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#1 Nov 26 2006 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Good morning, I hope your weekend was as good or better than mine.

On the RL front, even though I had to work on Saturday, the fiancée and I still found the time to catch a movie (Last kiss... Totally not what I expected), dinner, and visit with friends.

Which leaves not much time for WoW.
Of my goals I can say that I cleared up all the remaining maraudon quests (yay 2 quest slots), 1 BRD quest (boo, had a followup), and I managed to get myself deeper into the log space shortage when I returned the black molt from Searing Gorge to the dragonkin in Burning steppes, here's yet another BRD quest. The crappy thing is I did it knowing it had a followup, but thinking I'd get an inventory slot free... No such luck.

I also did one quest in burning steppes, zapping broodlings and looting their gems, but I didn't return it as soon as it ended, and started farming runecloth off the ogres. Then a friend asks me for help and I hearthstone back to EPL... Right... 1 completed quest filling up my last quest slot, and 2 inventory slots filled up.

Oh, and I reported 2 botters in Burning Stepped grinding on the dragonkin.

Also (phew, seems like I did have much WoW time) after the useful advice I got on my Stormshroud set thread, I went and farmed ungorro for devilsaur leather. I got 15 (only 2 lag related deaths), a friend offered me 4, another 3, yet another 2 cured rugged hides. My goal of 22 for the devilsaur set is reached, all I have to do now is get 60 rugged leathers and a reliable craftsman.

So, basically this is how my half weekend was spent, how did you guys do?
#2 Nov 26 2006 at 10:42 PM Rating: Excellent
1,876 posts
Well, after my recent guild shakeup (detailed on Goals thread, too lazy to repost :p) I find myself in a brand new guild comprised mainly of my very old friends. I didn't even know this guild existed (they were holding out on me, thinking I was strictly loyal to MR). I'm now once again guilded with the people I "grew up" with in WoW, and it's already starting to feel like home.

Since, it's a new guild, we're not "quite" on the level of content I was doing with MR (MC Farm, BWL half clear), but I'm ok with it. I don't feel the stress I did in MR, I don't feel the disrespect, I don't feel the "being looked down upon" feelings at all.

I've already been appointed raid leader and have jumped head first into bringing this new guild up through the ranks. Feels good to have backup on stuff again.

Other stuff? not too much else went on. Just got through with the guild's first raid (ZG) and we took 5 bosses down: Bat, Snake, Raptor, Spider, and Tiger. We had some issues on Panther, but that's ok. (Group makeup mostly).

I now just have to write our In-Raid policy and toss up some suggestions to tweak our DKP system (avoiding issues and stuff)...and write up an explanation about the tools I use to keep track of attendance... and find and post my DKP entering guide... But I love doing that stuff.

#3 Nov 26 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
cowwithbeans wrote:
I just hope to be able to get a little PvP in between work given that I'm working pretty much all weekend Smiley: bah

Turned out I didn't have to work after all and ended up:
  • Getting my Warrior alt to Exhalted with AV - big surprise there Smiley: yippee
  • Doing a BWL run with my guild (very rare, I'm a PvP'er) and to my shock being the only one who would ever need these Smiley: yikes hell of an upgrade from my old Darkmantle
  • Leveled my Mage a bit from 41 to 43.5 and bought the mount

Still amazed over the BF drop. Thought I'd never see a good set of bracers this side of BC.
#4 Nov 26 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1. Get to 51

Reached baby!

2. Get the Bloodseeker from AV

Got it on first AV! and I'm on the Horde!

3. Level Skinning and Leatherworking

Leveled both over 100 levels.

I think I had a more than successful weekend.
#5 Nov 26 2006 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Doesn't seem like the weekend could be over already. Probably because I'm on day 7 of a messed up 10 day straight work week.

I wrote:
1) AQ on Friday; as usual, hoping to down Moam again and get me a nice new offhand.

No luck there, not enough locks to consider taking on Moam(only 1).

I wrote:
2) ZG on Saturday. I really wanna increase my Zandalar rep, and hoping for a second guild Hakkar kill.

A couple thousand ZG rep(only about 15500 to go to exalted now), but no Hakkar kill. We got to Hakkar easy enough(only one wipe and it was only on Panther, so no biggie), but we only got in a couple of tries before I had to go to work and other people needed some sleep. Did finally upgrade my Sunderseer Mantle to a Zandalar Illusionist's Mantle and switched out my bracers for the set bonus, netting me an increase of about 14 +dmg total, bringing the grand total up to 395 for frost spells, 375 for all spells.

The raid leader also coined a new term, now viewable in my signature. This was due to a couple different healers being along, meaning I didn't quite get the heals I'm used to when AoE'ing the spiders before Mar'li. This was followed by our level 58 third warrior getting slaughtered by the Mandokir's raptor, in Poldaran Time.

I wrote:
3) Farming a bit, wanna see if I can sit down and force myself to farm long enough for a nice 50-100g infusion.

Missed my minimum goal by about 5g, but also managed to help my roommate farm about 25g(he's level 54, a skinner, and we went Devilsaur slaying).

I wrote:
4) Probably gonna spend a little time leveling my little gnome warrior or possibly my 45 warlock.

Didn't really do anything with any of my alts other than raise up my twink Paladin's Blacksmithing so she could make Solid Sharpening Stones for my roommate's 29 twink Warrior.

I wrote:

1) I have to work this weekend(10 days in a row, total). Worse, Friday/Saturday nights, THEY will be staying in the hotel. By "THEY" I mean my absolute least favorite group that stays here a few times a year. It's a specific Asian tour group that pisses me off every single year, and I'm not looking forward to their visit.

As I said, on day 7(and they needed me to come in an hour and a half early) and am very tired. The tour group was surprisingly easy to deal with and did not irritate me like in years past.

I wrote:
2) Not much else planned. Might make a turkey or something like it since I didn't get to go celebrate Thanksgiving anywhere.

Nope, but I did spend time with my parents and sister tonight and got to eat many leftovers from my grandparents' house. Turkey, ham, stuffing, homemade rolls, potato-leek soup(my dad made this one), all followed by a couple of my grandfather's pumpkin empanadas.

I'm quite full still(about 4 hours later) and am amazed I haven't fallen asleep here at work.

Edited, Nov 27th 2006 12:11am by Poldaran
#6 Nov 26 2006 at 11:48 PM Rating: Excellent
3,451 posts
although I'm working all weekend, I'm goal is to hit honored with AB. I just hit honored with WSG yesterday, wewt!

I was able to obtain my goal and went to Hammerfall (for the first time in ages) to buy my Chain belt. An extra 1% chance to crit with spells!

On the RL front for me, I'm on day 13 of working 12 hour shifts, I'm pretty much a walking zombie, but the Overtime is bringing in some much needed cash for xmas. Smiley: smile
#7 Nov 27 2006 at 12:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Zornov the Eccentric wrote:
I'm on day 13 of working 12 hour shifts, I'm pretty much a walking zombie,

Hey, psst. Don't talk about're making my work complaints look whinier than they already are. Smiley: blush

Smiley: wink2
#8 Nov 27 2006 at 12:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
I wrote:
- farm some thorium on rogue for bc. maybe i'll finally retrain herbalism on him too.

done and not done. i turned all my friend's thorium into bullets, so maybe i'll do it soon.
I wrote:
- get some alchemy recipes for warlock. he's only level 45, but his alchemy is to 292, because he gets stuff from my main to make into pots.

done. don't know how my last auctions went, because madmortem was down on sunday evening. grml.
I wrote:
- level up lock if i feel like it.

fail. got carried away with company of heroes. cool game. addictive.
I wrote:
- level up priest. would be nice to have another (fourth) mooncloth slave.

fail. see above.
I wrote:
- farm cash on main.

fail. see all of the above. =)

rl: bar fr night because a friend is goig to brasil for 4 months, party sat night, movies sunday night. and i went to ikea on sat afternoon because it's looking good with the flat.
#9 Nov 27 2006 at 1:01 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Lots of wowing this weekend!

Got my shaman from 42 to 45 (close to 46), and my warlock from 44 to 46. At about 0400 friday night, the pug I was in with my shammy managed to down Archaedas, on the 3rd try. That was actually more satisfying then the first kill of sartura in aq40. It was a first kill for me too, I basically ignored Uldaman on my last 2 chars. And to top it off, I got the Rockpunder! 2% crit is quite nice :) I did one more ulda run the next day, but we were unable to down Archaedas, so one of the others got a 60 friend to help. Since I already had gotten the quests and so, I left the party to make space.

I found that I like the shaman much better than the warlock at the moment. I find having a big 2hander for killing stuff and mail armor immensely satisfying. Maybe a reaction from being a gimped holy healbot in tier 2 ? ;)

RL: Saw the latest Bond movie, and it was nice.
#10 Nov 27 2006 at 1:28 AM Rating: Excellent
631 posts
1. Get back into the spirit of Alla, now that I have a job, albeit for only four weeks, that allows me to use the internet ;D

That wasn't really a weekend goal, considering all my online time on weekends is spent playing, but it's happening. I feel the love.

2. Guild run scheduled for Ony + MC tomorrow, but it might end up being more AQ40 instead (hopefully not, from my PoV)

We did do Ony and MC...double Transcendence again from Ony - it's now dropped 6 times in 4 runs. I did finally get my Cenarion Helm, though. But 4.5 months of MC and I've still only seen the Vestments drop once. It's getting beyond ridiculous. Raggy dropped Stormrage, and only two of us needed it...but I had the lower DKP. Doh! I really want to get out of the minus figures.

3. Level up the warlock a little. My aim is to get her to 60, but the chances of that happening before BC are pretty much zero unless I quit raiding, which isn't going to happen voluntarily

21-23. She also found a Ring of Defense, though it hasn't sold yet, and a second Swiftness Potion recipe. She's my lucky char.

4. I'd love to do some more PvP with the warlock (so much fun, they really are overpowered), but at level 21 the BGs are just too scary

Nah, I'll leave that until 25 or 26.

5. Ideally farm NR gear or mats to make it, but other things are just more fun :/

I did! Well, a little. Discovered when clearing out my bank that I already had the two Living Essence I need for Bramblewood Boots, plus a Larval Acid in my bags, which inspired me to go and find another Larval Acid (took an hour, damnit) and buy some Enchanted Leather. I'll get those sorted soon.

6. Ideally farm gold, see point 5

I didn't do this intentionally, but had one of those really lucky streaks. Went to Strat Baron to help a guildy warrior farm Nerub'enkan for the NR shoulders, and in two runs managed to win almost every single BoE drop - including Devout Bracers, Eight of Warlords, and a few greens. About 50g worth of stuff overall, so I'm happy ;)

I also spent some time grinding the leather for Devilsaur Gauntlets, as I had no feral gloves before. Now 14 more for the leggings, which I think are better for dr00ds than Blademaster. I've decided to go feral for the first time when BC comes out.

Final accomplishment was picking up a Mixologist's Tunic from BRD, for the above reason...not exactly hot lewtz, but better than the Shadowcrap Tunic I had before, and it's always satisfying to solo bosses and get what you want. <3 stealth ;)

Edit: Didn't realise the post was going to be this long. Anyone still awake?

Edited, Nov 27th 2006 4:32am by Alestian
#11 Nov 27 2006 at 1:40 AM Rating: Excellent
I wrote:
This weekend I plan on levelling my mage to at least 35 then hopefully getting her alchemy up a few points.

Teleute is now almost halfway through 36 and has 257 alchemy and 241 herbalism. I also got her cooking to 225, her first aid to 220 and her Fishing to 180, so pretty pleased with that! I'm already a litle sick of STV though...

I really would like to make some money on my druid, and maybe finally get rid of some of those BRS quests I've had for months.

Didn't even log in with her, but I'm signed up for Scholo tonight (just for fun) and ZG on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Apart from that I need to do some exercise as I've been really lazy all week and eaten a load of junk food. It's way too hard to eat healthily when the weather is so miserable :(

I did a little but not really enough. Apart from that we just chilled out and watched some Stargate SG1 and the second Pirates of the Caribbean film.
#12 Nov 27 2006 at 2:51 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
I couldn't make it to lvl 33 :(
#13 Nov 27 2006 at 3:35 AM Rating: Excellent
473 posts

-Leveled Priest from 52 to 55.


-Watched the new James Bond movie.
#14 Nov 27 2006 at 3:40 AM Rating: Excellent
I had a weekend of helping others.

On Friday, I didn't even get on the game.

Saturday, I spent the morning helping a guildie with several quests. By the time he was done, it was pretty late. I went off after helping him, and came back on later in the afternoon, only to spend the next 3 hours helping a local buddy with some quests for his alt. I spent some time in Silithus, farming Cultists, and my local buddy joined me to summon Templars. Went off until about 9pm my time, when there was supposed to be an UBRS run. Got the invite at 10pm, and by 11pm, I was one of three people waiting outside UBRS for everone else. One person was still in WPL! I ended up bowing out.

Sunday, I started a web page for my wife's association of social workers, and went to my in-laws' for lunch. From there, came back and checked my mailbox, then went off to local buddy's for a football party. I'm Bears, he's Pats, so last night;s game was pretty important to us. It was the most poorly played game either of us had seen in a while, and my team lost. I'm still cranky. Smiley: bah
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#15 Nov 27 2006 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
I didnt get anything accomplished, at all... What a waste of a 4 day weekend.
#16 Nov 27 2006 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
I didn't post any goals b/c I was off from work the latter part of last week and at home with the family.

But my fake goals that I did meet:
- Got to 59. Am now 45% to 60 (I'm gunning for ya Bent).
- Got MC attuned. The priest on that run was one of the worst I've ever seen. She would spam Holy Nova til she goes oom and then wand and renew as able. Such a painful run. My favorite excuse from her was "I'm sorry, I just spaced out." (that was when the tank died slowly and painfully and she was at full mana).
- Start the Tier 0 upgrades. I've never done them before so I kind of want to, even though I'll be starting raiding this week (hopefully). Now I just need to get the Magister Bindings to start it (already have most of the Winterspring blood).

in RL:
- had an awesome Thanksgiving with the family.
- Went 3-1 in the WoW tcg tourney with a hastily re-constructed Warlock deck.
#17 Nov 27 2006 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
i accomplished very little in wow but i only had an hour here and there to play.

rl: my thanksgiving was good outside of the fact that i had to work. i went out on black friday to buy some gifts and the malls really weren't that busy. i only waited like 5 minutes in one line and that was it. the bf and i went to see the fountain which i thought was really good except that there was nothing but teenagers there who kept talking and getting up every 2 minutes. other then that i tried to catch up on sleep, finish a book i am reading and get some of my stuff together for my vacation this friday.
#18 Nov 27 2006 at 6:07 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
My weekend started on Wednesday, so since then I've mainly been playing my paladin. I went from level 50 to level 53.5, and went from the bottom of neutral with AV all the way up to 6000/21000 or so in Revered, so I just need another 15k to get maxxed. I don't know why I'm doin it, but hey, might as well.

I also did lots of various RL projects, including steam cleaning my carpet in my computer room. It's rather disturbing to see what color the clear water comes back up as.

Final bonus, I caught up on my sleep, so I'm feelin good about that.

Now it's back to 6 day work weeks. :)
#19 Nov 27 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
5,135 posts
Did a ZG raid with my Mage on Friday night. We ended up taking out 3 bosses total and I lost all rolls for upgrades, still a good time though.

Did way to many Scholo runs (6 I think it was) with my Hunter and as usual the BS helm was nowhere to be seen. I now hate that place with a passion and will not be going there again anytime soon.

Started a Priest and got her to 14, enjoying playing her.
#20 Nov 27 2006 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
Tepetkhet wrote:
Tonight I am going to try to get in on a raid. Not sure if we're doing ZG or MC. Lots of people still on vacation or out of town, so we'll have to see how many show up.

Not enough for MC so we cleared trash instead. Got some core leather and other crafting mats, but that's about it.
Went to ZG afterwards and killed Bloodlord and Venoxis...but had problems on the Bat Boss. We can kill bosses in MC and still have problems with a 20-man boss. Go figure. Granted, we were a bit lacking in the AoE department, but still...

Saturday I NEED to take the car to get serviced, so that's going to cut into my time...
And Saturday night, my fiance is supposed to take me out to dinner to make up for my effed-up Thanksgiving.

Got the car serviced. Had them do some Gumout thing and my check engine light came on. Not cool considering all the driving I had to do Sunday. On the way back from WV, the light went out on its own which I think is good.
Dinner didn't happen because there was a hockey game Sat. night. Fiance brought me sushi instead and postponed the dinner until Tuesday.

Sunday I am going to be driving back to WV and back to pick up my kid again

Yeeeah, I'm about sick of driving now.
I did get some WoW time in last night, though. Mostly just dealt with officer stuff. Interviewed a few applicants. Added a couple new guildies. I'm happy that pretty much all our new applicants have been healers. We had one rogue apply, but he's applying for a Raid Leader position. Hoping the other officers will have some input on his application soon.

If I get a little time Sat, I will probably either work on levelling my priest or try to get more of my guildies Onyxia attuned. Looks like we only have about 20 attuned now.

My stuff on Sat. took more time than I thought it would, so even less WoW time than I thought. I didn't help anybody with their Ony attunements, but I did help somebody get MC-attuned. Hopefully he'll show up for the MC raid tonight.


Edited, Nov 27th 2006 9:34am by Tepetkhet
#21 Nov 27 2006 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
What the heck...
Half my last post was eaten and I tried to go back and fix it and got a dupe.


Edited, Nov 27th 2006 9:31am by Tepetkhet
#22 Nov 27 2006 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
1,876 posts
I should have checked my work email last night before I posted this...

I just found out, that I have about 2/3 of the month of December off, paid. Thanks to me needing to burn 8 extra vacation days, and our office being closed for the last week and a half of the year.

Much WoW time (and other stuff) will ensue.

you're making my work complaints look whinier than they already are
Tossed this tidbit in for contrast, so yours can appear less whiny again :).

Of course, needing to burn 8 days in Dec isn't a good thing. It means I took a whopping 2 over the course of the year. I gotta plan better for next year.

Edited, Nov 27th 2006 9:33am by cafeenoftheazurestorm
#23 Nov 27 2006 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
1,078 posts
Dorsa wrote:
RL: Friends Birthday Party on Saturday night will have me is a dizzy, it will be more like a High School Reunion. Other then that, the wife and I will be house hunting.

WoW: Have a run through BRD tonight with the guild. Finishing off some quests in Felwood, and going to hit Winterspring. Might work some more on my Alt Priest and see how playing a magic class is. In my world of MMO's, I've always been the sword and shield sort of player.

Well those goals went right out the window. Turns out work had me in for the most part, all I could do was login, check sales on the AH, and then log off.
#24 Nov 27 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
428 posts
Hunter reached level 60
Ran LBRS and UBRS for the first time. Fun stuff! I was chosen to kite the final boss in UBRS and I did an okay job. My first time really kiting something besides the random NPCS in AV that I try to practice on.

That's about it.
#25 Nov 27 2006 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
Got 59
Got ganked a bunch
Did CS homework
#26 Nov 27 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
268 posts
Lead my guild on its most successful run of ZG yet! We got our first look at the tiger as a whole guild run and downed him on the second try. Same thing with Panther! Wooties! We got Hakkar to 51% on our first try, but many people had to go as it was getting late.

All in all, I am a happy Guild Leader. Who would have thought that an American would come to lead a guild full of Aussies! Makes me proud :P
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