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Looking for specific details on FFXIV ARRFollow

#1 Apr 11 2013 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good

I am looking for information specifically about certain aspects of FFXIV. DISCLAIMER - I will talk about GW2 in this post but not as a comparison to this game but more as a general example when I need to explain something.

I will also attempt to keep this post as brief as possible while still giving as detailed and parsimonious explanation as I can.

I played FFXI for roughly 8 years 2002-2009, it was a very enjoyable game but it had gotten to the point where I was sick of certain aspects of it but I couldn't quite identify what they were or why I had grown tired of the game. After playing Guild wars 2 last year I realized what those things were. I am here to ask about certain key aspects of mmos that I have grown tired of and whether or not they are common in FFXIV. Quite frankly my life has gotten so busy that I just no longer have time to deal with the following things in games.

1. Camping for mobs - This was by far the most hated aspect of FFXI for me. I simply do not have time to camp monsters for advancing my character's gear or for the purpose of getting rare crafting materials, etc. In Guild wars 2 when you attack a monster you get your very own batch of loot independent from anyone else who also joins in the fight. Does FFXIV have camping as a main way of advancing a character through the acquisition of gear, rare drops, crafting materials, etc. or does it implement some other system for this?

2. Spending 1/2 my time running from point A to point B - Yes I know that once the crags were unlocked, and region warp was completed travel in FFXI was really not to bad. With that said, the first year or so of playing the game I must have spent at least 50% of my play time just traveling from place to play. I don't want to be doing this again in any online game. Guild wars 2 was able to deal with this issue by simply allowing players to auto warp to any point on the map they have unlocked anywhere in the world for a small (in game currency) fee.

3. Monopolies of gear, rare crafting materials, etc - This directly ties in to issue #1. In FFXI many end game linkshells would actively camp, organize, and essentially monopolize the market for rare crafting materials and rare spawns. Honestly I don't have time for this BS anymore. If the game encourages this behavior I simply will not play it.

4. Forced Grouping to level - Again it is an issue of time. I simply cannot spend 2-3 hours shouting or even 60 minutes /sea all whm "40-50" /sea all rdm "40-50" /sea all nin "40-50" /tell "Hi want to join a pt in (insert zone)". ---- I am over this.

5. Incredibly slow crafting system - Your alchemy skills increased by "0.1" -- Need I say more?

6. The need to wait around until people are available to help you in order to get things done - This is an issue that I believe is still common in FFXI today. You either dual box or wait until a friend who has leveled the right class is online to help you get something done. I don't have time to wait around like this anymore. I need a game where if I want to progress there are several avenues that I can take — even if I am playing solo that night — to do so.

7. (Insane levels of) Inflation - I will not spend 20 hours a week farming Darksteel ore for over a month and a half to buy a scorpion harness. It was a monotonous chore and I will not play a game where I feel like I have a second job. A game should be fun to play, I don't know anyone who found farming, mining, and logging fun, especially when they had to pay the insanely inflated gear prices.

These were the main issues I had with FFXI that I finally was able to identify after having played GW2. In the end it all comes down to time spent. I just don't have the massive amount of free time I used to back in 2002-2009 to play an mmo that demands so much. I want to know if these issues are going to be present in FFXIV. I have done some research on the game and I have heard that it is much faster paced than FFXI was. I have also heard that you will not spend all day traveling from point A to point B and that solo content is much more common. With that said, I have not actually played the game beyond level 6 (When the original came out) so I want to ask people who maybe have played the closed beta or know a bit more about how ARR will handle the above.


Edited, Apr 11th 2013 12:36pm by Alazardragoonz

Edited, Apr 11th 2013 12:36pm by Alazardragoonz
#2 Apr 11 2013 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
I think for the most part you will be happy with XIV then. I'll try to answer your questions:

1. Camping for mobs - NM's are only going to exist within guild leves as far as we know now, and you won't be camping them for gear. A lot of gear will come from crafters or instanced dungeons that you can run with small groups (4 people) so waiting for parties won't be as big of an issue.

2. Spending 1/2 my time running from point A to point B - Getting around is much easier in ARR. During my hands on you can teleport to camps using money once you've attuned with that camp's crystal. Getting places seemed quick and painless to me.

3. Monopolies of gear, rare crafting materials, etc - Probably can't tell at this point, the in game economy will determine this but I'm thinking the best gear will probably be drops from instanced dugeons or FATEs so you should be ok there.

4. Forced Grouping to level - It's been said you can get to level 15 or so solo and there will be lots of activities to do that you can use to level up solo between Guildleves, FATEs, etc. Also see my answer to 1, parties won't be as difficult to form now.

5. Incredibly slow crafting system - Check out the alpha vid of crafting, I think you'll be happy with the changes.

6. The need to wait around until people are available to help you in order to get things done - Instanced dugeons will probably be most of what you wait around for, but we don't have any information on the missions/quests that we will be doing yet.

7. (Insane levels of) Inflation - See 3.

Edited, Apr 11th 2013 11:56am by Wint
#3 Apr 12 2013 at 4:49 AM Rating: Good
2,153 posts
Yes. Pretty much everything you mention has been adressed.
Feel free to enjoy the game ^.^/
#4 Apr 12 2013 at 6:22 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
yes.. in otherwords casual ppl who love WoW and think its teh best MMO ever made.. get FFXIV NAOW.... hardcore players who loved the old FFXI, stay as FAR away from FFXIV as humanly possible.. otherwise youre just gonna be flooding these forums with "FFXIV sucks/still sucks" topics. There will be NOTHING for you to like about this game.

(go ahead I dare someone to tell me Im wrong).
#5 Apr 12 2013 at 6:28 AM Rating: Excellent
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
yes.. in otherwords casual ppl who love WoW and think its teh best MMO ever made.. get FFXIV NAOW.... hardcore players who loved the old FFXI, stay as FAR away from FFXIV as humanly possible.. otherwise youre just gonna be flooding these forums with "FFXIV sucks/still sucks" topics. There will be NOTHING for you to like about this game.

(go ahead I dare someone to tell me Im wrong).

Smiley: rolleyes You're such a contributor.
#6 Apr 12 2013 at 6:30 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Wint wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
yes.. in otherwords casual ppl who love WoW and think its teh best MMO ever made.. get FFXIV NAOW.... hardcore players who loved the old FFXI, stay as FAR away from FFXIV as humanly possible.. otherwise youre just gonna be flooding these forums with "FFXIV sucks/still sucks" topics. There will be NOTHING for you to like about this game.

(go ahead I dare someone to tell me Im wrong).

Smiley: rolleyes You're such a contributor.

what? its not like am bashing the game (especially considering I plan to get it( Im just speaking the truth... if you want a casual Wow like FF experience then get this game.. if you were hoping for a hardcore, take 3 years to get a relic weapon upgraded, super hard CoP like content and hardcore old school FFXI/Everquest like traditional MMO experience, then this game isnt for you.

Simple as that. Im I wrong?
#7 Apr 12 2013 at 6:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Yes, I hated WoW and I'm excited for the game. I would consider myself a hard core XI player and I'm excited for the game. Pretty much the exact opposite of your assessment. You also have no idea what they're planning for end game content, yet you speak like you're an authority on the subject. I really wish you'd just go away sometimes.
#8 Apr 12 2013 at 7:08 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Wint wrote:
Yes, I hated WoW and I'm excited for the game. I would consider myself a hard core XI player and I'm excited for the game. Pretty much the exact opposite of your assessment. You also have no idea what they're planning for end game content, yet you speak like you're an authority on the subject. I really wish you'd just go away sometimes.

but havent you yourself said (on more than one occasion I might add) this isnt FFXI-2, dont expect what you had in FFXI to be in this game. The way FFXI was designed was after Everquest which to today standards is old and archaic and wouldnt sell well today as more casual approach in mmos is the big thing now, and SE would be risking having a lot smaller playerbase if they made a game such as that as opposed to making one more like Wow.

Those arent the exact words you used but surely you cant say that doesnt sound about right/familiar to you.

Also since the TCs questions were mainly about FFXI and what he didnt like about it and your answers were the complete opposite of what he dint like also backs up that FFXIV is the complete polar opposite of FFXI (well pre abyssea anyway). Does it not?
#9 Apr 12 2013 at 7:19 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
The fact remains that we do not know how the end content is gonna be so we can't be sure.
#10 Apr 12 2013 at 8:22 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Teravibe wrote:
The fact remains that we do not know how the end content is gonna be so we can't be sure.

we may not know but it doesnt take an PHD in astrophysics to take what you do know and figure out/discern where its going and or how it will end up.. I mean how many books have you read or movies you have watched where you figure out (and was right) about how everything was gonna turn out just with the little information you had acquired before reading that WHOLE book/watching the WHOLE movie?
#11 Apr 12 2013 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
You are right on that i guess, but then again i read and watched a lot that while i thought it was gonna end one way they blow my mind with the twist in the end! ;)
#12 Apr 12 2013 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Teravibe wrote:
You are right on that i guess, but then again i read and watched a lot that while i thought it was gonna end one way they blow my mind with the twist in the end! ;)

which is 100% correct... but this is SE.. and with the way 1.0 turned out Im not holding my breathe for any dramatic "plot twists"

will i LIKE ARR? most definitely..

Will I LOVE it and think it is half as good or better than FFXI (pre abyssea)? Most definitely not
#13 Apr 12 2013 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Teravibe wrote:
You are right on that i guess, but then again i read and watched a lot that while i thought it was gonna end one way they blow my mind with the twist in the end! ;)

which is 100% correct... but this is SE.. and with the way 1.0 turned out Im not holding my breathe for any dramatic "plot twists"

will i LIKE ARR? most definitely..

Will I LOVE it and think it is half as good or better than FFXI (pre abyssea)? Most definitely not

While I understand what you’re saying, and in some respects agree, there are a couple of holes in your logic. Firstly, Of course you wont hold ARR in the same light as FFXI. Anything that is your first you will more than likely always hold more dear to your heart than any that proceed it. For example, Final Fantasy VII is my favorite FF. Although almost every FF made (excluding 13.. I didn’t hate it but it did kind of suck lol..) is by no means terrible and may even be great (like my time with ffxi), I will never hold it in the same light I will FF7. Others like FF6 the best which over all graphic wise is a far cry from VII, but they still believe it to be the best.

Also, FFXI (pre abby lol) is my first FF MMO I ever played and I doubt any other MMO will ever compare to my time with it no matter the story gameplay or graphics. I agree with you in this respect.. Secondly, although you can take what you do know about ARR, you still don’t KNOW for certain. At this point it is just a guess. Though I would like to point out Yoshi talked about it taking 24 people to do crystal tower. I also have seen him state several times in his interviews that there WOULD be hard core content in ARR. Yes the game IS indeed advertised and made with casual gamers more in mind but there will be harder content that takes a more seasoned/skilled player to make it through.

ARR will be different from FFXI in many places. But I would not count hard core content out yet. Level progression and cobat may be more wow like. But I believe there is alot of FFXI in ARR than many think.

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 1:50pm by AlexandEric
#14 Apr 12 2013 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Id have to disagree.. FF7 was my first RPG AND first FF game... yet I liked plenty of other RPGs and FF games more... including 8
#15 Apr 12 2013 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Id have to disagree.. FF7 was my first RPG AND first FF game... yet I liked plenty of other RPGs and FF games more... including 8

Yes, but FFXI was your FIRST FF MMO :)

I said, "more than likely.." and even you have said ARR wont be better than FFXI to you, making my point. Also, FF8 is my 2nd favorite.. love that game :)

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 4:14pm by AlexandEric
#16 Apr 12 2013 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
1. Camping for mobs

Yeah camping for HMNs was kind of dumb, but regular area NMs were very cool and hope that FFXIV has them as well.

2. Spending 1/2 my time running from point A to point B -

I think it needs to work the same way in FFXI, where you have to "earn" the right to teleport. Not "earn" in a job way, but "earn" in a fun, quest chain way. Teleportation makes the world smaller and less interesting IMO. And begs the question are we playing for endgame, or are we playing to experience the game and the content therein.

3. Monopolies of gear, rare crafting materials, etc -

This never really affected me but if these things are instanced, then that takes care of that.

4. Forced Grouping to level -

This was pretty dumb in FFXI and really hurt classes and casuals (or those without a static). I think this is and should be addressed.

5. Incredibly slow crafting system -

I don't craft, but this seems to be worked on as well.

6. The need to wait around until people are available to help you in order to get things done -

I agree, but I believe there should be some content where grouping is mandatory. If it isn't possible to find a group, then the solo route, if one, should be much longer.

7. (Insane levels of) Inflation -

I really didn't see too much of a problem with this especially if other (farmed) items were inflated as well. As a legitimate "farmer" my THF collected tons of beehive chips and silk to buy my scorpion harness (and other things). Having to jump through those hoops, made that gear worth something. To me hunting NMs and farming at a decent clip for gil per hr, was fun.

But this was all within the context of FFXI. I needed that gear to in turn entice groups to PT with me. I needed to farm shihei to continue to be a Ninja. And this was the only way to obtain gear like this. So, without forced grouping gear is going to become less and less important. If anything, this is probably one of the things I'm a bit saddened by. If FFXIV does take a WoW approach to gear then new content specifically at endgame is going to make previous gear worthless.


One of the quirks about my playstyle is not wanting an endgame. I'd rather take my time but at the same time feel, like I'm progressing in the world, in the storyline, and as a character.

GW2 was great and innovated in a lot of areas, but it was hollow. I think things like FATEs shows that SE is listening, borrowing from the games they should have borrowed from post FFXI and will have addressed most of these issues.

#17 Apr 12 2013 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
AlexandEric wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Id have to disagree.. FF7 was my first RPG AND first FF game... yet I liked plenty of other RPGs and FF games more... including 8

Yes, but FFXI was your FIRST FF MMO :)

I said, "more than likely.." and even you have said ARR wont be better than FFXI to you, making my point. Also, FF8 is my 2nd favorite.. love that game :)

Edited, Apr 12th 2013 4:14pm by AlexandEric

thats because itll lack most of the features FFXI had that i liked.. if new game cam eout that had everything FXI had (i.e was an old school everquest style game instead of WoW clone) with an actual storyline and better graphics that would easily be better than FFXI to me
#18 Apr 14 2013 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
It sounds like the game has addressed some of the major concerns I had with FFXI.

I will do a bit of research on classes / weapons to see if the weapons I would like to play are in the game (Great Axes, Spears, Long Bow).

I wish there was a release date for the game. Chances are if it releases after June I will not be able to play it due to the intensification of my courses. I really wanted to get some time in the game during summer but SE seems determined to remain quiet about a release date.


PS, I am sorry if this has already been answered before, but I don't want to start a new thread just to ask a question.

- I have been reading about the way that servers will work in this game. If I understand correctly there will be servers where older characters will not be allowed (i.e., already max level characters) and there will be servers where max level characters will be allowed?

Is this correct?

Edited, Apr 15th 2013 1:35am by Alazardragoonz

Edited, Apr 15th 2013 2:54am by Alazardragoonz
#19 Apr 15 2013 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
There are servers referred to as Legacy Servers, where characters from 1.0 will be deposited when they launch ARR. Those characters are not allowed to transfer to "New" servers where everyone starts on equal footing.

As far as weapons go, I don't know if there are Great Swords, but Lancer/Dragoon use a lance and Archer/Bard use bows, so you're covered there at least. I expect Gladiator/Paladin will probably have great swords if they don't already.
#20 Apr 15 2013 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
There are no Great Swords atm. Every class has only one weapon in this game so if they add them it has to have its own separate class.

That's how I understand it anyway.

So, it could be a future Dark Knight that uses Great Swords. or they could use Scythes, and maybe we'll never get them. It will probably be a really long time before you see any new melee weapons. Yoshi-P said in the letters that he probably has to add Musketeer after Summoner (which is being added at launch) because the guild is already set up.

I hope they add more melee soon though.

DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
yes.. in otherwords casual ppl who love WoW and think its teh best MMO ever made.. get FFXIV NAOW.... hardcore players who loved the old FFXI, stay as FAR away from FFXIV as humanly possible.. otherwise youre just gonna be flooding these forums with "FFXIV sucks/still sucks" topics. There will be NOTHING for you to like about this game.

(go ahead I dare someone to tell me Im wrong)

You could be right, but you could be wrong. We know about the WoW-ish questing system and the instances and the raid finders which Yoshi-P has all laid out for us. As far as I know, we don't really have a lot of specifics on endgame, which is a huge part of whether it will ever be 'hardcore'.

Edited, Apr 15th 2013 8:58am by Killua125
#21 Apr 15 2013 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
While I sadly no longer have the time for such time sinks either, all of the things you listed are what made the game such an accomplishment. It's the reason that long ago before abyssea and such, seeing a 75 anything was so awesome. It allowed the truly devoted crafters to form a niche in the community on their server. I remember we had like 3 or 4 100+x Goldsmithers on our server for years. Those guys were well known and called upon by the rich to make their super shiny rings.

It was really cool.
#22 Apr 15 2013 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Probably wont add new classes or jobs till they raise the level cap.
#23 Apr 15 2013 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
I believe that either at or shortly after launch they're adding the Arcanist class which takes on the Summoner job later and also makes it so there are more than two mage classes in the game.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#24 Apr 15 2013 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
I totally understand where a person wants the series of ff mmo to be more casual.
The problem i have is ppl not realizing that the human desire is like a black hole about
ffxi it was extremely time consuming but was rewarding at the same time if you take
The "need" for effort and goals from an established mmo you are playing console games now
In the end we will all get tired and bored thats that human desire kickin in enjoy it while you can is all im saying
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