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OoT TF2?Follow

#1 Oct 23 2007 at 7:08 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm planning on picking up the Orange Box today, anyone have experience with TF2 yet, and want to teach a total FPS PVP noob? I don't even know how any of that crap works, but I can't wait to try it out.
#2 Oct 23 2007 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
want to teach a total FPS PVP noob?

Lesson 1: Don't play FPS PvP. It will turn you into a 12 year old spaz.
#3 Oct 23 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
His Excellency Soracloud wrote:
Lesson 1: Don't play FPS PvP. It will turn you into a 12 year old spaz.

#4 Oct 23 2007 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
I'm planning on picking up the Orange Box today, anyone have experience with TF2 yet, and want to teach a total FPS PVP noob? I don't even know how any of that crap works, but I can't wait to try it out.
I believe one uses his or her "frags" in an attempt to "pwn" the opponent. The key seems to be figuring out which combination of control sequences makes it look most like your guy is humping the face and/or pooper of your defeated and supine enemy.
#5 Oct 23 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
Play Portal first, it's about 10 different kinds of awesome just in the first five minutes.
#6 Oct 23 2007 at 7:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Mindel wrote:
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
I'm planning on picking up the Orange Box today, anyone have experience with TF2 yet, and want to teach a total FPS PVP noob? I don't even know how any of that crap works, but I can't wait to try it out.
I believe one uses his or her "frags" in an attempt to "pwn" the opponent. The key seems to be figuring out which combination of control sequences makes it look most like your guy is humping the face and/or pooper of your defeated and supine enemy.

That's really all I'm interested in, the simulated buttsecks and teabagging of corpses. Doing that, earns you "frags" and makes you "elite," correct?
#7 Oct 23 2007 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
#8 Oct 23 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Excellent
remorajunbao, Immortal Lion wrote:
Play Portal first, it's about 10 different kinds of awesome just in the first five minutes.

Portal and Ep1/2 are the main reason I want the box, TF2 seems like it would be fun enough on it's own to ease me into FPS PVP.
#9 Oct 23 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
Mindel wrote:
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
I'm planning on picking up the Orange Box today, anyone have experience with TF2 yet, and want to teach a total FPS PVP noob? I don't even know how any of that crap works, but I can't wait to try it out.
I believe one uses his or her "frags" in an attempt to "pwn" the opponent. The key seems to be figuring out which combination of control sequences makes it look most like your guy is humping the face and/or pooper of your defeated and supine enemy.

That's really all I'm interested in, the simulated buttsecks and teabagging of corpses. Doing that, earns you "frags" and makes you "elite," correct?
That is correct. The more simulated gay rape you engage in, the more "l33t" you become.
#10 Oct 23 2007 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
Play the flash version of portal... it's about 20 times harder than the 360 game lol.
#11 Oct 23 2007 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
remorajunbao, Immortal Lion wrote:
Play the flash version of portal... it's about 20 times harder than the 360 game lol.

**** 360, I'm getting it for the PC. Is multiplayer free on PC?
#12 Oct 23 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
Play portal and ep1/ep2 first. Then play TF2. All very fun games, though.
#13 Oct 23 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
remorajunbao, Immortal Lion wrote:
Play the flash version of portal... it's about 20 times harder than the 360 game lol.

@#%^ 360, I'm getting it for the PC. Is multiplayer free on PC?
I dunno.... I assume so.

#14 Oct 23 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
remorajunbao, Immortal Lion wrote:
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
remorajunbao, Immortal Lion wrote:
Play the flash version of portal... it's about 20 times harder than the 360 game lol.

@#%^ 360, I'm getting it for the PC. Is multiplayer free on PC?
I dunno.... I assume so.

Is it fun?
#15 Oct 23 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
#16 Oct 23 2007 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,164 posts
Go Go 360 version. Portal is very interesting, but I purchased it for Episodes 1 and 2. TF2 is just icing on the ****** cake!
#17 Oct 23 2007 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
I went to a |337 PWN Halo site and asked an uber d00d what death is he responded:

Some elite fuC4|ng duad wrote:
F473 0f d34d 0r64n15m5
4n75 b361n 7h3 d3c0mp051710n 0f 4 d34d 5n4k3.
4n75 b361n 7h3 d3c0mp051710n 0f 4 d34d 5n4k3.

1n 4n1m4|5, 5m4|| m0v3m3n75 0f 7h3 |1mb5 (f0r 3x4mp|3 7w17ch1n6 |365 0r w1n65) kn0wn 45 4 p057m0r73m 5p45m c4n 50m371m35 b3 0b53rv3d f0||0w1n6 d347h. P4||0r m0r715 15 4 p057m0r73m p4|3n355 wh1ch 4cc0mp4n135 d347h du3 70 4 |4ck 0f c4p1||4ry c1rcu|4710n 7hr0u6h0u7 7h3 b0dy. 4|60r m0r715 d35cr1b35 7h3 pr3d1c74b|3 d3c|1n3 1n b0dy 73mp3r47ur3 un71| 4mb13n7 73mp3r47ur3 15 r34ch3d. W17h1n 4 f3w h0ur5 0f d347h r160r m0r715 15 0b53rv3d w17h 4 ch3m1c4| ch4n63 1n 7h3 mu5c|35, c4u51n6 7h3 |1mb5 0f 7h3 c0rp53 70 b3c0m3 571ff (|471n r160r) 4nd d1ff1cu|7 70 m0v3 0r m4n1pu|473. 455um1n6 m1|d 73mp3r47ur35, fu|| r160r 0ccur5 47 4b0u7 12 h0ur5, 3v3n7u4||y 5ub51d1n6 70 r3|4x4710n 47 4b0u7 36 h0ur5. D3c0mp051710n 15n'7 4|w4y5 4 5|0w pr0c355 h0w3v3r - f0r 3x4mp|3 f1r3 15 7h3 pr1m4ry m0d3 0f d3c0mp051710n 1n m057 6r455|4nd 3c05y573m5.[2]

4f73r d347h 4n 0r64n15m'5 r3m41n5 b3c0m3 p4r7 0f 7h3 b10630ch3m1c4| cyc|3. 4n1m4|5 m4y b3 c0n5um3d by 4 pr3d470r 0r 5c4v3n63r. 0r64n1c m473r14| m4y 7h3n b3 fur7h3r d3c0mp053d by d37r171v0r35, 0r64n15m5 wh1ch r3cyc|3 d37r17u5, r37urn1n6 17 70 7h3 3nv1r0nm3n7 f0r r3u53 1n 7h3 f00d ch41n. 3x4mp|35 1nc|ud3 34r7hw0rm5, w00d|1c3 4nd dun6 b337|35. M1cr00r64n15m5 4|50 p|4y 4 v174| r0|3, r4151n6 7h3 73mp3r47ur3 0f 7h3 d3c0mp051n6 m473r14| 45 7h3y br34k 17 d0wn 1n70 51mp|3r m0|3cu|35. N07 4|| m473r14| n33d b3 d3c0mp053d fu||y h0w3v3r; f0r 3x4mp|3 c04| 15 4 f0551| fu3| f0rm3d 1n 5w4mp 3c05y573m5 wh3r3 p|4n7 r3m41n5 w3r3 54v3d by w473r 4nd mud fr0m 0x1d1z4710n 4nd b10d36r4d4710n.

50m3 0r64n15m5 h4v3 h4rd p4r75 5uch 45 5h3||5 0r b0n35 wh1ch m4y f0551|1z3 b3f0r3 d3c0mp051710n c4n 0ccur. F0551|5 4r3 7h3 m1n3r4|1z3d 0r 07h3rw153 pr353rv3d r3m41n5 0r 7r4c35 (5uch 45 f007pr1n75) 0f 4n1m4|5, p|4n75, 4nd 07h3r 0r64n15m5. F0551|5 v4ry 1n 51z3 fr0m m1cr05c0p1c, 5uch 45 51n6|3 c3||5, 70 6164n71c, 5uch 45 d1n054ur5. 4 f0551| n0rm4||y pr353rv35 0n|y 4 p0r710n 0f 7h3 d3c3453d 0r64n15m, u5u4||y 7h47 p0r710n 7h47 w45 p4r714||y m1n3r4|1z3d dur1n6 |1f3, 5uch 45 7h3 b0n35 4nd 7337h 0f v3r73br4735, 0r 7h3 ch171n0u5 3x05k3|370n5 0f 1nv3r73br4735. Pr353rv4710n 0f 50f7 7155u35 15 3x7r3m3|y r4r3 1n 7h3 f0551| r3c0rd.

[3d17] C0mp371710n, n47ur4| 53|3c710n 4nd 3x71nc710n

M41n 4r71c|35: C0mp371710n (b10|06y), n47ur4| 53|3c710n, 4nd 3x71nc710n

D347h 15 4n 1mp0r74n7 p4r7 0f 7h3 pr0c355 0f n47ur4| 53|3c710n. 0r64n15m5 7h47 4r3 |355 4d4p73d 70 7h31r curr3n7 3nv1r0nm3n7 7h4n 07h3r5 4r3 m0r3 |1k3|y 70 d13 h4v1n6 pr0duc3d f3w3r 0ff5pr1n6, r3duc1n6 7h31r c0n7r1bu710n 70 7h3 63n3 p00| 0f 5ucc33d1n6 63n3r4710n5. W34k3r 63n35 4r3 7hu5 3v3n7u4||y br3d 0u7 0f 4 p0pu|4710n, |34d1n6 70 pr0c35535 5uch 45 5p3c14710n 4nd 3x71nc710n. 17 5h0u|d b3 n073d h0w3v3r 7h47 r3pr0duc710n p|4y5 4n 3qu4||y 1mp0r74n7 r0|3 1n d373rm1n1n6 5urv1v4|, f0r 3x4mp|3 4n 0r64n15m 7h47 d135 y0un6 bu7 |34v35 m4ny 0ff5pr1n6 w1|| h4v3 4 much 6r3473r D4rw1n14n f17n355 7h4n 4 |0n6-|1v3d 0r64n15m wh1ch |34v35 0n|y 0n3.

[3d17] 3x71nc710n
7h3 D0d0, 5h0wn h3r3 1n 1||u57r4710n, 15 4n 0f73n-c173d 3x4mp|3 0f m0d3rn 3x71nc710n.
7h3 D0d0, 5h0wn h3r3 1n 1||u57r4710n, 15 4n 0f73n-c173d[3] 3x4mp|3 0f m0d3rn 3x71nc710n.

3x71nc710n 15 7h3 c3554710n 0f 3x1573nc3 0f 4 5p3c135 0r 6r0up 0f 74x4, r3duc1n6 b10d1v3r517y. 7h3 m0m3n7 0f 3x71nc710n 15 63n3r4||y c0n51d3r3d 70 b3 7h3 d347h 0f 7h3 |457 1nd1v1du4| 0f 7h47 5p3c135 (4|7h0u6h 7h3 c4p4c17y 70 br33d 4nd r3c0v3r m4y h4v3 b33n |057 b3f0r3 7h15 p01n7). B3c4u53 4 5p3c135' p073n714| r4n63 m4y b3 v3ry |4r63, d373rm1n1n6 7h15 m0m3n7 15 d1ff1cu|7, 4nd 15 u5u4||y d0n3 r37r05p3c71v3|y. 7h15 d1ff1cu|7y |34d5 70 ph3n0m3n4 5uch 45 |4z4ru5 74x4, wh3r3 4 5p3c135 pr35um3d 3x71nc7 4brup7|y "r3-4pp34r5" (7yp1c4||y 1n 7h3 f0551| r3c0rd) 4f73r 4 p3r10d 0f 4pp4r3n7 4b53nc3.

7hr0u6h 3v0|u710n, n3w 5p3c135 4r153 7hr0u6h 7h3 pr0c355 0f 5p3c14710n — wh3r3 n3w v4r137135 0f 0r64n15m5 4r153 4nd 7hr1v3 wh3n 7h3y 4r3 4b|3 70 f1nd 4nd 3xp|017 4n 3c0|061c4| n1ch3 — 4nd 5p3c135 b3c0m3 3x71nc7 wh3n 7h3y 4r3 n0 |0n63r 4b|3 70 5urv1v3 1n ch4n61n6 c0nd1710n5 0r 4641n57 5up3r10r c0mp371710n. 4 7yp1c4| 5p3c135 b3c0m35 3x71nc7 w17h1n 10 m1||10n y34r5 0f 175 f1r57 4pp34r4nc3,[4] 4|7h0u6h 50m3 5p3c135, c4||3d |1v1n6 f0551|5, 5urv1v3 v1r7u4||y unch4n63d f0r hundr3d5 0f m1||10n5 0f y34r5. 0n|y 0n3 1n 4 7h0u54nd 5p3c135 7h47 h4v3 3x1573d r3m41n 70d4y.[4][5]

Pr10r 70 7h3 d15p3r510n 0f hum4n5 4cr055 7h3 34r7h, 3x71nc710n 63n3r4||y 0ccurr3d 47 4 c0n71nu0u5 |0w r473, 1n73r5p3r53d w17h r4r3 m455 3x71nc710n 3v3n75. 574r71n6 4ppr0x1m473|y 100,000 y34r5 460, 4nd c01nc1d1n6 w17h 4n 1ncr3453 1n 7h3 numb3r5 4nd r4n63 0f hum4n5, 5p3c135 3x71nc710n5 h4v3 1ncr3453d 70 4 r473 unpr3c3d3n73d[6] 51nc3 7h3 Cr374c30u5–73r714ry 3x71nc710n 3v3n7. 7h15 15 kn0wn 45 7h3 H0|0c3n3 3x71nc710n 3v3n7 4nd 15 47 |3457 7h3 51x7h 5uch 3x71nc710n 3v3n7. 50m3 3xp3r75 h4v3 3571m473d 7h47 up 70 h4|f 0f pr353n7|y 3x1571n6 5p3c135 m4y b3c0m3 3x71nc7 by 2100.[7]

[3d17] 3v0|u710n 0f 461n6

M41n 4r71c|3: 3v0|u710n 0f 461n6

3nqu1ry 1n70 7h3 3v0|u710n 0f 461n6 41m5 70 3xp|41n why 4|| |1v1n6 7h1n65 w34k3n 4nd d13 w17h 463. 7h3r3 15 n07 y37 46r33m3n7 1n 7h3 5c13n71f1c c0mmun17y 0n 4 51n6|3 4n5w3r. 7h3 3v0|u710n4ry 0r161n 0f 53n35c3nc3 r3m41n5 0n3 0f 7h3 fund4m3n74| puzz|35 0f b10|06y.

[3d17] 1n m3d1c1n3
17 h45 b33n 5u663573d 7h47 50m3 c0n73n7 fr0m 7h15 4r71c|3 b3 5p|17 1n70 4 53p4r473 4r71c|3 3n717|3d D347h 1n m3d1c1n3. (D15cu55)

[3d17] D3f1n1710n

H1570r1c4||y, 4773mp75 70 d3f1n3 7h3 3x4c7 m0m3n7 0f d347h h4v3 b33n pr0b|3m471c. D347h w45 0nc3 d3f1n3d 45 7h3 c3554710n 0f h34r7b347 (c4rd14c 4rr357) 4nd 0f br347h1n6, bu7 7h3 d3v3|0pm3n7 0f CPR 4nd pr0mp7 d3f1br1||4710n h4v3 r3nd3r3
#18 Oct 23 2007 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
His Excellency Soracloud wrote:
Prom Queen NixNot wrote:
want to teach a total FPS PVP noob?

Lesson 1: Don't play FPS PvP. It will turn you into a 12 year old spaz.

Smiley: glare

#19 Oct 23 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
I tried.

I really honestly tried...

But I just can't work out what any of that is saying....
#20 Oct 23 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Default
Living on a Prayer
30,114 posts
It was the name I used back when I played Quakeworld TF.
Leave me alone, I'm angry and deep and misunderstood.
#21 Oct 23 2007 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
I think I just gave myself a nose bleed trying to read that.
#22 Oct 23 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
remorajunbao, Immortal Lion wrote:
I tried.

I really honestly tried...

But I just can't work out what any of that is saying....

If you're talking about what Soracloud posted, it's actually pretty easy to read, but it will give you a headache if you try for too long.
#23 Oct 23 2007 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
53r10u5|y |\|1x 1f y0u w4n7 70 P\/\/|\|Z()R 1n FP5 7h3 k3y 15 P\/\/|\|1|\|6 73h n0085 w17 d4 |-|34d5h07 (8()()()()()|\/| |-|34|)5|-|()7 L()L). 7h3r3 15 n07h1n6 m0r3 |337 7h3n (47(h1n6 5um nu8 4nd p0pp1n h15 5h17 y0, 17 83 |337 R()FLR()FFL3 88Q54|_|(3.

4|50 73h 6r3n4d35 4r3 n10(3 70 (|34r (0rn3r5, (4u53 7h3 n008 d00d5 d0n'7 kn0w 70 (r0u(h 4nd 5p1n up51d3 d0wn wh1|3 f157fu(k1n6 7h3m53|v35, 53r10u5|y 64Y d00d5 |u|z.

5p34k1n6 0f 64y 3v3ry0n3 15 64y, 1 m34n 53r10u5|y, wh0 d035 7h47 7h47 15 50 64y 1() m34n (0m3 0n, 53r10u5|y 175 |1k3 7074||y 64y , r16h7? 1m r16h7! 53r10u5|y y34h 175 7074||y 64y, 64y 64y 64y 64y. 175 64y hwn3 7h3y d1d 7h47 53r10u5|y 7h3y 4r3 5000000 64y |0|.

#24 Oct 23 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
14,189 posts
His Excellency Soracloud wrote:
4|50 73h 6r3n4d35 4r3 n10(3 70 (|34r (0rn3r5, (4u53 7h3 n008 d00d5 d0n'7 kn0w 70 (r0u(h 4nd 5p1n up51d3 d0wn wh1|3 f157fu(k1n6 7h3m53|v35, 53r10u5|y 64Y d00d5 |u|z.

5p34k1n6 0f 64y 3v3ry0n3 15 64y, 1 m34n 53r10u5|y, wh0 d035 7h47 7h47 15 50 64y 1() m34n (0m3 0n, 53r10u5|y 175 |1k3 7074||y 64y , r16h7? 1m r16h7! 53r10u5|y y34h 175 7074||y 64y, 64y 64y 64y 64y. 175 64y hwn3 7h3y d1d 7h47 53r10u5|y 7h3y 4r3 5000000 64y |0|.

Smiley: laughSmiley: lol

It's funny if you actually read it out.
#25 Oct 23 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
I wrote it and I still can't figure out what half the shit means Smiley: lol
#26 Oct 23 2007 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
14,189 posts
His Excellency Soracloud wrote:
I wrote it and I still can't figure out what half the shit means Smiley: lol

Also the grenades are ??? to clear corners, cause the noob doods don't know to crouch and spin upside down while *********** themselves, seriously gay doods lulz.

Speaking of gay everyone is gay, I mean seriously, who does that that is so gay I mean come one, seriously its like totally gay, right? I'm right! seriously yeah its totally gay, gay gay gay gay. It's gay ??? they did that seriously they are soooooo gay lol.

Smiley: laugh
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