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Holy Microsoft Shares XBOX360 Users!Follow

#27 Nov 25 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone just wants something easiely accessable to ***** about and in this case its a gaming console.. FFS play something and observe the alternatives before you automatically shoot it down. Expand your own mind and make your own opinions based off of personal findings. That is all.

#28 Nov 25 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Taking this topic back somewhat on track here, outside Darkage's ramblings and semi hateful postings..

Lets consider a few things that Microsoft does have in their favor. The PS2 is truly outdated, its sales might still be strong but look at it from a somewhat educated consumer's point of view. If you bought an old PS2 (the big beast version up till the Slim model came out) Your's will break down, maybe day one maybe 4 years later, its going to happen unless you never play disc games on it. So when it does crap out, your option thanks to Sony is send it in, pay the shipping and handling and any associated repair fees. Now here's the kicker, Sony doesn't technically fix anything, they just unjam the laser projection device from the disc tray and clean it up and send it back to you the consumer. So the problem wasn't fixed, just patched up. Now it happens again, you wash rinse and repeat, it's you the consumer shelling out extra $$ each time or taking it to a gamestop or babbages to have it fixed. MS is already for the cost of shipping fixing the new XBOX360 issues when they come up.

On the topic of product support, the sore spot that truly burned me with Sony is the HDD unit. This was my dream to have a 20 gig HD for sole gameplay use and misc things like music and such..Hell if I wanted to run Lotus I could..But because when Sony and Square agreed on the HDD and that FFXI would come out on it, no other game developers wanted in simply because Sony had already announced the PS3 so developers were beginning plans for this, Capcom somewhat uses it in the Resident Evil Outbreaks to speed up loading about 5.4 seconds. SOCOM 2 used the HDD ***ONLY*** if you bought the cd that came with a PS2 gaming magazine to download the new levels that the SOCOM Creator Zipper Interactive made. If you didn't get the cd, well you were SOL... So here's Sony now thinking that they made an product that tanked, and now couple it with the disc reading issue, they decide instead of supporting their existing customer base they instead will just pop out a brand new PS2 that is smaller, does away with a moving disc tray and DOES NOT support the HDD unit. Talk about stabbing your customers in the back and just walking away thinking you did the right thing.

Now granted the specs are out and the PS3 does have a tech advantage on the XBOX and possibly the Revolution whenever that comes out. But MS's move to bump up the release will get a major sales jump and allow a very large game base to come out over the next 6-7 months, time will definately tell which system will win out but for now the round has gone to the fresh winner in an aged war, XBOX360.

Edited, Fri Nov 25 15:00:21 2005 by Sindarek
#29 Nov 25 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
12,501 posts
MrDarkAge wrote:
You guys are lost, Xbox > Ps2 in sales. For the people that said something about waiting on a line for the 360 is a geek.

Yes, I said that, and i will say it again.

Sitting outside a damn store before it opens for a damn peace of metal with wires? Screams geek.
#30 Nov 25 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
4,214 posts
I have had my PS2 since it was released. I have approx 60+ games for it and have beaten about 80% of them. My PS2 works without a problem. I have the network adapter for it and play some of my games online (not FFXI which I use on my PC). In all reality, Xbox may start to generate a base, but the issue is, more games come out for PS. That is a fact. What is Xbox's claim to fame? Fable? Halo? That is really it. Everything else is on other game systems. I also have a Gamecube and I like that system as well, just not as much as PS2.

Like I said before Microsoft releasing the 360 early will give them a boom in sales at first, but I guarantee you that when PS3 comes out, it will be quite clear who will be in the lead.

Not only will PS3 have better hardware/graphics. But it will have a better game selection, it has better controllers (which seems minor, but really it isn't), and overall people who are educated about Microsoft, appreciate a system who does not have a BSOD.
#31 Nov 25 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
495 posts
Everyone just wants something easiely accessable to ***** about and in this case its a gaming console.. FFS play something and observe the alternatives before you automatically shoot it down. Expand your own mind and make your own opinions based off of personal findings. That is all.

This coming from an XBox fanboy. :: rollseyes ::

Now granted the specs are out and the PS3 does have a tech advantage on the XBOX and possibly the Revolution whenever that comes out. But MS's move to bump up the release will get a major sales jump and allow a very large game base to come out over the next 6-7 months, time will definately tell which system will win out but for now the round has gone to the fresh winner in an aged war, XBOX360.

While XBox does have the advantage right now, one has to wonder how much the current bug reports will hurt them. It might be hard for Microsoft to jump back once the other consoles do come out, especially after what's currently happening with them.

Edited, Fri Nov 25 17:15:22 2005 by Doboroo
#32 Nov 25 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
470 posts
All of this arguing is pointless.

Personally, I never buy any game console on launch date. Never. Problems always happen regardless of the brand and we never know exactly how market and software developers will behave.

Also, I don't take sides on this console war. As a customer, I'll choose the console that looks better overall (counting graphics, features, price and third-party support) and change sides if I think my current choice is not the better.

Actually I own a PS2, didn't buy a GCN only because I knew I wouldn't have enough time to play and didn't think Ninja Gaiden was a good enough reason to buy an XBOX (it was the only game that really catched my eyes). But Sony never paid my fees or gave me special treatment because of my support to their console. So, if I ever think PS3 is not good enough for me, I'll just choose another console. Simple as that, and I don't care if people say Bill Gates is evil or Super Mario is lame.

It's ******** to have loyalty when we're talking about an issue that involves personal preferences, paid products/services and PROFIT.

#33 Nov 25 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
4,214 posts
All of this arguing is pointless.

Do you know what discussion forums are for?

Personally, I never buy any game console on launch date. Never. Problems always happen regardless of the brand and we never know exactly how market and software developers will behave.

How many game consoles do you know of been recalled from release? I don't know of any. On top of that, normally, like when Sony reported a known problem with the cdrom on a shipment of PS2's, they replaced them. So yeah, what are you talking about?

Also, I don't take sides on this console war. As a customer, I'll choose the console that looks better overall (counting graphics, features, price and third-party support) and change sides if I think my current choice is not the better.

3rd party support? What does that have to do with anything?

BTW, contradiction my friend:

Also, I don't take sides on this console war.

and change sides if I think my current choice is not the better.


It's bullsh*t to have loyalty when we're talking about an issue that involves personal preferences, paid products/services and PROFIT.

Oh yeah Dyluck, it's bs to have a brain and respect as well. GG.

FYI: Loyalty has a lot to do with personal preference. Duh...
#34 Nov 25 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
12,501 posts
*Hiss* OOOOOoooooooooooo son

Honestly though? I dont pick a side, i steal the consoles, and usually about 50% of the games from blockbuster.

Edited, Fri Nov 25 19:15:18 2005 by Darkenbudddy
#35REDACTED, Posted: Nov 25 2005 at 7:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I do not care what anyone thinks anymore about me on these Forums. XboX Community is 10 X times better. Like i said dont call anyone a Geek when you are spending the same amount of hours Playing Final. Peace out.
#36 Nov 25 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Excellent
4,214 posts
XboX Community is 10 X times better.

Does the Xbox community give away free game money as opposed to buying it?
#37 Nov 25 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
1,171 posts
I said it before, I'll say it again.

Squerril wrote:
Xbox sucks, Xbox 360 sucks, PS2 sucks, PS3 sucks, Dreamcast sucks.

N64 > j00.
#39 Nov 25 2005 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
1,021 posts
Okay? Graphics don't mean sh*t.

Indeed quite true. Im a loyal Nintendo fan boy at its finest. However, I still have the urge to feed my teen/adult hunger game wise. Thats where Sony an Microsoft step in. I have a 360 an report no problems with it. Im enjoying the fact that my 360 is linked up with my PC an can play any an all music, videos, an such from it. This is something that neither the PS3, nor the Revolution can/will do.

As for the PS3, please. We all know the PS3 will smoke the hell outa the 360. Look at the DS (Nintendos latest handheld flop) an compair it to the PSP.

PSP: Online functionability as long as your near a WIFI hotspot. (jus so happens I got wireless in my room so I enjoy posting on my LS site from my PSP every so often.)

DS: WIFI function comming out... with Mario Kart DS, in another two months.

PSP: GTA series, heck FPS look decent on it.

DS: Don by FPS for this thing. On the upside though, Nintendo exclusive games, an that actually kick ***** like the Metriod, Mario, an LoZ series.

Well, enough compairing the handhelds, after all this thread is about the 360, bashing or supporting.
Quite frankly, Im goin to own all three of the systems myself. Each system has certain quirks that the other systems cant offer, either games, functions, or otherwise mentioned.

Xbox is about graphic supperiority.
Sony is about functionality, an the third parties that they have standing next to them for exclusive titles.
An Nintendo is about games. You will never see Link on a PS2, or Mario on a Xbox.

Face it, each system has its own things that someone else likes, an another will hate. Jus take your oppinion, keep it to yer self. I only care about which system your gona buy, not what system your gona burn to the ground.

#40 Nov 25 2005 at 9:34 PM Rating: Excellent
4,214 posts
Xbox is about graphic supperiority.
Sony is about functionality, an the third parties that they have standing next to them for exclusive titles.
An Nintendo is about games. You will never see Link on a PS2, or Mario on a Xbox.

Xbox and Gamecube do have a better video adapter than PS2, but newsflash, they came out much later than PS2. While, I agree Gamecube has some good games, it does not have the diversity that Xbox and PS2 offer, especially since it cannot play DVD's.

I own both a Gamecube and a PS2. I like the Gamecube, it has faster load time than PS2 and Xbox, plus the graphics are sharper than PS2. But their exclusive game selection really isn't as good as Sony's. While, I do love the mario and link franchises, that is really all that they have now. I mean, a game as awesome as Resident Evil 4 was exclusively for Gamecube and I absolutely loved playing it on GC when it first came out. But just recently, it was released on PS2, so that is no longer exclusive.

Xbox however, still has a BSOD. That alone should make you guys cringe...

Now before you guys jump on me for being so anti-microsoft, you must understand something. I have been in my field for close to 11 years now. I have seen what Microsoft has done with the applications and operating systems they have released. I have seen what I consider to be true evil. However, if you are interested in educating yourself about Microsoft, there is an organization that I have been a member of for quite sometime.

The Microsoft Eradication Society

Edit: Specifically, this link here.

Edited, Fri Nov 25 21:37:17 2005 by DJSlyde
#41 Nov 25 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
2,796 posts
PD Zero was supposed to be on PS2 about a year ago. But someone had to sell something out and make something not able to be release on something more somethinger.
#42 Nov 25 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
On alot of levels I totally agree with you Slyde in terms of the whole picture revolving around MS. I do at times cringe slightly when I hear/read about Bill Gates saying "XBOX360 is the first step towards someone's whole home being on linear plane" in terms of entertainment, computer, hell I think he is just trying to beat Sony to the punch. About a year ago there was interviews down with the Playstation division of Sony, they said that come PS3 or PS4 possibly they had ambitions of for all you know, you could set your refridgerator's temperature or program your microwave from your gaming console. As wacky as it sounds it was just concepts they had in terms of creating a household unification of things. Bill Gates recently thinks that the 360 will take this approach first, your XBOX ties to your PC flawlessly, your iPod and possibly other MP3 devices, hell it actaully can interface with a PSP per XBOX360 magazine. Both companies have the exact same goals, its just right now about who is planning on hitting them first and how many consumer toes are going to be stepped on to get there.

I was somewhat worried since day 1 about the XBOX coming out at the rate it did,I've seen it and played it on a Ctube type television and flat/plasma/lcd/dlp type televisions as well, it looks phenominal on both, seeing videos of the PS3 it looks amazing as well hands down. The thing right now that alot of developers though for the PS3 are complaining about is the fact that Blue Ray technology is "very" expensive to develope around. Plus at this time there is no set in stone PS3 pricetag, the XBOX was known 6 months in advance easily what the rock solid price would be. As a naive consumer buying for my kids or just someone wanting to buy a gaming system, I would be afraid to commit a reservation payment towards something that isn't truly confirmed nor know what options might be offered with it in terms of controllers,backwards compatability etc. I think both systems will dominate the market equally by Xmas of 2006 no doubt, there will always be folks who side with MS and those that side with Sony. I plan on getting the XBox solely because I wish to continue playing FFXI under better circumstances and tire of the piece of technology it plays on now. Buying a new computer and making sure it meets and exceeds the requirements of FFXI isn't something myself or others care to do, the upkeep and updating of programs and parts and consistent each year or bi yearly investments is why non PC FFXIers chose to begin their FFXI adventure on a PS2 for the most part. So If I get the chance to update my console and get a graphically improved version of FFXI with reformatted hardware which (yes this is absolutely tru) can rival a PC FFXI graphics and such on atleast a DLP TV, then hell for 399.99 I'm in.
#43 Nov 25 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,796 posts
They said technology would kill us. I didn't think that's what they meant.
#44 Nov 25 2005 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
12,501 posts
MrDarkAge wrote:
I do not care what anyone thinks anymore about me on these Forums. XboX Community is 10 X times better. Like i said dont call anyone a Geek when you are spending the same amount of hours Playing Final. Peace out.

Pot calling the kettle black?

lol, suprising to see me on and not afk lately, i got cars to worry about, not my gangsta's shootin up 50 cent.
#45 Nov 25 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,171 posts
#46 Nov 25 2005 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
470 posts
BTW, contradiction my friend:

Also, I don't take sides on this console war.

and change sides if I think my current choice is not the better.


Yeah, I should have expressed myself better (in my defense, english is not my native language). My point is: I choose the product that I think it is the best one at one point. But defending a console as it was a religion is stupid.

I'll choose one side at one point, but I'm not defending that side on flame wars. Clear now?

FYI: Loyalty has a lot to do with personal preference. Duh...

Same as above. When I said "Loyalty" I meant people like "PS2 0wNz M$ ORZ".

I chose PS2 because I think it had the games I liked best. But if the same games were released for XBOX, or if Sony started to ***** me I would not be ashamed of giving M$ some bucks just because it's M$.

In other words, I'm not a Sony, Nintendo or MS fan.

FYI: Loyalty has a lot to do with personal preference. Duh...

That's why I told this discussion is pointless. It's not taking anybody anywhere.

Now before you guys jump on me for being so anti-microsoft, you must understand something. I have been in my field for close to 11 years now. I have seen what Microsoft has done with the applications and operating systems they have released. I have seen what I consider to be true evil. However, if you are interested in educating yourself about Microsoft, there is an organization that I have been a member of for quite sometime.

I know a lot of people like this. The "open-source guys". While I think there are many good open-source alternatives, I also think there are many crap open-source solutions as well. I have my mind open for anything regardless of brands.

MS just does what any other software corporation do. They have intentions of eliminating any other kind of competition and menace, like any other software corporation do. Recent example: PeopleSoft acquisition by Oracle.

I'm also in this field for some time, and every time I see somebody adopting open source solutions, it's not because it's "cool", but because in the end there were financial advantages (I'm not talking about licensing only, but overall cost/benefit) in the end.

It's not MS that is evil. It is the business world.

Anyway, I know I'm not convincing you of anything, and the opposite is also true. If you have some comments about that yet, feel free to PM, because I'm probably skipping this thread from now on.

Note: Edited for spelling

Edited, Sat Nov 26 00:10:49 2005 by adrianomp
#47 Nov 26 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
12,501 posts
Ok since my illustration didnt work...

Bill gates, america's richest man, can kiss my ***.

Edited, Sat Nov 26 00:54:50 2005 by Darkenbudddy
#48 Nov 26 2005 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,171 posts
Isn't he -the- richest man? like in the world not just america?
#49 Nov 26 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
According to the last "who's who" he is either #4 or #5 I think in terms of net worth. Currently there is a Sheik in Arabia or Iraq that is worth more than him sitting at #1.
#50 Nov 26 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
401 posts
Ok capability xbox>ps2, too bad that doesnt mean **** too me. Microsoft did make a better system hands down. I still prefer my ps2. But that aside graphics are not all that makes a game. Xbox has no worthwhile rpgs i have seen, they neglected an entire genre. To date halo is the only game ive enjoyed from the system.

Graphics play a large role, If I cant tell wtf I am or what I am doing I am not gonna bother playing the game. Plain and simple.

Glasses (Please Check it.) if you dont know what your looking at as far as any console since ps2 is concerned you need your head checked.

Finally my ps2 has been running stong since i bought it, the xbox ive owned half as long can hardly read a disc.
#51 Nov 26 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
1,021 posts
PD Zero was supposed to be on PS2 about a year ago. But someone had to sell something out and make something not able to be release on something more somethinger.

Na, Microsoft bought up Rare soft (people that made Golden Eye an the first/best FPS (IMO) Perfect Dark) when Nintendo dropped them for not producing enough games in... what? 03 I do beleive.

When that happened, I was a bit disapointed myself. Then I heard the core team that made those two games moved to a texas location, a company called Retro studios (Nintendo buffs know this company). Retro is responsible for the two Metroid games that the GC has.

Face it, each system has its own things that someone else likes, an another will hate. Jus take your oppinion, keep it to yer self. I only care about which system your gona buy, not what system your gona burn to the ground.

As for you Slyde. I really dont know why, nor do I care to know why your anti Microsoft. But again, please read that last quote. If you don like Microsoft, you don like em. Say you don like em, an move on. However, dont bring your business over to us like its gods gospel. Jus state yer piece on a soap box like the rest of us an move along.
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