Talk Azeroth Episode 34: DPSing Warlords

Talk Azeroth episode 34 is here! Join Olivia D. Grace this week as she finishes off her talk about holy trinity changes coming to the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor. She's talked about Healers, she's talked about Tanks, now it's time for the Damage Dealers.

WildStar "Devs Unleashed Part One" Recap

Miss the WildStar "Devs Unleashed" livestream on Thursday? Fear not, because we have the recap here just for you! Open Beta is going on as we speak and the devs over at Carbine Studios are here to talk to you about starting your journey on Planet Nexus.

Prepare for the Devs Unleashed: Part One!

WildStar: Open Beta Begins!

The time to discover the mystery behind Planet Nexus is almost upon us! In preparation for the game's June 3rd release, the upcoming MMORPG, WildStar, is officially beginning its open beta today! Long-time fans and newcomers alike can download the client and jump in the 24/7 beta for the next 10 days. Players participating in the beta will be able to partake in all content up to level 30, until the servers close on May 18th as the Carbine Studios team prepares for launch.

Planet Nexus holds many secrets—how far will you go to uncover them?

Nexus Talk Episode 51

Nexus Talk is here and this week it's all about choosing your Path in WildStar! Join Richie Procopio as he dives into what each path specializes in, as well as the various rewards you can receive as you level up. Whether you're a Settler, Soldier, Explorer or Scientist, there will be some way for you to pitch in upon landing on Planet Nexus.

Tera Prepares For Its New Class: The Reaper

As En Masse Entertainment celebrates two years of TERA, it also prepares to release the game's latest class. What do you get when you combine a Ninja with a scythe-wielding nightmare? Well, you get the Reaper. This close to mid-range fighter will be making its way to the game on May 13th and she isn't looking for friends. No, this little fighter is out for revenge!

Fear the Reaper!

Rift Update 2.7: Binding of Blood

The latest RIFT update is on the horizon and with it comes a plethora of additional features and changes worthy of any Ascended of Telara. On May 7th, prepare to enter RIFT Update 2.7: Binding of Blood.

WildStar PvP Livestream Video and Recap

If you missed last weekend's WildStar PvP livestream, have no fear because Carbine has the video prepped and ready to go for your viewing pleasure this week. Join Senior Community Manager, David Bass, Community Manager, Tony Rey and PvP Systems Lead, Jen Gordy, as they spill the details on everything related to WildStar's Battlegrounds and Arenas.

If you take away anything from this video remember to stay out of the red, go for objectives and lead your team to victory–or die trying.

50k Lego Piece WildStar Rocket to be Built at PAX

If you're planning to head to PAX East next week, you may be in for a pretty big surprise coming straight to you from the WildStar universe.

Nexus Talk Episode 45

Nexus Talk Episode 45 is here! This week join Richie Procopio as he shares his first experiences with WildStar's dungeon content. He jumps, he dodges, he even kisses the ground a few times, but in the end he comes out triumphant!

WildStar Pre-orders Go Live!

In case you missed the previous news about WildStar pre-orders beginning March 19th, we've got a reminder for you! That's right, pre-orders for Carbine's upcoming MMORPG have officially begun and now you can reserve a copy today and secure your passage to planet Nexus.