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Patch 2.0.1 Post MortumFollow

#27 Dec 06 2006 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Berenthor wrote:
I want my addons back! I cant live w/o bagnon and titan.tick is also lost, why did they do this to me? why?

They updated titan and bagnon already. You just have to wait until the curse site is back up and working.
#28 Dec 06 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
I like the new hunters mark graphic.
#29 Dec 06 2006 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
94 posts
I don't usually gripe about updates...I just adapt and move forward, but this particular patch seems to be TEH SUCK.


1. I'm a rogue, and I'm not pleased that I lost 5% of my chance to crit for no apparent reason. The only way I see to get this back is to respec entirely into the subtlety tree to gain the +15% agility bonus. Lame.

2. The standard blizz UI is great for new players, but people who have been playing for quite a while have modofied it (severely in some cases) and this patch broke EVERY single addon. Discord mods are broken and for the time being have not been fixed, and a number of other addons such as OneBag and OneBank aren't working for me yet. The idea of having to open 10 separate bags in order to sort through my bank and inventory is sad.

3. I had just gotten underway in PvP, and eas up to the First Sergeant rank. This means for the rest of my time in WoW, I will never be able to earn a rank higher than FS. People who had been doing PvP longer can display High Warlord, Warlord, etc forever now, without it ever "degrading" over time. Sure they earned it and they deserve it, but others deserve to be able to earn the same title if they put in the effort.

4. Disenchanting now sucks. I used to be able to do SM runs in order to DE the results, with an enchanting skill of only 40-50. Now I get error messages saying "my enchanting skill is not high enough for this item". That's just stupid...I don't need to be able to put Crusader on weapons, but I should be able to DE whatever I please. The changes should have been made so that your CHARACTER level, and not your ENCHANTING level determine what items you can DE.

That's it. I'm sure the problems above will be worked out over time, but this is by no means my favorite patch Blizz has done. It seems like they went out of their way to "fix" problems that didn't exist.
#30 Dec 06 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:
Logged on my Warrior, took three points in Tactical Mastery. Changed stance, lost all my rage. What a waste.

This works fine for me. You have to go back to your class trainer and learn TM now, it's not an auto-passive talent. Cost 36s i believe.

I was annoyed at first too, but it does work. Not bugged at all.
#31 Dec 06 2006 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
I heard that, I can't get past the login screen either. It says Unable to Validate Game Version. So I reinstalled discs, after uninstalling of course.
I am still unable to log in.

Help Needed
#32 Dec 07 2006 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Aside from my UI looking all nasty and boring at the moment, I'm very pleased with the patch. Unfortunately, I've only played with it for only about 30 minutes last night, long enough to spec myself deeper into the Frost tree, check out the water elemental and shed a tear of happiness once I realized Food/Water Rank 7 was available through our trainer! =)

Anyone else notice the subtle ambiance added to the character select screen? (ie. bird chirping, wind blowing, trees rustling) or did I just never notice that in the past?
#33 Dec 07 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Good
I love the new patch. Absolutely adore it.

That's if you forget about the lags, server disconnects, the add-ons that don't work, and the million bugs that come with it, but that's normal post-patch behaviour.

The PvP system, first of all, is so much better. Finally, all the items are available to everyone. Sure, it might take time, but everyone can get there. It's brilliant, fair, and the only people that would complain are those the elitists that spend 12 hours a day PvPing and don't want others to have the same gear as them. But for everyone else, it's drooling time.

PvE-wise, I'm a raiding shadow priest, so i couldn't be happier. I finally feel, erm, what's the word... useful!!

Misery is great, and I absolutely adore VT. And so does my guild. It rocks. We rock. WOW rocks.

So yeah, I'm delighted with it.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#34 Dec 07 2006 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
when the patch came out for my server (Eitrigg) we had no npc' npc's = u cant do ANYTHING except duel. so what i did for an hour and a half yesterday was duel lvl 60's on my lvl 20 shammy...then get owned by the alliance in control of UC because of there being no npc's there. :(
#35 Dec 07 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
Tactical Mastery doesn't provide a bonus of it's own anymore, but affects a skill you simply have to buy off your trainer. Everyone should check out their trainer right after picking their talent build, not only to buy the higher ranks of talents, but also to buy all the skills that were in books they haven't gotten yet AND all the skills TBC adds that are available at lvl 60 and below.

The PvP horse you can buy requires 150 points in riding, so it saves you 10g (9g if you're honored with your home faction) iirc.

Absolutely LOVE the new patch on my paladin, making my tanking job so much easier. It has good stuff for my priest and druid as well. Haven't really been looking into the effects for my warrior, since it's lower level, but warriors don't seem to be enthausiastic.

One really stupid thing: Paladins get a new talent at Tier 8 in Protection that increases Weapon Skills by 10 for 5 talent points. But at the same time, they overhauled Weapon Skill to only provide a 0.1% bonus to crit chance. So for those 5 points DEEP into Protection, you gain 1% bonus to crit chance, which is only usefull for talents in Retribution. Come again? Talent looked like a godsend, but now it's just something to pass on.
#36 Dec 07 2006 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Karminial wrote:

As a hunter as well

Wicked Arrows - well thats just wicked :)

Before I had the jaggeds which felt a bit weak at times - and of course thorium headed were a hassle and expensive enough to be reserved for instance runs

But now the wicked is here for good old all round extra oomph :)

:) Never saw a hint of these changes prior to the patch - so a nice surprise :)

A couple guildies and I are thinking that this is a glitch that they are in... not that i'm not happy that they are. However, the 22DPS Bullets can't be bought from the bullet vendor in Org (haven't checked other cities yet) although the arrows can be bought from the arrow vendor. The general supply vendor in AV has both... So something is up somewhere. Also, I have to find it interesting that they put in something which just blows the ice threaded and thorium arrows/bullets out of the water. Why should I pay the like 50s (or however much it is) for the Ice Threaded when I can get 5.5 more DPS for roughly 13s? Why make Thorium (wchich is a slight pain to make, but not all that hard if you have mining) when I can just go buy the Wicked arrows with 4.5 more dps so much quicker? Not that i'm not glad for them because they are so easy to get... but to add them in now? Even with some of the nifty things in Engineering (expansion included), I think it may be time to consider a profession switch since the thorium ammo was my main reason for taking it.

ThelsDeKwant wrote:
The PvP horse you can buy requires 150 points in riding, so it saves you 10g (9g if you're honored with your home faction) iirc.

add a 0 onto that. Epic mounts now cost 100g, and the training 900 before discounts. This keeps it at the same pirce it was for the mounts pre-patch.
#37 Dec 07 2006 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
My bad. Only remembered it was something cheap. So you save yourself 90g. Don't think that's too bad since you still need to caugh up 810g for the training.

Actually, before, you could PvP yourself to rank 3 for a 20% total discount and only have to pay 720g for the skill and 80g for the mount. So it's even more expensive now.
#38 Dec 07 2006 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,030 posts
the new look and feel of things is nice, what little i played with the LFG/LFM tool looks promising, still confused if you need 2 people to summon or if just 1 is needed at a meeting stone via the LFG/LFM tool. would be GREAT if it is only one, but from what i can cypher out of the patch notes it still takes 2.

I used these last night. It only takes a total of 2 people - one to click the stone and one to click the portal. With a warlock, it required 3 people (the 'lock, plus 2 to click on the portal). And the warlock was happy 'cause we didn't waste her shards. That and she could hearth back to SW to get her enchanting mats from the bank (our tank needed an enchant on his Destiny) and then we could summon her back. No waiting. :D Nice, that.
#39 Dec 07 2006 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
Is Cosmos still trying to get the AddOns fixed for the new patch. I love the new log in screen, but I've relied on Cosmos coordinates so much, I need it to play...
#40 Dec 07 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
Get the MapMod addon from

It really received some nice improvements and of course includes coordinates.
#41 Dec 07 2006 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,716 posts
The guy in TB who normally sells bullets on the main level does sell the new ones. And the guy in Caverns who had the lvl 60 water also has the higher level cheese. Nobody else I have seen has the food.

Ran out to Swamp of Sorrows and did the 2 new quests there with my 45 human mage. Pretty easy. One was kill 3 "Cursed Lost Ones"-easy, and gained 275 Exodar rep. The other was like the horde version of the Atal'ai artifacts. Very easy-nothing to fight. Gained 385 rep with Exodar on that one(and something like 4500 xp!).

I see on the front page here there are also new Blood Elf quests as well as more new quests scattered about everywhere. Time to start hitting up some old towns I thought I was done with. =)
#42 Dec 07 2006 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
All-in-all, I dont think I could be happier with my ret paladin. He works better now than ever before, in addition to the player becoming more knowledgeable in how to play the class.

Woohoo for Crusader Strike!
#43 Dec 07 2006 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
They said something about filling Draenei/Blood Elf content between 20 and 60, in order not to feel like an outcast. Guess these quests are part of that.
#44 Dec 07 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
Thus far I’m loving this patch. Though I must admit that I don’t PvP or use custom UIs, so any problems with such don’t effect me. The only annoying aspect of the patch that I’ve found so are the talent points. I have 10 plus characters that I have to figure out how to spec. And that’s not counting any of my characters below level 50. I understand the reason for it and I don’t have a problem with that. But having to reallocate points for so many characters all at once is a bit annoying.

The added bank slots are great. And I’m not just talking about the four extra slots and the extra bag slot. Since the cost of the last of the bank slots have been lowered that means I can now afford to buy ALL the bag slots. So most of my main characters have actually gained three for four bank slots.

The change to enchanting rods is a very long overdue fix. Can you imagine having to save your level 20 armor and weapons if you wanted to fight lower level mobs? I was very happy to rid of all those lower level enchanting rods.

One of my favorite patch features is the ability to buff any level character with my high level buff spells. The first hour or two I got into game after the patch was spent with my priest and druid buffing every low level character I could find.

I also like the change with items on the hot bar. I now have my hunter’s pet food on the bar right next to the pet feed icon. A couple of quick clicks and my pet is munching away.

I am, however, disappointed in the auto loot feature. As far as I can tell it’s pointless. Before the patch we could auto loot a dead mob by a combination of keyboard keys and a mouse click. After the patch we can go into options and enable the new auto loot feature. Guess what this does. It allows us to auto loot a dead mob by a combination of keyboard keys and a mouse click. The only difference I can see is we hold down one key instead of two. What’s the point? Why can’t we auto loot a mob with just a mouse click once we turn on the feature on the option page? I was looking forward to this feature and thus I find myself disappointed.

The standard blizz UI is great for new players, but people who have been playing for quite a while have modofied it (severely in some cases) and this patch broke EVERY single addon.

I’ve been playing this game for two years and I’ve never felt the need to change the default UI. Sweeping generalizations are seldom accurate. Also, it’s not Blizzard’s responsibility to make sure another company’s programs work. They have enough trouble keeping their own programs working. *smiles*

Disenchanting now sucks. I used to be able to do SM runs in order to DE the results, with an enchanting skill of only 40-50. Now I get error messages saying "my enchanting skill is not high enough for this item". That's just stupid...I don't need to be able to put Crusader on weapons, but I should be able to DE whatever I please. The changes should have been made so that your CHARACTER level, and not your ENCHANTING level determine what items you can DE.

I completely disagree. Disenchanting was, for a lack of a better word, broken. It worked completely different from every other profession in game. A character with one point in mining could not smelt thorium. A character with 1 point in tailoring could not make bolts of runecloth. Blizzard simply fixed the inconsistency.
#46 Dec 07 2006 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
573 posts
Calabar wrote:
The change to enchanting rods is a very long overdue fix. Can you imagine having to save your level 20 armor and weapons if you wanted to fight lower level mobs? I was very happy to rid of all those lower level enchanting rods.

I am, however, disappointed in the auto loot feature. As far as I can tell it’s pointless. Before the patch we could auto loot a dead mob by a combination of keyboard keys and a mouse click. After the patch we can go into options and enable the new auto loot feature. Guess what this does. It allows us to auto loot a dead mob by a combination of keyboard keys and a mouse click. The only difference I can see is we hold down one key instead of two. What’s the point? Why can’t we auto loot a mob with just a mouse click once we turn on the feature on the option page? I was looking forward to this feature and thus I find myself disappointed.

Yeah I always thought it was stupid I had an enchanting rod I spent 100-150g to make, and can imbue items with powerful enchants bringing together nexus crystals and dozens of essences, but it cant use strange dust?

As for the auto loot, if you turn it on, you can simply right click any lootable item and it will pick everything up. There is no holding down of keys, just one mouseclick, so I'm not sure what you mean.

As mine works, now if I DO hold down the shift key while right clicking it brings you to manual loot. It's been really hard training myself to stop now, after a year and a half of shift-rightclicks.
#47 Dec 07 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
ThelsDeKwant wrote:
Get the MapMod addon from

It really received some nice improvements and of course includes coordinates.

Thx I'll check it out
#48 Dec 07 2006 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
It's a free Epic mount if you pay up marks but you still have to buy "Riding skill", so no it's not a mistake. You go pay up 750 gold or whatever ( haven't checked price in ages)then you can go buy yourself Epic mount with marks instead of buying it from yeah. Anyone who didn't get Epic mount before patch got screwed over getting cheap "Riding skill & a ride"
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