Qho's Holiday Adventures!

Cyliena and Qho tackle Nights of the Dead and Frostfell in an original story!

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After a few days I finally was able to drag Qho away for a break from harvesting. We spoke to Queen Bunny and found out she was having trouble with Mr. McScroogle again. We infiltrated McScroogle's Headquarters and confronted the gnome, informing him that he really needed to behave better. Gardy the Frostfell Elf had reverted back to being spooked about snow globes and Qho assured him that clockwork toys would be great gifts.

Later on Gardy contacted us again, asking if we'd look into a situation in the Gigglegibber Gifty Storehouse. We were shocked to find that the Gigglegibbers had allowed their storehouse to get overrun by creatures and helped to clear the place of them. Qho diligently brought the correct gifts back to Gardy, who was quite grateful to get his delivery.

The Icy Keep held more adventures for us. We prowled the treacherous dungeon with Qho discovering the joy of dethawing frozen ice goblins. He informed Ice Maiden D'Ina that she was not a very nice lady for having her minions attack us which, of course, resulted in me having to save the boy's hide.

One of the Gigglegibbers had a new task for me this year, one that caused Qho to dance around happily and slide all over the ice. We entered Permafrost, hoping that the Gigglegibbers were not completely out of their minds by saying that Lady Vox would love for it to be decorated this Frostfell. Qho happily gathered up the supplies we needed to craft ribbons, tree pieces, a table, wreaths and more.

The Gigglegibbers diligently held up their end of the bargain and placed all of the decorations out for us to admire. As we were doing so, Lady Vox charged in and destroyed all the hard work! Qho had quite enough of Permafrost after that.

The Frostfell celebration was drawing to an end so we made two more trips outside the Wonderland Village; one to Antonica and one to the Commonlands. A new race had been set up in both locations and both Qho and I had a grand time gathering up as much candy as we could in the time allotted. Qho came out with some goodies to send to his mother while I proudly accepted a new andiron for my home.

On the final night of Frostfell we visited some friends, handing out presents and feasting. A good time was had by all and we returned to New Halas in good spirits.

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The winter celebrations are now past and Qho is off again running around playing and harvesting around the city. Word of both the Lady of Insurrection and Erollisi Marr's return has spread throughout Norrath, bringing a sense of joy and apprehension to New Halas. Soon Qho will be adventuring with me for the Erollisi Day celebrations, and there will surely be another story to tell!
                                                                                                  -Cyliena Velnarin

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Check out the entire Qho's Holiday Adventures photo gallery!

Special thanks go to Zelgar for the idea of getting a screenshot of Qho and Nathan Ironforge together in the Frostfell Wonderland Village; Shirrlea for running the Frostfell crafting instance with me just so I could get screenshots of Qho there; and finally, Domino once again for making Qho a pet in the Return of a Gathering Obsession quest!

Don't forget to become a fan of Qho on Facebook and check out Qho's previous adventures!

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