Fantasy Realm Online - A Classic Sandbox MMO

The free-to-play sandbox MMO, Fantasy Realm Online, is now available to play. Its creator, "Chris the Avatar", shares more information:

Fantasy Realm Online is a FREE classic sandbox MMO/RPG hybrid for Windows and Linux that has a similar look/feel to the Ultima series (Specifically U7/UO). We have been working on the game independently over the past few years putting thousands of hours of development and tens of thousands of dollars into it. We feel the game has approached a state that is ready to share with more players!

Fantasy Realm Online uniquely blends many of the classic aspects of single player RPGs and a massive multiplayer game. It has been designed to be fun to play by yourself and with others.

The world can be explored as a brave adventurer that allows you to battle opponents collect treasures and build your character through quests and combat experiences. You can also explore the world as a merchant, apprentice under shop keepers, mine mountains for precious metals, chop through forests for rare woods, craft items, and much, much more!