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Weekend SummaryFollow

#1 Dec 03 2006 at 11:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Good morning.

For some of you this could be the Wiikend summary, for me it's the Whee!kend summary :)

In other words, I reached exalted 999/1000 with the frostwolves and am now the proud owner of The Lobotomizer, Horn of the Frostwolf Howler, Don Julio's Band, and Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6

Oh, and I also got the Glacial Blade for my offhand, until I find something better.

Coming from 6000 in honored on friday at 8:00 PM, to 999 in exalted took a lot of perseverance, and I have this amazing sense of accomplishment...
The most fun games were the ones where we had to fight tooth and nail for a victory, because our first gambit to take Stormpike Graveyard failed but we contained their offense as well. Equally fun and frustrating, because I wanted reputation after all :)
Oh and for anyone taking notes and comparing imbalances, of all the games I've played, I only lost about 10%, and I am Horde.

How about you? Reached your goals?
#2 Dec 03 2006 at 11:48 PM Rating: Excellent
3,451 posts
Hey Dan, hey all.

Dang it I missed your weekend goals thread. ><

Anyhow, my goal is to save up for my TUF. I've got 60 gold saved up so far, and time is running out! I've only got until Tuesday of course until I'm going to have to grind honor points for it instead.

So I'm halfway there, only time will tell if I can wield this baby.

#3 Dec 04 2006 at 12:20 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
I think it's time to work again on my Troll Warrior and get her at least to 37 (for some nice mithril mail I can now make) and possibly a bit higher. Hopefully I can get the boyfriend to work on some quests with me so he won't get left too far behind again. He's done well in leveling his Troll Shaman up to 34 this week. I should try to find some time to go look for more iron and mithril for my blacksmithing so I can get high enough to make at least part of my plate by the time I hit 40 (I've already made two plate pieces so far.) I also got the cooking quest done and am started on my way to 300 now.

Level 37 and halfway to level 38. I got a bunch of Desolace quests done and I picked up some nice ore while running around.

My NE Rogue could use a little attention and I think I promised the boyfriend some fish for him to use to work on his cooking so she'll probably run around Stonetalon a bit for herbing, fishing and perhaps some pickpocketing fun.

Not done.

I'm hoping I can talk the boyfriend into pairing up with our Troll Hunters or Mages to do some questing. Both have decent rest built up and lots of quests to do. I may try having my Hunter solo Ragefire to clear those quests off.

No pair ups but I did have the Hunter solo Ragefire and got all the quests done and only died once.

My orphan Troll Rogue on the other server has gotten a lot of attention from me these past couple of days. I'm really coming to love this character. For some reason, starting a character on a new server from scratch has been really fun. He's sitting on over 10 gold at level 15 and I managed to have him solo the Dark Storms quest at level 13 (which is a first for me on any character - I hate that quest!) He did some of the starting Barrens stuff and then ran down to Mulgore and completed all of the lowbie Tauran quests (with some odd looks from the lowbie Taurans there.) He doesn't have any rest bonus to speak of but I will probably run him over to Trisfal to do those lowbie quests since rest bonus doesn't help fighting things that don't give exp anyways.

He's now sitting on over 20 gold. He's done all of the Trisfal quests. He got a few more Barrens quests done.

It was a good weekend and I still have one more day of it to go! :)
#4 Dec 04 2006 at 12:29 AM Rating: Excellent
7,466 posts
Well... my guild did Baron (with a FULL raid for a change, well at least at the end... may not have had all 40 for him though, but still), but that was it for my goals. TRIED a couple times to get together some BRD runs, but nope... I know there were some runs for Ony key today, though I didn't actually help in them (wasn't feeling good and they had the people anyways) so I guess I can't really call that completed in a sense. Digdug (or whatever he is called now) only got saved from a horrific death by the fact that I never got up to winterspring nor made some kind of "spy" to check when he was on. Smiley: lol
#5 Dec 04 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Successful wow binge :)

Unfortunately I did not get my warlock up much, something like 10K xp.

But, I got my shaman from 47 to 49, and managed to put in 5 mara runs, 2 full. So, I got the scepter, all the quests in mara done, and about half of what I intend to get from that dungeon. I expanded my healing set somewhat, and am now sitting on 4.2 k mana. The Princess dropped my Bracers of the stone princess, Charstone Dirk, Landslide dropped Fist of stone (twice) and finally my friend the tinkerer was kind enough to give me his Hypertech Buckler. The shield dropped twice for me, but the first time it was ninjaed.

I also added some horrible people to my ignore list. I witnessed 3 ninjas this weekend, all 3 due to "oh, I just pressed need, I didn't really read the item description". Honors go to the hunter ninjaing the plate leggings from the princess: "I thought it was mail". *sigh* Honorable mention: The non-english rogue, who could only say : Rez!

On a more positive note: I felt like a cool tour guide while taking new players to Maraudon (including 60s who had skipped that place): "Man this place is beautiful!" (Yep, it is;) )

RL: Worked on the christmas gifts, about 25% done.

#6 Dec 04 2006 at 1:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Barely played this weekend :(

I wrote:
Mmm, I've played my main a fair bit this week so I may try to level my mage a little more. 37 would be nice.

She's about halfway through 37 now, but that's all I managed to achieve in WoW.

As for the druid, I've put an LBRS run on GEM for tomorrow afteroon as I have a bunch of leftover quests from there, but last time I checked nobody had signed up for it :( Both myself and my boyfriend are running seriously low on cash on our mains, due to the fact that we've only been logging in to raid and the cost of consumables is adding up. Some questing either in instances or Silithus might be a good way to make a little money.

Nope, didn't even log in with her.

We are planning on having our guild's Christmas quiz in a couple of weeks so we need to make up some questions and find some good in-game prizes.

No, really need to do this.

Outside of WoW - I just realised that December has managed to sneak up on me without warning, so I need to start thinking about Christmas! The house has to be tidied and decorated, travel plans to be made, cards and presents to be bought, mulled wine and mince pies to be scoffed...I love Christmas!

Argh, no! Still haven't thought about Christmas. Basically, my boyfriend bought Viva Pinata for the 360, so we spent most of the weekend playing that and watching Stargate and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I also got horrendously drunk on Friday and Saturday so I still feel a bit woozy.

Sunday was supposed to be our "chill out and play WoW day", but there were very heavy winds overnight and our garden fence blew down. We had to spend pretty much the whole day trying to fashion a network of ropes to keep it up until we can afford to fix it properly. This sent me into a crazy stressful mood and I spent the next several hours obsessively cleaning, moving furniture and generally panicking about the state of our house :(
#7 Dec 04 2006 at 1:32 AM Rating: Excellent
631 posts
1. I'm a standby for BWL tonight, hopefully I'll get in.

Yep, got in. No Stormrage drops at all, but one of the dragons I was sleeping after Vael rewarded me with a Cloak of Draconic Might for my feral set.

2. AQ40 tomorrow night, possibly with Ony first. On Wednesday Sartura was kind enough to give me a Creeping Vine Helm, which has more than made up for the appalling luck I've had in trying/failing to get my Stormrage Cover over the last few months. Considering the way things tend to go, I expect Ony will drop it next time. Probably two of them. Failing that it'll be double Transcendance again.

Bloodfang and Judgement this week. I did get the 18 slotter, which was nice (as was the 16g from selling a Traveler's)

3. NR gear in preparation for AQ40. Assuming we get Fankriss (which we should) I'll need better than my current 77 for Huhu. I'll hopefully get the leggings from The Calling, if I have time to do the prequests, and then pop an enchant on a cloak for that little bit extra.

Yep, 117 NR unbuffed, fine for a healzor. Fankriss to 11% first attempt, then down with a handful of deaths on the second. It was one of those wow-that-was-unexpected-and-so-damn-awesome moments. We had eight warriors and eight mages, which helped a lot! We then had one go on Huhu (31%) but our tanks didn't have enough NR for it to be worth more, so we spent an hour or two wiping on the bug trio instead. That's the most manic fight I've been in as a druid, trying to both cleanse non-stop and heal while being feared non-stop = not fun.

4. Naxx attunement - we're having our first couple of attempts next week.

Done! Spent some time in Naxx with a couple of guildies taking a look around. Managed to stealth to Patchwerk (well...stealth, dash, die...damn slimes).

5. I need a belt to complete my feral gear, which is going to mean running Scholo, I think. Not sure I'll have time.


6. Group up with some people I haven't played with in a long, long time, in particular a good friend I was in guilds with a while back who was a massive help to me when I was a baby druid leveling up for the first time. Unfortunately, I probably won't have time for this either :(

Nope. I'd probs have had time, but the friend was only on when I was raiding :(

Still, a great WoW weekend. Didn't really do much IRL...watched School of Rock and Torchwood last night and had a few too many glasses of wine, and that was about it!
#8 Dec 04 2006 at 2:41 AM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
I wrote:
- make some g

- maybe level an alt

- fish

nope. didn't log on once.

but my new flat is coming along so nicely! spent 5 hours in ikea on sunday and then the rest of the weekend putting together the furniture. i'll finish up moving with the help of a friend on saturday. i'm really looking forward to finally moving!
#9 Dec 04 2006 at 4:35 AM Rating: Excellent
473 posts
Well I was able accomplish my weekend goals and found a new guild to call home.


-Leveled Priest to 57 in which I respecced to Holy/Disc and started running MC. Since I had a good amount of +healing gear on me I was able to stay with our level 60 Priests without much overhealing.

-Joined a new guild that transferred from another server. Still getting off the ground but they have a great attitude and expectations.


-Watched Bond this weekend. (Good Movie)
-Packed for a 3 week business trip Smiley: bah. The only good thing from it is that I will have more time for WoW in my hotel room then I would at home. Bad thing is that I won’t be coming home till almost Christmas.

...and they call this the happiest time of the year.
#10 Dec 04 2006 at 4:43 AM Rating: Excellent
I was able to reach one of my goals in one day, level from 52 to 54. To me that was a huge accomplishment. Leveling 2 levels in one day in the 50s is tough!

I wasn't able to reach my second which was to level Leatherworking... It's so hard to.
#11 Dec 04 2006 at 5:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Date night after work today with my S.O. Then we have an AQ40 raid to attend together. Our guild is still attempting Skeram, but I have a feeling we'll put that deranged prophet in his place tonight.

No. Skeram lives. Three attempts with the first being the best.

Tomorrow, I'm working on a local mountain biking trail, rerouting an old eroded section. Followed by pizza and beer! No other plans but I will probably PvP a bit on my priest, and level my hunter some.

Trail work - check
PvP on priest - nope
level hunter - check, 31 now

Sunday, my day starts with more mountain bike activities -- going to ride for a bit in the morning. Later in the afternoon, I will join my guild in BWL, still basking in the glory of our first Nef kill this past Monday.

mtn bike - check (3 hrs woot)
BWL - Cleared to Chromaggus. We were off our game and had a couple of dumb wipes
#12 Dec 04 2006 at 5:48 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I got snowed in Friday. So I spent a lot of time with my NE hunter. I leveled him from 51 to 56. He’s had new gear waiting for him in the bank. It’s been fun leveling him up and finally equipping it. Next level he gets to pull on his new black dragonscale pants.
#13 Dec 04 2006 at 6:15 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
I managed to reach exalted in AV with my level 54 Paladin. I then proceeded to buy all the rep rewards that I can't use yet anyways because of my level. I then also ran off to AB and bought the level 58 belt/trinket there (I'm honored) and ran to WSG and bought the level 58 cloak/ring there (honored there as well)

I did also manage to get up to level 55, almost 56. Only like, 4.2 levels to the end!

As far as RL, Had some real good times, had some real bad times, so it's a mixed bag there.

#14 Dec 04 2006 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
This weekend:
- My first venture into MC (thought I find it counter productive as in a month MC will be old news)
- Level my priest to 20.
- Gank some horde that gank my priest in westfall. Its a vicious cycle.

- Downed First boss on first try. Little rough but we did it. Got Magmadar to 33% on first try but just couldn't get him down. Didn't have the people on Saterday due to varying circumstances so we just did trash mobs.
- Done and done.
- Done but something strange happend. I think they already took dk's out cause I killed some greys and they didn't register as dk's. Oh well.
#15 Dec 04 2006 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
Jimpadan wrote:
This weekend:
- My first venture into MC (thought I find it counter productive as in a month MC will be old news)
- Level my priest to 20.
- Gank some horde that gank my priest in westfall. Its a vicious cycle.

- Downed First boss on first try. Little rough but we did it. Got Magmadar to 33% on first try but just couldn't get him down. Didn't have the people on Saterday due to varying circumstances so we just did trash mobs.
- Done and done.
- Done but something strange happend. I think they already took dk's out cause I killed some greys and they didn't register as dk's. Oh well.

You only get a DK from killing civilian NPCs. And that's up til 1AM PST tomorrow.
#16 Dec 04 2006 at 6:33 AM Rating: Excellent
839 posts
I wrote:

(1) I hope our little guild group can finsh BRD tonight. We have been having trouble with the Lyceum, but I expect to beat it this time due to a couple of respecs and a better grasp of the strategy.

(2) Work on farming for the Crusader enchant. I doubt it will drop, but we shall see. Besides, I can still use the Runecloth that drops from the mobs there.

(3) Finish some WPL quests including the one for the Scholomance key.

(4) Kill some Furbies for Timbermaw reputation - aiming for Honored atm.

(5) Level 33 -> 35 with my druid leatherworker so she can relax in the city and work on her crafting.


Nothing major is planned, but my wife and I have only two weeks left until a three week trip to Germany, so we will probably start wrapping up year end items here.

RL was pretty much as predicted, so there was plenty of time for WoW. We are in the process of watching book one of Avatar - The Last Airbender on DVD - Great stuff! Otherwise the weekend was pretty quiet.

(1) Sadly we didn't complete BRD. We made it through the Lyceum but wiped on the Emp. and Princess. One of the group members was falling asleep at the keys, so we had to stop for the night.

(2) I did a bit of farming but Crusader didn't drop yet.

(3) Made progress on the WPL quests. I just need to kill the huge gang of elites to get the scarab for the key quest.

(4) I gave the furbies a rest this weekend.

(5) Success! My druid is now 35 and happily burning through the levels in leatherworking. She is also an artisan cook. Fishing and first aid will come later.
#17 Dec 04 2006 at 6:44 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
Hit lvl 34 on my hunter and exalted in AV on my shaman.

overall a good wow weekend.
#18 Dec 04 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Excellent
My goodness.
What a weekend it was for me!

I need to start working on my fire resist gear in earnest since we killed Garr in Molten stop is the Lava Packs and Baron Geddon and we simply don't have enough FR for that.

Well. What do you know. We got through the lava packs and killed Baron Geddon anyway!
I requested some mats from the guild bank for some FR gear, but I think the stockpile has been decimated. Ah well.

Apart from that, I would like to help the rest of the guild get their Onyxia keys. Last night I lobbied to get our "off night" raid replaced with some LBRS and UBRS runs and so a couple more people got Onyxia keyed last night. This makes a grand total of...uh...25 people that I know about (not all of whom actually play these days).

Helped organize simultaneous UBRS and LBRS runs on Sunday. I went on the UBRS one and got a couple people through the dragon eyeball quest. I think somebody else may have been after Drakk's blood, but I'm not sure. One of our prot tanks got a nice FR shield off of Drakk that he's been after FOREVER. Gratz to him. Smiley: smile

Tomorrow will probably involve helping guildies or levelling my priest or druid alts. Priest is level 28. If I play her, I'd want to get her to 30. Druid is level 15. I wonder if 20 is a lofty goal to aspire to...

No time for alts.

Saturday night is another hockey game. With my fiancé down at the game, I'll have to decide if I'm going to watch our team go up against our rivals (The New Jersey Devils), or leave the TV running in the background and raid instead.

ZG instead and WOW am I glad I chose that over hockey!
We tried a new strat on Bloodlord and he rewarded our hard work by dropping his mount for us.
Guess who rolled high?
I REALLY wanted the kitty, but...
With a lot of help from my guildies, I got the money for my riding skill and you can see here that I'm now riding the critter.
While I was at it, I picked up the AV Frostwolf. Might as well...

I also hope to get some decisions made regarding some officer stuff that's been floating around for a week. That's just way too long to wait on some of these decisions.


Oh. One more thing. Just found out one of our guild's rogues who retired from WoW (temporarily?) lives in Philly. Maybe we'll do lunch or something and have some Roguecraft chat.

He decided to start playing WoW again instead.

EDIT: Oh yes. Tomec and I also need to kill Digdug. *cackle*
I predict an epic battle of Khaz Modan Allakhazammers this weekend. Somebody better FRAPs that. You should all get a good laugh out of my lame rogueish self getting pwned by a gnome.

Seems Digdug or Dinghy or whatever alias he's hiding behind these days had other things to do...heh
Better luck next time.

#19 Dec 04 2006 at 7:14 AM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
No WoW this weekend, as expected.

Tomorrow's a big day though and I'm looking forward to playing with the respec.

Played a lot of Gears of War and some racing demos on XBox 360.
#20 Dec 04 2006 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
1,030 posts
RL - I've got a job interview this afternoon, so I hope it goes well. And my brother's coming over to leech my broadband again. :)

Well, the job interview went well. I should hear something in the next day or two. Wish me luck!

WoW - MC runs tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully some Prophecy will drop. We've got everything from the front door to Golemagg/Sulferon on farm basically. Even Domo's going down on a regular basis (now that we've gotten our heads out of our butts), Rags ... I got a feeling that Rags is going down this weekend. We keep getting closer.

Well, the MC runs went well. One wipe Friday (pulled a Lava Surger across the bridge before the imps on the way to Lucifron & Magmadar and the imps came to play, too). Made past Shazzrah the first night. And the nice thing? Only 5 deaths in the Geddon fight. And about 8 on Shazz. Much better than our normal track record. Had several Girdles of Prophecy drop, and my 60 Priest was the proud recipient of one of them. I'm now at 2/8 for Tier 1.

On Saturday, we got Sulferon, Golemagg, and Majordomo Executus down w/o any problems. No wipes, and minimal deaths. Staff of Dominance dropped, but that was the only item of interest to a Holy/Disc priest.

Rags ... That's an impressive fight. We got him to 25% the first time, 36% the second time (REALLY bad pull of the Sons when they came out killed half the mages and 2/3 of the healers). The third time ... well, he was at 7% when the second wave of Sons came out and proceeded to munch on the few mages we had left. Another 30 seconds and Rags would've been DOWN. Oh, well. There's always next week.

After we gave up on Rags, we went on to Onyxia. 34 of us went in and took out the big loot pinata. With 0 Deep Breaths in there and only 3 deaths (one was an over eager DPS warrior that snatched aggro from the MT and ended up tanking her for the last 20%). Sadly, two pieces of Stormrage dropped.

Other than that - leveling my mage some (she's 45 and itching to start raising Timbermaw rep so she needs to grow up some) and level some more on my Paladin (level 39 and itching for a mount).

Mage was 44 ... oops. Anyways, she's now 46, almost 47 and itching to get going.

I think I signed into the Paladin long enough to switch guilds on her. :P

In other WoW news, I'm now an officer in a new guild (after drama in a previous guild we (wife and I) joined one that's based out of Australia. Nice folks, but the time differential was just eating us up if we wanted to do anything with them. So, with other friends from the old guild, we joined this start up. New guild is called Altoholics Anonymous. :)
#21 Dec 04 2006 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
631 posts
Sadly, two pieces of Stormrage dropped.


You made me sad :P
#22 Dec 04 2006 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
1) Win about 10 more WSG games to get my Warrior to Honored before the patch - or lose a whole bunch...

Turned out I miscalcualted and only needed to win about 3 to get to honored, so I was pretty pleased with that

2) Get to Exhalted with AV for my Rogue - I think I've mentioned before that I'm in Rank 13 gear, but I still haven't managed to get a better Dagger than Electrified Smiley: glare

No. Nowhere near. Oh well, still doable when the patch comes out.

3) If I have any steam left (or time for that matter) I'll get back to leveling my Mage. Trying to hit 60 from 45 before BC - I'm not optimistic.

Get to 46 before getting the urge to back to my Rogue for some PvP. Well, one step closer at least.

#23 Dec 04 2006 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
Well we didn't make Nef last night. It was four hours to Chromie and we try to keep our raids to a three hour limit. So we take Chromie and Nef tonight.

Leveled some alts and improved some of their skills.

Spent time with my daughter hanging out and she introduced me to some of her friends (it is so coolthat she makes this effort).

Fixed my sister-in-law's computer and showed her how to check her e-mail and IM.

Did some pretty good writing.

I'd have to say I had a pretty satisfying weekend.
#24 Dec 04 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
RL: Survive an ice-borne drive up to Tulsa. (Southerners don't know how to drive on anything but clear and dry roads. This could potentially suck much ***.)

Yeah. Survived the drive. Okies don't seem to know how to clear ice from their roads, however. Made for real interesting conditions going around Tulsa.


- Get started on some serious Profession Grinding with my 60 Hunter, who has been languishing during my time working on my plethora of Alts.

Nope. Still need to get that going. Maybe tonight while helping otu the g/f with her own Quest For 60.

Continue the grind with my 41 Rogue or my 23 War. Likely the Rogue, since that one is actually a bit more fun to play.

Halfway to 42 with the Rogue.

Leveling up my second Warrior Alt (An NE-Alt team with the g/f) and getting his Secondary skills maxed out. At 150 for Cooking and Fishing at level 18, and in the 100-range in FA.
#25 Dec 04 2006 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
1,113 posts
Dinged 60 on saturday, and went to ZG Sunday, my first raid, and my guild's first raid.

We downed Snake guy, Bat guy, and Bloodlord Mandokir, and wiped on Spider guy, but got very close to taking him down.

I got me some Sacrifical Gauntlets and no really amazing loot dropped.

#26 Dec 04 2006 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
869 posts
Hit the ~300k xp on my Pally (from 56.0-57.6). It was a grind, and I dont have a lot more than the level to show for it. Ran ST, but our group didnt do all the quests I had on my log, and I didnt get any gear I could use.

Nor did I, over the course of the weekend, get much runecloth, which I need to level an alt's tailoring. I got 275 on a mooncloth synth friday night, but that was it. Plenty of mageweave drops... so I'll get around to selling off in one form or another so I can just buy the mats I need.

Anyway... I'm a cool half mil xp to 60. Onward and upward.
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