Star Trek Online: A Look Back After 3 Months

In this editorial, ZAM takes a retrospective look at Star Trek Online success as a "AAA" title and looks toward the future

The whole "Klingon PvP-only" issue (players weren't happy that the Klingon faction was originally PvP-oriented) is another example of something the developers anticipated prior to launch, but weren't able to begin addressing until later. Today, Cryptic has made good on that promise, adding more Klingon PvE content and addressing several other aspects of non-Federation gameplay that fans have requested. The Klingon faction still isn't a fully-fledged PvE group, up to par with the Federation, but the developers have come a long way in these past three months to deliver what fans are asking for.

As we learned in our latest Q&A with Zinkievich, "Season One and Beyond," Cryptic is tackling the "more diplomacy and exploration" problem next. When the "Season Two" content patch drops in July, it will include an emphasis on new "diplomatic" and "anthropology" PvE missions. Zinkievich wasn't able to provide specific details, but the STO "Engineering Reports" published in the official forums will gradually reveal more information about the next patch in the coming weeks.

In our last Q&A we also learned that the developers are taking a serious look at Memory Alpha, the crafting and gathering component of STO. In addition to fleshing out the currently-lackluster crafting system, Cryptic is also tinkering with the idea of incorporating mini-games like "Dabo" into the MMO. Still, players who love the crafting/gathering elements of MMOs won't find much enjoyment in the Memory Alpha system until Cryptic overhauls the entire process; as it stands, the system is widely-regarded as inferior even to the one in Champions Online, which was never praised to begin with.

Nonetheless, Cryptic is forging ahead at warp speed in other aspects of Star Trek Online, like its Special Task Force missions and new PvE content. True to their word, Zinkievich and the STO development team appear to be delivering what players are asking for; in these past three months since launch, STO has received dozens of minor updates addressing bugs, balance issues and other gameplay enhancements. New content, in the form of Episodes, STF missions, races and ships are a regular occurrence even between "major" patch updates like Season One (although some of that content, like certain playable races and customization items, is released as exclusive "C-Store" products).

New Raid Episodes and STF missions help relieve the problem that max-Rank players face when they "hit the wall" at RA 5, and Cryptic is adding a few new game mechanics like the "Difficulty Slider" and "Death Penalty" to tackle repetition between new content releases. "The key is us adding more content throughout the game that is fun and re-playable so that it gives players something to do while we make more content," Zinkievich told ZAM in our last Q&A.

All-in-all, Cryptic has done pretty well with the resources at-hand since STO's February release. Whether or not the developers can maintain that pace might be the defining factor when it comes to STO's subscribership throughout the next three months.

Players of subscription-based MMOs thrive on new content and a solid "replay" factor for existing content; it's important that the STO universe keeps expanding at a steady pace. Once the MMO begins feeling too similar to a single-player video game, the incentive for subscribers to keep playing dries up. But if Cryptic's progress so far is any indication of the months (and years) to come, Star Trek Online will definitely be a viable contender in the "AAA" market in 2010.

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# May 06 2010 at 6:03 AM Rating: Default should be noted that Atari's expected release date was in order for Cryptic to get a big juicy bonus. Cryptic, ignoring the pleas of its beta testers, released what they KNEW was a completely unfinished product. The almighty dollar was far more important to Cryptic than their players OR their reputation.

# May 06 2010 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
This is the most inaccurate article I've seen to date on STO. The game was flawed at concept, rushed to completion, and is now hemorrhaging subscribers at an alarming rate.

The bugs at launch are mostly still intact. The Klingon faction (which was, by the way, promised to be a fully playable faction, NOT originally a PvP faction that they supposedly rushed to fix) is still not viable.

Cryptic made a lot of claims and lied to its customers about its product. The fate of the game is unfortunately sealed.

It will go down in MMO history as one of the biggest failures. The inaccuracy of this article makes it sound like it was written by one of Cryptic's crew.
# May 06 2010 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
Where do you get your "facts" from?

If STO is "hemorrhaging" subscribers, where are your hard subscriber numbers? The initial population has inevitably declined since beta (which was free,) and launch (when a great deal of players try out a brand-new game,) but I have not played any game, ever, that has not declined since launch. I have never played WoW, so it may be the exception, but this has been my own general experience.

Which bugs are you referring to? Most of the ones I was experiencing have been almost completely eliminated. Yes, it was buggier than a beehive at launch, but I now find it very stable and smooth for a 90-day old game. Are all the bugs gone? Hardly, but I've played 5-year old MMO's with bugs, they never all seem to go away.

Which "lies" are you referring to? Technically, and legally, it's called "libel" to defame in print an individual or organization (i.e., calling someone a liar,) unless you can verify the claims put forth and evidence to the contrary, also proving said individual/entity was aware the claim was false.

What "fate... is unfortunately sealed?" Success is a fate, as is failure. Are you predicting some specific timeframe of STO's demise? Care to be any more specific on this?

Where did you learn of this alleged "big juicy bonus?" I've probably read at least 90%+ of every article online regarding STO, both pre and post-launch, and nowhere did I read anything about an early release bonus. I'm not saying there wasn't one, just asking for some verification here.

Before the flamewars and cries of "fanboi" begin, I am, first and foremost, a Trekkie, then a gamer. I have been involved with Star Trek since 1972 when I saw my first rerun and quickly became hooked for life. I cannot claim original Trekkie status as I was only 2 when the show debuted, but I have been pretty hardcore ever since my earliest exposure.

I tried 3 days out of a free 90-day trial of Cryptic's CoH and hated it, and have no desire to ever try CoV or CO. Would I play STO if it were not Trek-themed? Perhaps, but not very likely. Is this the STO I was hoping for since Perpetual held the license? Not really, but I'm still accepting it for what it is and having fun, nonetheless.

At the risk of sounding insulting, your post tends to paint you as someone who has tried the game, found it did not meet your expectations or desires, and is now bitterly trying to sour the opinions of others. Feel free to express your own opinion, if you are American (or a few other nationalities) then thousands of people died to establish and protect that right, but you really shouldn't portray your opinions as facts unless you also present the facts to support them.
# May 15 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
OW SNAP!!! You got wall of texted ´till your argument became dust bro!!!

Well now my opinion is the following:

1- established franchises are NEVER gonna reach expectations simply becouse is already established. Name one good game based on a movie, you cant. Now name one good movie based on a game, you cant again. Expectations are always too high, therefore disappointing is always a present factor.

2- ITS STAR TREK!!! if you think they would ever make a game that is as good as the the series... seriously, you need a doctor. The game is OK i guess (not really my style) but people want it, wait, they need it to be as good as the series and unfortunately that would not happen, like ever. The series are gone, get over it.

3- Its not a groundbreaking game. None MMOROG has been groundbreaking since guildwars (that nearly established the MMORPG genre to this day(and yes WoW is a part of that as well)) so the hype was all about the franchise... it was bound to be disappointing, but not bound to suck.

I believe this MMO still have a lot of future ahead. Lets just hope it doesnt destroy my chieldhood as a trekkie fan.
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