the whiny casuals paid their $15/mo, too, like it or not. They've bought into the dev cycle, too. Get better to get more in the same span or take your time. Neither choice is worse than the other as long as they have fun doing it.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#171 Feb 03 2015 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
Valkayree wrote:
Catwho wrote:

Nashred wrote:
I want a dungeon where I have to use my brain to beat, or strategies, or terrain or something not my memory only.
The new AK hard mode has that for ya with the headless horseman fight. Gotta duck behind the statues when you're targeted, or die. That's a bit of randomness (who gets attacked), and use of terrain (since the statues get destroyed in the process.)

If you haven't already.... coil. Run that mess. All the challenge you will ever need.

They won't, looking at the posts that complain there isn't any mention of COIL. This is the Hard end stuff of XIV, the stuff that even hardcore XIV players can throw a tantrum about. I am still on Coil 6 I believe and it really is about all of you not making a single mistake. Even Titan Ex is more forgiving and allows you to make a mistake or two but that's with Healers who are also on it. I find COIL more difficult than all of the content I ever played in XI.

Any one who mentions this game has no challenge doesn't play it, every MMO has 95% of content that is winnable with some ease (Including XI) - after all what's the point in adding something that only 0.1% of the players can win. The hardest things in XI (removing the You Know what) was winnable with new guys.

I think again the general feeling with these people complaining is that they need to leave XIV and come back after a few expansion packs. If they still don't like the game, again Quit and Uninstall. Out of all these complaints I have read through it is looking like they have not played all the content or are unhappy with the fundamentals of the game.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2015 5:32am by Lonix
#172 Feb 03 2015 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
As much as Coil might be right up someone's alley in terms of challenge, the way it's currently setup allows it to be completed by a very limited amount of people. You essentially need 8 people with similar schedules who don't bail 1-3 days a week (usually seems to be a min. of 2 days a week).

The minute you don't have the Mon-Fri 9-5 schedule, no static is going to touch you as it's almost impossible to get the same days off from week to week. Sure you can PF/DF, but uhh good luck with that. Just randomly try T5 with echo right now, it is PAINFUL. Divebomb/snake phase still finishes off most people, hell even conflag still confuses people (though much punishment can be absorbed due to echo). The way the newest turns are setup usually means not ONE person can ***** up which is also ridiculous. Once people gear up and/or echo is introduced then yes, mistakes can be made.

So unless you CAN do Coil, there's almost 0 challenge to the game. The other challenges (imo), are Titan EX and Ramuh EX, but again, try pugging those without a static of competent players, it's not fun. The 8 man requisite though is what leads to this. It's not enough people to force groups to pick up a couple strangers and it's too many for funny schedule people to do something consistently.

I didn't clear Titan, Ramuh, T5, T6-7-8 until my old static took me through. They didn't even carry me, it's just the PF/DF is that bad. The only way the PF works is if a group is looking for ONE member for the night, that's it. I think that's what people are after, some moderate challenge in dungeons/low man activities.

#173 Feb 03 2015 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Coil 1-4 is winnable with Duty Finder these days, at least. People have farming T4 down to a science.
#174 Feb 03 2015 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
Well it's also because everything dies so fast, it hardly matters what you do. T1 is the same way, people don't even split the snakes up anymore, just a Zerg fest. T2, I imagine people sit around rather then actually try and deal with the Rot.

#175 Feb 03 2015 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
There is challenging content that's not a issue Lets face it some of them are walls put up to slow people down... Again its variety.
Truthfully the hard thing about coil is getting a group that is willing to do it and stick together.
Turn 5 was a wall and that is where most left off with coil ... I got to about 3/4 of the way through turn 5 pre-buff when our static broke up.. Now there is not enough people to do turn 5 so it stays a wall just like titan EX. Is it possible to get a group sure but it is hard.. Most dont want to go back and redo content. Personally I dont want to lead a group anymore, I had years of doing it... If you are not in the first groups through some content it get really hard to get a dedicated enough group to do content in this game and most are willing to wait till it gets too easy.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2015 9:27am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#176 Feb 03 2015 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
Yup, that's Shiva EX right now, was Levi Ex prior to that. Only a few people had access to them, they farmed the crap out of it, and then it was almost impossible to finish until Echo came along. I can imagine a ton of people still get knocked off Levi EX. That being said, I'm less bothered by those because there is no weekly lockout on them. So, friendly statics can rep one member with you and help you access them.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2015 9:19am by Montsegurnephcreep

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