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#252 Feb 21 2017 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
You must run with some trash tanks then. It's so easy to hold agro and tank in this game. The only challenge as a tank is memorizing more mechanics than the other guy.
#253 Feb 21 2017 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
You must run with some trash tanks then. It's so easy to hold agro and tank in this game. The only challenge as a tank is memorizing more mechanics than the other guy.

It's why I regret queuing anything on Aether as DRK because I end up doing the heavy lifting even with a better geared PLD around lol. When I run BRD it's like some tanks never heard of or know the concept of a DPS using an opener, even with Quelling Strikes, so you see (good) DPS end up as the tanks majority of the time and if for some dumb reason (no CD usage) a tank dies, you know it's more likely for a DPS to be a tank than sadly the WAR/DRK in other alliances, while you won't be using your enmity (aside WAR), you should still be next or very close to the MT in terms of enmity if you're actually doing something.

I think outside of savage the main challenge is not falling asleep because muscle memory literally takes you through most fights lol.

#254 Feb 21 2017 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Hio, are you going to buy Stormblood even though the formula is not changing?
Thayos Redblade
#255 Feb 21 2017 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Hio, are you going to buy Stormblood even though the formula is not changing?

We are having fun right now but have not played in like 6 months. Almost feels like this is the way the game is meant to be played. Takes no time to catch up.

Not sure Tes and I will or not at this point buy the expansion. When I even mentioned it to Tesee she was so disappointed to even hear of a expansion again.. She does not want to level everything again.

Very disappointed to hear they really are not adding anything, just amazing. I can feel the game faltering and I can see the excitement for the game dropping fast. I think it is a mistake not adding anything new at all.. You do not have to change the whole format just add something different. I have been reading the forums allot the last day or so on the new expansion and it seem more people are disappointed and allot more people have stopped defending the game. When Heavensward was coming the excitement was way higher.

Server seems way slower now that I am on and even though there is some new players not as many as there was 6 months ago when we left. I think this expansion may actually hurt the game. It may push a good bunch away who will not want to pay to continue. I think some players who left might come back but if they would have added something really new there could be a jump in players. I am just not sure this expansion will help, it may actually hurt. Nothing more than a map expansion and the same stuff you get monthly patches for content. Some may be excited about the new jobs.

Edited, Feb 21st 2017 11:28am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#256 Feb 21 2017 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
ou do not have to change the whole format just add something different. I have been reading the forums allot the last day or so on the new expansion and it seem more people are disappointed and allot more people have stopped defending the game.

You definitely can't judge the game's health by people complaining on the forums. People will always complain, and the complainers will always be louder than the folks who are happily playing.

And what do you mean, nothing new? We're getting red mage and Samurai! Hours of new storyline! More dungeons and raids! A new exploratory area that will probably be different than Diadem! And new maps to explore.

You're right, though -- FFXIV is not meant to be a game played in a hardcore style. If you want to sink long hours into this game, then you'd better be more of a casual player at heart, or it's going to drive you nuts. That's why I'm honestly curious as to whether Hio will keep playing. Logic would indicate that anyone unsatisfied with the game as it stands wouldn't want to spend another $40 (or whatever it is) on another block of content he/she won't be happy with. But we'll see!

I'm excited for the expansion to hit, as is everyone in my large and lively FC.

I'm telling you, Nash... transfer to Hyperion and join my FC. If you miss that FFXI feel of having a great group, my FC is outstanding.
Thayos Redblade
#257 Feb 21 2017 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
ou do not have to change the whole format just add something different. I have been reading the forums allot the last day or so on the new expansion and it seem more people are disappointed and allot more people have stopped defending the game.

You definitely can't judge the game's health by people complaining on the forums. People will always complain, and the complainers will always be louder than the folks who are happily playing.

And what do you mean, nothing new? We're getting red mage and Samurai! Hours of new storyline! More dungeons and raids! A new exploratory area that will probably be different than Diadem! And new maps to explore.

You're right, though -- FFXIV is not meant to be a game played in a hardcore style. If you want to sink long hours into this game, then you'd better be more of a casual player at heart, or it's going to drive you nuts. That's why I'm honestly curious as to whether Hio will keep playing. Logic would indicate that anyone unsatisfied with the game as it stands wouldn't want to spend another $40 (or whatever it is) on another block of content he/she won't be happy with. But we'll see!

I'm excited for the expansion to hit, as is everyone in my large and lively FC.

I'm telling you, Nash... transfer to Hyperion and join my FC. If you miss that FFXI feel of having a great group, my FC is outstanding.

i agree but I think you can tell some what when comparing time lines, when the majority has gone another way from what it was before.:
I am quoting someone else but this seems to be getting to be more and more.

I think the jobs will be cool, hope the story is even more engaging than hw, but I know after that, its going to be the same end game tome grind.

I feel exactly the same as him, you even said it in the above quote same ole formula, so you know what I mean by something new. But my point is the above statement is the majority now.. It means people are getting board. The problem is if you are going to make it so easy to get to end game give the people something different to do.


"They're disappointed in a stagnant design philosophy and a complete lack at any attempt at innovation

I am excited for the new areas, terrified for the job changes, excited for the swimming, and disappointed both the jobs are DPS..
I just wish it wasnt going to be the same tombstone grind and relic grind.. and dungeon grind.

I mean this stuff is getting to be the norm and you used to get pounded to the ground for saying such a thing. I am hearing this in the game from allot of people. My friend who plays all the time says the same-thing. you see it allot in the ffxi forums now where people are going back to FFXI because they are sick of the same ole thing on FFXIV. Tomb grind has to go or some new battle system needs to be added for gear.

I really doubt we buy the expansion with nothing new being added. The story has been great and the main draw and is what keeps us coming back but most of the combat or what ever that goes with the missions makes you feel like a errand boy, Just not compelling.

I am sure we would have more fun with your group and we need to find a good group actually. Only issue is we split our time between 2 games. After we catch up on FFXIV we will go back to finish FFXI for a bit because FFXIV just does not provide enough for us. After a while we will come back to FFXIV to catch up again. I am not sure the expansion provides any new content for us for 60.00 maybe after it has been out a while and the price drops. Eventually we will quit ffxi either because it is over or we got everything done ( we are not that interested in end game right now on FFXI) Our feelings could change because FFXI is a shell of what it was too. We do not have much left to finish either. seriously could finish it in a month or two.

Also we have allot of gil and they limit how much you can transfer with.


Personally i would rather have them improve on what is existing or adding something new than a new expansion at this point.

Edited, Feb 21st 2017 2:56pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#258 Feb 21 2017 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
I still dabble in FFXI too, but I'm mainly just chipping away at the main story, then I'm out. I honestly don't get why anyone would want to keep playing that game, let alone "go back" to it. The new content for that game is... man, like drops of a trickle. How many times can you do slow-paced BCNM fights (grinding the same fight repeatedly for a month at a time in Ambuscade) before admitting that the game is pretty boring?

I hear Asura is kinda sorta populated, but dang... hard to complain about FFXIV toward the end of an expansion cycle and then say you'd rather be playing XI.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. But for me, XIV holds the edge on both content variety and liveliness.
Thayos Redblade
#259 Feb 21 2017 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
so you know what I mean by something new


I feel exactly the same as him, you even said it in the above quote same ole formula, so you know what I mean by something new. But my point is the above statement is the majority now.. It means people are getting board.

I don't remember that study. If you're invoking a majority here (a thing you shouldn't do), can you cite some data so we can see for ourselves?

I am hearing this in the game from allot of people. My friend who plays all the time says the same-thing. you see it allot in the ffxi forums now where people are going back to FFXI because they are sick of the same ole thing on FFXIV. Tomb grind has to go or some new battle system needs to be added for gear.

Currently you can get gear at endgame by:
1: Killing bosses that drop gear
2: Collecting fragments of gear from normal raids
3: Turning in currency for gear
4: Crafting/buying crafted gear
5: Grinding a deep dungeon for weapons
6: (Soon) Exploring The Diadem for gear

I can tell you that in WoW (still the most successful MMO) the ways you get gear at endgame are:
1: Kill bosses that drop gear
2: Craft/buy gear and then upgrade it
3: Do PvP for gear drops

I'm not familiar enough with FFXI's endgame to speak intelligently about it but I believe it's majority "turn thing in for gear" which is pretty much getting more boss drops. If I'm wrong about that please correct me, that's just my current understanding of FFXI's endgame.

So I'm confused here. It looks to me like FFXIV offers a variety of ways to obtain endgame gear.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#260 Feb 21 2017 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
I still dabble in FFXI too, but I'm mainly just chipping away at the main story, then I'm out. I honestly don't get why anyone would want to keep playing that game, let alone "go back" to it. The new content for that game is... man, like drops of a trickle. How many times can you do slow-paced BCNM fights (grinding the same fight repeatedly for a month at a time in Ambuscade) before admitting that the game is pretty boring?

I hear Asura is kinda sorta populated, but dang... hard to complain about FFXIV toward the end of an expansion cycle and then say you'd rather be playing XI.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. But for me, XIV holds the edge on both content variety and liveliness.

I am not really defending FFXI, I did mention end game offers nothing for us. The game is a shell of its former self and is not nearly as fun. Everything before Rhapsodies is pretty cool though. Monster raising is still more creative than anything they have added to FFXIV. FFXIV still has story and that is pretty much it. I am back to FFXIV and every new dungeon is the same thing I have been doing since beta, they just are in a different package same as raids. Weapons and armor are the same tomb grind as ever. There has to be something other than tomes? I still do not get why there can not be good craft-able gear?

You know what would be fun for FFXIV? Magian trials, they may have been a grind but hey they were a different way of getting stuff. But you know what they would never work since everything is instanced. So that means your grind is going to be too run dungeons.

I think everything being instanced is the real killer for the game. it is whats stoping them from adding anything new.

hunts were a good attempt.

Edited, Feb 21st 2017 3:32pm by Nashred

Edited, Feb 21st 2017 3:32pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#261 Feb 21 2017 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm not sure how Magian trials would realistically work in XIV's content structure. It worked in XI because the game didn't progress vertically, so you could literally grind away at a goal for a year or two, and the goalposts wouldn't move. That's just not the kind of game XIV is... the game is more about experiencing new content and beating new arena bosses rather than grinding toward long-term goals.

In fact, XIV doesn't have long-term goals -- which is one of the reasons why I've grown to enjoy it so much. You get a new set of short-term goals with every update. And if you miss something, that's fine. Just start again at the next update.
Thayos Redblade
#262 Feb 21 2017 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Nashred wrote:
Personally i would rather have them improve on what is existing or adding something new than a new expansion at this point.

Isn't an expansion the definition of improving thing and adding something new?

The upcoming expansion is adding tons of new things. It's apparently not what you want, but then again we have no idea what you actually want.

Nashred wrote:
so you know what I mean by something new

Maybe the fact that you have to keep saying "you know what I mean" is an indicator that we don't actually know what you mean.

You keep saying you want something new but you never say what that is. I get that you don't want to run the same few dungeons and kill the same few bosses over and over (and that's not unreasonable) but what would you rather do instead?
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#263 Feb 21 2017 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Nash wants horizontal growth. And, to an extent, I'd love to see Yoshi-P find ways to go a bit horizontal within XIV's structure -- and why not? That just means more options for climbing the iLevel ladder, and that's always a good thing.

And he has delivered on that with Diadem, PoTD and -- coming in Stormblood -- the new exploratory area.

But Nash just seems to want an old-school horizontal game where you can literally spend years grinding away in certain content systems to work toward long-term goals, all while being accompanied by others enjoying the same kind of gameplay.

I just don't see that happening in the year 2017. Gamers have moved on, and I don't think most people want to go back to the days of grinding the same stuff for months/years to get single pieces of gear.

I'd rather look forward to a handful of new story missions, raids, dungeons and boss battles every few months.

Edited, Feb 21st 2017 12:50pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#264 Feb 22 2017 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Nash wants horizontal growth. And, to an extent, I'd love to see Yoshi-P find ways to go a bit horizontal within XIV's structure -- and why not? That just means more options for climbing the iLevel ladder, and that's always a good thing.

And he has delivered on that with Diadem, PoTD and -- coming in Stormblood -- the new exploratory area.

But Nash just seems to want an old-school horizontal game where you can literally spend years grinding away in certain content systems to work toward long-term goals, all while being accompanied by others enjoying the same kind of gameplay.

I just don't see that happening in the year 2017. Gamers have moved on, and I don't think most people want to go back to the days of grinding the same stuff for months/years to get single pieces of gear.

I'd rather look forward to a handful of new story missions, raids, dungeons and boss battles every few months.

Edited, Feb 21st 2017 12:50pm by Thayos

Somewhat yea..
Your right some gamers do not want that but there are those that do or gamers who have the time. It does not need to be the only way and if you do not want to you do not have too.. I am just sick of grinding tomes. Why can there not be great craft-able gear too.

I have said so many times what I am looking for but a few people just have selective reading.

I am tired of scripted cookie cutter dungeons where every time you run them they are the same. Every dungeon is trash mobs with 3 bosses. Why are the bosses trapped? Would it be cool if they were in different orders or roamed there was a sense of danger and didn't know what was around the corner. Would it be cool if they mixed up their abilities so you had to react instead of memorizing the order.

Why can’t they add something new like in FFXI when they added campaign, Dynamis or besieged? They were completely different than anything else in the game. Let’s add 2 dungeons and then a raid then 2 more dungeons then a raid then 2 more dungeons then a raid then two more dungeons and a raid. Oh and lets throw some half *** attempted at something different like diadem that is horrible and it fails so we can say “hey look players really do not want nothing new”. Now we have a expansion that is doing the same old thing and same old formula just in a different look. This was fun the first 50 times.

Why can’t there be some open world stuff that gives the sense of danger.. World seems dead and everything is on a string. It does not feel real. World looks beautiful.

It makes no sense they throw out the relic, why not have continued paths for those who wanted to keep doing it. The animus weapon is now ending too, why?
Why not keep adding on to it and give it a little higher stat for those who want to work for it. Oh wait you could turn the relic in for one step ahead of the rest after you spent months upon months.

I get tired of everything being out dated every other month. Spend all this time running dungeons and once you get the gear time to start all over. I think running coil is what made me feel the worst. Bust your but in a static to get the gear and someone could just run a dungeon and have just as good of gear. Why not reward those for the extra effort? the game feels like it for those who want but do not want to put in the effort.

I just want multiple paths, I am sick of running cookie cutter dungeons they have got boring they are all the same just in a different package. Have gamers got that shallow, boring and lazy that they do not demand some variety and want everything handed to them. I sure hope not or gaming is going to die without something new.

While Thayos you know I respect you and your opinion I know lots of players who stay away from FFXIV because they are looking for what you say players do not want anymore. I agree it probably is the majority too but I think it was when FFXI launched and still it was successful.
I mean I know your right Thayos about allot of gamers I mean look at COD it has barely changed since launch. Basically every year they charge for a map pack upgrade and perk changes which basically are name changes with a different skins. When a new console launches it gets a graphics upgrade but year after year it has lines of people to buy it. Still it is not everybody. So while I agree I think it is enough to add something for those players.

I think enough gamers are out there that want more. I think FFXIV can have multiple paths and actually stick some money into some diversity.

When I say the expansion is not adding anything I mean new, sure it is adding content but it will be the same ole missions through the same ole dungeons and raids. Two new jobs etc. It is content but not different content. Other than story nothing will change it will be the same old stuff in a different package with a map pack. I love the story it is the best part of the game but playing through it I fell like a errand boy. I am the warrior of light.

This game does not lack content it lacks new original content or different content.

Thayos wrote:
Nash wants horizontal growth. And, to an extent, I'd love to see Yoshi-P find ways to go a bit horizontal within XIV's structure -- and why not? That just means more options for climbing the iLevel ladder, and that's always a good thing.

I agree with this 100 percent also, more options.

Thayos I do not think we are ever that far apart in our thinking. I think for you it you do not have or want to stick allot of time into the game. FFXI was completely the other way from FFXIV. It was very demanding almost too demanding. Tesee and I have a little more time and were hoping for something in between what FFXIV has become and FFXI. I think a game can accommodate that.
We left FFXI hoping for something that required a little less time so I am not necessarily looking for FFXI again. FFXIV just is so repetitive

Also do not get me wrong but two people keep saying I never say what I want different so I do not want this to come off like a complaint post. There is allot I do like but that was not asked, it was asked what I wanted different. That is part of what I want different. I think FFXIV has the potential to be far better than what it is maybe better than FFXI.. All the tools are there and I wont say it needs to change because allot of people like it the way it is but also something different for others is needed. It needs something added.

I loved the game from 0-50 but after running AK and WP for end game about 100 times each and end game got boring fast. At that point the game was new so we just racked it up to lack of content but here we are still years latter and that has not changed at all.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 12:30pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#265 Feb 22 2017 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Thayos I do not think we are ever that far apart in our thinking. I think for you it you do not have or want to stick allot of time into the game. FFXI was completely the other way from FFXIV. It was very demanding almost too demanding.

Yeah, we're not too far apart. I'm not even too far from folks like Hio, both of our bluster aside. I'll always be a bit of a hardcore XI player at heart. My reality is just too different now, and there's no way I'd play a game that required that much of a time investment.

Given my situation, FFXIV is perfect. I can log in, have fun, level jobs, chat with my FC, help with fights, run a quick dungeon, run quick PvP... I can do all this stuff in my unpredictable pockets of free time. And meanwhile, I have just enough time to spend a couple hours on one night per week raiding with a static, and that allows me to at least take down extreme primals with a group that isn't a total waste of time.

The only content I don't do is savage-level raiding, but that's fine -- that's just a sliver of the content, and it's meant more for people like Hio who simply have more playtime and can make bigger commitments to the game. I'm cool with getting the "lite" experience through normal mode (and getting some cool intermediary/glamor gear in the process).

Meanwhile, the game looks and plays great. The world is well-designed. The storyline is as solid as one could expect from an MMORPG. Most of the dungeons, while same-ish, are interesting. It's a very easy, attractive game to play if I just want to relax after a 12-hour workday. Heck, every single time I even post about the game, I wish I could just be at home playing it.

FFXIV gives me tons of fun things to do without bending me over a barrel, and that's why I'm at peace with it.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 9:35am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#266 Feb 22 2017 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Thayos I do not think we are ever that far apart in our thinking. I think for you it you do not have or want to stick allot of time into the game. FFXI was completely the other way from FFXIV. It was very demanding almost too demanding.

Yeah, we're not too far apart. I'm not even too far from folks like Hio, both of our bluster aside. I'll always be a bit of a hardcore XI player at heart. My reality is just too different now, and there's no way I'd play a game that required that much of a time investment.

Given my situation, FFXIV is perfect. I can log in, have fun, level jobs, chat with my FC, help with fights, run a quick dungeon, run quick PvP... I can do all this stuff in my unpredictable pockets of free time. And meanwhile, I have just enough time to spend a couple hours on one night per week raiding with a static, and that allows me to at least take down extreme primals with a group that isn't a total waste of time.

The only content I don't do is savage-level raiding, but that's fine -- that's just a sliver of the content, and it's meant more for people like Hio who simply have more playtime and can make bigger commitments to the game. I'm cool with getting the "lite" experience through normal mode (and getting some cool intermediary/glamor gear in the process).

Meanwhile, the game looks and plays great. The world is well-designed. The storyline is as solid as one could expect from an MMORPG. Most of the dungeons, while same-ish, are interesting. It's a very easy, attractive game to play if I just want to relax after a 12-hour workday. Heck, every single time I even post about the game, I wish I could just be at home playing it.

FFXIV gives me tons of fun things to do without bending me over a barrel, and that's why I'm at peace with it.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 9:35am by Thayos

And that is fine for you, some people do not have the time and that is a plus for FFXIV. I mean Tesse and I have been playing for a little more than week and we have one patch to go and we missed almost 6 months. I-level has us slowed down a little now. It also stinks that we can catch up that fast to those who have put a lot of time into the game. I mean we can take 6 months off and in less than a month be exactly where everyone else is. That might be a little to much but it is a advantage for newbies or returning players. I just think they can add a little more for those who want to put in the grind and the time but to me the main problem is pure repetitiveness.

Change of subject.
Have you noticed on a wipe the person that gets angry and leaves is usually the problem?
Tesee and I have been doing allot of Alexander since we came back. Not together she has more time and is way ahead of me.
for example I am doing one for a weapon so I had to do it multiple times.
1st time we beat it no issues. Second time we get a warrior and he is telling the !st timer tank for that particular one what to do but being a blank about it. Anyway we wipe and the mouthy warrior leaves instantly and we wiped barely in. Anyhow no one seems to do Alexander right now so we wait 15 min for a new tank and no one shows so we decided to run it a tank down and the Smn titan was going to take adds. Well we crushed it.. That was so cool to beat it a tank down but my point is have you ever noticed the guy that gets angry and leaves is almost always the issue with the wipe? I have seen this at least 1/2 a dozen times now after someone leaves we beat it the next time.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 1:02pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#267 Feb 22 2017 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
What Nash said.

While I agree with things like the world being pretty, but sterile (I'd love to see more non-FATE open world content), most of what you're asking for just isn't realistic for this game. Everything you say makes me think that what you really want is old-school FFXI. That's fine, but you must know by now that this game will NEVER give you that.

Like Thayos just said, XIV is game designed to be playable in short bursts. That means progress comes quickly, but is also fairly self contained and has to be reset periodically to keep things balanced. You may not like that, and that's a perfectly fine opinion to have, but that how the game works and it's unlikely to ever change drastically.

I guess I'm just confused by the fact that you keep complaining about things you know will never change.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#268 Feb 22 2017 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Karlina wrote:
What Nash said.

While I agree with things like the world being pretty, but sterile (I'd love to see more non-FATE open world content), most of what you're asking for just isn't realistic for this game. Everything you say makes me think that what you really want is old-school FFXI. That's fine, but you must know by now that this game will NEVER give you that.

Like Thayos just said, XIV is game designed to be playable in short bursts. That means progress comes quickly, but is also fairly self contained and has to be reset periodically to keep things balanced. You may not like that, and that's a perfectly fine opinion to have, but that how the game works and it's unlikely to ever change drastically.

I guess I'm just confused by the fact that you keep complaining about things you know will never change.

Again reading only part, I agree somethings wont happen but repetitiveness their is no need for it
You dont know if they will never change nor do I. There is no reason they cant add something like besieged why cant they?
Players start leaving because they are bored of the same old thing and they finally have to add something new to hold players, it may happen.

And your reply is exactly what I thought it would be and the reason I stopped saying what I wanted different.

This thread was meant to stay in touch with people and find out what they were doing and is going on the game and let people know what I am was doing. I did not turn this into this.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 1:10pm by Nashred

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 1:13pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#269 Feb 22 2017 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Nashred wrote:
It also stinks that we can catch up that fast to those who have put a lot of time into the game. I mean we can take 6 months off and in less than a month be exactly where everyone else is. That might be a little to much but it is a advantage for newbies or returning players.

How is that different from anything else?

Look at any professional sport. Last season's champion and last season's last place both start the next season equal again. Is that unfair to the winners?
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#270 Feb 22 2017 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Nashred wrote:
You dont know if they will never change nor do I. There is no reason they cant add something like besieged why cant they?
Players start leaving because they are bored of the same old thing and they finally have to add something new to hold players, it may happen.

I'm not saying things will never change. I'm saying things will probably never change as drastically as you'd like. They have added new and different things. Things like Diadem and PotD, and more coming in the expansion. That apparently isn't enough for you, but that doesn't make it not there.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#271 Feb 22 2017 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Karlina wrote:
Nashred wrote:
It also stinks that we can catch up that fast to those who have put a lot of time into the game. I mean we can take 6 months off and in less than a month be exactly where everyone else is. That might be a little to much but it is a advantage for newbies or returning players.

How is that different from anything else?

Look at any professional sport. Last season's champion and last season's last place both start the next season equal again. Is that unfair to the winners?

You asked for what I wanted different I told you and it is my opinion plain and simple (it is my opinion). If you do not like it tuff and dont ask next time if you are only looking for a argument and think your opinion is the only one that matters. This why I didn't want to say it all over again and start a new argument.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 1:21pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#272 Feb 22 2017 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Again reading only part, I agree somethings wont happen but repetitiveness their is no need for it

You just asked for Magian Trials, which are nothing more than long grind quests.

There is no reason they cant add something like besieged why cant they?

What's different between Besieged and a FATE where a town is being attacked? Because we have a few of those now.

And your reply is exactly what I thought it would be and the reason I stopped saying what I wanted different.

Ok but then you don't get to complain that people don't know what you're talking about when you refuse to elaborate. It isn't just me.

It really does sound like you're looking for old-school FFXI and FFXIV will simply never be that game. I also don't know of another game I can direct you toward that would scratch that itch for you. I do believe there's probably a market for a game in that style. But I don't think it's a very big market, and current trends dictate that any new game has to have wide-ranging appeal in order to be cost effective and profitable. That's not an ideal MMO market, but it's what currently exists.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#273 Feb 22 2017 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
And there is the second one, I knew it would not be long.

I asked for something like the magian trials. You do not like them fine I did. It filled my time.

Fates are not like besieged in my opinion more like Reives in FFXI again my opinion. Also how are fates new they have been there since Beta

You are arguing and attacking someone over their opinion and how they feel and one you asked for. I am not attacking you over yours, You think the game is fine that's ok. Everything can be improved on.

You know it is not the fact you disagree with me that is fine it is the way you go about it.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 1:44pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#274 Feb 22 2017 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
i asked for something like the magian trials. You do not like them fine I did. It filled my time.

I didn't say I didn't like magian trials. I said they were long grind quests which seemed to be in contradiction to your statement that content need not be repetitive. I like the idea of magian trials in that you have a piece of gear that is grown over a long period of time. But then that's what we do for our relic weapons so.....

Fates are not like besieged in my opinion more like Reives in FFXI again my opinion

I'm not familiar with Reive as a system having played very little Adoulin content in FFXI. But Besieged is an open-world event the spawns a bunch of mobs for you to fight. Now there's a LITTLE more depth to Besieged because of the Astral Candescence system but it still boils down to "bunch of bad guys, go kill" which is basically what a FATE is. Compare it to the FATE that simulates an attack on Hystmill or Forgotten Springs. Waves of mobs attack a settlement and have to be driven back by the players. That's Besieged. Now it's never done to a major city like Limsa or Ishgard, but I suspect that's to keep the event optional and keep it from being super disruptive to normal gameplay (and also as a nod to performance limitations rendering that many character models at once).

You are arguing and attacking someone over their opinion and one you asked for it my opinion because it is not the same as your.. I am not attacking yours.

I'm not attacking you, Nash. I've never attacked you. Will I attack your ideas? Of course I will because that's how discussion works. Ultimately I'd like to be able to find you a game that will satisfy what you're looking for. But in the context of discussion about FFXIV, I'm going to keep coming back to "it's not that kind of game and never will be" because that's how it is. I believe I've mentioned that you don't seem happy playing FFXIV. But you keep playing it anyway which is reinforcing that negative perception of the game that's, frankly, unearned. You're seeing everything you don't like about the game magnified because you're not having a good time playing it. I get that, but then the solution isn't to ask FFXIV to be a completely different kind of game than it is, the solution is to find a game that fits with what you're looking for better. Off the top of my head I don't know of one, but if I ever run across a game I think you might enjoy, I'd be very happy to pass it along to you. My goal here isn't to attack you or to make you feel bad or stupid or whatever. That's petty. My goal is to have a discussion and to point you at the information you need. I'm sorry you're seeing that as an attack.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#275 Feb 22 2017 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Callinon wrote:

I'm not attacking you, Nash. I've never attacked you. Will I attack your ideas? Of course I will because that's how discussion works.

You should not be attacking anything a attack is a attack.. It is childish way of discussing things period. The worst part is you asked me for my opinion, I knew I should have just left it alone. the worst part is when you say someone else opinion cant happen but present your opinion as fact.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2017 1:57pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#276 Feb 22 2017 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
"Ideas go unchallenged. Opportunities for learning and growth are missed."
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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