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What a rush!Follow

#1 Jan 13 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
I dreamt last night about the time my dad and I drove out to the west coast on his motorcycle. It was soooo scary! He had it flat out, driving down the middle line of the highway, outrunning sportscars... It was a crazy, adrenaline rush.

What's the scariest thing you've ever done? Biggest adrenaline rush? Or - if you are like me and a bit of an armchair warrior - what would you maybe, someday like to do? I'd like to go scuba diving. I am scared of the ocean. I'd probably sh*t my pants in my scuba suit.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#2 Jan 13 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
Walking through Cleveland's Little Italy at about 10 years old with a buddy. Walked up a hillside that undercut a building. Two older kids came out from the depths - one had a knife. Just about sh*t my pants!!!

Or, while driving to work about 9 years later on a Friday at 5 pm - heavy traffic (still in Cleveland) - went through a puddle - car stalls. Trying to start it, car behind me lays on the horn! Like I can do anything! So I open the door, yell, "F--- you! My car's stalled!" Close the door, go back to trying to start it. This guy (about 40-50, white, driving a Caddy) jumps out comes over, yanks open the door and holds a snub-nosed revolver to my neck, yelling, "Don't swear at me, you GD little punk! I'll blow your brains out!" What did I do? Began yelling right back at him, "What do you think you're doing - there's people all around here! Get outta here!" He leaves, shaking his gun at me, I finally get my car started, and begin to drive off. All of a sudden, the reality of what just happened hits me and I start to shake all over!

So the scariest thing I ever did? Live in Cleveland, I guess.

Glad to be in Santa Barbara. Scariest thing out here was fishing in the ocean in a float tube, and seeing a big fin come up in the water nearby. Began to freak, then two more surfaced - just dolphins! Whew!
#3 Jan 13 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
I think that one of the scariest thing that ever happend to me was the first time I got shot at. I was around 12 years old and me and some friends would always go over to the woods around the rock quarry and play war. It was getting late and we were planning on heading home. We stopped at the fort we built to gather up our stuff.
I was leaning up against a tree at the time and was talking with one of my firends. All of a sudden he pushes me down and we hear this loud BANG. My friend later told me that he had seen someone off in the distance pointing a shotgun at us. We all freaked, I looked up and there was a huge slug hole in the tree right where my head had been. We all scattered and ran full tilt in whatever direction we were facing. I remember that my heart was pounding in my head and all I could think was RUN!!RUN!! (insert various colorful metaphors here).
I was running so fast that I don't think that my feet were touching the ground at times. I ran hard for quite a while then had to stop and rest. I could hear someone running through the bushes somewhere behind me, but I could not see anyone from where I was hiding. I low-crawled for about a mile on my stomach. Eventually I made it out of the woods and we all regrouped in a grove of trees out in the field. Whoever it was had walked to the tree line and watched us as we ran off toward home.
We had been tresspassing to begin with, but had never had any problems before. We never did find out who it was in the woods that day. I always susspected it was the guy that owned the land next the the rock quarry, he was a seriously disturbed individual.
I've seen a lot worse stuff since then but for some reason that first real taste of fear has always stuck with me. I firmly believe that you never feel more alive then when you are about to die.
#4 Jan 13 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
Getting shot in the *** with Rock Salt comes to mind. Don't f*ck with no trespassing signs in Norther California. They grow ********* of pot and like their privacy.
#5 Jan 13 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
When I lived in CA, there a lot of swimming places, which happen to have big rocks and cliffs and bridges all around them. Scariest thing was running on a slippery boulder to be able to jump far enough to drop down past a group of sharp rocks into a deep river with a fast current. Scariest thing after that was doing it again.

When I think of motorcycles it makes my leg hurt. My dad used to take me on his motorcycle around the hills of San Francisco, but one time I burnt my leg on the exhaust pipe, and had this big burn blister. A bunch of water gushed out when I popped it.

I'd love to go scuba diving. I sort of did scuba diving in CA, but catfish and crawdads get boring after awhile. I want to try it in an ocean.

Would also love to sky dive some day.


#6 Jan 13 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, I guess I forgot some of my gun related events. Probably for good reason.

Yah, one time in CA, I was in a car with 4 of my friends, playing loud music, waiting for a buddy to get off of work. We were next to a fence, this white guy with no shirt on and scrappy pants jumps on to the wood fence to tell us to turn down our music. 4 young guys in a car and one white trash guy telling us to turn our music down, what happens? My buddy turns it up. (two 15 inch sub woofers, 400 watt amp, bla bla bla, it was loud)

The white trash kid jumps over the fence and comes toward us, two of my buddies get out with a "what are you going to do" sort of attitude, so he runs back in the house, comes to the fence and waves a gun at us. The two guys slowly start backing up to the car, turn down the music, and yell things like "***** needs a gun to fight his battles". And we drive off, meanwhile I'm in the back seat ducking down just incase he wants to take a shot at us while we're driving away.

But that's not enough. We turn around and head for the front of his house, then turn the music way up, and proceed to drive up and down the street for about 2 min. Nobody comes outside so we lost interest I guess and went to taco-bell.

That was about 2 weeks before I was going to move out to VA to be with my S.O. so I was thinking "If these bastards get me killed, I'm going to be really pissed!"

#7 Jan 13 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
part of my basic training for the Navy was a instrument of torture called the DRUI, is like a flood training thing 4 stories high with huge jacks to simulate a force 7-8 sea and is lovingly known as the washing machine.

I was in the engine room for my first time on it and the water comesin at 30 -40 tonnes per minute through at hole about 4 in long and 2 inches wide, that in theory you have to plug. the water was about 6C and i was dressed in a set of overalls and swiming shorts, also to compound my problems i was part of a 5 person team one of whom had claustrophobia.

we where told afterwards that only 1-10 first time classes atually save the room and we where in the majority, it is the only time in my life i have been truely scared and i was on a high for hours afterward. Scary stuff! love that adreniline though Smiley: grin
#8 Jan 13 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Picture, if you will, a light blue volkswagon bug, driving down 80 through the east bay corridor. Imagine a rather large gentleman in the front passenger's seat, a rather preppie young man driving, and a big, bald, long goatee wearing mo-fo in the back stretched out for the leg room. When the rather large individual in the front seat begins pointing a black plastic toy 9mm Baretta out the window at passing cars, what do you think would be the eventual outcome?

Well, if you imagine a concerned motorist pulling off and calling the CHP about a gun waving lunatic on the highway, you are correct.

Let me tell you, from personal experience, that it can ruin your entire day to be pulled over and surrounded by not less than 6 CHP cruisers, motorcycles and mustang 5.0 chase cars. When they all get out of their vehicles, hide behind doors guns drawn and begin instructing you as to the precise manner in which you should exit the vehicle, sphincter control becomes an issue. The overwhelming urge to evacuate all solid and liquid waste matter simultaneously is almost overwhelming.

A word to the wise, leave the plastic toy guns at home. Especially when a very good friend suffers from a COMPLETE F*CKING LACK OF COMMON SENSE.
#9 Jan 13 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
Chu crazymuttafeckers....

Wow - here is another question...anyone NOT been shot at or had a gun waved in their face? I haven't.

<suddenly realizung how dull my life actually is> Smiley: frown
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#10 Jan 13 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
being in the military waving guns at people <and haveing them waved at you when you stagger back to the ship at 6.45am blind drunk and offer the armed gangway staff cold rat flavour pizza> but if it makes you feel better i haven't shot anyone ....yet

which begs another question how do those late night food joints ever get away with selling food so bad? one burger joint opened up recently and i sware the local rodent population has shrunk 25% <might not be a bad thing but i don't want to eat the furry critters>
#11 Jan 13 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
scariest moment of my life was:

it was early one saturday morning and i had to work at a clients office on lexington and 56th st. so im walking out of the subwa when my cell phone rings and its another client one inw hich i consider an *******. so im talking/walking dealing with his attitude when all of a suddebn i hear a couple horn blasts. i wake up from my phone call to notice im standing in the middle of madison ave. with the light not in my favor and many many cars coming at me. i bolt accross the street and had top try really hard not to crap my pants. also ended up spraining my ankle on a step i didnt notice about 5 minutes later.
#12 Jan 13 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Funny enough, I've ducked bullets, been in car and motorcycle accidents, had health scares, been in natural disasters... Now that I think back they don't seem as scary as they must have been.

I think the scariest thing that ever happened to me is a tie between the time we were at the beach and a wave swept my then 5-year old sister away (fear that she was gone, desperation of looking for her)
and the time a robber snuck into our building (we lived over a bank)and we were notified that he had a gun, and we should get into the furthest bedroom, lock our doors, etc... I remember my 11 year-old brother got out my dad's .45 magnum (which none of us even knew he owned until then) loaded it with those exploding bullets, and unlocked the safety to go stand in front of the door to "protect" us. Mom gave me my sister and told me to go lock myself in the kitchen, and had to talk my brother down, then call my uncle the general to unload the gun. Even when I think back now, I was more scared of my brother with that gun than I was of the robber...
#13 Jan 13 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
3 times guns pointed directly at me, 2 car accidents where the car didn't survive, Australian Rappelling down a big *** mountain, 2 prison riots, 3 inmates almost dying each incident not something to describe here, and numerous inmate rolls and I would have to say the most scariest moment in my life was when my first son was born. When he was born all the weight of the world seemed to settle on my shoulders and all the excitement of being a Dad shot through me. Now that was a rush. The other things pale in comparison.
#14 Jan 13 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
Chu crazymuttafeckers....

Wow - here is another question...anyone NOT been shot at or had a gun waved in their face? I haven't.

Nope, I'm Canadian. Don't feel an urge to go threaten and kill stuff either. I consider myself lucky.

(I also know I'm setting myself up here to be the joke of the next 10 threads).
#15 Jan 13 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,291 posts
How about the brunt of the joke of the next nine posts? I am Canadian too. No guns, no foul.

Edited, Tue Jan 13 14:48:00 2004 by taredoru
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#16 Jan 13 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
my son is 6 days old Stok so i can understand totally what you felt, but twinned with it was a overpowering motion that this was something that i must not F*$k up and i wasn't so much scared as resolved to listen to what my parents and sisters said to me and mix that with the advice of the professionals to make damn well sure i did the best i could!
i couldn't say it was much of a rush i was too exhausted for that but yes it was something that i will never forget.

on a side note my Wife is totally with you Stok but then she always did have more sence than me Smiley: lol

damn it i screwed up the whole get at the canadian thing, hell in the Uk the police don't even carry guns.

Edited, Tue Jan 13 14:49:21 2004 by tarv
#17 Jan 13 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
#18 Jan 13 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
Canadian mugging...

mugger: Pardon me, eh, can I have all your money?

muggee: I suppose.

mugger: Thanks, eh.

muggee: Not at all.

mugger: Now take of, you hoser.

/avoids the obligatory joke about how to pronounce the letter "o"
#19 Jan 13 2004 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
Bunjee Jumping, they make you inch up to a ledge 500 feet above the ground with your legs bound. ACK, it's freaky.

Edited, Tue Jan 13 15:54:10 2004 by Mrens

Edited, Tue Jan 13 15:57:03 2004 by Mrens
#20 Jan 13 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Hm. You deleted.

Edited, Tue Jan 13 16:07:07 2004 by Atomicflea
#21 Jan 13 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts

Edited, Tue Jan 13 16:06:37 2004 by Atomicflea
#22 Jan 13 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Default
Scariest Incident:

growing up in manhattan and moving to the most rural part of south carolina in my late teens, you can imagine im not the brightest bulb when it comes to outdoor activitys. unless ofcourse you consider running from undercover narcs in washington square park, an outdoor activity.

when in rome....

So Im given a single shot 12 gauge shotgun. complete with a case, gun polish, rag, and....shells.

next day, i go out and by a full suit of camo, some fu'cking moose caller, and a pair of triple insulated, waterproof, coldproof, bulletproof, 24karat hunting boots. Needless to say the salesman saw this yankee comin a mile away.

Im out in the woods behind our property, full gear and all. I have my golden lab with me, which she doesnt know jacksh*t about any of this nonsense either. (shes used to chasing pigeons in central park, not wild game in the low country)

So about 8 hours into my trek i have no fu'ckin clue where i am, some spontenious thunder storm rolled in and back out, im soaked head to ankles, and i havent seen my dog in awhile.

I have 2 shells left (i was shooting at leafs, and flying insects the whole time) All of a sudden theres a water moccasin curled up about 10 feet away on a dry spot of land in this godawful scented bog i was ankle deep in. The only thing going for me at this point is i have dry feet! woo F'n hoo.

I shoot the snake from about 10 feet away. I suppose I wasnt close enough to obliterate it to smitherines, and i pissed this reptile off something fierce. It proceeds to come full fledge at me. I think "fu'ck! ballsy snake!" snake is probably thinking "fu'ck! sumnabeetch shot me!" so its not a good situation. As im lost, wet, petless, 1 shell left, and i got a big bad ****'ing snake headed straight for me. I take a couple steps back trying to load my last shell and i drop it in the bog.

Heres where the cliche horror movie move happens...

I turn to run away frantic, obviously by the events that just unfolded and......I trip!

I bet you've never seen a mud covered man beat a snake with the end of a shotgun so fast in your life.

I wait out that night perched in a tree top. When dawn came i climbed a little higher only to see, way out in the distance, some smoke rising from somewhere. I followed that direction until i came upon some VERY sketchy hillbilles on their property, and what appeared to be a small time salvage yard / smokery. Hrrmm "id like to dump my old wreck of a car, and buy a pound of your finest smoked cheese please!"

I get a ride home (which i was about 7 miles from where i started) only to be met by my trustworthy companion wagging her tail at my front door.

Point: scariest time in my life.

Moral: dont buy a moose caller from some sleazy salesman in a region of the united states where moose dont exsist :)
#23 Jan 13 2004 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Other than my previously related poisenous spider incidents, being stabbed (long story) and several car wrecks as a passenger, I would have to say the scariest thing I have done is the first time I did a headfirst dive off the top Olympic High dive platfrom in Munich (I was an idiot high schooler). The second time wasn't nearly as bad. The admittedly fairly small shark swiming near my ankles at the beach is probably the second. Of course I was only 10 then.
#24 Jan 13 2004 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
This isn't going to fit with any of these posts, but it was truly the scariest point in my life to date. I considered not posting it, but what the hell. Time heal all wounds, right?

I woke up for work one day about two years ago when we lived in Portland. I stumble into the computer room as usual and Merri says in a really weird voice, "check your email".

So I opened it up and found a suicide note from my father, who lived two doors down from me. It had been sent several hours earlier.

From that moment until about an hour later, I was more scared than I ever have been. It's a dreadful feeling pounded on someone's door and not getting an answer, then waiting for the police to come.

It turned out badly, as things too often do. I feel especially bad for the cop that had to tell me what I already knew. It was like his first week on the job and that's gotta suck.

Nothing else scary has ever happened to me really. I live a pretty mundane life and keep myself out of trouble. =) I did beg my cousin once to take me to Cabrini Green in Chicago because they filmed "Candyman" there... but she smartly refused.
#25 Jan 13 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
I did beg my cousin once to take me to Cabrini Green in Chicago because they filmed "Candyman" there... but she smartly refused.

Come on up. I'll take you to the Exorcist steps.
#26 Jan 13 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I've never been shot at, or even had a (real) gun waved at me. I've handled a real gun maybe once, not loaded. I have pointed a bow and arrow at my brother once though. (doesn't count)

The scariest thing I can remember is from when I was a young child. I remember waking up one night and walking to my window. The house is literally in the middle of the woods, and there was a small deer standing under the window. It stood on its hind legs looking at me for about 10 seconds, then I swear I heard a voice, from outside, yell "BOO!" The deer jumped away as I dove into my bed, scared ********* Since that day I've been afraid of the dark.

The most dangerous thing I've done...hard to say. I'd have to say unprotected sex with skeezy hoes would be the worst.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
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