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EQ Mob:a dragorn box  

Used to spawn in The Bloodfields until August 22, 2019 patch when it was removed.

According to Prathun (EQ developer) (source) :

"Looks like the dragorn box is a vestige of some work that was started but never completed and mostly removed.

There's a script that runs when an NPC is killed in Bloodfields that can spawn a 'chest' - either a_dragorn_box or a_dragorn_chest. Based on the data and scripts, it looks like there was similar functionality created for all the other OoW zones. There are NPCs and encounters and scripts for each zone. There are no treasure tables attached to any of the chests. The spawn data for all but the chest in Bloodfields and the chest in Riftseekers was deleted. The only zone header that calls the on NPC death script is Bloodfields."

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2019-08-22 22:18:37.