Exclusive: Storybricks Demonstrates New UI

Let’s face it, we’ve all fancied ourselves as a quest designer at one time or another. After being asked for the umpteenth time to kill ten more rats, kobolds or space weevils, we’ve been known to cry out at the screen just begging for a little variation. If Namaste Entertainment’s debut MMO is anything to go by, we may soon get that wish.

Last time we checked on Storybricks, the fledgling MMO was very much in "proof of concept" mode. Since then, the game that promises us the opportunity to create "deep, engaging stories of [our] own" has been undergoing a transformation of its own. In what’s billed as a “pre pre-alpha version” of the game, Namaste CEO Rodolfo Rosini takes us through the latest updates in an exclusive peek at their Developer Diary.

During the 8 minute walkthrough, Rosini demonstrates how to create simple stories from within the game client, creating NPCs and giving then basic motivations and desires. He then goes on to show us how those motivations and desires play out within the game. It’s interesting to see a nobleman, frozen with fear from being poisoned, become cheerful and lively once cured. There’s also a little Easter egg at the end, as the entire cast of NPCs is slowly transformed into zombies with a singular desire… for brains!

You can follow the development of Storybricks at its glitzy new website. They’re also taking signups for their closed alpha and embracing your suggestions in their revamped forums. So if you fancy yourself as a bit of an MMO Dungeon Master or the next Terry Pratchett, head along over there and show them what you’ve got!