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Weekend Update 5.28.18Follow

#1 May 26 2018 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
...yeah, it's a little early.

I work 12 hour shifts on the weekends so I don't get a lot of game time Fri/Sat/Sun, but, I have settled on a goal to kill a couple of hours between getting home and going to bed -- I am working on the Ykesha Hunter achievement. Shout out to Oliphaunt of Drinal for grouping with me to get a few kills while he was in another part of the zone and I was still hunting the Gulf -- not to mention his Tracking to to let me know which named were up in Torigan Mines as well.

It's rather nice and mindless -- kill PHs until named pops. So far I'm roughly halfway through the Gulf of Gunthak (really brought back memories of hunting there back in the day). I'm guessing with the Memorial Day weekend with more frequent named popping, I've good luck with only killing a PH 5 or 6 times; though, Guard Dragrik was obstinate requiring 10 PH deaths.

PSA: don't forget about everyone's favourite friendly group of skellies, a festering Greysong pirate for Howlan's Research #2: The Rest of the Diary, over in the corner of the beach VERY close to Mokon Brokenskull's PH. Seems someone heard the pleas and rtook pity to reduce their aggro range some, but, still, be wary -- they're a nasty lot even for lvl 85, and crazy as it sounds, they see through IVU, but not regular Invis.

Safe travels and good hunting, friends.

Edited, May 26th 2018 4:26pm by nekokirei
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#2 May 27 2018 at 11:02 PM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
Yea, it's a bit early - especially since I still have Monday off for a 3 day weekend. But since Nekokirei started the thread, I'll throw in a quick up and then make a final post later Monday or Tuesday.

On Thursday night I was grouped with a buddy of mine with my 20 monk on Coirnav (who happens to stream EQ on twitch), we were running around just trying different things. We hung out in Mistmoore for awhile, that was fun, but we got trained a few times, so we decided to move out. Then we decided to try the birds in Karana and they ended up being a bit to low for us. So we were just running around and at one point we were having problems finding a port back to Commonlands. I jokingly said I should level up my level 4 druid on my 2nd account to port us around. Well, It's Sunday night and said druid is now level 25 and I still have another day of bonus exp to go.

I did all 21 levels starting with Orc Hill, then briefly in Crushbone for a level or two, then to Unrest courtyard, then Main Room and did the final 5 levels this evening in a great Fire Place group.

I did think about hanging out in UR and doing the Basement, but I think I might try to move on to Upper Guk tomorrow for a change of scenery.

So hopefully I'll have a good update on Tuesday after I catch up on some sleep :)

Sarsippius <The Kitchen Krew> - Iksar Monk - Coirnav TLP Server -
Shandi <The Kitchen Krew> - Human Druid - Coirnav TLP Server -
Svanhild <Dynamic Duos> - Wood Elf Ranger - Test Server
And Lots of Alts
#3 May 28 2018 at 9:09 PM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
Well, I didn't have the whole day today, but I burned 2 more XP pots, got started around 10am and finished up around 6:30pm on the druid again.

Got in a good group doing Unrest Basement pretty quick. When I was about 40% away from level 30 we decided to move to Lower Guk. We found a pick with no Bedroom camp, so moved in there and pulled for awhile, and we were pulling from ***/Sup camp as well since no one was there, so we ended up moving there. We were there for awhile when my last XP bot was running out and I decided to hang it up for the weekend and found me a replacement.

All in all it was a hard grind weekend considering Coirnav's XP rate, but Bonus was amazing. Starting Friday at level 4 on the druid and ending up Monday evening at about 50% into level 31. Now I will slow back down to my usual casual play for awhile and I have several ports available on the druid to help me and my buddies get around a little easier.

Sarsippius <The Kitchen Krew> - Iksar Monk - Coirnav TLP Server -
Shandi <The Kitchen Krew> - Human Druid - Coirnav TLP Server -
Svanhild <Dynamic Duos> - Wood Elf Ranger - Test Server
And Lots of Alts
#4 May 30 2018 at 3:31 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
That's awesome Svanhild! You were rockin' it like Hancock man!
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#5 May 30 2018 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Finally got Gunthak Hunter achievement done -- moved on to Dulak's Harbour, where, I've sensibly worked on the town area before moving on to the cave area (note, the part of Dulak's with the hidden entrance, not the Crypt of Nadox or Torigan Mines).

Sweet baby Jesus in a Ritz, trying to get Architect Vaukin and Galikor Sevalin to pop is like pulling eye-teeth. I have a toon at both of their spawn points and I quit counting at 25 pops each. I'll be glad to see the end of them and move on to the cave area. Geesh!

Edited, May 30th 2018 5:36pm by nekokirei
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#6 May 31 2018 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
I think I have only been to Dulak a few times if that. I seem to recall killing some mobs on the boats, but I could be wrong.

Were you there over the weekend? I thought the weekend had increased rare spawn rates. Spawns like that are the worst!

Sarsippius <The Kitchen Krew> - Iksar Monk - Coirnav TLP Server -
Shandi <The Kitchen Krew> - Human Druid - Coirnav TLP Server -
Svanhild <Dynamic Duos> - Wood Elf Ranger - Test Server
And Lots of Alts
#7 May 31 2018 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
I typically use Dulak's as my 40ish go-to when leveling up alts -- it's quiet, experience is good, and mobs are typically single pulls -- the loot used to be a LOT of gems, but they've cut that down with a miserly touch. You remember correctly -- there are boats and that was typically what I hunted. There's a "town" of sorts but the wanderers and potential for over pulls are so great I usually bypassed it.

So, I was taken by surprise by some of these mobs -- never heard of them before. As it turns out, the two I'm camping now also two of the big "omg is this mob even in the game anymore". But, yeah, REALLY wish I'd caught the bonus spawn rate.
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#8 Jun 01 2018 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
1,156 posts
nekokirei wrote:
So, I was taken by surprise by some of these mobs -- never heard of them before. As it turns out, the two I'm camping now also two of the big "omg is this mob even in the game anymore". But, yeah, REALLY wish I'd caught the bonus spawn rate.

I've spent many (many (many)) nights in Dulak. Felicite grew up there (fear kiting the boat crews.. pull them up the dock and fear them away.. one night I fell asleep doing this and woke up in the morning to the sound of guls and waves sitting on the dock in my safe spot) and later returning for the (then) tasty gems - I used to clear the entire town and the caves (one of the Necro LoY spell quests has a drop back there).

I've killed Galikor Sevalin dozens of times in the tavern, sometimes on back to back clears. I know the screenshot shows him in the tub, but I see him a lot on the bed.

On the other hand, I have never once seen Architect Vaukin =(
#9 Jun 01 2018 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
My understanding is that most of the zones pre Omens of War? don't have the coding/toggle for the rare spawns. Velk's was one exception to this, likely due to revamping along the way?

Might be worth doing a forum search on the official boards. I feel I recall a dev actually confirming this in a thread.
#10 Jun 01 2018 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Here are a few threads that might shed some info on the rare spawns.

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#11 Jun 01 2018 at 9:01 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Snailish, as The Tribunal are my witness, I have killed the _a lead engineer_ PH for Architect Vaukin so many times my eyes are bleeding and the lil'sonuvagnome hasn't popped. And, honestly, if you check his listing here on Alla, I'm not the only one wondering Whisky Tango Foxtrot.

So, Dev or no Dev, I can tell you on Drinal, that lil'bugger must have a trigger spawn somewhere else, cuz, he ain't poppin.

Edited, Jun 1st 2018 11:09pm by nekokirei
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#12 Jun 01 2018 at 9:04 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Hey Felicite!

I've pulled the entiritet of the Tavern so many times I've had to trek back to the lighthouse in Gunthak to sell off the loot trash. I think like Vaukin, there's gotta be a trigger mob elsewhere in Dulak's. Seriously, I'm thinking of just leaving my toon there and going to sleep -- maybe in a 24 hour cycle, I'l get the pop I need. Dunno, but it's no joy right now.
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#13 Jun 01 2018 at 9:08 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Thanks much Gidono -- I can't explain my run of luck, other than, well, a run of bad luck. :-)

I need to make something clear, I'm not whining -- I am, however, venting. I get it, but, I don't get it, if'n ya know whattahmean. :-)
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#14 Jun 02 2018 at 5:47 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
nekokirei wrote:
Snailish, as The Tribunal are my witness, I have killed the _a lead engineer_ PH for Architect Vaukin so many times my eyes are bleeding and the lil'sonuvagnome hasn't popped. And, honestly, if you check his listing here on Alla, I'm not the only one wondering Whisky Tango Foxtrot.

So, Dev or no Dev, I can tell you on Drinal, that lil'****** must have a trigger spawn somewhere else, cuz, he ain't poppin.

Edited, Jun 1st 2018 11:09pm by nekokirei

My comment really only refers to the rare spawn bonus, thanks to Gidono for finding the threads.

Prathun on official boards wrote:
The NPC does need to have its RARE_SPAWN flag set in order to be affected by the increased rare spawns bonus. I was surprised to find that the rares in Velk's had this flag set, as I'd heard the same rumor that we had not backfilled the flag on rares in early EQ content. But... I suspect it would be more accurate to say that we flagged all the NPCs that were easily identifiable. The rares in Velk's all follow the modern file naming convention of <zone abbreviation>*Rare* so they would have been easy to find and catch. Their file names may have been updated in a revamp, or perhaps the original implementer was just forward thinking.

So if LoY zones aren't "easily identifiable as rare" they won't spawn more during the bonus.

Then we get to the more direct question: Are LoY rares sadistic in design?

Based on my experience (love the LoY, spent hours there even after the seeming reduction in gem drops and such) I would say absolutely. I've wiped the one luggald village countless times and only seen the named pig maybe twice... taken a level 85 and wiped the docks/tavern area repeatedly with minimal named showing up, so many boat kills in Dulak, hours to get the named luggald in the Dulak cave to drop the priest weapon with the nice proc... don't get me started on the LoY spell quests.

Long camps, rare % to pop. Possibly convoluted spawn rules... though a low % to spawn named on any timer over 10 minutes is going to feel brutal unless you get lucky.

I will say that most LoY named that I recall hunting did end up spawning in the known PH, though I am vaguely thinking some of them had multiple known static spots (or my beastlord was killing PH that weren't actually PH way back in the day in the Gunthak fort area). Reported LoY info is a little thin though, this is content that people hardly played (or they mass killed for loot drops and didn't bother reporting about the piles of bodies with some named in them) and tend to skip over on progression. The small number of posts on Architect Vaukin and his loot suggest that this is a historically frustrating to get NPC.
#15 Jun 02 2018 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
3,023 posts
The Architect must be very rare, there are only 5 reported kills on Magelo. That's exceedingly low. The other named mentioned above as hard to nail, Galikor Sevalin, has 45 reports.

Magelo info isn't perfect, because it only reports info sent to the site, but it's darn useful for questions like this, particularly drop rates from nameds.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#16 Jun 03 2018 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Thanks much to everyone, this is why I <3 Alla's. :-)
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
#17 Jun 04 2018 at 4:31 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts any of you ever worked in a Network Operations Center (NOC) for a Managed Services Provider (MSP)? If you have, then, you'll know where I'm coming from.

Logged in today for the first time since in a few days. Have my boxed Mage at the Tavern for Galikawhateverhistnameis, have my main BL in Vaukin's spawn location.

Mage clears Tavern
BL kills a lead engineer

Wait for repops -- Mage find Galiwhatever takes him out (yay go me!) and moves on to the Lugald caves to clear the assassin cave.
BL on autopilot -- 11th kill is Vaukin (go me!)

So, to go back to the NOC question -- we monitor our clients interwebz connexions via Solar Winds (Orion) and we'll legitimately see them drop their connection (and, not just because the cleaning crew needed a place to plug in the vacuum). We call the ISP, the ISP says "yeah, no, we don't see no problems but we'll open a ticket" and then, sure as the Gawds made little green apples, *boom* the connection comes back up and the ISP is like "we dun't know nuthin' bout it sir".

Yeah, it's superstitious, but after this, I hafta wonder if a dev or some such didn't see this thread and pull a "hrmmmm...." moment.

Anyway, thank you ALL for the tea and sympathy.

PS Sippin, I made sure to have Magelo Sync running before I signed in -- so, hopefully it adds to their dataset for kills on the lil'fewker.

Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
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