Exclusive Screenshots: Hanging Gardens & Horses

Allakhazam has 10 exclusive screenshots for you today and these will be the last before the game launches. It's been an amazing ride within Atlantica and we hope that some of you have had the opportunity to enjoy the game. If not, you're in luck; the game isn't even out yet! We'll be sure let you know when the release date has been announced officially.

This week we have some shots of a battle in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 ancient wonders of the world. Of course, some of the monsters in this dungeon are plants. Players will fight their way through this dungeon towards the main boss 'Tiamat', a Babylonian god. 

Additionally, we also have shots of a player traveling through India and entering the city of Mumbai on a horse mount. This particular mount is the Shire horse, one of the prizes for the Adventurer's Journal event.

Enjoy the latest exclusive screenshots and be sure to view the rest of our Atlantica Online gallery.

Exclusive Screenshots: Ruins of the Yellow River

It's Monday and that means more exclusive screenshots from the Atlantica Online team! This week we have shots from The Ruins of the Yellow River which is the first dungeon in China that players come across. I've had the opportunity to run through this dungeon and enjoyed the exciting content, beautiful art and rich history.

We also have shots from the Mausolem of Qin Shi Huangdi which is another dungeon, based on one of the early emperors of China -- which just so happens to be the same one's who had the great wall started and had the terra cotta warriors built.

Enjoy the latest exclusive screenshots and be sure to view the rest of our Atlantica Online gallery.

Exclusive Screenshots: Devil's Forest

It's our second week with exclusive Atlantica Online screenshots and this week the shots are of the "Devil’s Forest" Dungeon. This dungeon is based off the Biblical story of the Archangel Michael, who led the forces of good against Satan and his forces of evil. Players must go through this dungeon as part of the quest to obtain the Exorcist mercenary. If the Exorcist mercenary is upgraded to its highest level, it becomes Hero Michael.

Now, I'm fairly positive that progression in The Bible wasn't linear but I'll have to double check. Regardless, I really enjoy that most of the content from Atlantica Online is taken from real world stories and events. It adds a sense of familiarity and immersion to the gameplay.

Enjoy the latest exclusive screenshots and be sure to view the rest of our Atlantica Online gallery.

Exclusive: Shogun Castle of Death Screenshots

This week we have five new exclusive screenshots from a dungeon that is set in one of the many areas based around real world locations. This week we're on our way to Japan to visit the Shogun Castle of Death. If you saw the exclusive wallpaper we brought you earlier in the week, you'll recognize the setting and some of the enemies that await you. Venture inside -- if you dare!

Enjoy the latest exclusive screenshots and be sure to view the rest of our Atlantica Online gallery.