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Live Letter from the Producer (5/21/15)Follow

#1 May 21 2015 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Will update this later with a summary of points...

One thing that just jumped out at me though... open-world monsters in HW areas are much stronger than ARR areas. Yoshi-P says fighting two open-world mobs of equal level in HW could easily kill you. This could make certain quests more interesting, and hopefully this will restore that feeling of the open world being more dangerous.
Thayos Redblade
#2 May 21 2015 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
3,737 posts
Looks like story-mode Ravana is level 51 and sync'd to level 54.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#3 May 21 2015 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Looks like story-mode Ravana is level 51 and sync'd to level 54.

And seems to do very little damage since it took a fair bit to kill even a healer. In the end though, it's nice to see it's essentially Hahava from voidwatch.

#4 May 21 2015 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
I like the upcoming bard stance that increases DPS while standing still. Should make the job more challenging and effective.
Thayos Redblade
#5 May 21 2015 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
12,735 posts
All I got from this was "fat chocobo flying mount".

My roeg's life is now complete.
#6 May 21 2015 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
I like the upcoming bard stance that increases DPS while standing still. Should make the job more challenging and effective.

Depends if they actually changed the battle style of this game. It'll be challenging while you learn the script, but if you know 100% > 75% it does nothing that will cause you to need to move, you'd know to use it then, drop it for phase 2 then redo it for phase kind of like Bard now with your song rotations already, though I think it's more of a countermeasure to the dropped dps% under ballad and paeon.

I mostly had to laugh about the no new pets for Summoner (which of course some people will gladly defend despite basically every summoner and summon system in the FF series utilized numerous summons including ones that were buff focused.) Was hoping Leviathan or Shiva egi for example would be a more heal/buff focused pet for example, since from a lore standpoint, Dreadwyrm Trance makes no sense at all - we got the floating potato and such because: "you're not strong enough to summon a primal, let alone control and if you try to it consumes you blah blah" yet we can channel Bahamut.

Hopefully it requires a T13 kill, as that would honestly make a bit more sense given a summoner has to be in the presence of a defeated primal to get a portion of its power.

#7 May 21 2015 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I severely doubt it will involve T13 due to the fact that they would not gate class skills behind optional endgame content.
#8 May 21 2015 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
Thayos wrote:
...Open-world monsters in HW areas are much stronger than ARR areas. Yoshi-P says fighting two open-world mobs of equal level in HW could easily kill you. This could make certain quests more interesting, and hopefully this will restore that feeling of the open world being more dangerous.

This might be a way to appeal to those players leaving XI. Monsters with strength (HP, skill, AI) equal to your own or that of a party, is probably more in the vein of the experience in that game. Personally, I welcome the possibility it brings of additional diversity in play style. I've struggled with XIV probably because of all my years playing XI and other RPG games where a carefully selected and timed ability can really make all the difference in the outcome of combat. It isn't right or wrong, or even a petition for SE to fix anything, just my personal feeling about combat. I love the movement mechanics in boss battles but would like to see even more emphasis on skillful play and adaptation by players.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#9 May 21 2015 at 4:34 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
kainsilv wrote:
Thayos wrote:
...Open-world monsters in HW areas are much stronger than ARR areas. Yoshi-P says fighting two open-world mobs of equal level in HW could easily kill you. This could make certain quests more interesting, and hopefully this will restore that feeling of the open world being more dangerous.

This might be a way to appeal to those players leaving XI. Monsters with strength (HP, skill, AI) equal to your own or that of a party, is probably more in the vein of the experience in that game. Personally, I welcome the possibility it brings of additional diversity in play style.

Hopefully, but it's more in tune with the "lore" on how we lost the echo, so things around us are "stronger"..but it would be good to have an actual world that feels like something can kill you aside a god damn wall or silly one hit mechanics.

Hyrist wrote:
I severely doubt it will involve T13 due to the fact that they would not gate class skills behind optional endgame content.

Yeah - pity they use the lore excuse for everything else though. (Bahamut is purely tied to coil's storyline, so abilities relating to Bahamut, yet not involving him in a meaningful manner will be odd but par course of what they do.)

#10 May 21 2015 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Theonehio wrote:

Yeah - pity they use the lore excuse for everything else though. (Bahamut is purely tied to coil's storyline, so abilities relating to Bahamut, yet not involving him in a meaningful manner will be odd but par course of what they do.)

I see a loophole being involved with this being something involved with lingering bits of Bahamut's memory. I'd go into further details, but spoilers and laziness.

I do feel that it's a cheap sellout to say that it's the loss of the Blessing that makes these monsters tougher, and not just, hey, they're bloody effing tougher! This is a realm that's seen war for thoursands of years, its beasts are more accustomed to constant violence and armed creatures. The evil has seeped deep into the land itself. That alone should be reason enough for the increased danger, not "Oh hai, yer not as strong as you used to be cause angry dragon grandpa took it away."
#11 May 21 2015 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I do feel that it's a cheap sellout to say that it's the loss of the Blessing that makes these monsters tougher, and not just, hey, they're bloody effing tougher!

I don't think he actually said it had anything at all to do with the loss of the Echo. Just that these things are tougher than we're used to for open world encounters.

Summoners not getting any new pets was kind of disappointing, but I can see why they went that way and I'm perfectly willing to see what they did with the job before crying doom and gloom about it. There are a lot of other people, especially on the official forums, that are similarly up in arms because Yoshi P suggested that NIN might end up with more than two positionally-dependent skills. No context of course, just crying.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#12 May 21 2015 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
He didn't say it, but following what leads to HW, that could actually be the 'reasoning', since a lot of the enemies there, new ones aside, we've fought, even in boss form. But the fact we're no longer "superpowered" explains the sudden shift in difficult our characters would have against it. It's not like XI where something is buffing everything, (as the dragonsong is essentially just the call to arms in a sense.)


The one thing I was looking forward to lol.

#13 May 21 2015 at 8:14 PM Rating: Good
Based on what I read on reddit I like the whm and scholar buffs. They seem like they will work in synergy well still. No idea how Ast(?) will fit in there yet though. What has been shown makes the job sound very nerve racking. The random draws might turn off players and parties but we will see how much control they have and at what cost.

Machinist sounds cool yet tedious at the same time to me. Manual reloading..

Looking at sch more specifically I am very happy with these new moves.(Though how to rearrange my pallet another issue.) And like the sacing fairy for damage. Should be good while soloing.
#14 May 22 2015 at 2:05 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
Will update this later with a summary of points...

One thing that just jumped out at me though... open-world monsters in HW areas are much stronger than ARR areas. Yoshi-P says fighting two open-world mobs of equal level in HW could easily kill you. This could make certain quests more interesting, and hopefully this will restore that feeling of the open world being more dangerous.

This still wouldn't fix those that have been complaining about it.

I think its a good thing I really do but again wont stop the whiners because they will be back here complaining that they have died twice while trying to get to an NPC.

Still on a positive note, I am impressed with what they have had so far coming with it. As mentioned before by others, it's a real expansion coming with plenty of content. Shortly after released there will be even more coming our way.

Something for everyone. As I've said before wait a while after 2.0 and see how the game develops and it really does look like my SUB is worth the cost. Let's face it that's another point SE has had to defend in the past when the relevance of SUBs were raised. Now let me go back to more T9 practise and Relic dungeon spamming before this is released.....

Edited, May 22nd 2015 4:09am by Lonix
#15 May 22 2015 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I like the upcoming bard stance that increases DPS while standing still. Should make the job more challenging and effective.

I mostly had to laugh about the no new pets for Summoner (which of course some people will gladly defend despite basically every summoner and summon system in the FF series utilized numerous summons including ones that were buff focused.) Was hoping Leviathan or Shiva egi for example would be a more heal/buff focused pet for example, since from a lore standpoint, Dreadwyrm Trance makes no sense at all - we got the floating potato and such because: "you're not strong enough to summon a primal, let alone control and if you try to it consumes you blah blah" yet we can channel Bahamut.

Summoner is seriously underwhelming in a lot of ways. Pissed that no new Primals are in the works.
#16 May 22 2015 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
The people that are most upset are the old School Summoner fans due to their idea that each new summon should come with its own unique set of skills (Ala FFX Era on.)

In previous FF games the Summons were good for one spell. Maybe that spell could vary based on condition, and that's it for the summons. And that's why we have so many of them to start.

But lately, the Summons themselves come with their own ability kits. This is fine in Single Player, and in FFXI, where inflated skill kits were a thing. But in FFXIV where they try to make every skill useful, that's counterproductive. SE is spending time making what would be nearly identical kits - which will just be distilled to their max DPS essences and have most of them ignored anyway, especially with no real Elemental Differences.

There's also pet micromanagement issues with a gamepad. All and all, I'm rather glad, and interested in the approach they are doing with the using the more potent essences of the Elder Primals (Starting with Bahamut) and then, for flavor use the more run of the mill Primals as skins for the basic Melee/Tank/Ranged trio they have now.
#17 May 22 2015 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thing is Hyrist, they dangled the possibility of new Egis for Summoner since 2.1 minimum and there's been 6 Carbuncles in the .dats since Beta 2. As per ARR's system, Egis plop over Carbuncle (e.g Ruby Carby = Ifrit, which we can't summon, Topaz = Titan and Emerald = Garuda) so they've definitely had the future plan. Not to mention we have physically seen Ramuh's Egis and there's data for Leviathan Egi as well.

So it's not "old school summoners" that are just upset, it's people who've been playing since 2.0 and wanting new egis eventually. As someone who actually plays AND raid on a gamepad..I see no issue considering not only do you have quite a few sets you could use and easily micromanage, you even have a crossclass set that's universal, some of which people used purely for pet abilities between classes (the specific pet bar aside.)

Despite trying to make every skill all reality, you hardly used Ifrit Egi and even when you do..a few of his skill does absolutely nothing for the current encounter. So adding additional Egis to cover more ground makes sense. For example adding Healing to Garuda Egi would be a throwback to XI...yet in XIV lore and mechanic..Garuda doesn't all. One of her sister's has a heal tether, but that would be severely pushing it. So why not have Leviathan Egi be a pet focused on Healing ontop of its DPS stuff?

Then again, summoner in XIV is more akin to Warlock from WoW (and yes, numerous people who have played WoW mentioned this as well) so it makes sense in that design.

#18 May 22 2015 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Honestly, what they need to do is take Contagion off Garuda and give it to the player. Then reshuffle the egi abilities so that they really do fulfill different roles that can be selected for the situation. Contagion is the problem. Ifrit's technically superior melee damage just can't compete with doubling the duration of your dots. Give Garuda something else to do so she's not just left hanging, but Contagion needs to be dealt with.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#19 May 22 2015 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
I don't know... still nothing swaying me from going balls to the wall machinist.
#20 May 22 2015 at 8:49 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm actually more inclined to stick with bard as my main DPS job now that I've learned about it's new ability... I like the idea of having to cleverly know when to activate that buff, then riding the line as far as I can before needing to move again. It's kind of the same way I tank multiple enemies... I try to keep just enough hate that I'm the one getting hit, but I also think about how every GCD spent flashing is DPS I'm not inflicting on the target.
Thayos Redblade
#21 May 22 2015 at 8:58 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
I'm actually more inclined to stick with bard as my main DPS job now that I've learned about it's new ability... I like the idea of having to cleverly know when to activate that buff, then riding the line as far as I can before needing to move again. It's kind of the same way I tank multiple enemies... I try to keep just enough hate that I'm the one getting hit, but I also think about how every GCD spent flashing is DPS I'm not inflicting on the target.

The bard song is turning me away from the job. I like moving around as bard. Black mage got the aoe haste circle as well. Seems like they want us to stay put for some reason, which makes me think soon we might have battles where we need to stand around and nuke stuff. The game until this point has been all about the stick and move.

It takes a bit of time to sing a song as bard. Is the dps loss from the time singing going to be substantiated by the amount of extra dps I can do with it active, assuming that I can only remain still for about 2-3 seconds? That is the key really, how long will I need to stand still with it active to overcome the dps loss from casting it. I hope that I can recover with just a second or two, but if it is 5-10 seconds to break even I might not even use it.

With that said I do like the ability to buff the dots. I can get a lot of mileage out of that.
#22 May 22 2015 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
It takes a bit of time to sing a song as bard. Is the dps loss from the time singing going to be substantiated by the amount of extra dps I can do with it active, assuming that I can only remain still for about 2-3 seconds?

There are plenty of stretches fights where the bard can stay planted assuming that others do their jobs properly. For example, the add phase in t10... if tanks align the ads correctly, then a bard could pretty much use this ability and blast away for the duration of the phase.

Many fights have phase shifts when the boss is momentarily invulnerable, and this is also a great time to activate the song and get some high DPS in. Even if such a moment doesn't exist, there's often an inconsequential moment prior to add phases or other phase shifts where DPS really doesn't matter (such as the final ticks of a phase BEFORE an add phase, where it doesn't matter if the phase shifts three seconds later because you stopped to sing a song... what's more important is higher DPS during the add phase, which is always the DPS check).

You're right that the equation of DPS without singing vs. DPS with time taken to sing is going to matter in regards to how often this ability is used, but I see a lot of utility for this that, either way, wouldn't take away from normal DPS.

Edited, May 22nd 2015 8:25am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#23 May 22 2015 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
The bard song is turning me away from the job. I like moving around as bard. Black mage got the aoe haste circle as well. Seems like they want us to stay put for some reason, which makes me think soon we might have battles where we need to stand around and nuke stuff. The game until this point has been all about the stick and move.

I don't think they necessarily want you to never move again. I think they want you to strategize a fight. Know when it's safe to stand still and deliver some big numbers versus when you need to run around like an idiot. The add phase in T10 is a good example. Wanderer's Minuet and Ley Lines are good examples of needing to know what's going on and how best to exploit it.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#24 May 22 2015 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Adding a cast time to attacks and getting rid of Auto-Attacks in trade for better numbers isn't all that horrible, honestly. And depending on the bonus, might actually be preferable down the road.

It may detract some players, but that's why it's an optional thing. Want to be more mobile? Take a small hit in DPS and go willy nilly.

Theonehio wrote:
Thing is Hyrist, they dangled the possibility of new Egis for Summoner since 2.1 minimum and there's been 6 Carbuncles in the .dats since Beta 2. As per ARR's system, Egis plop over Carbuncle (e.g Ruby Carby = Ifrit, which we can't summon, Topaz = Titan and Emerald = Garuda) so they've definitely had the future plan. Not to mention we have physically seen Ramuh's Egis and there's data for Leviathan Egi as well.

So it's not "old school summoners" that are just upset, it's people who've been playing since 2.0 and wanting new egis eventually. As someone who actually plays AND raid on a gamepad..I see no issue considering not only do you have quite a few sets you could use and easily micromanage, you even have a crossclass set that's universal, some of which people used purely for pet abilities between classes (the specific pet bar aside.)

Each independent pet action is an action, so unless you macro them together, no, you absolutely flood out your skill bars and you're forced into a rather awkward swapping structure. That said, Cross Hotbar is due for a change so we'll see what happens there.

I'll meet you half way on the 'dangled' argument. This is the case of SE saying they'd consider adding something in the future, and the player base hanging onto it like gospel - which in this case isn't all that unreasonable given the Job's history. Two things should have occurred on SE's end to help prevent these cases - one - never mention anything in contested matters cause their words get used against them, even when it's just bad use of context or bad localization (See the mix-up with Bard's Minuet.) OR, once they make a decision in the negative to something they said may happen, let people know early, instead of the showcase, and kill the outrage early.

Despite trying to make every skill all reality, you hardly used Ifrit Egi and even when you do..a few of his skill does absolutely nothing for the current encounter.

Que? It's been proven already that in many encounters, Ifrit tops Garuda, even when factoring Contagion so the 'hardly used Ifrit" argument can be switched from hardly using Ifrit, to hardly using Titan out of solo. Ifrit sees plenty of use. (Contageon is mainly used to extend the duration of debuffs under the effect of Raging Strikes in specific fights. Shorter, more frequent encounters or encounters with multiple monsters filling in tend to negate this bonus.)

As far as the "Has skills that do nothing for the encounter" Garuda won't be using shock-wave if you're maintaining your distance appropriately and Contageon is useless in brief encounters. Conversely the only 'Wasted' skill on Ifrit is Radiant Shield, if he's not being hit on. (He'll automatically stun enemy AoEs if that cooldown is up so Crimson Cyclone is actually useful.) Situational arguments are situational.

So adding additional Egis to cover more ground makes sense. For example adding Healing to Garuda Egi would be a throwback to XI...yet in XIV lore and mechanic..Garuda doesn't all. One of her sister's has a heal tether, but that would be severely pushing it. So why not have Leviathan Egi be a pet focused on Healing ontop of its DPS stuff?

Except, Leviathan as a Primal isn't focused on healing at all? In this case Leviathan has less argument to contain a heal than Garuda. Also, we have to remember, FFXIV Summoner isn't the Summoner of FFXI, whom was able to flex different tasks due to their different summons. Summoner in this game is pretty strictly Magical DPS, so having any MORE specialties than "Defensive, Ranged, Melee" really doesn't fit in that function. So side healing would be instilled no more potently than Summoner's innate physic.

Right now, the argument posed is this: Why divide the skillets further when you can add to the existing summons archetypes, and then simply add differing skins to each? Your argument for Leviathan could work just as well for Garuda, so why aren't they simply both interchangeable in the same "Summon" role? Same skillset, different appearance. That's the question the developer is facing right now. Are they right? Eh... we've had these arguments on the opposite side of the table when Red Mage was regulated back line in FFXI. I can't fault Summoners wanting a more Traditional Summoner style.

Then again, summoner in XIV is more akin to Warlock from WoW (and yes, numerous people who have played WoW mentioned this as well) so it makes sense in that design.

I hear this a lot and the only thing I regret form never touching WoW is a first hand understanding of their Classes. I happen to like Summoner in its current incarnation, which seems to, by association, say I would have enjoyed WoW's Warlock. Either case I have to remind myself that I'm getting older, and am not as swayed or easily upset by this stuff as I used to be. It's not healthy to over-hang oneself on any particular feature or activity. It's always my perspective to play something that piques my interests with an open mind, and see how I feel with it. It bothers me how few people can actually adapt that approach.

Edited, May 22nd 2015 12:52pm by Hyrist
#25 May 22 2015 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
IMO the best way to handle multiple summons is to leave the current ones as pets and make the others 1-shot spells on a shared cooldown. Thundershock has an Ramuh animation, Cold Snap has a Shiva animation, Water Wall has a Leviathan animation, etc, all on a shared 2 minute CD or something. You'd still get that classic summoner feeling without having to worry about making tons of pets both unique and viable.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#26 May 22 2015 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
Karlina wrote:
IMO the best way to handle multiple summons is to leave the current ones as pets and make the others 1-shot spells on a shared cooldown. Thundershock has an Ramuh animation, Cold Snap has a Shiva animation, Water Wall has a Leviathan animation, etc, all on a shared 2 minute CD or something. You'd still get that classic summoner feeling without having to worry about making tons of pets both unique and viable.

I was thinking of them just handing out the ability to reskin the egi's to alts if so desired. Same moves stats and traits with their own animation. Like:

As an example.

This idea works though as well. Personally I love the summoning animation in this game and the idea of it getting used more for summoning spells for one attack sounds awesome.

Also due to shiva origins would Summoner even be able to tap into her energy?
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