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w1zb0t Shiva bot user list:Follow

#1 Apr 16 2010 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
w1zb0t but purchasers. Mules may reside on different servers.
Megamak Mules:Jackeline 
Dunkydouble Mules:Captainkirk Sweetdreamerism Nightdreamerade Mrspock Suiencethomas 
Tsujigiri Mules:Tsujigiri 
Malaketh Mules:Malaketh Silvaria Keevasoffspring 
Hollabackboy Mules:Deathhousehades Kehaheha AsuraOnro  
Aquilo Mules:Valinorl Borinnnnnnnnnnn Valgard Voronwemini  
Thebasicbeat Mules:Dmdl Dahvids Tailkeeper 
Fodo Mules:Jupuq Masayoieub 
Locked Mules:Losttl Yerukos  
Musenko Mules:Haseom Happyface 
Viller Mules:Villermart Winviller  
Haseo Mules: 
Sri Mules:Myitirhucenyuhe Atmafyomatmauet Chabley Eustathios 
Trina Mules:Spidermann Katbaloo Sirrobo Herodias Trina Lilhelperb Mrsbaloo  
Yoten Mules:Fuseki Senteekoqsrlw  
Sida Mules:Waldgrimn  
Nuzor Mules:Onionpimpn  
Pylos Mules:Luciol Kiaros Beastsoul Demitaruk Kimariih  
Aaronx Mules:Xarial Aaronxs Unna  
Spynx Mules:Yoghym  
Yoghurt Mules:Yoghurtm Pankponk  
Natsumemaya Mules:Natsumemaya Segters  
Boyax Mules:Boyaxm  
Peekabooie Mules:Peekababy Annlisas  
Darka Mules:Kusanagiii Solstice Fizzgiga  
Langrisser Mules:Firemage  
Pebbless Mules:Pebbless Earlybird Poisonivvy Stormmck Babycakes Mooonpie Ladykatkat Mokeyunb Sugarrbear  
Kyran Mules:Pitipoutou  
Golum Mules:Cryptoq Golumd 
Asurmen Mules: 
Arisoto Mules:Kishotie Remiyun Alemb Allyesaon  
Alchimiste Mules:Ironsmith Clothier Leatherworker Woodsmansr Alchimistee Cuisinier Bonecrafter 
Trib Mules:Monkeyturd Bonesmithbettyc Ersun Spctaker Sammynuke Seasawsamsd  
Samnuke Mules:Monkmanm Codemanu Phoenxx Samnuke Kirbby Judew Fuzzywarriortb Ceall Trited Mywarmule Myninmule  
Xarius Mules:Beaujojo Magueu  
Bouchez Mules:Labrute  
Malevolent Mules:Malevolent Bizarros Malevolentaruks Arrowgirl Booyakasharta  
Katwomann Mules:Pebbless Earlybird Poisonivvy Stormmron Babycakesata Mooonpieor Ladykatkat Mokeyne Sugarrbearjya 
Onionpimp Mules:Onionpimp  
Baloo Mules:Spidermann Katbaloo Sirrobo Herodiasamaer Trinagual LilhelperP Mrsbalooint  
Thaproduct Mules:Thagalka Thataruh Thatarutoo Dardurnit  
Maffers Mules:Maffersl Maffersjr Mulegirl Clickclack Youtube Generlsugarplum Maffersmuleone MaffersmuleW Iheartgils  
Kalar Mules:Koloal Telyas Kala 
Rosenkruz Mules:Xantil Rosenkind Rosenmeike  
Kazzzz Mules:Kazzzzm  
Hrtlss Mules:Leonardo Palmiras  
Wreyth Mules:Wreythm Syrenity Kubalai  
Xamerkapsy Mules:Fawltym Xamerette 
Enjoylife Mules:Enjoylife Enjoygarden Enjoylife  
Brocion Mules:Brocionl Bessions Blushingshadows  
Laomuos Mules: 
Kebro Mules:Kebotl  
Bonecrafter Mules:Ironsmith Clothiertone Leatherworker Woodsmanttwo Alchimiste Cuisinier Bonecrafter  
Strida Mules:Xkumaxmxmx Ownedu  
Sotsumi Mules:Iphitosl Turgons Noegyth  
Kisho Mules:Kisho Remiyu Alemd Allyesa  
Baolin Mules:Baomulem Baobastok Baosan Baowin  
Thasassyone Mules:Sweetpee Thapurrfectone Sassyliltaru Empyreale  
Msviller Mules:Unrelatedviller Woainimeinv 
Iconociasm Mules:Coraliel  
Zildjian Mules:Zildjian Badtouchrir Hugemuffins 
Killkenny Mules:Kennysmule Trimeu Stitches 
Mimickins Mules:Teijam Prettyzilla  
Tzar Mules:Meyom Moolahu Radioactivepoop 
Cuisinier Mules:Ironsmith Clothier Leatherworkersm Woodsman Alchimiste Cuisinier Bonecraftera  
Gazaka Mules:Fudgiepants Becksie  
Terpsichore Mules: 
Jestta Mules: 
Hopeless Mules:Wasted Moneyshaker  
Shabba Mules:Katyanam Shabbau  
Andias Mules:Andiass  
Galeru Mules:Nithhogr Galeruoth Reepicheepe  
Muffins Mules:Kilkiq Muffinstyo Isamuleeat @#%^bearle  
Kalogalo Mules:Kalogalo  
Sierran Mules:Colesyl Kifs Bif Zifnauotha Jifkarr Cifmayupse  
Woodsman Mules:Ironsmith Clothier Leatherworkerks Woodsman Alchimiste Cuisinier Bonecrafter 
Kalogalo Mules:Kalogalo  
Lordvenlon Mules:Goldmula Masapanroue Langmiscitems Mulaburrahrash Gatubelac  
Lionheartuk Mules:Lionheartlessex Bentcirque Stoutcassava Smoothanaconda Savageparasite  
Bullwinkle Mules:Fyral Sabeline Jeesus Sarlaxeshi Guggador  
Samdamahn Mules:Samdamahn  
Reesie Mules: 
Muter Mules:Muterm Iheartvivi  
Nightraid Mules:Tosm Ryomouu Kanuu Nastygurl Nightraida Hellknight Mithramule Shadowheartt Muleywuleyy Angeloflove Reward Evilgirl  
Levina Mules:Lushangm Coeu Mssweets 
Wolp Mules:Plowm Wolp  
Xentis Mules:Natsumemaya Segters 
Alderon Mules:Alderon  
Keyral Mules:Mohegansun Keyraes Keylore Keyloruthere Keydornay Keysorninja Keytoy Keybone Keybtwo Keybthree Keybfour Keybfive Keybsix Keybseven Keybeight  
Soilja Mules:Prebantm Inflamedcaviarc  
Aresfury Mules:Royalstingrayex Pyodou Lodant Emrys Medicineman Stjoecarpenter Chocochickb Junedeath  
Cellone Mules:Cellonel Gardeningoneaks Fishingone  
Behemuthxero Mules:Eternalsadnesse Tertiaryadjunct  
Moviets Mules: 
Randysavage Mules:Mryummypie  
Morrygan Mules:Maurigan Malthanatos Mynx Mooregenn Mauriganeiii Mynxletc Minotaru  
Spidermann Mules:Spidermann Katbaloo Sirrobo Herodiasy Trinaaather Lilhelper8O Mrsbaloo  
Masayo Mules:Jupuq Masayou  
Jeweller Mules:Ironsmith Clothier Leatherworkerks Woodsmanu Alchimiste Cuisinier Bonecrafter 
Shenobi Mules:Yunelesca Shenswify Tifavii Yuffies Aeriths Tegocalderon Savertooth Cloudstriffe Cidhighwinds Vincentvalentin Vivis Burra 
Lordofmylife Mules:Puppetoflordlex 
Marutaru Mules: 
Hoykiller Mules:Holyterror Warydeathblowic  
Deathblossoms Mules:Deathblossomtwo  
Demosthene Mules:Jifitl 
Acedia Mules: 
Tantale Mules:Tokasha 
Thesuspect Mules:Geniusideas Puddless Xistence Drgreenthumbss Drgreenthumbz Mrblackter Mrpurpleb Mspinklue Msblackace Mspurple Losthopehu  
Mssweet Mules:Znebim Msthingu Mssweet Ibuythings 
Rabbai Mules:Littlerabbaiale Abbais Bigrabbai Baipano  
Askal Mules: 
Nuclearmayhem Mules:Haplo Wolfgar Goldendragon Ugly Nukemule Goldenrose Cyanide0O Captainjack Champion  
Starblaster Mules:Starblaster Threeplant Fourplant Fiveplant Sixplant Sevenplantb Nineplant Tenplant Elevenplant Twelveplant Thirtplant Fourtplant Eightplant Fiftplant 
Galvatron Mules:Galvatron Stevethered CerberusLottowin Lottowinthree Lottowinone Envymathrry Sylph 
Fanearo Mules:Pascalgranfrere 

Edited, Apr 16th 2010 7:55pm by shivalist
#2 Apr 17 2010 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
358 posts
wow lots of hope from ash trash on that list, i will have a lot of fun calling them out in the near futur, rate up for posting the bg list on the shiva forum.
#3 Apr 18 2010 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
445 posts

Seriously, who the hell cares?
#4 Apr 18 2010 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
487 posts

Seriously, who the hell cares?

You must bot... lol
#5 Apr 18 2010 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
ok I've recently came back from a long break from the game, so I'm way behind on everything. so what are these people botting? and how do you know?
#6 Apr 19 2010 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
I dont care about the list. Some names on there I expected. Some names on there I didnt see coming. So personally I dont care anymore. Plus I have also quit the game so it doesnt matter to me anyway.
#7 May 14 2010 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,447 posts
I don't really see how this list matters. That's just the state of the game these days, no one cares anymore. The worst part is most of these people are going to move onto FFXIV with a similar apathetic mindset to courtesy and sportsmanship. But then, that's the nature of our wonderful generation.

Edited, May 15th 2010 1:29am by SirEaglestrike
#8 Aug 31 2010 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
I'm famous!
#9 Sep 03 2010 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
492 posts
aquilo86 wrote:
I'm famous!

I'm sorry, who are you again?
#10 Feb 09 2011 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
Minor necro, but I don't care.

I remember appying to linkshells after leaving Zenmetsu, and would list that I'd been in it. Often times, it ended in, "Sorry, you were in Zen. They bot, so we have to deny your application."

The main one that said that, if I remember correctly, was HFA.

Nice contradiction, especially afterwards, I saw Kramer running with them.

No offense, Kramer, nothing personal. I just like tossing up some old dirt on shells that speak from their asses. :)

PS: Find my name on one bot list. Message me if you do! Happy hunting, too. There's no list with me on it, haha.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#11 Feb 10 2011 at 6:09 AM Rating: Excellent
4,447 posts
Zenmetsu wasn't hated for botting so much as they were hated for being gigantic douchebags to everyone else on the server. Botting was just part of how they did that, but it wasn't everything. You being shunned for being with Zenmetsu is to be expected and actually happens in many MMO's.
#12 Feb 14 2011 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
358 posts
Gave me quite a laugh when i saw a lot of lolhfa ppl where on that list...Guess they weren t as "pure" as they claimed to be.

Edit: Lol i already posted in that thread...

Edited, Feb 14th 2011 7:05pm by AshMulder
#13 Feb 17 2011 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
Ash - You're perhaps a bit too obsessed with HFA. The brief period I was in their LS you always seemed to be around shouting crap about them. The leaders wouldn't disclose the story but I'm guessing it was a fight over a drop. As an LS they're like most of the others in that they're focused on getting stuff for the original members (Kat, Kal, Pop) while trying to keep the newbs coming to events. Most of us eventually realize they're just using us and leave. You seem to take the affront far more seriously. Maybe you should examine the real roots of your anger. In the grand scheme of things, HFA and the other end game shells were just passing fancies of a lot of bored teenagers and lonely adults.

#14 Feb 18 2011 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
358 posts
If you think it was a fight over a drop, you truly have no idea what happened...not your fault you d probly never hear the truth anyway...but yes seing as most of them used wizbot and the fact the ls doesn t exist anymore made me quite happy.
#15 Feb 18 2011 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
Man can we just let this thread die?
#16 Feb 27 2011 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,255 posts
#17 Mar 21 2011 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
@Ash: Just to set the record straight, your anger(?) is misdirected. No one in HFA claimed to be "pure" as you stated and I am probably the biggest reason (or just one of the MANY reasons) your relationship with HFA ended badly. And this is only from your point of view, of course.

If anyone was using bots at that time, it was not apparent to any of us. It's irrelevant really, but still..
#18 Mar 24 2011 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
358 posts
sixgauge wrote:
@Ash: Just to set the record straight, your anger(?) is misdirected. No one in HFA claimed to be "pure" as you stated and I am probably the biggest reason (or just one of the MANY reasons) your relationship with HFA ended badly. And this is only from your point of view, of course.

If anyone was using bots at that time, it was not apparent to any of us. It's irrelevant really, but still..

It proves my point even more, none of you admitted to botting(if that sh*tty wizbot thing counts) even if most of you did.

Oh and i wouldn t call it anger, id call it rubbing it in your face, btw sixgauge whats left of your precious Hfa today?

Edit: btw six, care to name those famous reasons why hfa got rid of me? to this day nobody has had the guts to tell me, so maybe in all your wisdom you can enlighten me, instead of you know letting me assume thing with my "own point of view"

Edited, Apr 9th 2011 2:38pm by AshMulder
#19 Apr 14 2011 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
1,416 posts
I'll PM you Ash
#21 May 10 2011 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
Zelduh wrote:
Remind me to avoid these people when I'm dumped onto the Shiva server from the server merge. A fine law-abiding Alexanderian citizen like myself need not be tainted with Shiva's trash.

I wish I could pull up the full wizbot users. You think your server was free from this taint itself? lol
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