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Black people are dumbFollow

#352 Oct 19 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
And I'd like to direct gbaji to read Guns Germs and Steel, I think was suggested earlier in the thread.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#353 Oct 19 2007 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
You're making the same error I complained about Watson making -- over generalization. I could name many sports where whites have excelled and blacks have not.

Which does not disprove the overall observation. That there are genetic traits that do tend to follow racial lines that provide advantages or disadvantages in specific activities. There's some very specific reasons why we tend to see a heck of a lot more black track and field runners and a heck of a lot more white swimmer. And it's not cultural.

As to the "it's too broad/general". Of course it is. It was a general statement. What's surprising about that? It's not like Watson said "All white people are smarter then all black people". Nor would any sane person say that all black people are better runners then all white people. He was pointing exactly to a general trend born out in testing that does seem to indicate that black people perform more poorly as a group on tests designed to test intelligence then white people.

You can take that to mean whatever you want. However, the base observation is accurate (and I note that you failed to respond at all to that part of my post). All Watson did was voice an opinion about a possible genetic cause for data we already have. Doubting his opinion (and it was just an opinion) does not change the base data itself, but oddly seems to be the primary motivator for attacking his original statement. It's not about his view on genetics, but the very fact that he might suggest that there really is a difference in performance that tracks along with race that most people find offensive.

And yet, that's what the data from every single study done on the subject indicates. You're all attacking the explanation as though it's the cause of the condition it's attempting to explain.

Secondly, as I keep pointing out, physical differences in populations are not indicators that that 'race' as a broad group shares the same differences.

I'm pretty sure Watson is aware of this. He's presumably far more aware of what genetically constitutes "race" then you or I.

Thirdly, almost all differences people point to are probably advantages to the host group, be it shorter limbs for heat retention, muscle construction for endurance, enlarged heart for extra muscle oxygenation or even the malaria fighting benefits of sickle-cell.

Um... An advantage to one group is a disadvantage to another, right? What's the difference between saying that blacks are more resistant to malaria and saying that non-blacks are more susceptible to it? None really. It's just semantics...

On the other hand, being deficent in intelligence is never a benefit. On the contrary, no matter if you're trying to chip a spearpoint, trap a gazelle or build a semiconductor, those with greater intelligence will most often succeed over those without. The whole "Well, if you accept these differences..." argument breaks down for me when all the other differences we point to are beneficial or, at worst, neutral (such as hair color).

You're assuming its a zero sum game though. That intelligence can simply be "higher" in a given group without some tradeoff of other attributes. Obviously, none of us can say for sure. Genetics becomes extremely complicated when you're looking at naturally occurring trends and how different genes interact and we've only begun to scratch the surface of the subject.

You're also assuming that every group of people would improve any given genetic advantage at the exact same rate. This is part of what Watson was talking about. He suggested that it was absurd to assume that different groups of people would all evolve over time identically. This is clearly not true since the very reason we even think of different human races is because we can see clearly differentiated traits among groups of people who were separated significantly for long periods of time. If we accept those differences (which we must), then the only question is whether or not intelligence is a genetically influenced trait. If it is then (as Watson suggests) it would almost certainly be present at different levels, and would reasonably be expected to be different in different groups that were genetically separated for long periods of time. Since those groups *also* happen to largely be what creates different attributes that we already define as "race", we should expect to see those same differences among those same racial lines.

It's basic genetic theory. Nothing really complex about this. No different then saying that two lines of birds separated genetically for long periods of time will evolve different traits. He's simply making the assertion that if intelligence is genetically influenced then it's almost certainly going to be present differently along those groups we already define by racial groups. It just happens to be politically incorrect to point this out is all. It's not like anyone with even a passing knowledge of genetics can't reasonably noodle out the same conclusion.

Edited, Oct 19th 2007 7:41pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#354 Oct 19 2007 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Yet you have no objective basis for your assertion. It could easily be cultural and not at all genetic. Sooooooooo...

Is there really any need to form a baseless assumption before any kind of valid research whatsoever is in, particularly in reference to this topic?
#355 Oct 19 2007 at 7:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
gbaji wrote:
gbaji attempts to prove that one race has superior intelligence based on biology while maintain he's not racist.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#356 Oct 19 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Kachi wrote:
Yet you have no objective basis for your assertion. It could easily be cultural and not at all genetic.

That was part of the point of the original statements made by Watson. That all of our assumptions are that the measured differences are cultural. He was merely stating that this could be a very flawed way of looking at things, and that we may very well discover the gene combinations attached to intelligence in the next 10-20 years, and it's reasonable to assume that said genetic combinations will show differences that will line up with broader racial differences.

No one's saying that this is the way things are, merely rejecting the assumption that it can *not* be this way, purely because it's politically incorrect to even think it.

Is there really any need to form a baseless assumption before any kind of valid research whatsoever is in, particularly in reference to this topic?

Because the assumption goes the other way. We assume that all racial groups are identically intelligent. From that assumption we look at discrepancies in intelligence testing and spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to come up with explanations for those discrepancies while ignoring what to a geneticist is the most obvious and reasonable one (but the one that no one wants to think might be true).

Who's making assumptions and ignoring possibilities?

Edited, Oct 19th 2007 8:05pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#357 Oct 19 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
I still don't understand the value in proving that any race is genetically inferior to another in any respect.
#358 Oct 19 2007 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
I still don't understand the value in proving that any race is genetically inferior to another in any respect.

He's upset that it's no longer PC to join the Klan.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#359 Oct 19 2007 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
Lady Annabella wrote:
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
I still don't understand the value in proving that any race is genetically inferior to another in any respect.

He's upset that it's no longer PC to join the Klan.

That can't be it, because gbaji is so anti-PC. He's like, the Howard Stern of the interwebs.
#360 Oct 19 2007 at 7:19 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Lady Annabella wrote:
gbaji wrote:
gbaji attempts to prove that one race has superior intelligence based on biology while maintain he's not racist.


Let's start from the beginning:

1. Do you believe that genetics has an effect on intelligence? In other words that it's reasonable to assume that different combinations of genes will determine whether or not a given animal is more or less intelligent then another?

Yes or no?

If no. Then have a fun time explaining why we are more intelligent then say rabbits without referring in any way to genetic differences between humans and rabbits. I'm going to assume that the answer to the first is yes.

2. Is it reasonable to assume that within a single species, different combinations of genes may produce greater or lesser intelligence?

Yes or no?

Again. You may choose to say no. The vast majority of scientific evidence would seem to argue against you. Studies with identical twins show that they tend to perform similarly on intelligence tests even when raised in completely different environments. Strong evidence that while specific knowledge and patterns may be learned, basic "intelligence" is pretty strongly genetic.

3. Do groups within a single species tend to develop different "common" genetic traits over time when separated genetically from eachother?

Yes or no.

Don't answer no. Darwin would be sad...

We know this is true. If it wasn't, we'd basically have to chuck out the entire field. It's also *why* we even have the concept of "race".

4. Given 2 and 3 being "yes", then is it reasonable to assume that intelligence would also be present in different degrees among these same different groups?

yes or no.

This is the crux. Watson is saying that if 2 and 3 are true, then 4 must also be true. His understanding of genetics indicates that it would be incredibly unlikely for *any* set of common traits within a group to be identically when compared to other groups (races in the case of humans). This isn't just opinion, it's how genetics works. The odds of every single separate group of humans evolving over time to have exactly the same distribution of a specific set of genes (in this case those controlling intelligence) are astronomically small.

It's this observation that he was basing his original statements on. Since number 3 is absolutely known to be true, the only real questions are numbers 1 and 2. And there's incredibly strong evidence for both of those being true as well.

Note that this set of logic in no way says who's more or less intelligent, nor does it set any means for determining that. It just applies logic and genetics to show that there *will* be differences between genetically separated group (what we call races) and intelligence will be one of those differences. That's not racism. No more then observing that some groups of people have darker skin then others, or shorter limbs, or are taller on average. It's not racism to simply make the observation.

Again. If intelligence is a genetically controlled trait, then genetics almost ensures that it must be present in differing amounts among different racial groups. It's a simple progression. Just because you don't like the implications of it does not change the logical truth being stated.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#361 Oct 19 2007 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Grandfather Barkingturtle wrote:
I still don't understand the value in proving that any race is genetically inferior to another in any respect.

I never used the word "inferior". That's your word, not mine. I'm saying "genetically different". Which I think is pretty darn obviously true.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#362 Oct 19 2007 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
You can take that to mean whatever you want. However, the base observation is accurate (and I note that you failed to respond at all to that part of my post).
I had places to go. Without taking the time to actually read studies, I'd rather not comment on them.
Secondly, as I keep pointing out, physical differences in populations are not indicators that that 'race' as a broad group shares the same differences.
I'm pretty sure Watson is aware of this. He's presumably far more aware of what genetically constitutes "race" then you or I.
Which is good because Watson backpedalled from his remarks and said that "To all those who have drawn the inference from my words that Africa, as a continent, is somehow genetically inferior, I can only apologize unreservedly. That is not what I meant. More importantly from my point of view, there is no scientific basis for such a belief."

In reality, I would argue that Watson really isn't better at defining "race" than you or I because "Race" is a nebulous term with little scientific validity in of itself.
Um... An advantage to one group is a disadvantage to another, right? What's the difference between saying that blacks are more resistant to malaria and saying that non-blacks are more susceptible to it? None really. It's just semantics...
As much as you love the word "semantics", no... it's not the same. The primary difference being that, in each case, a subset of people developed a trait beneficial to them. In this case, we are to believe that a rather sizable population of people, genetically diverse in most other ways, developed in a way detrimental to their survival.
That intelligence can simply be "higher" in a given group without some tradeoff of other attributes. Obviously, none of us can say for sure.
Not that being unsure will stop you from using it as evidence Smiley: laugh
You're also assuming that every group of people would improve any given genetic advantage at the exact same rate.
Not at all. I have repeatedly said that it would make sense for an isolated subgroup to develop differently. It makes much less sense to assume that every group of **** sapiens in Africa below 25N would all develop with the same detriment despite the immense range in environmental factors, areas of population interbreeding vs population isolation, etc.
This is part of what Watson was talking about. He suggested that it was absurd to assume that different groups of people would all evolve over time identically.
Huh. And yet supposedly everyone in sub-Saharan Africa, an area of over eight million square miles, evolved with the same intellect flaws. Go figure Smiley: dubious
It's basic genetic theory. Nothing really complex about this.
Yeah, I'd have thought the same thing Smiley: laugh
No different then saying that two lines of birds separated genetically for long periods of time will evolve different traits.
Except that you're placing a single trait upon a collection of 60+ otherwise diverse ethnic subgroups.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#363 Oct 19 2007 at 9:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Back to IQ, Black Americans reduce the racial IQ gap: Evidence from standardization samples (Psychological Science, Oct '06) states that the tested IQs of black Americans has been on a sharp rise over time, narrowing the "IQ gap" with whites by upwards of 7 points in the last three decades. Although all IQ scores rise over time among groups (the "Flynn effect"), those among blacks have outpaced the average gains by whites at a predictable rate. See also Black-White Gap In IQ Scores Closing (Issues in Higher Education Aug '06). According to research at Washington University in St. Louis, black students show four times the IQ gain shown by white students while in college (The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, Dec '97).

In 1951, testing of black and white infants actually concluded that black (American) infants were smarter than white infants although not by a notable amount (Socio-economic status and race as factors in infant intelligence test scores, Child Psychology 1951). This advantage was born out in three different tests. See also Longitudinal Assessment of the Intelligence of Black Infants (National Inst. of Child Health and Human Development, '79)
In 1986, The Minnesota Adoption Studies: Genetic Differences and Malleability (Child Development, April 1986) was published in which IQ scores among black infants adopted into white families were compared with those of other groups. Among its findings:
Both the parents and the biological children of the families scored in the bright average to superior range on age-appropriate IQ tests. The black and interracial adopted children were also found to score above the average of the white population, regardless of when they had been adopted. The black children adopted in the first 12 months of life scored on the average at IQ 110 (Scarr & Weinberg, 1976), 20 points above comparable children being reared in the black community. We interpreted the high IQ scores of the black and interracial children to mean that (a) genetic racial differences do not account for a major portion of the IQ performance difference between racial groups, and (b) black and interracial children reared in the culture of the tests and the schools perform as well as other adopted children in similar families

Granted, we're talking about African-Americans in these studies and not "legitimate" sub-Saharan Africans. Which was a point studied in Absence of a relationship between degree of White ancestry and intellectual skills within a Black population (Human Genetics, 1977) which found a lack of correlation between the intelligence scores of African-Americans and the 'purity' of their African ancestry vs those who experienced some European interbreeding. In other words, you can't explain away higher scoring blacks by suggesting that they must have some European blood in them. It's also interesting because in IQ tests done on sub-Saharan Africans (in this case, from Zimbabwe), the Africans scored two standard deviations lower than Europeans, however African-Americans only scored one deviation lower. African–White IQ differences from Zimbabwe on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Personality & Individual Differences, Jan '03)

Cross-cultural Effects on IQ Test Performance: A Review and Preliminary Normative Indications on WAIS-III Test Performance (long title, huh? From Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology in Oct '04) found that black South Africans who were tested in African and who had advantaged education opportunities (i.e. not stuck as blacks in the S. African public education system) scored similarly to white Americans.
The study wrote:
Scores for the white English and black African first language groups with advantaged education were comparable with the US standardization, whereas scores for black African first language participants with disadvantaged education were significantly lower than this.
[...]In sum, it appears that when black African first language individuals who are proficient in English have been exposed to high quality of education, they are able to perform at a level broadly equivalent to the U.S. standardization.

If African-American test scores are not linked to the directness of their African ancestry and if African-American test scores have shown a continual improvement which far surpasses the rate of white improvement, and if infants of African descent are no less intelligent than white infants, it would seem unlikely that there is a strong genetic component to African intelligence (as a whole) vs that of other races. Rather, environment seems to play a role which dwarfs any minor effect genetics may have.
Gbaji wrote:
3. Do groups within a single species tend to develop different "common" genetic traits over time when separated genetically from eachother?

Yes or no.

Don't answer no. Darwin would be sad...
Darwin would be even sadder to see you using only half of his concept. Groups tend to diverge when they are geographically isolated and when the divergence is of a survival benefit. You are, although you deny it, asking people to accept that (a) every group of sub-Saharan Africans, no matter how interbreeding or isolated, evolved along the same genetic path in regards to intelligence and that (b) in none of these groups was greater intelligence enough of a survival benefit for it to flourish in the gene pool. But only in sub-Saharan Africa.

Now that would make Darwin sad.
I never used the word "inferior". That's your word, not mine.
Actually, that was Watson's word.

Although it may be easy to frame this as a "political correctness" issue, the fact is that there are a lot of reasons from a critical standpoint to doubt that there are continentally broad and notable genetic difference in intelligence potential among sub-Saharan Africans versus whites or whoever else. Extraordinary evidence is needed for these claims, not half-cocked theories about Darwinism and insinuations that any resistance is due to political correctness.

Edited, Oct 21st 2007 2:24pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#364 Oct 19 2007 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Because the assumption goes the other way. We assume that all racial groups are identically intelligent. From that assumption we look at discrepancies in intelligence testing and spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to come up with explanations for those discrepancies while ignoring what to a geneticist is the most obvious and reasonable one (but the one that no one wants to think might be true).

Who's making assumptions and ignoring possibilities?

This reminds me of a panel I just watched recently between two health professionals debating recommended dietary guidelines with a journalist who seemed convinced that low carb diets were the way to go.

His argument was that the science supporting nationally recommended guidelines wasn't perfect, yet there was effectively no science to support his posit.

You have to operate under some assumption even if you doubt its accuracy. When I wake up in the morning, I don't KNOW that the floor will be there and I won't fall into infinity, but it is by far enough the most plausible reality that I act upon it as if I know it to be true.

For most anyone who isn't a racist, or (and) sorrily ignorant, the most reasonable assumption is that no, Africans do not have a genetically-determined intellectual inferiority, because there actually is evidence supporting this and it follows with what we currently know of genetics.
#365 Oct 20 2007 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
12,975 posts
Kachi, it's good to see you over here in the sandbox.

Now, when I bring this thread up in the mooglefuсker forums, I'll have someone else who can say "Yep, I saw it. Daimen is an imbecile."
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