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When did Sleek........Follow

#1 Sep 04 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
When did Sleek become the official spokesperson for DiD.......

I could have sworn that all Dynamis LS's had leaders (the person who BUYS the shell) and they control how the runs are done, drops distributed, etc.

Sleek joins DiD, how long ago, and then proceeds to blast their practices on the forums only to come up with some brilliant plan to "fix" Lakshmi's Dynamis issues by posting a thousand threads on these forums.

Here's an idea Sleek, if the LS leaders of DiD want to fix the problem let them fix it for themselves. If they have no interest in fixing the problems then find a shell that doesn't have the problems.

Seems to me that RB and the other shells don't have members feeling the need to get on the forums and ***** or act as a mediator for everyone else's shells.

Find something contructive to do with your time - Go Outside! Find a girlfriend! Do something, anything other than posting 6 million times on these forums
#2 Sep 04 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
470 posts
Hmm wow I'm honored. In all of my posts on alla ive never been mentioned in a topic. Well as I need to respond to this, here goes. Why dont you do your research before you try to blast me. First of all I already talked to Godz and Veli about it trying to set up a calender.

Anyone who thinks that nothing is needed to organize which shells do dynamis in which areas on which days has either never been in a dynamis or is a complete ******. Im trying to figure out a way to make it better for ALL dynamis LS. When you schedule a run and everyone shows up at the trail markings only to find out that another ls is already there its pretty annoying. Just like posts like this...

Ill admit the first post I made in an attempt to set up a calender went to crap. But I did make another post to try to get it set up.

And lastly, yes I have a girlfriend, she plays the game with me. And yes I do post on here a lot, I do it when im bored at work. Sorry you dont have access to a computer while stocking shelves in Pathmark. I could go into the whole "living in your momma's basement" thing here but thats been overused.. so Adieu.

Edited, Sun Sep 4 17:02:22 2005 by sleekmotorwurkz
#3 Sep 04 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
599 posts
Seems to me that RB and the other shells don't have members feeling the need to get on the forums and ***** or act as a mediator for everyone else's shells.

You're right. They didn't come on and "*****" Or act as a mediator between shells. But if you'd read the post a little more, You'd see that most people think Sleek had a great idea, And are fully supporting it.
#4 Sep 04 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
All Hail Sleek!! /bow /bow
#5 Sep 04 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
811 posts
Theres always someone who feels thier life can only be complete by starting more drama.

Find something contructive to do with your time - Go Outside! Find a girlfriend!

You might want to take your own advice since you clearly didn't attempt to even pretend to read what Sleek typed.
#6 Sep 04 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Find something contructive to do with your time - Go Outside! Find a girlfriend! Do something, anything other than posting 6 million times on these forums

"The ultimate irony is telling someone to get a life on the internet"

Don't forget that, folks.
#7 Sep 05 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
First off.. I am not blasting Sleek.

I am just saying that this whole Dynamis run arguement stuff is crazy. I am just trying to understand why a new member of a shell has to be the one to fix the problems instead of the leaders doing it.

Really the leaders of DiD should have already sorted this out before it got out of control and drove someone to the boards to fix it for them.

Everytime I am in Lower Jueno I see some new shout for a new Dynamis Shell and I just cannot see how just by posting your proposed times is going to stop shells crashing each other's runs especially now the RMT's are doing Dynamis also.

Good luck with your calendar and I hope it does fix the problems... pity I see the problems (based on Sleek's previous thread on DiD Dynamis issues - eg. people lotting on items not for their job, etc. and the whole "let's have a shouting match in Lower Jueno threatening people over another DiD drama") are much bigger than DiD and another shell turning up to the same run at the same time.

As for Sleek's attack on me - fine I see you misunderstood what I was saying so I will clarify, all I am saying to you is this:

Don't stick your neck out for DiD because I am damn sure the leaders won't do the same thing for you.

#8 Sep 05 2005 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
Way that I see it. Yes there will still be conflicts with shells who reserve on the calendar and shells who don't. Not so sound all dictator like, but if we get a majority of the shells using the calendar working in harmony with no hiccups and one or two shells refuse to step into line and use it as well, then guess who is instantly the bad guys.

It's not going to hurt to use it, and until SE fixes the situation and makes Dynamis runs reservable, this is the only civil way that it can be done. If it comes down to shells wanting to battle it out because one is just too stubborn to register their interests in the calendar, LS leaders/organisers, /random it. Sure it's not fair, and many would have planned ahead for the day, but it saves the yelling and screaming that will follow.
#9 Sep 05 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
540 posts
any group that goes during simular time periods should talk to each other.

we got NA morning group on sundays (10am PST)
We got a mid day group (2-3pm PST)
and evening groups such as 5pm-9pm PST

Its a fact of life. But if your not a sackholder contact a sackholder or shellowner before you try to make arrangements. I know its not fun having your area on hold for 1-2 hours because someone else is already using it.

Maybe with 3-4 new dynamis areas we'll have something better. Maybe there will be a COP element to Dynamis. If your around chapter3 you'll understand what im talking about.
Thom - Lakshmi Server of FFXI -
#10 Sep 05 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
332 posts

/comfort Sleek!

Send me a hola in /tell sometime.

#11 Sep 06 2005 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
#12 Sep 06 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
470 posts
mehonlakshmi wrote:
Find something contructive to do with your time - Go Outside! Find a girlfriend! Do something, anything other than posting 6 million times on these forums

Mehon gets rated down to hell.

mehonlakshmi wrote:
First off.. I am not blasting Sleek.

Wow point of views change quick when the rate downs come huh?

#13 Sep 06 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
823 posts
Not so sound all dictator like, but if we get a majority of the shells using the calendar working in harmony with no hiccups and one or two shells refuse to step into line and use it as well, then guess who is instantly the bad guys.

Scary. Have you ever seen "The Wave?" If not i suggest you check it out.

Just remember that Dynamis is a public good. That means everyone has equal right to it. People who don't subscribe to a calendar system are not "Bad Guys". They are just using a freely available good. When there is limited supply, i has to be first come first serve. It's like reserving a time to hunt an NM. It's Ideallically sound, but in practice completely unreasonable.

I would say a better use of your time would be opening a dialog with SE somehow to fix the problem. As more people hit high levels and more Dynamis shells are created, it will continue to be a bad problem, especially on the weekends.

But that's not here or there. I'm just here to warn you that pushing your beliefs or rules on other people (even if it's under the guise of the common good) is treading very close to being Opression. There's no sound way to represent everyone viewpoint in the game, thus a unified rule or opinion can't be formed. I encourage you to think of idea of making it better, and this idea certainly has merit. What you have is one opinoin on how it should be run. There maybe people who share it, and people who don't. Just because they don't share it doesn't mean they are "bad guys".

I guess in the end I'll repeat, Just be careful.
#14 Sep 06 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
As if I care about being rated down, to be honest I didn't even notice and even now that you point it out who gives a .......

I am not on these boards to be liked, I don't care what people think of my opinions. I read the boards and sometimes feel like making a statement - much like you do regularly Sleek.

I have come to the conclusion that if you chose to spend your time posting constantly about your dramas with DiD then have at it. I will just ignore you.

And for the comment that seems to be bothering you so much... I was just trying to point out that there are other things more important in your life than the boards on Alla and DiD. Obviously I was wrong.
#15 Sep 06 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
He's trying to find a resolution to the problems with dynamis, he even said that he spoke with dynamis leaders which last I checked don't post here alot or at all. As stated before you probably didn't even read his posts. It's sad that all you can come back with is your so called insults.

Edited, Tue Sep 6 18:12:25 2005 by coolshoeshine
#16 Sep 06 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
I try not to get involved in other people's dramas, but a few of these things should be addressed.

When did Sleek become the official spokesperson for DiD.......

He didnt, and reading his posts, I didnt see him claim to.

posting a thousand threads on these forums

Only one, by my count. His other 999 had nothing to do with Dynamis.

Seems to me that RB and the other shells don't have members feeling the need to get on the forums and ***** or act as a mediator for everyone else's shells.

Don't know them, but its possible that some of them consider themselves so great that they wouldn't need to do anything courteous to other shells. Maybe they felt like they could just do as they please, or just maybe forums on Alla are not the be all end all. I know people that play this game that never visit this place(that was a broad generalization offering insight as to why others don't post).

Go Outside! Find a girlfriend! Do something, anything other than posting 6 million times on these forums

I am going to come back to this one.

Fynlar wrote:
"The ultimate irony is telling someone to get a life on the internet"

Don't forget that, folks.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Mehonlakshmi wrote:
Don't stick your neck out for DiD because I am damn sure the leaders won't do the same thing for you.

Yeah, nothing like a bunch of sh*tbag elitests that wouldn't care about their fellow pearlmates.......

I am not on these boards to be liked, I don't care what people think of my opinions.

Indeed. But its the way you present yourself.

Now, about you telling Sleek to get a life, I got news for you buddy. You are a frikkin nerd/dork/geek/dweeb/etc. too. All 5,000 people on our server are in some way, and if you say you are not, you are either a liar, or are in self denial. It doesnt matter how cool you are in real life, you are paying to play an imaginary game, to the point where you will bash another player of the same game. You need an example? My sister, who played this game for oh so long, is a 24 year old body piercer, a lesbian, and a mother, yet she embraced a dorkness about her to play this game. My character now, and I was athlete in HS, and am now in the Army, awaiting perm. duty station in December. Neither of us would you say is a "dork," but we obviously have a geek about us that led us to play this, as is the same with everyone that plays. You are not super sophisticated, and you can't go up to anyone and tell them you play this and not have them see it as a videogame. Players of the game will understand, that it is a "community," but average gamers, random people on the street, would see it as "just" a game. Embrace your dorkiness as we all have...

<waits for obligitory NET response of>

"I am not a dork! I manage my own business, and my girlfriend is so hot, and I can have sex all I want with my beautiful girlfriend. Do not lump into the online geek that you are all a part of. And you would never call me a dork in real life cuz I would kick your a** cuz I am bad! I am the coolest person you would ever meet, I am the frikkin Fonze, "HEEEYYYYYYYYYYY!"
#17 Sep 07 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
32 posts
quick point for you all.

All sleek is trying to do, is the same thing that they did with Gods and the farming for god pop itmes. Yes it didnt make the problem disappear but it did help solve some of it.

He isnt trying to rewrite FF, hes trying to make it a bit more enjoyable for the hugely growning high level population.


embrace the dork in yourself, just not in public =P
#18 Sep 07 2005 at 2:05 AM Rating: Default
32 posts
stupid lag

Edited, Wed Sep 7 03:14:36 2005 by majikjello
#19 Sep 07 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
47 posts
hmm...all i know is, sleek is trying to help us out..he sugguested, he protested, he even try to coordinated with others ideas..i see nothing wrong with this ^^

if u know sleek personally, u would know how helpful he is! he crafted scor harness +1 and didn't even ask for reward! he was pissed when he broke ur scor harness systh too...

would u ask for more? i think that's more than enough :P
#20 Sep 15 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
"I am just saying that this whole Dynamis run arguement stuff is crazy. I am just trying to understand why a new member of a shell has to be the one to fix the problems instead of the leaders doing it. "

Uhm, maybe because HE CAME UP WITH THE IDEA lol. Quit harping just cuz he's new and you've been around and weren't creative enough to come up with it yourself. He has a good idea, I don't even DO dynamis and I can understand how his calendar idea WILL make things better. Some people say that there will still be conflict, and they are right, but guess what? There will be LESS conflict than there is now, and that sounds pretty good. If running into another party can ruin all the planning you put together to do a dynamis, you want to avoid that as much as possible. I'm not sure how long a dynamis takes, but if all the LS's are trying to do it anyway, you're going to have to wait around just as much, why not organize it to a specific date so you can reduce the chances of this happening?
Kill the drama, no need for anyone to blast anyone else, go with the calendar and enjoy a higher rate of dynamis success :-D
#21 Sep 15 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Jersey for President 2008!!!
#22 Sep 15 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
Jersey for President 2008!!!

Rated up for being the greatest attempt at dumb-thread-jacking I've ever seen.
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