What An MMO Player Needs To Know About MAG

Throughout this week, we've been bringing you some of the very finest in media advancements, and it's no small secret that video games have been evolving just as quickly as the hardware that runs them. Take Zipper Interactive's ultra-evolved first-person shooter, aptly named Click HereMAG, for Massive Action Game. Originally announced at Sony's E3 2008 press conference, MAG promises to be the next big step in first person shooters, as Zipper Interactive hopes to deliver incredible 256-player maps, where players can shoot it out across vast, objective-filled landscapes.

Now, while most MMO players may shrug MAG off as just another Halo-esque shooter, it's important to see that this really isn't the case. MAG promises some of the most extensive character customization to be seen thus far in a first person shooter, giving players the ability to change their character's facial features, voice and armor, in addition to the standard customizable weapons and kits they can bring into combat. Of course, a few shooters have utilized some aspects of classic MMO character progression, like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2, where players can unlock 'perks' and weapons as they play, but MAG will be the first first-person-shooter to also promise a somewhat persistent political setting. This game is sounding more and more like an MMORPG!