June 19, 2007

New Quests: Book 9: Chapter 2: Oakheart's MightInstance: Oakheart's MightBook 8: Chapter 6: A Watchful EyeBook 9: Chapter 1: Oakheart's NoteBook 9: Chapter 3: Golodir's RequestBook 9: Chapter 5: Journey to the Lonelands
Book 9: Chapter 6: Journey to the EsteldinBook 9: Chapter 4: Journey to CombreBook 9: Chapter 7: Amarthiel's TrailBook 9: Chapter 8: Amarthiel's HopeInstance: Amarthiel's HopeThat Which I Value MostBallard Wilmer and the White WargBreakfast in the RuinsTreasure in the RuinsMurder in the RuinsVengeance in the Ruins

New Items: King's LeggingsHerombadanirJofur-LeggarNestadgaimLith-MundarGloves of HealingGaelonFerollosManadgamFlask of Imladris MiruvorFlagon of Imladris MiruvorFlask of Ringnen SalveIdhrinnAnghigilThaliongronOakheart's EarringOakheart's ThanksParthrancTatharancRododhrancThenimaibSig-HertharSig-HalmUdunion's Demise Ender of UdunionScroll of RuinCastellan's ChestCastellan's Great AxeHorn of AnorSavaric's PrideKey to the Summoning ChamberStaff of Dark Shadows GollosMulvuire's FallAfraig's Foe Coblaith's FollyWisdan's FallFoe of the CastellanUirod's MantleAncient Iron TokenFragments of Ancient ArmorAngronnPurger of ChetwoodJormund's Uncut DiamondRaider of Barad TharsirMirechorDwarf Robe of DeterminationElven Cloth ShirtElven Robe of AbsorptionEnduring Elven Padded Jacket of FateEnduring Padded Vest of DeterminationQuilted Shirt of FateShining Padded JacketShining Quilted ShirtShining Quilted VestReinforced Silver Earring of DefenceShining Elven Leather ShirtShining Chainmail JacketBalchelos' HelmetBrychan's DownfallPanthavron's CharmWin-Herthar

New Mobs: Uirod (Gath Forthnir)Torogethir (Gath Forthnir)Sara OakheartAmarthielDoom-bringerCastellan WisdanCoblaith, Gularan SorceressTormented HorrorAfraig, Gularan SorceressMulvuire, High SorceressNeacalSummoned LurkerBhaltairSirideanRanger ProtectorRanger DefenderRanger GuardianAngmarim ExpeditionaryDead-eye AngmarimMordramborAgarochirBalchestDolvaethorMorguldurGauradan Weald-hunterGauradan WarriorLuminous Fire-flyIsland SalamanderHarry HinchcliffeHill-buckHill-hind

New/Updated Titles: Enemy of the CorcurEnemy of AngmarDispatcher of ZaudruHated by ZaudruHatchery Raider

Updated Quests: Ruins of CardolanLong Live the QueenArmy of OneBlack ChallengeMaster of Barad GularanSheathed in Ancient IronSorceresses of the Black TowerOakheart's FlightLong Overdue JusticeRaid: Thorog DefeatedBook 8: Chapter 5: Mordirith's FallRaid: Reclaiming Eregion's GiftRaid: Giants in Service of AngmarRaid: Storvagun the TraitorRaid: The Corcur of HelerodRaid: The Long Reach of AngmarRaid: A New Queen for Deepest HelegrodRaid: Zaudru's BroodRaid: Fangs for NothingRaid: Keep Them from Hatching

Updated Items: Shining Padded JacketPadded JacketRobe of the MarkPadded JacketPadded ShirtElven RobeRobe of DeterminationElven RobeElven RobeElven RobeElven RobeElven RobeElven RobeElven RobeElven RobeWesternesse Quilted Shirt of VigourTirnengurPanthravron's GemPot of Ringnen SalveAstiul's Longbow

Updated Mobs: Constable UnderhillFrideric the ElderDaervunnAragornLaerdanGolodirSid WaringCalengladBreosalIce-drake GuardFlame-wormIce HatchlingGularan WarriorGularan Guard


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