__DEL__1591874170470's Avatar


Posts: 6
I bought the game on july 18th 2005, only been playing fo a little while and im a rank 5 san d'orian 50's paladin. the first day i bought it. i went home. tried playing it, DNAS maintenence. second day, DNAS maintenence, 7 hours later FINALLY. ugh, damn DDOS attacks, probably gilsellers mad about one of their buddy's getting banned because he was a dumbass. anyway. only been playing for a couple months and i've gotten all of my immedeate friends playing it. and my blacklist is faaaar too long, but im on Garuda server and name's Reife, Send me a tell if you want to....well, do anything...p.s. garuda's prices SUCK!