__DEL__1592343336266's Avatar


Posts: 65
I'm a FFXI player and I've done EQOA Frontiers beta as a Alchemist. Sony still doesn't give credit to the EQOA beta testers... I'm a mage/fighter. If you whine at me to heal your sorry ass I will and that's it. I'm not a white mage. My job isn't to follow your sorry ass all over. I don't have enough magic for that and I cant Cure as well as a white, get a clue! Fan boys -are my pet peave. Givin' us crap because you think your better. You can't discuss it, you have to be it's your way and that's the only way. Second to the fan boys are the deadbeats, noisemakers, and cowards. You children make playing these games miserable, if we dare to ask you to behave we are the ones disrupting your game. You little pricks, you might enjoy it if me set out to make your death a few times in a row, maybe more. By responding to players with Violent comments after they ask you to behave you only prove your jerks, enjoy the blacklist, hope the GM gets you before we find a way to KO you, over and over and over again!