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And yet another warningFollow

#1 Jun 29 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
More nm thfs. This time serket. A bunch of people in GC as per usual, an ls gets claim, has it down to about 50 percent health and another ls steals it.

Surprisingly this was not gil sellers.

Sad thing is other ls tried to mpk them by pulling abunch of skeletons which in turn killed alot of other people.

The ls name started with oni, something like onieki or something like that. Only persons name i remember was Kourtney.

So if you know this person or this ls this person is in, be prepared for them to steal your claim or at least try and steal your claim.

Just sad.
#2 Jun 29 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
62 posts
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly sure kourtney is a gil seller.
#3 Jun 29 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
maybe, but wasnt with all teh other gil sellers.
#4 Jun 29 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
Not all gil sellers are in one linkshell, and yes she is a seller.
#5 Jun 29 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Doesn't the LSFallenangel, AKA DoctorLS, I have seen them running around with WarChild as their LS now.
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#6 Jun 29 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
They were there too, but they were in different ls.

But this just wants me to get bst to 75 just to be like an ffxi police.

You cheat or steal, you die.
#7 Jun 29 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
Hey Shuffles Lets' start a LS called, PoliceForce

I'll have my Bst to 75 asap.

Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#8 Jun 29 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Don't they call the GM on mpk? :/ Wish ya'll the best of is very sweet of you, bob, to keep us updated...same for the rest of ya'll.
Very thoughtful.
#9 Jun 29 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Excellent
311 posts
just to clear some stuff up.

1. Kourtney is in my LS, Onigiri. Some of the ppl from his setpt are not in our LS though.

2. Kourtney is not a gil seller. I have talked to him numerous times and have gotten to know him over time.

Just because his sub is underleveled, should not be automatiaclly assumed that he is a gilseller.

Here's what he said happened, from his own words.

1. Serket pops, RDM Irina claims it because it pops facing him.
2. Kourtney vokes it
3. A nin named "Hitme" trains lots of skeletons up to them and uses 2hr
4. crap hits the fan

I don't know what else happened after that, because I wasn't there. But you have my word that kourney is NOT a gilseller, nor MPKer.

Any objection needs to be directed to me or Yunie. Kourtney's english isn't good, that's why. We constantly need to communicate in chinese or japanese kanji.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 00:37:25 2005 by gaidensensei
#10 Jun 29 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
Well, while Kourtney may not be a gil seller, or so you say, he is definately a bum because he did the same thing to our LS last night. We had Serket to about 50% health and we switch out tanks and Serket goes white for a split second. Kourtney steals Serket from us and we couldnt get it back. We tried calling a GM but apparently this act is not against ToS. We had to sit there for another 15 mins for Kourtney to finally kill it. Meanwhile the DoctorLS trained a whole bunch of fallens to mpk everyone... man it was a mess.

If Kourtney is in your LS, please tell him to not steal other people's mobs; I think we can all have a good time without such cutthroat tactics. If some people have a mob down to half life or less and it's stolen... that's just a crappy thing to do. Please stop. There are legitimite players and HNMLSs out there too and I think we can all agree this crap has to end.

#11 Jun 30 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
Kourtney was with the gil sellers at Charybdis..but well he's an idiot and died in 2 hits so they all got whacked 1 by 1 ;x
#12 Jun 30 2005 at 5:06 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
If Kourtney is not a gilseller he should stop camping things with them. I've seen him with them several times at Aquarius and also in SSG. He behaves in much the same way as they do too so I was under the impression that he was one of them. Then again, joining the gilseller LSes seems like the thing to do these days......
#13 Jun 30 2005 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
"1. Serket pops, RDM Irina claims it because it pops facing him.
2. Kourtney vokes it
3. A nin named "Hitme" trains lots of skeletons up to them and uses 2hr
4. crap hits the fan "

Its funny when people lie to defend themselves. Not sure what ls Irina is in. But between number 1 and 2 insert 5 mins. And it was not Kourtney's ls that won claim.

Yes alot of skeletons were trained to kill them, because well they deserve to die, if i ever see them fighting a hnm, i will do everything i can to make sure they die cause they have not earned the right to fight hnm until they get a conscience and ethics.

Sure two wrongs dont make a right, but makes me sleep better at night.
#14 Jun 30 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
62 posts
Khasim wrote:
If Kourtney is not a gilseller he should stop camping things with them. I've seen him with them several times at Aquarius and also in SSG. He behaves in much the same way as they do too so I was under the impression that he was one of them. Then again, joining the gilseller LSes seems like the thing to do these days......

Ardagarda part 2 maybe.

gaidensensei wrote:
2. Kourtney is not a gil seller. I have talked to him numerous times and have gotten to know him over time.

Just because his sub is underleveled, should not be automatiaclly assumed that he is a gilseller.

I really don't understand that. I know people who knew gil sellers before, but didn't know it until a while after. I'm not saying she is one, because I don't know for certain, but I don't really understand how just saying you've talked to him several times proves he isn't a gil seller. Most everyone tells me he is, and the fact he does things with gil sellers doesn't help his image. His sub had very little to do with the assumption, as even some or maybe even most gilsellers have their subs leveled.

Regardless, people that claim steal and intentionally MPKs - gilseller or not - are trash.

Edited, Thu Jun 30 10:27:35 2005 by smasholays
#15 Jun 30 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
I know that he plays and hangs out often with the gil sellers because simply their english isn't good enough to net them in a standard NA PT, while they don't even know how to speak japanese except for reading kanji.

That's the reason why I believe that he plays with the real gil-sellers, because they're the only clostest group that can communicate with them. I know that he plays with some group that do not live in China, instead in HK (through word of mouth). This group I can't remember all the members from the top of my head, but Irina, Zenas, Windsor, Marylyn, Ricohard are a few that I can remember.

Not that I am defending them, but the opposite side should be considered for once. I mean like put yourself in their shoes, how/ what would you be doing not able to speak the two main languages of ffxi, and constantly barring yourself from the main society?

They're able to speak in plain chinese very simply, I know this for certain because they invited me to fight Admantking the other day. As I was in their pt (real gilsellers were in the alliance too), I watched how they communicated the whole time. Just like any other NA pt.

How did I find out that Kourtney wasn't a gil seller?
Well, I asked twice.

First time before he was even let into the LS, we decided to test them out before inviting them in first. They asked if they could join. I asked using my mule in chinese regarding if he knew where people would sell gil or if he sells any as well. His reply was no, and he did not know of anyone. The main dude of their ls, Zenas, told me the same as well. Then I asked nozokimi, and it's confirmed that he's a gilseller because he replied back saying his prices and stuff.

Later on when they came in, which was a few weeks later, I asked again but this time on my char. I got the same replies back from both of them.

Granted, I don't know what happened at Serket, but can you put in details of your own words what happened?

I will tell him not to steal stuff. It should be common sense to most players already. He will deserve a boot from the LS soon, if I hear of him doing this again.

As for serket, I dunno really, but picturing the scene again in a room with 50+ people camping waiting for it to pop, it gets claimed, goes white for a split second, lots of other LS's standing about cursing of losing the claim, how many of those people here would not actually try to attempt to claim it if they saw it go unclaimed? It seems like from what I'm hearing here is that most people would not try to attempt to claim it for themselves, knowing it takes a day to repop?

Edited, Thu Jun 30 15:15:23 2005 by gaidensensei
#16 Jun 30 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Most ls's wont, its an honour code thing. Plus what comes around goes around.

Even though most people in the game are greedy and low down, the hnmls thrive just as much on the competition for the claim.

Plus, as said, all it takes is there to be a couple high lvl bsts on one of the ls that got cheated and the other ls is dead.

Dont think anyone would want a bunch of beast folling them around getting them killed.

Bsts can hide mpk very well.
#17 Jun 30 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
227 posts
HEY HEY HEY NOW GUYS!! lets not be unfair and unruly! after all we are under the assumption that the DoctorLS have just the same chance of being gil sellers as your best friend! lets not go labeling certain groups and slandering them since there is no real way of knowing wether or not they are! SHAME on US! ;)

oh hey on a side note gaid i'd like to prove something...make a new acct, and ask me if im a gil seller (which im not...) and juuust to make a point ill reply yes. ask me a second time and ill reply yes.

...ask a gil seller if he's a gil seller...whats stopping him from replying no? is he verbally shackled to the honesty and truthfulness of society? I THINK NOT!

-sorry for the sarcasm

edit: just wanted to say yeah it's wrong and no i'd never steal an NM, as for box...when did a bst ever mpk??? oops...DCed...apparently im a bit ocd with ctrl alt and esc..

Edited, Thu Jun 30 15:52:06 2005 by Matsume
#18 Jun 30 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
165 posts
rofl at kourtney not being a gilseller... He is probably the biggest piece of **** gilseller on the server. Him and Tianshe (aloker, vivianky, vamieok, forget more names...) are the ones constantly stealing mobs and mpking people. If you actually pay attention, warchild (doctorls) tends to follow rules. They also have a few non - gilsellers in the ls (ardagarda, meep, wraithblade). I have gotten to know a few of the gilsellers in the ls and for the most part they are pretty nice and dont mpk or steal. Im sure there are exceptions as with any LS.

"how many of those people here would not actually try to attempt to claim it if they saw it go unclaimed?"

Please learn courtesy of HNM before you join a ls or camp one. No respectable LS would attempt to claim it. Only gilsellers or some ****** ls...

Edited, Thu Jun 30 16:15:05 2005 by sStellar
#19 Jun 30 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
Ok the situation was when Serket popped 2 nights ago, on Tuesday. My HNMLS TheCrew is fairly new and dont have fighting worked down to a complete science yet but we're working on it... anyway we claim Serket and get it down to about 1/2 life. Then one of our tanks disengages and it goes white for a split second. All of a sudden we cannot land hits or spells anymore and we see Kourtney dragging Serket away form where we were fighting it. It took another 15 mins or so of Kourtney hacking at it for it to die. In the meantime, some of the members of the DoctorLS dragged about 5-6 fallens (skeletons) to the area where Serket was, and people started dying. My LS had to engage a couple of them to keep the mages alive.

Now I don't really care if Kourtney is a gilseller or not at this point, the fact remains, Serket was stolen from us when we were doing just fine. Come on, people... stop this crap; stop stealing HNMs from LSs who originally claimed them. Can't we play this game in a civil manner, without making the experience less fun for everyone else? TheCrew will NOT under any circumstances try to claim other LSs mobs once they have been claimed. That's just not right. We in the LS are constantly warned not to mpk or try any of that underhanded crap, because it just will not be stood for, and would result in a boot from the LS. So can we treat each other with a little more honor and respect in the future? /end rant
#20 Jun 30 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Matsume wrote:
oh hey on a side note gaid i'd like to prove something...make a new acct, and ask me if im a gil seller (which im not...) and juuust to make a point ill reply yes. ask me a second time and ill reply yes.

...ask a gil seller if he's a gil seller...whats stopping him from replying no? is he verbally shackled to the honesty and truthfulness of society? I THINK NOT!

i think there's other ways of asking that.. You don't have to ask them if they're a gil seller or not, for example, i've figured out by asking them if i could buy gil (asking them for prices and how much etc).. and this puts your theory clearly on questionable terms..

for example, i've asked like this before.. without even an introduction..
me>> how much would you sell for 100US (~827 china Yuan Renminbi)
seller>> 6000k 100US

money always talks.. most gilsellers i'm sure wont turn down an offer when they're questioned about how much they'd offer for a certain amount of money... they already sell the gil at a much lower discount to places like ige, playerauctions..due to low demand or inability to find customers..

Edited, Thu Jun 30 20:37:04 2005 by juwon
#21 Jun 30 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Let's not forget HITMAN. I was in one of the parties he MPK'ED last night in G.C. I am still some what a noob as I just got my pld to level 50 and need to still to do G1 but what I don't get is why the GM's do not do anything to these ppl when you call. To me they need to step up and start doing something as they are sending the message that this is ok with them.

PLD 50
WAR 41
NIN 12
RDM 08
rest still lvl 1
#22 Jun 30 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Just sue SE for not upholding their part of the contract we all signed when we started paying for the monthly fee's.
#23 Jul 01 2005 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
gaidensensei wrote:
As for serket, I dunno really, but picturing the scene again in a room with 50+ people camping waiting for it to pop, it gets claimed, goes white for a split second, lots of other LS's standing about cursing of losing the claim, how many of those people here would not actually try to attempt to claim it if they saw it go unclaimed? It seems like from what I'm hearing here is that most people would not try to attempt to claim it for themselves, knowing it takes a day to repop?

No legit LS would take the claim from another legit LS in a situation like this. There are "rules" for how you behave when camping NMs (basically common sense and respect) and the ones that don't follow those will ***** up their reputation for a long time. Gilsellers have never abided by these "rules" (and why would they?) and people like Kourtney, gilseller or not doesn't follow them either. Trash is what they are.

I must admit that I'm a bit of a hypocrite here as I wouldn't hesitate to steal an NM from the gilsellers. I don't care if I get the claim or another legit LS does though, not even after I've stolen it.

smasholays wrote:
Ardagarda part 2 maybe.

Try also Meep, Wraithblade and Zaltoa. Pieces of trash that join the gilsellers out of greed. These people disgust me more than the gilsellers themselves.
#24 Jul 01 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
First off Meep & Wraith are in the military...they have limited time to level. Alot of times the only invites you might get when you are leveling odd jobs ARE from gil sellers. How do you know they are? you dont! I dont go checking people because ITS RUDE so I usually dont have a clue what Linkshell anyone is in. I didnt know Zalt even partied anymore hes a pretty high lvl Wood Crafter - he's pretty young too if I remember correctly.
So in regards to Meep & Wraith...YOU TRY LEVELING and GETTING stuff done that you need when you only got a few days to get ready (gear up and do a bunch of lame crap the military thinks is usefull) and head off into the Huge Litter BOx or wherever else they get a whim to deploy you too.
#25 Jul 01 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
Niobia, what the hell are you talking about? Meep is a Black Mage, Wraithblade is a Nin....yeah, for those jobs it's really hard to get invited to a party or LS, really freaking hard......instead of getting invited to (or staying in) a legit LS they wanted whatever items they're promised by the Ls-gang now so they joined Warchild. I know they are in Warchild because I don't think it's rude to check people, I will do that whenever I want to. I actually think it's pretty ridiculous to say that it's rude, if you ask if it's ok before you check someone you're polite but you are definately not rude if you don't.

Seriously Niobia, is them being in the army an excuse for being greedy asses? If I could only play this game every now and then and at random times I still wouldn't join a gilseller LS to get the items I wanted. Either I would just accept that my schedule won't allow me to spend 8 hours a day camping crap or I would see if I could get invited to a legit LS as a part-time member and come whenever I can. For these people however, greed is stronger than the sense of decency. I hope they come to their senses and leave Warchild immediately but I doubt it.

As a final note, you were the one saying in another thread how the actions from the people you associate with reflects on you (and I agree with this), how well does the actions of Lsfallenangel and friends reflect on Zaltoa, Meep and Wraithblade? GG.
#26 Jul 01 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
umm..being in the military has NOTHING to do with being a gilseller, hanging with gilsellers, or having enough time to party.

My RL hubby is military and works strange and long hours yet he is able to get on and lvl when he can. Might have taken him longer than most blms, but he got to 75.

being a gilseller or supporter of gilsellers has nothing to do with being military.
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