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Posts: 36
I was brought into this existence 152 years ago in what was then a very different Windurst. Long before its destruction during the crystal wars, I was raised by the small yet exceptionally intelligent beings known as the Tarutaru, and the sleek and cunning Mithra. I spent the better part of this life as a simple fisherman; until war engulfed the Mindara continent 20 years ago. I became a Warrior that fought in the ranks of the war warlocks against the horde of the Beastmen. Despite out efforts Windurst fell, our troops routed, and the survivors scattered across the continent. Despite this, I continued to fight and protect the escaping civilians as they made their way across the ruins of the Sauromugue Champaign to the safety and protection of Jeuno. After the end of the war I wandered disillusioned and felt without purpose. I found myself on the island of Elshimo where I once again found purpose as a Monk protecting the island from the remnants of the Beastmen armies for 19 years. One day I become unusually home sick and decided to travel back to my home country of Windurst. Freshly rebuilt yet still nursing the wounds of war. Little did I know this little trip was only the beginning of something much bigger then anything I could ever imagine. Thus my story, my Final Fantasy begun.