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Posts: 11
I miss Halas. No words could ever express how abandoned I have felt since The Shattering. Halas was more than a home to me. The artic "wasteland", as some would dare call it, was my mother, my father, my mentor, my closest friend. While I did enjoy the excursion to the cities of our human neighbors, Qeynos and Freeport, I would never call them home. Somehow I feel the spirits that once were my guide through the mystical path of the Shaman are mocking me. How could they let me lose my home-- no... my life? Where was the Tribunal now? Why did they rain the moon upon us? The same beings that claim to offer protection in exchange for our piety have cursed us. What I once saw as part of the path of enlightment is now an avenue of broken dreams. I no longer believe the Tribunal's lies. All the power that once was used to heal and protect within me will be used to spread the misery and hatred. I'll show the gods that mere mortals can curse them.