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What are some of your worst ninja experiences?Follow

#1 Nov 21 2006 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
Subject kind of says it all...

Some things people do can be described as nothing but ninja-ing. We don't know what they are thinking, but for some reason some people believe that even though they are a cloth wearer they have a right to that plate epic BoP helm, or worse.

This topic may have been done before buy I have not logged into Allakhazam in a LONG time.

Well, anyways, my story goes as thus:

Last night we were doing an Ony PUG with the leader in ML. This was not odd, as that is how the PUGs that I have run keep it on the bosses with no issues to date. The agreement was that everyone would be able to roll on the loot (for their class) which included the head and bag.

So, we start the fight..and down Onyxia with very little issues.

Everyone is waiting for the ML to loot Onyxia. We wait for a few seconds for him to start the /rand process going. However, we see "Scarm recieves Head of Onyxia"

Chat kind of went a little silent at that point...then the rest of the drops fly by....Girion recieves...then ports.

The most amazing part is when people starting posting in LFG there were actually people cheering him, not many, but a few.

Before this happened, the worst Ninja was a Hunter that rolled on the Shadowcraft Tunic and won because he wanted more Agility...okay, if that makes him happy whatever.

Lets hear your horror stories.
#2 Nov 21 2006 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
i've got one that's hard to beat.

a warrior in our guild was on an ubrs run. the chromatic breastplate questitem drops. he assigns it to himself without discussion ALTHOUGH he already has t2, breastplate of annihilation AND silithid carapace chestguard. yes, that's 3 superior items.
it was a random run but a paladin from our guild (who doesn't have as good equip) was also there and wanted it. he ignored the pala.
on the same run he rolled and won on evis IX although a rogue wanted it (yes, he's a warrior). it was in the ah on an alt later.

before word got out about this (the guild leader knew and was probably on the case), he blew all his dkp on t2.5 chestpiece (c'thun loot) and in the same night got hatchet of sundered bone from noth (naxx). when we were back in if, he left the guild. well, he actually started ranting about leaving and was kicked, but he would have left moments later.

beat that :-p

edited for clarity.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2006 12:17am by Turicus
#3 Nov 21 2006 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
336 posts

The culprit was in my guild briefy but fortuantely didn't pass their trial. Unlucky for the guild that picked them up after though (and unlucky that they chose not to use ML)

The idiot has since tried to transfer servers, but failed to change their name when making cross-realm applications. You can guess what ensued ;)
#4 Nov 21 2006 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
Hiriel the Irrelevant wrote:

The culprit was in my guild briefy but fortuantely didn't pass their trial. Unlucky for the guild that picked them up after though (and unlucky that they chose not to use ML)

The idiot has since tried to transfer servers, but failed to change their name when making cross-realm applications. You can guess what ensued ;)

lol, that's pretty good too. what class was he?
#5 Nov 21 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
I can't provide a link since the WoW forums seem to be down at the moment, however, here's one that should shock most people.

When the 4 horsemen are killed, the loot is in a chest, much like the chest from Majordomo Executus. On Sargeras this last week, someone swiped themselves a Corrupted Ashbringer.

Sux to get yourself blacklisted over something that may look awesome now, but is going to suck in a few months.
#6 Nov 21 2006 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I don't want to go into to much detail but the worst thing that has happened to me is as follows.

While raiding MC an item for my class drops - two members already had it which left me and another guildy needing, I had more DKP said I needed but my fellow guild mate whispered me and asked if I could pass to him as he would really like this item. My response was that I also would really like it to replace the blue item I had and that my DKP was higher. He wasn’t happy with this and came up with an excuse as to why I should pass which made little sense but my response was still the same - I've earned a higher DKP so it should be mine =)

Then he says on vent "We talked about it and he's passing to me" my mic doesn't work so I was unable to speak up but before I could type anything - He receives loot!

I was a bit upset that a fellow guildy would do that to me and even more upset that my guild did nothing about it other than a slight telling off. I told them it was a form of ninjaing but it was classed as a misunderstanding. The whole thing put me off raiding and I ended up joining a casual player’s guild a month later where I play with alts and do a bit of pvp.

I've witnessed forms of ninja before questing and in dungeons but they can be shrugged or laughed off, but it seems to bother you more if its some one you know and consider a friend.
#7 Nov 21 2006 at 11:27 PM Rating: Good
510 posts

My worst ninja story would be the time I accidentally rolled need on a mail item. We'd done 4 instances in a row and I was main healing. I was tired and hit the wrong button.

I'm glad it wasn't BoP and that I was with friends who believed that it was a mistake. (I didn't keep it, of course)
#8 Nov 21 2006 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I don't have any raiding experience yet, so my story is from Scarlet Monastery. More precisely, the Armory.

We had been doing the Library and was halfway through the Armory when I suddenly notice the Warlock roll need on a mail BOE green item. I tell the Warlock not to roll need on stuff she can't use and we continue (it's a green, who cares anyways?). Of course, I'm a bit suspicious now and I start scrolling back in my chat log to see who looted what, but the fights keep interrupting me.

Anyways, we get to Herod and kill him, and his helm and axe drops. The Warrior is all over the place because he wanted the Raging Berserker's Helm and the Paladin had been after Ravager for some time. Like we agreed to do with all BOP items, we all pass so that the guys who need the items can just roll need and get them (the Warrior wasn't interested in the axe and the Paladin wasn't interested in the helm). So when we've all passed and the two guys have needed, the Warlock suddenly rolls need on both items and wins them. All hell breaks loose and do you know what the Warlock says?

"their 4 a worrior friend"

(Grammar and everything)

The Warlock leaves through all the f-words and b-words and such.

But the most horrible part is about to take place. I'm now scrolling through my chat log to see if my guts are right. And they were, because the chat log reveals that the Warlock won every single green BOE item that's dropped so far. About now the others realize their bags are kinda empty and start whispering me stuff like "Do you think she took it all?" (I was the group leader). I message the guild leader of her guild to let him know that she's a ninja looter. The guild leader whispers back something to this effect: "lol m8 chill we r friend guild OK? lol she ninja? lol u noob pwned lol"

If there's anything more annoying than a ninja looter, it's a dumb@#%^ guild leader like that. Makes me wish you could kill same faction characters - and apply perma death to them.

Edited, Nov 22nd 2006 8:51am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Nov 21 2006 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
293 posts
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:
Makes me wish you could kill same faction characters - and apply perma death to them.

Lol i asked such a stupid question today while my bf was playing....... "Are you allowed to kill Alliance or can you only duel them?"
I felt so stupid lol. But man it would be cool if you actually could kill them, but maybe have a lvl cap or something on it, like you can only kill them after your lvl 40 or something, just so it doesn't ***** up your questing. I reckon they should also have a lvl limit on Horde/Alliance kills, I get killed so often!
#10 Nov 22 2006 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
I remember my first run in Scholo, I was a Warlock and my Dreadmist Helm dropped. Well the Shadow Priest who at the beginning said how you should only roll for your class' Tier 0 rolled and beat me. Saying something about it was too good to pass up.

Took me 38 more runs before I finally got it.
#11 Nov 22 2006 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
336 posts
Turicus wrote:

lol, that's pretty good too. what class was he?

Priest, of all things. I hope the nexus shards were worth his trashed rep ;p
#12 Nov 22 2006 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
Hiriel the Irrelevant wrote:
Turicus wrote:

lol, that's pretty good too. what class was he?

Priest, of all things. I hope the nexus shards were worth his trashed rep ;p

lol, not a single priest item there :-D
what an idiot...
#13 Nov 22 2006 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Before Wixsie left our server he then went around IF accepting mats for enchants and craftables he coudln't do and logging out... Last I heard he had a trasnfer...
#14 Nov 22 2006 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
304 posts
Worst i've had happen to me was when I ran LBRS for Warlord's Command.
My Elements Boots (Tier0) dropped from Omokk (whatever his name is) and everyone passed (as per loot rules) and the hunter need-rolls them. then says "well you rolled on Eye of Flame earlier and won, and I could've used it. So I'm going to roll on your boots."

And we're all like.. "umm... we all rolled on Eye of Flame, because we could all use it as FR gear"

"oh ya, well I just won your boots so fuck you"

*Quits group, hearths out*

Edited, Nov 22nd 2006 8:46am by Galanda
#15 Nov 22 2006 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
420 posts
I'm not very high so I haven't had very many however the worst one I have had was in WC. A mage kept needing on absolutely everything, Mail, items he already had and even a Moss Agate. Each time he said it was for a friend. We ended up having to need on everything too, so it wasn't fair on those who actually wanted the items. He didn't last that long in our party and we ended up doing better without him.
#16 Nov 22 2006 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
Found the ninja'd Corrupted Ashbringer link:

Good for a few laughs. :)
#17 Nov 22 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
461 posts

Not a ninja experience exactly but kinda ties in with some of the stories. I was running Gnomer with a Horde PUG and we were greeding all BoE greens and passing on blues. I won every single roll and I really do mean every single roll (unlucky with love, lucky with umm... dice) - I felt so guilty I started giving it away and most of the others were great. Except for one guy (the rogue in the group) who accused me of using a cheat, then promptly needed (to spite me) on one of the final BoP blue item that I didn't need but the priest in the group did.
To cap it all he threatened to send a ticket to the GM but nothing as far as I know came of it.
#18 Nov 22 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
Back when I was working on my Valor gear (had 5 pieces) for my warrior my account got hacked and Blizz got me everything back but the Spaulders of Valor that drop in UBRS. They refused to get them back for me. So I quit playing for a few months. Eventually I started playing again and started working on the Valor set again.

Now on to the Ninja story... I was on about the 15th UBRS run trying to get the Spaulders of Valor back. A warrior named Ballin (on the Gorefiend server) was the leader and ML. There was one other warrior in the raid named Shadowssong. I had whispered them both prior to starting stating I would pay them if the Spaulders of Valor dropped but no aggreement was actually made. So they do drop. I quickly whispered again that I would pay them but they said they wanted them and would pay me instead. I explained my story and did a /roll. I won the roll and was very happy. But Ballin wasn't giving them to me and said that I should sell the to Shadowssong because he really needed them. I explained that I needed them too. Then Ballin goes AFK for a few min and the who raid group is getting pissed. All of a sudden Ballin then gives the Spaulders of Valor to Shadowssong anyway. I got nothing for it. They didn't pay me or anything. Turns out that they are friends in real life. The only reason Ballin rolled was hoping he might beat me so he could give them to his friend. It was their 2 rolls vs my one, but I still won. Ballin has been kicked from numerous guilds for his actions in the game. I eventually got the Spaulders of Valor and completed the set, but Ballin got even more of a bad rep for it.

Now I know you may say that Valor is tier 0 and all and no big deal, but I'm more of a casual player. I have a wife and 7 month old son. I don't have time to do MC, Naxx, and all that. UBRS is the highest/hardest instance I've been to.
#19 Nov 22 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
2,489 posts
Now I know you may say that Valor is tier 0 and all and no big deal, but I'm more of a casual player. I have a wife and 7 month old son. I don't have time to do MC, Naxx, and all that. UBRS is the highest/hardest instance I've been to.

Funny you said that, Most of the people in TFS have kids and they still manage to pencil in some raid time.
#20 Nov 22 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts

Now I know you may say that Valor is tier 0 and all and no big deal, but I'm more of a casual player. I have a wife and 7 month old son. I don't have time to do MC, Naxx, and all that. UBRS is the highest/hardest instance I've been to.

Funny you said that, Most of the people in TFS have kids and they still manage to pencil in some raid time.

One of our members has a super-baby. The baby pulls better than he does. The only down side is the incesant gurgling sounds in vent.
#21 Nov 22 2006 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Grandmother baelnic wrote:
One of our members has a super-baby. The baby pulls better than he does. The only down side is the incesant gurgling sounds in vent.


My guild is loaded with parents(many of their kids even play). We raid quite often, almost every day some weeks.
#22 Nov 22 2006 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
Wow, some great stories here....well here goes.

I'm in an up and coming Alliance PvE and PvP guild, we are casual and don't have many rules except be courteous and don't Ninja EVER!

Well, we were doing a mix guild ZG run with another friendly guild cause neither had enough members on and we were bored. One of our guild members was running the raid and was on ML and our guild is strict that if it's not completely our guild that runs the instance then guildies get NO priority over loot...period. Well on the bat boss some items dropped and a mage from our guild passed on 1 item because she wanted a belt...

The belt was a Blue item and the one she had on wasn't that bad, but started spamming our guild chat demanding that the raid leader give her that item (she lost the roll for it) because she said she wanted it earlier when it first dropped. Well, he caved to *Peer loot pressure* and myself and the other members of the raid voiced our opinions very clearly in the raid and in guild chat and they were promptly removed from the guild and out of the raid.

The most aggrovating part was /whispering ever non guild member of the raid telling them of our situation and how it was handled. Suprisingly the raid stayed together and we finished it without any problems.
#23 Nov 23 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
A parent with a kid that plays has more free time than a parent with a 7-month old.

Seriously, not a lot of time. And if you are not helpful enough, your sig. other will get pissed off and it could seriously hurt your marriage.

Until the kid is like 1.5+, you dont have the time to be a hardcore gamer :P
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Nov 23 2006 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
3,152 posts
When a hunter took Baron's Runeblade from me. He disenchanted it a month later ffs.
Rehuhu of Kujata
#25 Nov 23 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
Buddy had full Portals Deck except Ace. Got it in Scholo, gave it to him to be nice. Within 3 minutes, I saw it on the AH.
#26 Nov 25 2006 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
My worst ninja experience involves being falsely accused of being one! My wife and I were working on the wetlands quest where you have to get the items from inside the sunken ships. We boarded the deck and hooked up with two other players on the same quest. We're all having a good time and work our way down to the hold. (Underwater at this point.) We proceed to kill the undead in the hold and notice some bodies outside the hole in the ship, but no sign of any players. Anyways, we grab the quest item and I notice there's a loot chest behind the mast's base. Mention it to our group, no problems there I grab the contents. Suddenly there's shouts of "ninja". Not from our new party members, nor my wife but from a group outside the ship! Apparrently while we'd worked from the top down, they'd been clearing the outside to come in. I hardly considered it a "ninja" as we'd cleared the ship to get it but this group wasn't listening to any of it. I figure "whatever" and offer to give them the contents of the chest. (Hell, I wasn't hurting for gold, I have a knack for the AH that's a running joke among my friends.) No dice they then proceed to start spamming the general chat IDing me and my guild as ninja looters! Nothing really came of it except the two people we partied with decided to join our guild and are some of our oldest WoW friends now.
'Twas a weird experience I thought I'd share. ;)
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