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lolvaldan and lolSEFollow

#127 Feb 13 2009 at 4:46 PM Rating: Default
As we speak I'm in an ODS run with Josm. >_> And unwittingly made a comment about Valdan being a thief without any prior knowledge that they were friends.

EDIT: OH MAN, did that end horribly! It's so bad I have to share it here to immortalize the suck, lose, and fail. So I lost every single /random for orb priority and our first four runs produced trash. Then, before the fifth guy goes, Josm says he has to go afk for 15 minutes to eat dinner. Our leader, Landrix, decides we can go in with five people and he'll sleep the last scorpion.

Sounds great on paper, doesn't it?

Long story short, full wipe in ODS. One by one we go down and the fifth guy loses his orb and his level. I feel terrible for him. The RDM (Landrix) didn't have Reraise up, so everyone home points, ending the run. So basically I just spent the last couple hours or so helping people make 10k each so that I couldn't even get a turn in the end. Lovely.

Word to the wise: No, pickup groups are not safe, are not trustworthy, and are not worth wasting your time on. The average FFXI player is not skilled or intelligent enough to trust with a pocket full of rock salt, much less 30 Kindred Seals. /fume

Edited, Feb 14th 2009 4:10am by Angina
#128 Feb 13 2009 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
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As we speak I'm in an ODS run with Josm. >_> And unwittingly made a comment about Valdan being a THF without any prior knowledge that they were friends.

LOLOL. Keep us posted.
#129 Feb 13 2009 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
>_> Your timing is impeccable, my friend. I was editing the above post as you left that one.
#130 Feb 14 2009 at 1:23 AM Rating: Good
681 posts
30 KS per orb there, buddy :P
#131 Feb 14 2009 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
351 posts
Valdan seems to think I lead an endgame ls just because I was in one zone for more than 10 minutes.

He approaches me with an offer:

Short conversation
#132 Feb 17 2009 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
That explains so much now about Josm....I joined a ZNM run with some people and him and Valdan was in it, and I said I will not be able to help since you have a thief like Valdan in the group and quit.

So a few moments after 3 people in the group sent me a tell saying he is leaving the group now and to come back, so I did and after maybe 5 mins of us getting a few more people Josm said "I'm sorry I wont be part of a group that helps Octavious get gear" and quit...and I was very confused till this moment.

Josm and Valdan sitting in a tree trying to steal everything!
#133REDACTED, Posted: Feb 17 2009 at 5:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I knew at some point my discreet comments would become involved sooner or later. My involvement in this forum topic has become somewhat mandatory by my personal standards.
#134 Feb 17 2009 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
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This is a very good example of the ignorance that “blesses” any forum. Nowhere in the thread was my involvement in any thievery mentioned. Just because I associate with a person does not mean you should condemn me for what that person does. That’s as ignorant as saying: “You’re friends with a cocaine addict; therefore, you must be a cocaine addict as well.” Or “You’re the lawyer of a murderer and must be a murderer too.” Now, with my main point out of the way, I might as well take a look-see at what else I can comment on in this particular “pit of rotting logic”.

First off, I’ll acknowledge a few things. Yes, Valdan stole a Peacock Charm. It’s quite obvious from the lovely screenshots that were posted. I also know that Valdan kicks people from his party if they don’t have decent gear, don’t listen, or act like they’re mentally slow. In no way or form do I have any dispute about him stealing or being an elitist *******. Like I said in my post, you can easily avoid this by simply taking leader and quartermaster in your party or by taking the game a little more seriously; each depending on the situation you might be in. This can help you have a happy experience with anyone in the game (unless they’re generally annoying, in which case you have the lovely blacklist or you can just have some tolerance).

I stopped here; all the rest is tl;dr.

Dude, you are not just friends with a thief, you're trying to defend his actions. (The whole "well, if you don't want him to steal your ****, just set yourself as quartermaster" line is comedy gold.)

Ergo, you're a **** too. Enjoy your scrutiny by relation.
#135REDACTED, Posted: Feb 17 2009 at 6:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you're not going to read the rest of the post, then that proves your ignorance and arrogance. Reading is your friend.
#136 Feb 17 2009 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent

(1) You present yourself very well, and I took the time to read your entire post since it was well written. That matters to some of us, even if it's largely irrelevant to the facts of the thread.
(2) I don't blame you personally for the ODS run, nor did I intend to imply it was your fault. I blame, if anyone, Landrix for that *****-up. But why point blame at all? Someone else lost out far worse than I did; I've still got my Lachesis Orb in my Mog House, after all.

That said, as far as your relationship with Valdan goes, the guy's not only stolen a PCC (which is despicable, and worthy of an instantaneous perma-ban), but made serious attempts at jacking Swift Belts, too. His entire history on our server, so far as we're concerned, is treacherous. And while it may seem cold to you, it does logically follow that his every action and high-dollar AH sale would fall under intense scrutiny, and that his closest associates would bear the shame of his brand.

I don't personally have any problems with you, but Valdan is leprosy incarnate, and defending him here will only draw unwanted spite from the majority of this forum, I'm afraid.
#137 Feb 17 2009 at 7:46 PM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
Josm wrote:
Josm's wall of text copy/pasted from MS Word or similar product.

I read the wall of text. How to use the quote function: [quote]Place quotes here after typing up in MS Word.[/quote]:P

So it's good and wonderful that you're his friend, as everyone needs friends. However, that doesn't mean you're keeping your reputation clean by posting here, nor are you straightening out any "misunderstandings" people still have with Valdan. By associating yourself with a known thief, you're sullying your reputation. If you do nothing to stop him, then you're enabling him. What do people think when they see defending a known thief? That you might not be a clean cut person yourself, and public opinion won't change until you do.

You said yourself that if you don't him to steal your stuff to "ask for leader and quatermaster yourself". Unfortunately, not everyone on Lakshmi knows of Valdan and his clepto tendencies. Not everyone reads Allakhazam's Lakshmi forums. Sure, Valdan's level of infamy is nearing the level of Bonnie & Clyde's (without the killing), but there still are people that live in the boondocks of Vana'diel.

Josm wrote:
I happen to be pointing out the truth and showing people the errors in the logic, not directly defending someone. It would be easier to defend him if I would've just said he didn't steal anything at all instead of admitting half of it.

Not directly defending Valdan, but indirectly defending him. So you're here on this forum defending your friendship with him, but I'm sure others will agree that defending a friendship is as same defending the person.

MilkManMOO wrote:
So a few moments after 3 people in the group sent me a tell saying he is leaving the group now and to come back, so I did and after maybe 5 mins of us getting a few more people Josm said "I'm sorry I wont be part of a group that helps Octavious get gear" and quit...and I was very confused till this moment.

I think this action speaks as loud as words.
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#138 Feb 17 2009 at 8:40 PM Rating: Good

Guys, you seriously ought to drop this "tl;dr" and "wall-o-text" crap. (Particularly you, Fynlar, since I know first-hand that you're extremely literate—probably more than most.) Something only rightly qualifies as a "wall-o-text" if it's irrational, poorly punctuated, or full of grammatical and syntactical atrocities. A long post that's beautifully (or at least thoughtfully) written can hardly qualify as a waste of time to at least glance over. Particularly when it's the work of a person whose integrity you're calling into question. They deserve at least a moment's consideration if they take the time to defend themselves reasonably.

Now I'm not trying to defend Josm, because as I said in my post above, I don't know the guy. But the bottom line is that the Internet is largely a text-based communication medium, and this is a forum for a game in which about 95% or more of all the conversation is typed, and the storyline written on-screen. So it's sheer idiocy to get pissy about having to read a couple of paragraphs here—especially if they're sensibly arranged.


Edited, Feb 17th 2009 11:59pm by Angina
#139 Feb 17 2009 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
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Congratulations! 1337 poster.

(2) I don't blame you personally for the ODS run, nor did I intend to imply it was your fault. I blame, if anyone, Landrix for that *****-up. But why point blame at all? Someone else lost out far worse than I did; I've still got my Lachesis Orb in my Mog House, after all.

Good to know you don't blame me. There are a lot of people that are quick to jump on everyone's throats for something like that. Just look me up sometime when I'm not busy and I'd be happy to help.

Guys, you seriously ought to drop this "tl;dr" and "wall-o-text" crap. (Particularly you, Fynlar, since I know first-hand that you're extremely literate—probably more than most.) Something only rightly qualifies as a "wall-o-text" if it's irrational, poorly punctuated, or full of grammatical and syntactical atrocities. A long post that's beautifully (or at least thoughtfully) written can hardly qualify as a waste of time to at least glance over. Particularly when it's the work of a person whose integrity you're calling into question. They deserve at least a moment's consideration if they take the time to defend themselves reasonably.

Thanks for voicing your opinion. I share it myself. It kind "urked" me a little that someone who spends so much times on the forums dismissed my post after the first 2 paragraphs.

So it's good and wonderful that you're his friend, as everyone needs friends. However, that doesn't mean you're keeping your reputation clean by posting here, nor are you straightening out any "misunderstandings" people still have with Valdan. By associating yourself with a known thief, you're sullying your reputation. If you do nothing to stop him, then you're enabling him. What do people think when they see defending a known thief? That you might not be a clean cut person yourself, and public opinion won't change until you do.

Thanks for sharing the "secret" of the quoting system.
I'm sure there are a handful of people out there that know me for being a good player and a good person; nevertheless, there are people that are sure enough to condemn me by association. If they do such a thing, I guess they miss out; if not, then welcome to the party. :D It might bother me a little, but I've known the guy for 15 years (even though I haven't personally seen him for about 5). It might be a reason for all my bias, but when I read over the points I made, they make logical sense, regardless of my personal association.

Not directly defending Valdan, but indirectly defending him. So you're here on this forum defending your friendship with him, but I'm sure others will agree that defending a friendship is as same defending the person.

I've seen other people indirectly defending Valdan on this forum, and yet they fall under no "judgement". Then again, guess their posts weren't quite as verbose. Regardless, I posted that people had been taking on a hypocritical "justice" and answered "questions" about recent Auction House transactions. Granted I don't have any screenshots to prove myself, but who takes screenshots when someone doesn't do something wrong. ("epeen" moments aside)

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 11:33pm by Josm
#140 Feb 17 2009 at 10:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Josm wrote:
First off, I’ll acknowledge a few things. Yes, Valdan stole a Peacock Charm. It’s quite obvious from the lovely screenshots that were posted. I also know that Valdan kicks people from his party if they don’t have decent gear, don’t listen, or act like they’re mentally slow. In no way or form do I have any dispute about him stealing or being an elitist *******.

Just out of curiosity, as a friend, did you ever address this with him? If one of my friends or linkshell mates behaved in this fashion, I'd have to have a serious "Dude, that's NOT cool" chat with said person.

I'm not intending to judge you, it can be a very difficult position to be in when you've known someone IRL for 15 years and they act like this. But if you say nothing about it and look the other way, yeah, that's basically saying to them you think it's OK.

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 11:06pm by widenorg
#141 Feb 17 2009 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
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29,633 posts
Something only rightly qualifies as a "wall-o-text" if it's irrational,

He fulfilled that requirement with the text I quoted.
#142 Feb 17 2009 at 11:58 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Josm wrote:
First off, I’ll acknowledge a few things. Yes, Valdan stole a Peacock Charm. It’s quite obvious from the lovely screenshots that were posted.... In no way or form do I have any dispute about him stealing or being an elitist *******. Like I said in my post, you can easily avoid this by simply taking leader and quartermaster in your party...

You say that so casually. "Yes, Valdan stole a PCC, here's how you stop it from happening." It almost sounds like you feel that anyone who gets ripped off deserves it, because they didn't take the proper precautions to keep it from happening.

Josm wrote:
“So I heard someone shouting yesterday in whitegate that he just got scammed out of a Hagun by a player named Valdan.” –Vawn

This is either something that wasn’t shared with me or was a fabrication brought up for further pokes at Valdan.

Is Valdan in the habit of reporting his exploits to you? You make it sound like there have been other times Valdan has done shady things and he's told you about it, but that this incident isn't one of them. Was stealing the PCC an isolated incident for Valdan, or is it common behavior for him?

Also, if you haven't been informed of any details regarding this, isn't your information just as much hearsay as the post you are quoting?

Josm wrote:
“I joined a ZNM run couple days ago and I saw him in the group so I told them I would not be helping because that gear stealer is in the group and left...shortly after up said he left right after I said that and to come back...
Its funny how he just runs away when people call him a thief...guess add coward to it also :)” –Octavious

Coward? He was there because he was bored and wanted something to do. That ZNM held no personal interest other than that my LS was doing it and he was bored. Of course he would going to leave if someone decided to be irritating.

Oh yes, how irritating. How dare someone try and hold Valdan accountable for his actions. If Valdan hasn't ripped me off, then I shouldn't have any problems playing with him, right? Is that how you feel, and how you think other players should also feel?
#143 Feb 18 2009 at 12:06 AM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
Angina wrote:

Guys, you seriously ought to drop this "tl;dr" and "wall-o-text" crap. (Particularly you, Fynlar, since I know first-hand that you're extremely literate—probably more than most.) Something only rightly qualifies as a "wall-o-text" if it's irrational, poorly punctuated, or full of grammatical and syntactical atrocities. A long post that's beautifully (or at least thoughtfully) written can hardly qualify as a waste of time to at least glance over. Particularly when it's the work of a person whose integrity you're calling into question. They deserve at least a moment's consideration if they take the time to defend themselves reasonably.

Now I'm not trying to defend Josm, because as I said in my post above, I don't know the guy. But the bottom line is that the Internet is largely a text-based communication medium, and this is a forum for a game in which about 95% or more of all the conversation is typed, and the storyline written on-screen. So it's sheer idiocy to get pissy about having to read a couple of paragraphs here—especially if they're sensibly arranged.


Edited, Feb 17th 2009 11:59pm by Angina

How is it insulting him when he himself calls his own post as a book? I called it a "wall of text" because it was really hard for me to read w/o poking my eyes out. (No offense to Josm, but it really was hard to read because it was causing eye strain.)

Josm wrote:
Thanks for sharing the "secret" of the quoting system.
I'm sure there are a handful of people out there that know me for being a good player and a good person; nevertheless, there are people that are sure enough to condemn me by association. If they do such a thing, I guess they miss out; if not, then welcome to the party. :D It might bother me a little, but I've known the guy for 15 years (even though I haven't personally seen him for about 5). It might be a reason for all my bias, but when I read over the points I made, they make logical sense, regardless of my personal association.

I'm sorry, but I think it's even worse that you know him in real life and you did nothing to stop him. If you're really his friend, shouldn't you be convincing him out of stealing? That's what I would do. If I knew one of my real life friends was stealing in-game items from other players, I would have a serious talk with said person. If the person continued his ways, then so be it. We would no longer be friends. What if all these actions in-game leads to something bigger in real life? Just because the internet brings a sort of freedom that you can't get in real life doesn't mean his online actions aren't reflective of his lifestyle.

You haven't seen him in 5 years, and I'm guessing that all of us have been playing for roughing that long. Five years is a long time. A lot can change. I can't say I'm the exact same person I was 5 years ago. It would be foolish to do so.
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#144 Feb 18 2009 at 12:08 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,633 posts
You say that so casually. "Yes, Valdan stole a PCC, here's how you stop it from happening." It almost sounds like you feel that anyone who gets ripped off deserves it, because they didn't take the proper precautions to keep it from happening.

Precisely what prompted my tl;dr, in case anyone was wondering.

If your post starts off with something that retarded, I can only presume that the rest of your post is filled with rubbish as well.
#145 Feb 18 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
208 posts
Josm wrote:
Yes, Valdan stole a Peacock Charm. It’s quite obvious from the lovely screenshots that were posted.

I don't have a problem with you Josm. But if you are okay with him stealing and defending his actions then you forever lose the right to ever complain or take issue with what people do to you.

So a few moments after 3 people in the group sent me a tell saying he is leaving the group now and to come back, so I did and after maybe 5 mins of us getting a few more people Josm said "I'm sorry I wont be part of a group that helps Octavious get gear" and quit...and I was very confused till this moment.

He's your friend, great. Who you keep company with is your business. However, taking action in response to someone's problem with Valdan's thievery effectively means you defend and support what he did.

#146 Feb 18 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Josm wrote:
Like I said in my post, you can easily avoid this by simply taking leader and quartermaster in your party or by taking the game a little more seriously; each depending on the situation you might be in. This can help you have a happy experience with anyone in the game (unless they’re generally annoying, in which case you have the lovely blacklist or you can just have some tolerance).

You think it's logical for people to constantly be on the defense? I think it's more logical to realize that in any micro- or macrocosm of human society there is some shared sense of trust within a community - be it your neighborhood or your video game server. Individuals join a pick-up group for an activity, and their first instinct usually isn't going to be, 'Let me QM myself incase anyone tries something shady.' Advocating this sort of distrust and suspicion causes the community as a whole to falter. It is not the unknowing individual's fault he/she was scammed. It is unreasonable to expect that he/she should have seen it coming or could have prepared better. That's like telling a rape victim it's all her fault because she chose to go out alone that day.
#147 Feb 18 2009 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
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That's like telling a rape victim it's all her fault because she chose to go out alone that day.

Better watch out. Making a rape analogy on =10 was like invoking a Godwin's.
#148 Feb 18 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
svlyons wrote:
You say that so casually. "Yes, Valdan stole a PCC, here's how you stop it from happening." It almost sounds like you feel that anyone who gets ripped off deserves it, because they didn't take the proper precautions to keep it from happening.

I'm either being misunderstood or I didn't make myself clear. I'm not saying this is the reason for the event or that anyone is at fault for not following or even that they deserved it, but it's a great way to prevent it. It's wonderful advice that has been given in the thread already. I even follow it myself if I'm doing something with a person I'm not entirely familiar with. Take it as a way of being prepared in case someone is plotting to take your stuff.

Morwyne wrote:
You think it's logical for people to constantly be on the defense? I think it's more logical to realize that in any micro- or macrocosm of human society there is some shared sense of trust within a community - be it your neighborhood or your video game server. Individuals join a pick-up group for an activity, and their first instinct usually isn't going to be, 'Let me QM myself incase anyone tries something shady.' Advocating this sort of distrust and suspicion causes the community as a whole to falter. It is not the unknowing individual's fault he/she was scammed. It is unreasonable to expect that he/she should have seen it coming or could have prepared better. That's like telling a rape victim it's all her fault because she chose to go out alone that day.

There's no need to be on a constant defense. By all means, don't get lead and QM yourself when you feel at ease. All I'm saying is that if you feel that you don't really know someone by experience or at least proxy, you should be prepared for the worst. Gavian wasn't at fault for the situation, Valdan was. It's just that it's wise to be prepared for such an occasion, especially with pickup parties.

svlyons wrote:
Also, if you haven't been informed of any details regarding this, isn't your information just as much hearsay as the post you are quoting?

What I posted was from my personal experience. If you don't trust me, I understand, but this is what I know to be true.

svlyons wrote:
Oh yes, how irritating. How dare someone try and hold Valdan accountable for his actions. If Valdan hasn't ripped me off, then I shouldn't have any problems playing with him, right? Is that how you feel, and how you think other players should also feel?

Yes, irritating for him maybe, but not for me. Do what you want. I won't hold them accountable for it. I just felt it necessary to explain why calling him a coward wasn't correct.

kappachan wrote:
I'm sorry, but I think it's even worse that you know him in real life and you did nothing to stop him. If you're really his friend, shouldn't you be convincing him out of stealing? That's what I would do. If I knew one of my real life friends was stealing in-game items from other players, I would have a serious talk with said person. If the person continued his ways, then so be it. We would no longer be friends. What if all these actions in-game leads to something bigger in real life? Just because the internet brings a sort of freedom that you can't get in real life doesn't mean his online actions aren't reflective of his lifestyle.

Yes, because it's entirely rational to drive an hour to his university, search for him for hours on end, slap him on the wrist saying "That's a bad [insert name here], you did a bad thing!" and then proceed rub his nose in it. As a friend for so long, I respect that he has his own priorities. If he wants to do something that's detrimental to his reputation, then that's his own business. My friendship with him goes a little deeper than what he does on an online game though, so I don't feel it's correct to end a friendship for that. I respect your opinion and how you would handle something like that. It takes a lot of personal will to do such a thing.

youssarian wrote:
He's your friend, great. Who you keep company with is your business. However, taking action in response to someone's problem with Valdan's thievery effectively means you defend and support what he did.

I would've posted on this forum a long time ago if I was going to defend him and support him for what he did directly. I posted in the forums for this:
Octavious wrote:
Josm and Valdan sitting in a tree trying to steal everything!
I was personally targeted for no other reason than association and I felt that I needed to explain how that was faulty logic. That was my main reason for posting, anything else was just clarification on the matter.

Edited, Feb 18th 2009 2:10pm by Josm
#149 Feb 18 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
Josm, I understand your loyalty to a close friend, I really do, but there comes a point at which it is objectively, demonstrably wrong not to call him out for his thievery. If my own brother (who plays on our server) stole a PCC from someone, not only would I see to it that he was treated accordingly by other players (although I would hope that if he were truly repentant he would eventually be given a shot at redemption), but I would distance myself from him in real life. I wouldn't turn my back on him entirely, nor would I be unwilling to forgive, but yes, I would be personally obliged to demonstrate to him that his behavior was morally incorrigible. And it would be perfectly acceptable—even necessary—for the Lakshmi player base to ostracize and brand him.

You present yourself intelligently and you've been vouched for by someone I respect. I'm appealing to reason here and challenging you to question your own level of blind devotion to your friend. It might be a cliché, but the concept of "love the sinner, hate the sin" is rightfully invoked here. You need to stand up on behalf of the majority that your friend is hurting and do whatever you can to encourage him to stop stealing and make amends to those whom he has damaged.

I think it would speak volumes to this entire community if Valdan were to post screenshots of himself trading that PCC back to its rightful owner, who we can easily identify thanks to the shots of him robbing the poor guy. It wouldn't "fix" things, but it would be a radical start.
#150 Feb 19 2009 at 1:54 AM Rating: Excellent
542 posts
Josm wrote:
Yes, because it's entirely rational to drive an hour to his university, search for him for hours on end, slap him on the wrist saying "That's a bad [insert name here], you did a bad thing!" and then proceed rub his nose in it. As a friend for so long, I respect that he has his own priorities. If he wants to do something that's detrimental to his reputation, then that's his own business. My friendship with him goes a little deeper than what he does on an online game though, so I don't feel it's correct to end a friendship for that. I respect your opinion and how you would handle something like that. It takes a lot of personal will to do such a thing.

The bolded part is something that really stuck out to me in your post. You say that what he does to his own reputation is his own business. What about what he does to his fellow player? Do you care at all about the time spent by others in this game trying to achieve something, only to be robbed by your friend? I will agree with you that if Valdan wants to trash his own reputation, then so be it, but doing so at the expense of honest, legitimate players is something I feel cannot be excused.

And it comes as no surprise to me that some would judge you based on association, even if you don't directly come out and say you approve of his actions. By sitting back and doing nothing, I would tend to assume one of two things. That you either don't see anything wrong with what he's doing, or that you do fault in his actions but simply don't care or don't find it important enough to speak up. The type of behavior your friend has shown is enough to enrage other players, 99% of whom have never been scammed by him personally. I can't even begin to describe absolutely disgusted I would be if I ever found out that one of my "friends" was a greedy thief with seemingly no respect for his fellow player. You, on the other hand, seem to show indifference, if not defense, of the person behind these actions. Eh, it's "his business" after all.

This isn't a complicated issue. It is almost if not completely universally accepted across the server that Valdan is in the wrong here. I haven't seen anyone say "Yes, if you get the opportunity to steal an expensive item, go for it." I find it almost impossible not to pick a side here, and it's pretty clear which side the player base (or at least, those who've heard of his behavior) is on. As someone associated with him, you may unfortunately be put in a difficult position, but in the eyes of some you will be making a choice no matter what you do. You can either choose to join the player base and speak out against what most find to be despicable behavior from your friend, or you can continue to lie back and watch him rob unsuspecting players of their truly earned rewards, while showing no concern for his actions. Though the second choice could, quite understandably IMO, damage your reputation by association if that's the path you choose. To see someone who is supposedly a good and respectful guy sit back and watch this happen is in some ways (though certainly not all) worse than seeing what Valdan is doing himself.

Edited, Feb 19th 2009 4:54am by Susanoh
#151 Feb 19 2009 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
Example if how this is a problem...

Frank is my friend and he works in banking, but I have found out that frank has been stealing money from hard working people and keeping it for himself. I choose to say nothing or do nothing because Frank is my friend and its his life not mine.

Down the road Frank gets caught and arrested and then the police come to me because I knew it was going on and did nothing or said nothing...I'm now sitting next to Frank in jail thinking "Wow am I dumb, I knew what he was doing was wrong but did nothing, I should be here next to him" and then for the next X amount of years have lots to think about and what I will do next time If I find out any of my other friends are doing something wrong...oh wait...I don't have any friends because they all hate me for what I did.

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