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Ask an Admin Day 2012 thread of doom!Follow

#102 Nov 17 2012 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Nilatai wrote:
Can we give Bijou a title early, but make it so he still can't actually see it?

Maybe we already did and its so tiny no one can see it!

My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#103 Nov 17 2012 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
Can we give eiran a title because she will clearly never meet the standards but still is a stalwart member... lackey....
#104 Nov 17 2012 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I see a problem here. Just how many posts long was the longest thread ever?
it was up near 36,000 when I killed it.
Will you let the BDT pass that?
#105 Nov 17 2012 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Belkira wrote:
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Belkira wrote:
Not a slug. And I have no idea why I watched that video as long as I did....

And I have to stop Googling to figure it out. I'll want to move away from this bug infested island if I keep searching for Hawaiian bugs...

Maybe a Cottony cushion scale?

Here's a list of all the bugs in hawaii

No, that thing's too three dimensional. This thing was flat.

I found that website last night. I started feeling like things were crawling on me, so I called off the search.

I know what you are talking about but can't remember what they are either. Used to see them when I lived in Kaneohe.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#106 Nov 17 2012 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
eiran wrote:
Can we give eiran a title because she will clearly never meet the standards but still is a stalwart member... lackey....

I dunno, you never gave us a title on your forum...

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I see a problem here. Just how many posts long was the longest thread ever?
it was up near 36,000 when I killed it.
Will you let the BDT pass that?

Probably not if it starts impacting performance. it would get locked and a new one started. its not so much the page loading, its the thread search index that gets obnoxious.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#107 Nov 18 2012 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
Ralrra wrote:
For any admin: what did you want to be when you grew up, and how close are you to doing that now?.

A writer. Got the degree and everything. I'm not sure what happened, I seem to have lost my imagination somewhere along the way.
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Cook Ten Rats
#108 Nov 18 2012 at 2:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Special Snowflake
6,786 posts
Ralrra wrote:
I found that website last night. I started feeling like things were crawling on me, so I called off the search.

Can't say as I blame you. Just reading your description gives me the heebies. I think it's something in the larval phase. Scary bit there, is there's eggs somewhere.
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Cook Ten Rats
#109 Nov 18 2012 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
4,153 posts
Calthine wrote:
Ralrra wrote:
I found that website last night. I started feeling like things were crawling on me, so I called off the search.

Can't say as I blame you. Just reading your description gives me the heebies. I think it's something in the larval phase. Scary bit there, is there's eggs somewhere.

Errr... that wasn't me. I think your quote thingy is borked.

As usual, I blame lolgaxe. Smiley: tongue
FFXI-Garuda 2003-2009; Lakshmi 2011-8/20/13 (retired)
FFXIV: ARR - Ghost Bear, Balmung server
#110 Nov 18 2012 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
BonYogi wrote:
For all admins, are any of you left handed and do you have any adapting-to-a-right-handed-world stories?

No, but my youngest son is left handed. As a parent it has actually been really difficult to remember to show him things like how to hold a pencil with the correct hand. Even simple things like putting his cup on the table by his right hand instead of his left were just everyday mistakes for me for years. Getting better at it, but it's taken five years to get there! Smiley: grin
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

#111 Nov 18 2012 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Ralrra wrote:
For any admin: what did you want to be when you grew up, and how close are you to doing that now?

In order:
  • a teacher
  • a web designer
  • a novelist
  • a sign language interpreter

In reality:
  • I realized that I generally don't like to deal with children that aren't my own, so I figured for the health of the human population I'd skip teacher. My husband has been a part-time college professor for the past 4-5 years now, so that somewhat counts, right?
  • I had actually been accepted to college, with a scholarship, in NY for web designer, but real life hit the fan a few months before I was supposed to go and I never ended up there. By the time I would have continued to pursue this one the bubble had burst and finding a job would've been near impossible. I did do some design work for a local business guy for a while some years back, but he was really inconsistent with paying me on time, and I decided it wasn't worth it anymore.
  • Novelist... well, I am a grammar nerd and I enjoy writing, but I don't think I've ever had enough inspiration to write a full story. I have written a few short stories but that's it.
  • I seriously considered sign language interpreter while taking advanced ASL classes in college. Two things held me back: (1) the college to get your certification would be a multiple-day-a-week drive of 2.5 hours each way (with young kids, that becomes difficult) and (2) I usually get petrified in front of large crowds (especially if I'm standing up.. not sure why that's different than sitting) and would make a terrible sign language interpreter!

I guess I'm not really close to doing anything I ever thought of... Smiley: lol In the end, I'm happy with where I am now, and that's the best thing to be.

Edited, Nov 18th 2012 10:10am by Cyliena
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

#112 Nov 18 2012 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
Monsieur Driftwood wrote:
Would you rather fight a horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses? Why?

One horse-sized duck. If it survived the ordeal, I'd gradually nurse it back to health. Then I'd make it a harness and saddle, and ride it around town. Following a sudden but inevitable betrayal, I'd be placing a large order for hoisin sauce and pancakes...

Also relevant:

gbaji wrote:
If a groundhog could throw lumber, how much would it throw?

Up until five minutes ago, I thought a groundhog was some kind of hamster-boar crossbeed, with arms like ballistas. I am disappointed with my Google image search results.

Perrin wrote:
How will the Admin team survive if Hostess isn't bought out and does in fact cease to exist?

I have only tried Twinkies once in my life, and I regret that they rarely wash up on these shores. I still think my idea for a bacon Twinkie with maple sponge would have been tres bon.

Olorinus wrote:
Also, any admins out there, what is your favourite flavor of ice cream?
Also: Pie? Or Cake?

Chocolate Fudge Brownie, although Apple Pie comes in a close second. Also, cakepie!

ACLinjury wrote:
Which Big Bang Theory character best describes you?

I'm usually the engineer in a room full of scientists...

WFOAssassin wrote:
Why can't we get some FFXIV news on the main page? All I see is games I don't play.

Well, there's always the time I interviewed Naoki Yoshida...

Lionheartviii wrote:
1) Why do hotdogs come in packs of 10, while hotdog buns come in packs of 12?

Bratwurst and currywurst come in packs of six. Problem solved.

Ralrra wrote:
For any admin: what did you want to be when you grew up, and how close are you to doing that now?

Computer games developer/designer. One day I'll get there :)

Edited, Nov 18th 2012 1:45pm by Gazimoff
#113 Nov 18 2012 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Hah! In a suprise twist no one saw coming, For the first time ever in the history of ever, I'm going to ask the admins and users questions of my own, thus violating the basic Principal of the ask an admin thread and voiding space time's warranty! So without further dew;

1. To all the forum users of the world, if someone were to wave the magic "poof, you're an admin for a day" wand at you, what would be the very first thing you would do as an admin, and why?

2. Would you rather fly in a helicopter, or fly in a jet fighter?

3. For the admins, What is the best thing, and the worst thing about being an admin, in your oppinion?

4. and finally, why doesn't anyone ever ask about the theoretically secret but deliberatly poorly hidden forums with the 500 irrgulear and disturbing shaped pinyata's wearing monicles tied over a vat of molten pudding that we put there specifically to get people to ask questions about?
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#114 Nov 18 2012 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Hah! In a suprise twist no one saw coming, For the first time ever in the history of ever, I'm going to ask the admins and users questions of my own, thus violating the basic Principal of the ask an admin thread and voiding space time's warranty! So without further dew;

1. To all the forum users of the world, if someone were to wave the magic "poof, you're an admin for a day" wand at you, what would be the very first thing you would do as an admin, and why?

2. Would you rather fly in a helicopter, or fly in a jet fighter?

3. For the admins, What is the best thing, and the worst thing about being an admin, in your oppinion?

4. and finally, why doesn't anyone ever ask about the theoretically secret but deliberatly poorly hidden forums with the 500 irrgulear and disturbing shaped pinyata's wearing monicles tied over a vat of molten pudding that we put there specifically to get people to ask questions about?
1. Cackle maniacally before abusing my powers in as many ways as possible.

2. Helicopter and as a passenger. I have no desire to pilot either of those and you can take photos from a heli better than from a jet.

4. It's all rather self explanatory isn't it?
#115 Nov 18 2012 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
2. Would you rather fly in a helicopter, or fly in a jet fighter?

2. Pilot a high speed attack sub that turns into a VTOL Bomber.
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#116 Nov 18 2012 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Hah! In a suprise twist no one saw coming, For the first time ever in the history of ever, I'm going to ask the admins and users questions of my own, thus violating the basic Principal of the ask an admin thread and voiding space time's warranty! So without further dew;

1. To all the forum users of the world, if someone were to wave the magic "poof, you're an admin for a day" wand at you, what would be the very first thing you would do as an admin, and why?

2. Would you rather fly in a helicopter, or fly in a jet fighter?

3. For the admins, What is the best thing, and the worst thing about being an admin, in your oppinion?

4. and finally, why doesn't anyone ever ask about the theoretically secret but deliberatly poorly hidden forums with the 500 irrgulear and disturbing shaped pinyata's wearing monicles tied over a vat of molten pudding that we put there specifically to get people to ask questions about?

1. I would ask the forum to vote for a title for me since I could finally get one.

2. I don't like to fly but I walk really fast.

4. Because I was distracted by all the cheese I just bought for the cheese tray appetizer for Thanksgiving (which crazy me is still hosting despite moving 12/1)...

***edited because I can't count

Edited, Nov 18th 2012 4:39pm by eiran
#117 Nov 18 2012 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
493 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
1. To all the forum users of the world, if someone were to wave the magic "poof, you're an admin for a day" wand at you, what would be the very first thing you would do as an admin, and why?

2. Would you rather fly in a helicopter, or fly in a jet fighter?

4. and finally, why doesn't anyone ever ask about the theoretically secret but deliberatly poorly hidden forums with the 500 irrgulear and disturbing shaped pinyata's wearing monicles tied over a vat of molten pudding that we put there specifically to get people to ask questions about?

1.GBATE!Smiley: motz Because one day won't hurt anyone.

2. Helicopter. Then I would look for hot princesses in dresses and give the paparazzi a show.

4. This is why we can't have nice things.
#118 Nov 18 2012 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
1. To all the forum users of the world, if someone were to wave the magic "poof, you're an admin for a day" wand at you, what would be the very first thing you would do as an admin, and why?

Use my admin powers to find out what the hell that bug was that was in my bathroom. I know you guys know. It has to be an admin secret.

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
2. Would you rather fly in a helicopter, or fly in a jet fighter?

Helicopter tours are a big thing here. They take you over lava and waterfalls, and I've ALWAYS wanted to do it. So that.

Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
4. and finally, why doesn't anyone ever ask about the theoretically secret but deliberatly poorly hidden forums with the 500 irrgulear and disturbing shaped pinyata's wearing monicles tied over a vat of molten pudding that we put there specifically to get people to ask questions about?

It's so embarrassing, I keep hoping someone else will bring it up...

Edited, Nov 18th 2012 4:07pm by Belkira
#119 Nov 18 2012 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
644 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Hah! In a suprise twist no one saw coming, For the first time ever in the history of ever, I'm going to ask the admins and users questions of my own, thus violating the basic Principal of the ask an admin thread and voiding space time's warranty! So without further dew;

1. To all the forum users of the world, if someone were to wave the magic "poof, you're an admin for a day" wand at you, what would be the very first thing you would do as an admin, and why?

2. Would you rather fly in a helicopter, or fly in a jet fighter?

3. For the admins, What is the best thing, and the worst thing about being an admin, in your oppinion?

4. and finally, why doesn't anyone ever ask about the theoretically secret but deliberatly poorly hidden forums with the 500 irrgulear and disturbing shaped pinyata's wearing monicles tied over a vat of molten pudding that we put there specifically to get people to ask questions about?

1. Demand for a raise.
2.Helicopter more landing options.
4.It's just bad form to point out the Spanish pinata,s are wearing British eye wear whilst hanging over pudding that is not figgy in the least. Also we fear what's inside. (My guess is a horde of Mini-Rog's)
#120 Nov 18 2012 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
I would introduce a new mute option, where instead of disallowing posting, it would simply hide a person's posts from the entire community. Not like with below-filter ratings and the ignore list, where you can click to expand; I mean that nobody would have any idea that the muted posters were attempting to post at all. This way, from the muted person's standpoint, it would appear that they were still posting and engaging in conversation, but everyone around them was ignoring them. I would be greatly amused by this.
#121 Nov 18 2012 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Spoonless wrote:
I would introduce a new mute option, where instead of disallowing posting, it would simply hide a person's posts from the entire community. Not like with below-filter ratings and the ignore list, where you can click to expand; I mean that nobody would have any idea that the muted posters were attempting to post at all. This way, from the muted person's standpoint, it would appear that they were still posting and engaging in conversation, but everyone around them was ignoring them. I would be greatly amused by this.

This should be a thing.
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#122 Nov 18 2012 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Should autoban anyone that falls under a certain karmatic threshold.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#123 Nov 18 2012 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Spoonless wrote:
I would introduce a new mute option, where instead of disallowing posting, it would simply hide a person's posts from the entire community. Not like with below-filter ratings and the ignore list, where you can click to expand; I mean that nobody would have any idea that the muted posters were attempting to post at all. This way, from the muted person's standpoint, it would appear that they were still posting and engaging in conversation, but everyone around them was ignoring them. I would be greatly amused by this.
Smiley: lol I was just thinking the exact same thing. And the first to be a recipient....Alma.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#124 Nov 18 2012 at 10:09 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Spoonless wrote:
I would introduce a new mute option, where instead of disallowing posting, it would simply hide a person's posts from the entire community. Not like with below-filter ratings and the ignore list, where you can click to expand; I mean that nobody would have any idea that the muted posters were attempting to post at all. This way, from the muted person's standpoint, it would appear that they were still posting and engaging in conversation, but everyone around them was ignoring them. I would be greatly amused by this.
Smiley: lol I was just thinking the exact same thing. And the first to be a recipient....Alma.

Or perhaps the ability to add users to a "blacklist"? Then you could pick and choose who you see and who you don't.

1.) Give everyone a title

2.) Jetpack FTW!

4.) I heard it was molten caramel, but w/e :P
#125 Nov 19 2012 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
554 posts
ooooo a question any admin. Have any of you gotten into an argument that got so heated that you made yourself step away from the site from a day or two?

I am always impressed by the way some of you guys remain calm during drama.
#126 Nov 19 2012 at 1:07 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Devildawgs wrote:
ooooo a question any admin. Have any of you gotten into an argument that got so heated that you made yourself step away from the site from a day or two?

I am always impressed by the way some of you guys remain calm during drama.

There have been a couple times I've taken a short break. Once after the wholoe death threat thing back in the day, and a couple times in dealing with people that other than that moment I thought might have something to offer the forum so I didn't want to ban them just because I was pissed off. In hindsight, several of those would have been better served by a quicker removal.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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