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I Can't even get to level 40!!!!Follow

#1 Nov 24 2006 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
239 posts
I have a problem. A problem that I feel is making me miss out on too much of the game. It may sound dumb, but it is really upsetting me.

I have never even made it to level 30. For some reason I get to my mid twenties, and I jsut lose interest! I want to get to level 60 so bad, but I always end up making a new character or something.

I really feel there is a lot of WoW I haven't seen.

has anyone else had the same problem? Anyone have any tips to prevent this?



EDIT: Right now I have a level 22 Rogue I am trying to stick with

Edited, Nov 24th 2006 2:16pm by NazgulSHD
#2 Nov 24 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I had this problem for the first 7-8 months I played the game. Kept trying out new race/class combo's got to about 25 and couldnt get any farther. Honestly you can hope to just find something to keep your intrest about a character for me it was the mage class once i broke lvl 20 I found it the most enjoyable and I now got him up to lvl 50. It has been one of the most enjoyable experiences for me.

Personaly I found it was easier once I was in a good guild that tried to help me and I finaly realised that in for the most part every was pretty balance. No uber class you just have to learn how to play your own class to the best of its ability. Hope this helped some
#3 Nov 24 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Welcome to my buddy's world. Not only can he not spend a decent amount of time on one character, he can't spend a decent amount of time on one game.

I suggest trying to get a friend to make a character with you, it's alot funner to have someone to level with/instance with, etc.

Also, you are missing out on the funner parts of the game. I'm only level 37 but the more and more i level, the more fun instances seem to get. Thats my incentive to stick with one character, i'm extremely excited to see the upcoming instances i'm about to hit.
#4 Nov 24 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
two things that really help: professions and a good guild. If you have a friendly guild, the game is really fun.
#5 Nov 24 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
I guess i got lucky with my first class ` Warrior.

Everything about the class was fun for me. I have tried a lot of the other classes (though i haven't taken them very high yet) and the only other one that really appealed to me was Shaman.

I did have a similar problem in FFXI and i used to switch around a lot, but I like what i've done with my character here. But hey, As long as it's still fun, i would be content to be low levels forever.
#6 Nov 24 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts

Not even in one of the "Blues" areas(50-55), at those low levels every 2 levels or so get you a new goodie, a new toy to play with, and talents are still given you gravy. Here is a list of some exciting stuff for different classes in the mid 20's to 40

Druid: Well you just got angry sea lion form, and even more recently cat form; you are always getting new toys to make being a druid more fun (read more DPS)
Dash is at level 26, and that’s kind of a game changer, level 30 gets a channeled AoE heal!!!!, and travel form(move faster than your buddies with this free preview of a mount.

Hunter: 24 just got you Beast lore, it is fun sometimes to just see the info on animals so that you can think of what you want in future pets. At 26 you have rapid fire a super fun skill that will take you a few levels to figure out that you want to be using it a lot. Level 30 brings you Feign Death, the ultimate PvE tool, at the same time you also get flare, the rogue finder, how fun is that?

Mage: this is one of the biguns, as a mage you just got counterspell, and life is not much more fun that counterspell, you can spend almost 2-3 levels mastering the perfect time to use it. 26 is when AoE madness starts, frost spec mages can Start to do AoE farming with dang good efficiency, and 28 is the start of manna gems, this is a amazing time to be a mage.

Pally, Sheesh, don’t ask me, Mine made it to 45 and I stopped playing him, it was work to get him to 45(as a side note the toon was not soooo bad, and I would even think of making a blood knight, the issue I had was Pally overpopulation)

Priest: One of the low points in a priest life is the mid 20's, well some classes got this time as a super fun time, it is a lil harder for the priest, at 25 the last "New" spell you got was Mind vision. There are some new tricks waiting at 30 and a few race spells but as a priest you are always wanted for instance runs, that is if you want to heal, so I have never been in the 20's for long as a priest, simply being a priest gets you "Want to do BFD?" say ya a few times get your loot and be almost to level 30 and on your way to a mount.

Rogue: not my bag, I really don’t know.

Shaman: These guys are always getting new tricks(or totems), level 24 just got new stronger versions of previous spells, but 26 holds some new guys that are totally fun, but the super gravy hits at 28- 30 Water Walking, recall(15 min cool down hearthstone) and your last totem, no dragging backside for a shaman.

Warrior: like Rogue, not my thing.

Warlock: ooooooo yea, every level as a lock is fun, but mid 20's and up are a good time to be lockie. 24 gave you some tools, but nothing amazing, but level 26, buwhahahaha you can now use your succy to seduduce folks, extra CC is good.Curse of Tongues is a fun one on PvP servers, 28 holds banish and now you are boss of elemental killing, if they give you issues, banish , bandaid and keep going. level 30 gets you a fel pup, hellfire and a spell you can have fun with for a long long time, Enslave Demon.

I hope you find what you are looking for in rogue if not, go back and try one of your old toons, you may just find some aspect that was eluding you before.
#7 Nov 24 2006 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
1,078 posts
I kinda got like that at 40, but what I did was allow my char to get to full rested state, and crash through it. While my char was "charging" to full rested stat, I just play some more with the alt's.
#8 Nov 24 2006 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
1,078 posts
Double post FTL

Edited, Nov 24th 2006 4:47pm by Dorsa
#9 Nov 24 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
Had the same problem. Get on a server with some friends or with a guild thats all starting out together. Thats how I made it this high with the fifth star.
#10 Nov 24 2006 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,740 posts
Dorsa the Sly wrote:
I kinda got like that at 40, but what I did was allow my char to get to full rested state, and crash through it. While my char was "charging" to full rested stat, I just play some more with the alt's.

That's what I'm doing now, only issue being I can't find an "alt" class that really fits me that I want to level again (I have an Alliance Warrior in the mid-thirtys and a Hunter in the low-fourtys on Anetheron), so I just log onto my teen mage and priest and just putz around doing stupid **** and "wasting" a whole night.

Still have fun doing lowbie content but I'd love to get to 60 eventually. (queue Tyrandor/Chiel/Seoman/Bael telling me to go back to Aneth)
#11 Nov 24 2006 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Hm, thanks for all the input! I am gonna try some new things, and hope that my rogue will carry me far.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem!

#12 Nov 24 2006 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
379 posts
NazgulSHD wrote:
I have a problem. A problem that I feel is making me miss out on too much of the game. It may sound dumb, but it is really upsetting me.

I have never even made it to level 30. For some reason I get to my mid twenties, and I jsut lose interest! I want to get to level 60 so bad, but I always end up making a new character or something.

I really feel there is a lot of WoW I haven't seen.

has anyone else had the same problem? Anyone have any tips to prevent this?



I had a similar problem for quite some time. I started a Gnome Warlock as my first character. Got it to level 32 and abandoned it. I started a Human Paladin, got it to 40, stopped playing him. Started an Undead Rogue, got it to 30, stopped playing it. I loved every class in the game, but I wanted to play them all.

What I finally did was team up with a friend. I went from 1-60 as a Warrior with a Real-Life friend of mine who was playing a Druid. I was grouped with him for 98% of my 1-60. We were on Ventrilo almost the whole time. It helped those long grinding/questing sessions go quicker. In my experience, you just need to find a person or a group of people who can group with that make the time you spend on one of your characters more fun that any of your other alts. Since your friends keep bringing you back to that character, that becomes your main.
#13 Nov 25 2006 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I remembered when i played the Beta of WoW, i never seemed to get a character over lvl 10, becuase i enjoyed the first 10 lvls of WoW, so i ended up with a lvl 14 Tauren Hunter.. i know laugh .. but i just tried all kind of classes and races.

Then later on i made a UD rogue to 32 .. UD mage to 26 .. UD warlock to 24 and then i switched to alliance with friends, and i continued lvling chars to 20ish.. but then i made a Priest because i know how the demand for priest are high, and i guess i was skilled and knew what to do.. and i got alot of replies, invites to guilds and compliments from people, so i contimued with my NE Priest "Elflina" [the malestrom] {EU}.

WoW is all about getting good friends, especially if you have IRL friends playing togeather with. And Ventrilo / TS enhances gameplay SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! its insane! and a helpful guild to.

But you are not the only one my friend there are 10,000's if not 100'000's that has the same experience.

Also, i would recommend using dagger specc as a rogue, it is SO MUCH FUN!! when your PvPn' :D and it is also a must in endgame instances, atleast in my old guild.

Friends + WoW + "Godis" + NO SCHOOL / WORK = PERFECT!!!!

Godis - Candy in swedish.
#14 Nov 25 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I think pretty much everybody runs into this problem at some point. Not knowing which character you want to take all the way to 60 (and soon with the expansion, 70). I have an alt of each class and one main right now:

16 troll priest
16 undead mage
16 tauren shaman
23 undead rogue
30 undead warrior
36 undead warlock
36 tauren druid
55 Orc Hunter

I plan to eventually get them all up to at least 40, if not 60 (or some day 70). I enjoy pretty much all of them, but the hunter was by far the easiest to level up.
#15 Nov 25 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
OP, what you're describing isn't necessarily even a problem. Some people aren't cut out for the game, and some don't like to fixate on playing the same character endlessly.

Unless you're simply playing a character that isn't your style, I wouldn't say you have a problem, so much as a lack of motivation to push yourself in the game that supercedes your outside interests...that's not necessarily a bad thing. It takes an experienced player about 36 hours of play time to get to level 30. (Maybe faster; I know I've done to 25 in 24 hours, but I was also level-rushing.)

However, to be honest with you, when I start a new character, I usually rifle through 1-20 since I know the zones extremely well, and around 30 is when it really slows down for me and gets boring. Once I hit about level 40, I just wanna give up and do something else. Fortunately, I have three characters at 60 already.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#16 Nov 25 2006 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
My reply may repeat some of the above replies, sorry about that.

1. When I started my alt, I got bored but not due to knowing all quests and repeating them over and over, mostly because I was away from guild chat so I got my alt invited to the guild. This game is an MMO so you simply can't play it in single player mode. It's boring if you try to.

2. Don't try to level fast. Do not stress yourself. Chill, it's not a race and it's only a game. The most important thing is to enjoy it and even though the real fun starts at the high end, low levels are very much fun. I levelled my rogue to 60 first and had various alts inbetween. Then had a priest to 60 and I enjoyed my firdt trip to the Deadmines really much. I find it hard to understand when people make a fuss over a game. Getting annoyed so easily, acting like they're about to lose a million dollar bet.

3. If you don't have friends playing this game, make friends in game while levelling. Let's say you're a tank, you may see tons of crappy healers on your very first instance run but if you ever find a good one (not only skillwise, but also in personality) I suggest to try other instances with him/her as well.

4. Yes, of course people have goals in this game but do not get obsessed with those goals. May it be an item, a faction reputation, an epic mount whatever. As I said above games are to relax and have fun, not to get irritated over and over again.

I have to say that things won't be that easy till you have a level 60 character or a friend in the server. (Basicly you'll need cash) So choose your professions wisely. There were times I was bored when I first started just because of money problems. Well.. If you have a thick skin you can walk around in a major city and beg but me thinks it's low. Just my two cents, enjoy.
#17 Nov 26 2006 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I was like that with my first six or so characters. Priest got to 26 and has stayed there. Warrior to 22, got interested again for a couple levels, then deleted. Both rogues faded into the night, another warrior came and went, the mage? We don't speak of him in mixed company.

Then, just to try and help a friend through the lowbie night elf quests, I tossed together my current main; Night elf hunter. Never was a big fan of night elves or hunters before, but because of the right partner, the right profession set, and a whole mess of good fortune, I'm at 26, eagerly awaiting later today to go at 27 and beyond. All it took was looking over what each class offered, what would be fun at the next level, picking a profession that had potential for what I wanted to try, and it worked.
#18 Nov 26 2006 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
What made it easy for me to level to 60 was exploring. WOW was fun to explore. New places, new mobs, and new challenges.

Also, my interest in character development helped. I wanted to see the new spells and new talents. That served as my motivation.

Basically, it's those two.
#19 Nov 27 2006 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
I think its normal to have lots of alts and to train every last one of them to about 20 ish. Youll get to know the ins and outs of a certain race or class. and your experience with all those different classes will help you determin wich class you want to play till 60 or (in a while) 70. Im kinda new to the game. And to be honest I think its great to train alot of chars at the same time.. giving attention to all my alts. Eventually you will find out what class(es) fit you the best.
#20 Nov 27 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
I was like that with my first six or so characters. Priest got to 26 and has stayed there. Warrior to 22, got interested again for a couple levels, then deleted. Both rogues faded into the night, another warrior came and went, the mage? We don't speak of him in mixed company.

You do need to start to worry when you lose interest in all your alts and when you cant find a class that you are eager to try and to lvl. Why would you delete a char you played with and lost interest in? You might wanna be able to play him/her one day.
#21 Nov 27 2006 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
You can become lvl 60 in a few days for money. There are companies which do this.
#22 Nov 27 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
SenthaiOverlord wrote:
You can become lvl 60 in a few days for money. There are companies which do this.

It's also against the rules and can get banned for doing it.
#23 Nov 27 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Every single person that plays this game will prolly agree, that the game gets boring from levels 20-35, even up to level 45 was bad for me the 2nd time around.

Im finally starting to enjoy the game at level 49, but remind you this is my second time through the levels.

Just bear through it, and trust me you wont regret it.

It seems to me you need a change in play style, if you play only solo, try grouping. If you grouping on a regular basis, maybe you could find a good guild to help your leveling move along.

There are many options out there for someone who really needs a change of pace, and switching characters isnt always the option.

Just make sure you pick the character that you have liked the most and bear through it. Its really not that bad.
#24 Nov 27 2006 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
lol, ill just put in my 2c worth. Ya, I had that probelm for like first 3 months. In fact, one of my friends who mainly played just cause i did, quit cause he was just so annoyed. That's when I decided to at least force myself with character no matter what to reach a higher lv than 21. A tried the mage, and hit 31, by then I was sick and bored. But all of a sudden, I picked a warrior and BAM now im at lv 36 and don't feel the slightest bored. I don't really know why it happened but it did, and if you just forget your character and enjoy just the world and instances, it gets great.

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