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Best 3 person partyFollow

#1 Dec 05 2006 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
Warning. Yes, I am a noob, so feel free to talk to me like I am one.

My brothers and I are about to start playing and I was wondering what you all think would be the best 3 person party (race, class and spec). We plan on doing both PvP and PvE. I have only messed around with the game for a couple hours so need some good input from vets. If you would be kind enough to provide rationale with suggestions so I can learn from them it would be appreciated.

*side question* can you re-spec after you have decided?

Edited, Dec 5th 2006 1:44pm by nfarmer
#2 Dec 05 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
Can't find servor error lead to double post, sorry. Are the forums usually this slow? I'm on a T3!
#3 Dec 05 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
The server is just being a bit slow today. Usually it is very fast.

To answer your question.....

I'd say a tank class + DPS class + healing class would work best.

Tank -- Warrior, Rogue, Shaman (if spec'd right), Druid in Feral form
DPS -- Mage, Warlock, Priest (shadow form), Druid (caster form)
Healer -- Priest, Shaman, Druid
#4 Dec 05 2006 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
*side question* can you re-spec after you have decided?

"re-spec" normally just refers to talent points (that you start getting at level 10) and they can be re-specced at a cost.

I think what you are really asking is whether you can change your race/class and the answer to that is "no".

But, since you can have up to 10 characters on a server per account (and up to 50 total across servers), you can change your mind and start a new character without deleting the old one (in case you change your mind again) or you can just start several that interest you and see which one seems to fit you the best after you level them up a bit. Sometimes you find after trying several races and classes that one of them just seems to suit your playing style more than the others.

Since you and your brothers want to be able to group together, the main thing is to pick races on the same faction side (Horde or Alliance). You also need to be aware that some races have starting locations far from the others in the same faction.

Basically, on the Horde side, Orcs and Trolls combine really well. Forsaken are pretty easy to join up with Orcs and Trolls early on with minimal effort. Taurans are a bit harder to join up with the others but doable. Once you hit level 10-15 it's pretty easy to join up no matter what race you choose.

On the Alliance side, Dwarves and Gnomes start in the same area. It's really easy to get Humans and Dwarves/Gnomes together early on. It's a real pain to get to and from the Night Elf starting area until you are level 15-20 unless you are willing to just die a few times.
#5 Dec 05 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
I have a three man group that I quest with and hang out with. Our make up is a Paladin, Shadow Priest, and Warlock. This combination is absolutely amazing, we reguarly kill skulls at our level, sometimes up to three skulls. (We are currently 45 so anything 56+ is of unknown level to us.) Granted we all have characters already level 60 and we know how to play well together, but I think a tank, damage, and healer are a good combo. Our Paladin doubles as a tank and a backup healer and our shadowpriest deals damage and heals with Vampric Embrace (group AOE heal based on damage done)

If you want to play together its probably best to choose races that start together, like Dwarves and Gnomes or Orcs and Trolls. Night Elves and Undead start faaaaar away from other classes, so if you want to play one of those races then you should all choose those races. Humans and Tauren start in a different location but they are easily accessible to the other two races that start together, but again I wouldn't recommend starting those two races unless you know where to go or have a way to get there.
#6 Dec 05 2006 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
No mention of a paladin? You could consider that as a viable option. While they aren't DPS kings, if you already have solid DPS numbers with a mage/warlock, a paladin could be a valuable addition with the buffs and the assist with heals.

I would say this would be a good three person team:

1) Warlock - DPS, with seduce/banish/and soulstone later in the game.
2) Paladin - Plate wearer with valuable buffs and can assist with healing.
3) Priest - Healer with mind control and decent dps if you go shadow.

This is obviously an Alliance build.. never played horde so can't offer any advice there.
#7 Dec 05 2006 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
I would personally like:

Rogue - Fastest single target DPS.
Warrior - Meat shield/DPS.
Priest - Arguably best healer in game. Would love to choose Druid but long cooldown on rez changes my mind.
#8 Dec 05 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
Tank -- Warrior, Rogue, Shaman (if spec'd right), Druid in Feral form
DPS -- Mage, Warlock, Priest (shadow form), Druid (caster form)
Healer -- Priest, Shaman, Druid

You have Rogue listed as tank not DPS??
#9 Dec 05 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
Vallock wrote:
Tank -- Warrior, Rogue, Shaman (if spec'd right), Druid in Feral form
DPS -- Mage, Warlock, Priest (shadow form), Druid (caster form)
Healer -- Priest, Shaman, Druid

You have Rogue listed as tank not DPS??

Look, that was just off the top of my head. My guild only has like 2 or 3 rogues and they are rarely in our instance runs because they aren't online. Didn't know which one they fell under.
#10 Dec 05 2006 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I have an idea, though it really all depends on your feelings about what kind of classes you like to play. For me, it's melee, and I think that a Holy/Ret Paladin, grouped up with an arms warrior and rogue would be a very nice combo. The rogue can vanish pretty early, not to mention stealth around most stuff, so the pally would only have to worry about healing two of the party's members at any one time. The tank holds the agro while dishing out the pain. I think it would work, but then again, most here would disagree with me.
#11 Dec 05 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Actually the Undead are not that faaaaar away from the Orcs/Trolls. They are a simple little Zep ride away - very doable even at level 1. Tauren are farther away, but I've run level 1 Tauren to Duratar and Deathnell to play with friends - a bit trickier also doable. NE's are the hardest to get to the other alliance races, but I have done that several times also (and sometimes I didn't die).

The 3 man setup of our group is:

Tank: Warrior hands down
Healer: partially Shadow Priest (just to VE) the rest discipline with a couple points in holy
DPS: Frost Mage

We easily take down elites 5 levels higher.

This is our group, but I could see many other combinations. However if you want an easy time of finding instance groups your best bet is to already have the Tank, Priest, and Mage on hand - you'll find many dungeons that you absolutely must have 2 or all 3 and you won't constantly be searching for one or two of them if your group is already comprised of them. Then you can fill the other 2 spots with whatever class is available. :)

#12 Dec 05 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
While the classic three man grouping would be healer/tank/dps, just about any combo of three characters can learn to be a highly effective team while leveling up. Only some of the instances and level 60 content will require a larger and more structured group.

I think that a group of three rogues could have a great time especially when they start getting the fun abilities like sap and vanish. I bet a combo of hunters and warlocks could just rip through quests and lower instances with a little coordination. Any combo of the hybrid classes like shaman, druid and paladin could also be fun as long as the coordination and teamwork is there.

I would say not to stress on what class to choose but just pick a class that sounds enjoyable and try it out. If a combo doesn't seem to be quite clicking for you and your brothers, then try leveling up another class to see if that works. It's really easy to get a new character up to level 10-15 and by that time you should have some sort of idea about whether or not you like that class.
#13 Dec 05 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
the game is built with 5 person groups in mind so you'll often pickup 2 others for runs.

That being said, if you're looking for maximum effect/utility, I'd build a group as follows:

Tank = Druid -- Feral, Feral/resto talent spec'd. They can tank any instance in the world in bear form. Cat form does excellent DPS, in a pinch they can pop out to "innervate" (a spell) the healer to bump their mana up and even flat out take the job of healing if that is needed and have the only "in combat" resurection ability in the game. Druids also have THE top "versatile" buff in the game called Mark of the Wild (MOTW).

DPS = Mage. In combat croud control (CC) ability, supplies for the party (drinks for casters, food for melee/pets), portals to move you quickly to different parts of the world, top Area of Effect (AoE) ability in the game and excellent single-target ranged Damage (DPS = Damage per Second).

Healer = Priest or Paladin or Shaman with Priest being #1 choice.
Priests are the top healer class. If shadow spec'd they can still do a good job healing but can also shift to shadow form and lay out some serious damage.

Paladins can heal excellently, get to wear plate armor towards the end and do some decent DPS if built for it. Thier auras for fire, armor, etc... and blessings for stat boosts, aggro reduction, etc.. can help tremendously with a variety of situations plus they can "cleanse" many types of effects.

Shaman are paladins "in reverse" -- stronger with damage output but their orientation is more in enhancing damage abilities than enhancement of abilities to survive and "purge" vs "cleanse" where purging an enemies buffs is desired/required.

A 3 party layout like this has all the core funtionality you'd need to run an instance. You can pretty much just ask for 2 more (any class) to do 5 man instances because you HAVE all the core classes and functions that most groups want/need to operate.
#14 Dec 05 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
When i read the initial question my first thought was what about the gear?

From the start, you get one clothie, one leather wearer, and one mail wearer.

This your choices:

Cloth: Priest, warlock, or mage
Leather: Druid, Hunter, Shaman, or rogue
Mail: Warrior or Paladin

Since the hunter and shaman all get upgrades to mail at level 40, and in weighing that in. My choices in groups would like this.

Priest, Hunter, Warrior
Mage, Shaman, Warrior

But honestly, any group of 3 different types would be awesome.
If its not about gear, Im going for this,

Priest, Druid, and Warrior - And i have never played them to any sort of level, but i just think it would be a nice setup. Never any fights over gear, and you have all the basics covered.
#15 Dec 05 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
I'd do priest, warrior, mage.

Alliance specific: Paladin, Warlock, Druid
Horde specific: Shaman, Warrior, Hunter

A three hunter team can also do some amazing things.
#16 Dec 05 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
In my opinion, whatever you most enjoy playing. If you want to level together from day one, pick races that can hook up at lvl 1. Tauren are the most difficult to link up with on Horde side, and Night Elves are the worst for Alliance. There are plenty of trade skills you can learn, so even if you are all cloth wearers you can each take something different (say Tailoring, Engineering, Alchemy/Herbalism). All that really matters is that you have fun with whatever you choose.
#17 Dec 05 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I had a 3-man that worked really well until one of them decided to take a break from the game.

Warrior (Undead)
Shaman (Tauren)
Druid (Tauren)

Warrior tanked, Shaman healed, did DPS, and used totems, Druid would buff/dps as cat/backup heal. We worked pretty well.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 11:34am by MeSoBoredy
#18 Dec 05 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
Lord Darkuwa wrote:
A three hunter team can also do some amazing things.

This is very true. Me (Priest) and a hunter friend of mine (both level 25) solo'd BFD all the way to the last boss (The room with the candles). It's amazing what some hunters can do.

So I'd have to go with:

Dwarf/Undead Priest(Shadow spec);
???/Troll Hunter(I don't play Hunters at all, so I don't know a good Alliance race and/or a good spec);
???/Blood Elf Paladin(I don't play pallys, either. Ask the forum for a good race and/or tanking spec);

I just don't know alliance well enough to tell you what race would be the best Hunter/Paladin. Maybe I should roll one, one of these days.

Anyway, with those three, you have amazing healing/DPS. Not so sure about Pally tanks, but the Hunter's pet will be a great offtank.

And it still sticks to the equipment assortment (ie Cloth/Leather/Mail) and when Hunters upgrade to Mail, Pallies upgrade to Plate, so it works out just fine.

You won't be trioing Blackwing Lair anytime soon, but it'll get you to 60 (70 in the xpac).
#19 Dec 05 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I play with 2 friends we are horde our party is: warrior(me)-hunter-priest, it goes pretty good we usually 3 man the instances, sometimes we miss crowd control though, a mage would be good, but the pet serves as an off-thank. For questing i would think any 3 man group would do good it's for instances where the make up really mathers
#20 Dec 05 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
As already stated, tank-dps-healer is the best combination. Alternately, you could do feral druid-healing druid-rogue, so that way could have a druid tank, a druid healer, and rogue dps, and the three of you can stealth anywhere. The only problem with this is that you would often be needing the same loot.
#21 Dec 05 2006 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
The best 3 Combo in my opinion would be:

Tank - Arms or Prot spec Warrior
Dps - Mage/Warlock/Shaman(spec) - depends on how good of a player at each class
Healer - Pally, if you don't have a lock for fear then Priest

With the new rage generation for Arms tanks I think they will become popular again, I didn't include rogues into the fray cause they have basically become single target stunlockers (my main is a rogue, kinda upset on the topic but this isn't the time or place). Mage is great CC and awesome dps if done right but so is Warlock and Elemental/Enhance Shaman if played/geared well. I chose Pally first for healer cause they can take much more damage than priests but if you don't have a warlock for fear the I'd take along a priest just in case things get 'hairy'.
#22 Dec 06 2006 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
If I were going to 3-man everything, I'd stick with the three main roles (tank, damage, healing) but make them hybrids with pets, if possible.

Hunter - Warlock - Druid

With that combo, you could tackle instances up to Blackrock.
#23 Dec 06 2006 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
What about Paladin, Rogue and Mage?
Mail, Leather and Cloth. Plenty of dps and CC. Only drawback I can see is that the Paladin has to handle all healing.
#24 Dec 06 2006 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for all the great input, one more question. With a tank, healer and DPS class, which takes the most skill to play? eg. Warrior is most important because if he doesn't control aggro you are screwed.
#25 Dec 06 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
i'd say tanks probably take the most skill, at least with the limited experience i have with them. this is for PvE, for PvP all classes take a lot of skill. but in PvE, with my main (a mage) i just sit back and nuke from a distance while the tank does most of the work.

and healers have a ***** of a job as well, but from what i've seen, healers tend to distinguish themselves when you have an unexpected add...that's when the good ones shine.
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